Fitness: Spend 15 minutes working up to a moderate load on the complex of:
Halting Clean Deadlift + Clean + Jerk
Focus on having your weight over your mid foot at the mid-hang position. If you have a hard time organizing the pull off the floor, perform the clean from the mid-hang, after the clean halting deadlift.
1) Clean and Jerk
2) High Hang Clean + Knee Hang Clean + Jerk
70% x (1+1+1) x 2
Front Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Start at a weight that allows you to make jumps for the next 5 weeks.
Performance: 70% x 8 x 4
Rest two minutes between sets. Use 105% of the 1RM you used for last cycle.
Post loads to comments.
Ladies who make front squatting look fun
- Happy belated birthday, Pablo!
First Veg and Egg CSA Pickup Today PLUS Eggs for Sale
Today is the first pickup of the season for the Sol Flower Farm vegetable CSA as well as the Herondale egg CSA. Here’s what you need to know:
- Bring your own bags to carry your goodies home
- Pickup is 6-8:30pm; anything unclaimed by 8:30pm is given away
- When you arrive, see Michele with the clipboard to check your name off the list
- Questions or issues? Email mignyc [at]
Still want to sign up to receive eggs every week? You can! Download this form and return it to Herondale Farm.
Finally, have you been wondering how delicious a pastured, farm-raised egg could possibly be? It’s your lucky night! We will be offering eggs by the dozen for sale tonight to any member. They are $6.50, cash only. See Michele to purchase.
LAST CHANCE to join CFSBK’s Speed/Power Series
And while you’re at it, you can train for a super fun track meet, old school style.
Where: the epic Icahn Stadium on Randall’s Island
When: July 22, 2014
Michael O.’s Speed/Power Series crew is participating in a variety of events, from the 5000m, 1500m, 800m, and 4x400m relay. If you are interested in participating in any solo event or as part of a relay team, email michael.olzinski [at] To learn more about the event, click here.
QOD: What was your favorite outfit or article of clothing as a child?
11 Sneaky Ways to Move Every Day Breaking Muscle
The Roughest, Toughest Race in the World The Atlantic
The Workout: Becoming Rocky Balboa New York Times
Veteran FDNY Firefighter Is In Serious Need Of A Marrow Donor
6am with Jess and McD
C&J 95, 135, 155, 175, 185 (jerk fail), 185, then doubles from two positions plus jerk @ 135 x 2
Felt like I haven't done this in ages. I really wasn't dropping at all until my last heavy rep.
Front squats: 175x3x5
All moving well. Looking forward to this LP.
Skipped the cash out but ran home 2 miles uphill
Today's workout yesterday. A sweaty mess – little preview of summer at CSFBK. Next time I am going to make a t-shirt change between each activity.
Worked around 115 on the C&J. I have OL class tonight so wanted to work at a submax weight. Jerks felt good but still pulling too early on the cleans. Have to get my KNEES BACK! Really came in to get some front squats in. Worked up to 145x3x5. Generally felt good but ground out the very last rep. Maybe back wasn't tight enough or humidity had taken its toll. I haven't done this movement in a while so I'll probably need a little time to smooth it out.
QOD – toss up between a hand-me-down brown suede, cowboy looking vest with tassels, or the shirt from a pair of Spiderman Underoos I rocked for quite some time. If I went to my teenage self then it would definitely be mt old leather trench coat. I was so cool.
Yeah Jay I was also drenched in sweat about 10 minutes into yesterday's class.
4:30 with Jeremy – worked up to 175# on the C&J. Even after just two weeks break, I started the movement nervously thinking – how the hell do I do this again? But by the time I got up to the heavier weight I felt more confident – not my best ever, but not ugly. Next week maybe I'll try doing 5 more pounds.
Then FSQ 185x3x5. Felt much better than last cycle despite the humidity and the fact that doing FSQ makes me breathless like I've just sprinted 100m. I may have (finally?) located the right place on my shoulders for the barbell to sit?
QOD: I really, really loved my Smurf Halloween costume. I wore it like four years in a row, which I'm sure made my parents happy. It was one of those cheap plastic masks that's probably outlawed now for being a suffocation hazard, and a plastic poncho printed with a bunch of Smurfs on it. So I didn't actually look like a Smurf, except from the neck up. But I loved that thing.
Gawd, I forgot how hungry Strength Cycle makes me. I feel like I ate my weight in plantains last night after I got off the platform.
6am with Jess and McD
Worked up to 225lb (in kg) for a single, then failed on 235. Wasn't get hands turned over fast enough and then got way into my own head about trying to get the push vertical. Feel like I haven't done it in a while so I'm looking forward to working on it.
Did 195# for the 8×4, or as I lovingly referred to this type of rep scheme as a "Front Squat 5k". Smoked afterwards but sprinted through the squats and the run. Bike ride was tough going home, as were stairs at the office this morning.
Strength Cycle W2 D2
Sq: 205x5x3, things are starting to slow down.
Bench: 125x5x3, trying a new grip position, its a little off right now., but still easy.
