Fitness: Deadlift: 4 x 2
Start at or close to your last 3 x 3 weight.
Performance: Power Clean + Push Jerk at 70% x 2 x 5
Buy in is 1.25xBW clean and jerk.
Open Workout 14.4
AMRAP 14 Minutes
60 Calorie Row
50 Toes to Bar
40 Wall Ball 20/10, 14/9
30 Power Cleans 135/95
20 Muscle Ups
AMRAP 14 Minutes
60 Calorie Row
100 Sit Ups
40 Wall Ball
30 Deadlifts (135/95)
20 Burpees
- Active Recovery is at 11am today. Come get supple!
Happy Father’s Day to all our CFSBK dads!
8am. Power clean & push jerk (kilos): 80x2x5. A few sloppy reps in there, but most were solid. 14.4 Rx: 181 reps which was only 1 more rep than during the open, but that extra rep was a super sweet hard fought muscle-up. T2B felt much better today than during the open. Did 5 sets of 7 and then 3 sets of 5. Finished the wall-balls a little under the 10min mark and finished the power cleans right at 13min. Failed my first MU attempt as I foolishly tried to do it without a false grip. Second attempt met with success and a nice cheer from the gym. Great way to start Father's day.
8am with the Foxes. Deadlift 185# x4x2. This moved well and will look to add some weight next time.
WOD – I attempted 14.4 during the open, but got stuck on the toes to bar, eventually gave up and then did the wall balls and some of the power cleans. Today I opted to do the fitness version today and it was nice to be able to go through the whole workout. I had about 15 seconds left after completing my last burpee and Jess reminded me that it's back to the erg. Fox helped to get an erg ready to go and I managed 1 cal without my feet strapped in.
Side note – if anyone is interested in a free couch, we have a 2 piece chaise sectional in light green fabric in good condition, you would just need to come pick it up in bk heights. email me at linda.hutsal at gmail if interested.
DL 4×2, 145#. low back is feeling stronger (vs a couple months ago), so starting here should allow me to add every week.
14.4 mixed version – 155
The 60 cal row sucked time – I really need to be more efficient on the erg.
T2B, Scaled volume to 25. These were mostly sets of 5. I haven't been able to string them together – I did actually get it on two occasions, and then it's lost. so frustrating.
Wall balls in 5's, and finished the 30 DLs with a few seconds left.
Strength cycle:
Squats 195x5x3, still moving well. Can't believe this probably means I'll be squatting 200 for reps next time out!
Press 77.5x5x3, really had to work for it in sets 1 and 2, but set 3 felt so good I actually thought I had misloaded the bar.
Clean 108x3x3, sort of. Failed 2nd rep of 2nd set and did two more. This weight is about where things usually get squirrely with me. Very jealous of my platform-mate Ruth's practically perfect mechanics.
Noon class after a nice, rooftop AR.
184 reps
Toes to bar were the biggest time difference from my 179 last time and I was able to do mostly 5s. Felt good to have a minute for muscle ups.
Happy Father's Day!
Happy Father's Day to all. Great noon class today. Deadlift: 295x2x4. Very pleased. Disappointed I did not get any compliments on my new red weight belt. 235 (or 240) reps for the WOD with sit-ups/burpees. Lost count of reps during the wall balls. I love chippers.
11am class after a week in the sun at a resort in Mexico. C&J @ 72kg – felt good and light. Pushed a bit out in front on a couple of jerk reps, but corrected it.
14.4 – 184 reps. 2 more than last time, which I was surprised by given my training has been pretty spotty the last few weeks. Probably needed the rest.
Strength Cycle Week 3 Day 3
45 x 10
95 x 5
135 x 4
185 x 2
205 x 5 x 3
The first set was difficult and my belt was digging into my rib but depth was good and kept chest up for all but the last rep. In the second set I felt myself losing tension a bit and it felt really heavy as a result. Jeremy repositioned the bar slightly higher on my back for the last set and it felt like it was 5 or 10 lbs lighter. Kind of crazy! Looking forward to more volume this week.
45 x 5
55 x 4
65 x 5 x 3
Again here the third set was the best. I figured out how to breathe, which helped.
33 x 3
63 x 3
73 x 3
83 x 3
90x 3 x 3
MUCH better!
Everything felt great today. Oh happy day 🙂
Hi. Is the 5:30 to 8pm open gym not available today?
@Jay – oh I noticed…spectacular.
@Mo – 6-8 on Sundays. Going down right now.
sunday nights are so much less sad when i have strength class to look fwd to on monday night!
Still jetlagged, but after a nice little afternoon nap I came in to get back to the OG grind:
Snatch Triples from High Blocks
40 45 50 55 60 65 70xM(2),1
Had to find my groove here after some awkward catches early on, I think these are good for me to drill positions.
Clean Triples from High Blocks
60 70 75 80 85
Again working on keeping those arms extended. Got some video of the last set and I'm waiting too long to pull under, letting the bar keep coming up when I should be dropping down.
155×5 220×5 265x8x4
After I missed 3×10 here last week I wasn't sure these would go up, especially all jetlagged, but they did. I was in a bad way for an hour after. Rowed 1k and put my legs up for a bit, now I'll roll out at home.
OG tonight for Oly drills, really glad I went in. Been feeling weak & out of it the last few days, I ran some intervals before AR yesterday and they were kind of un-great also.
I Intended to hide on the last platform, do my drills, and get out. But I felt much better after I started lifting and DO gave me a bunch of excellent tips to work on, so I'm happy about that. My jerk is still defective, hopefully I'll have a breakthrough soon. Mostly I wanted to work on fast elbow / getting under the bar in the clean, which was a mixed bag today. Somehow in re-learning my pull I lost the knack of getting under the bar.
Tried to finish up with front squats, but the bar was crushing my collar bone so I only did 185x3x3… the good news is I know I can do more next week!
Got 10 power cleans which is 20 less than last time. Came in with literally no warmup, just jumped in cold with Melo and ro. Fine with that since I just wanted to move.
Then we did:
Run 400m
3 leg less rope climbs
With 10 burpees between each climb
Run 270
2 rope climb with burpees
Run 130
1 rope climb then burpees
OG after an epic SBK Moto Caravan back to BK. Lady Fox graciously rode my new steed back to BK for me while I got snuggly with Rik on the back of his bike.
Snatch Doubles
Clean and Jerk
Snatch DL
Hold the kettle bell by the handle press things
My first Moto ride on real streets home.
intensity day shenanigans at OG
felt way easier than i thought it would based on how hard 285×5 felt last week. maybe all the unbelted squats ive been doing are paying off. or maybe it was the pre-squat pizza.
paused bench
this is heavier than where i led off at my last powerlift meet so im happy about that
felt fine, big whoop, wanna fight about it?
about 6 weeks out from the next meet and i have 7 pounds to lose or else ill have to lift at a higher weight class and wheres the smug joy in that???
heres the link if anyone is interested in participating.
im assuming the usual cfsbk suspects will be there. you should come too, theres men in spandex and smelling salts and grunting, its fun
After a few months out with an elbow injury I was glad to come back yesterday and took it easy with deadlift, squat and the tabata cash out . Was planing on two days in a row, but forgot what legs and back feel like when they haven't borne weight and gone deep in a while.
Glad to be back, wish I was walking normally today.
Fitness-women's Rx–231… had trouble counting to 100, may have done an extra 10 situps.
9am with the Foxes.
DL 285x2x4. Moved pretty well. Was still feeling those DLs from a few days prior so 285 was a good place to start this cycle.
158 reps on the 14.4 WOD Rx. I beat my Open score of 141 so this felt pretty good. My T2B started off well but I lost my kip after 8 reps and couldn't get it back, which made the movement much harder. Still, pleased with an improved score on this one.