Cleans: 125x3x3, I love cleans but I hate catching in a 3/4 squat position, it just messes my left knee so much.
Cool down: 1000m row at 2:10 pace, maybe I can keep it under 2:00 next time.
I had a shitty night's sleep which translated to a non-optimal lift day this morning.
QOD: growing up, everything was a hand me down from my brother, so I hated everything, but I loved a sweater my mom knitted for me one time when I was a kid, and I wore it everyday, and it made her happy, it almost made it up for being such a shit kid.
I do remember loving my first legit basketball shoes my dad got me, easily in the top 5 best days of my life.
6am Strength Cycle A
45 1 x 5
65 1 x 5
85 1 x 5
100 1 x 2
107.5 5 x 3
I totally freaked out when I saw that number on the wall, but once I went down with the weight I knew I could lift it. So not so bad after all.
Bench Press
45 1 x 5
60 1 x 2
65 3 x 5
Weight was ok, felt heavy at the end but overly so.
55 3 x 5
58 3 x 5
Including fails – also miscalculated warm up weight. Hot mess. I don't get it. This is the only time I feel like a mirror would be useful because I can't visualize what I'm doing wrong.
PS: Jelly of the B cycle who apparently has Sing-Along tunes played for them in the PM…. come on McDowell hook us up, we also want to have lift and sing in the morning!
Snatch (work up to 2 singles at 90%)
95×3 115×2 135×1,1 145×1,1 155×1,1 165×1,1
Clean and jerk (work up to 2 singles at 90%)
135×1,1 155×1,1 175×1,1 195×1,1 205×1,1
Cleans felt great today, kept the arm pull out of almost all reps.
Pendlay row
Russian twist
6am with Jess & McDowell. Worked up to 105 on the C&J. These felt mostly OK, but I know proper foot placement on the split jerks will need a few thousand more reps to feel automatic.
135x3x5 on the front squats. The last two sets felt much better than the first thanks to Jess pointing out that I was letting my elbows drop.
QOD: I spent most of 5th grade wearing various garishly printed surf company t-shirts (lots of neon), pegged jeans, and Vision Street Wear high tops. When combined with my blond mullet, which was carefully gelled into a wave in front, I was Huntington Beach, CA circa 1987 personified and I just KNEW I looked good.
Oh and QOD, probably my white Vision Street Wear sweatshirt from when I was 12-13?
As soon as I started moving around this AM I felt tight and wasn't feeling so strong.
C&J: 83, 93, 103 – 113#, 113 Fail, 113 Failed the jerk.
the 113×1 was not great, lost contact with the bar in the dip, not the most steady jerk.
I ended at 112 last cycle, and those were pretty good – i thought 113 today wouldn't be a problem – so i was a little disappointed. Since it's been 2 weeks, I probably should have backed off a little and stayed at 103# today (it's still damn heavy for me anyway).
FSQ: as suggested to scale back from ending weight last cycle, so 95x5x3. i'll add 10 next week. I feel like i really need to get this weight up.
6:30 am Strength Cycle A
Worked up to 85# 5 x 3
Never thought I'd say it, but I am starting to love LBBS. I have hated it with a white hot passion until now. thanks jeremy.
Bench Press
Worked up to 70# 5 x 3
Felt solid.
58# 5 x 1 (opps, thought it was 5, not 3)
58# 3 x 2
Jumping a little early and always forget whether hook grip is over or under. Felt good though.
Really enjoying my first strength cycle. Had lower back and hip problems coming in and was nervous it might make it worse, but it's done the opposite. I'm pain-free for the first time in months. Sore, but good sore, not the issues I was having before.
PS: Ditto to what my partner Michelle said. We are jealous that the B cycle ladies are having Sing-Alongs — oh, and squatting 200# plus.
6am with Jess and McDowell
Partnered with Alex for the C&J. Some great notes from Jess but the weight just felt very heavy today. Hit 185# twice and then called it quits.
Front squats at 8 x 4 were pretty endless but not a gruesome as they will be when we start hitting higher percentages.
I had a yellow and blue striped shirt with a huge sailboat on it that I wore pretty much every other day in Kindergarten. I would throw a fit every morning and eventually my parents just stopped fighting me on it. To this day it is the coolest single piece of clothing I ever owned.
Strength Cycle Week 3 Day 1
1k warm-up row.
45 x 10
95 x 5
135 x 4
185 x 2
202.5 x 5 x 3
This did not feel very good last night- my last rep was shallow :(mand my first set was pretty dubious too. I think my feet were too wide? It just felt really heavy and I was finding it impossible to keep my chest up. It's like my legs are strong enough but my back isn't, or something. BUT I did remember to wrap my wrist and that did not hurt. One thing at a time, I guess!
45 x 5
55 x 4
62.5 x 5 x 3
This lift is feeling much better this cycle.
135 x 5
185 x 4
205 x 2
225 x 1
250 x 5 x 3
Jeremy made me hold for a while at the top of the last rep, which was fun. I saw stars.
10am class
220 x 1 x 5
154 x (1+1+1) x 2
202x8x3, 202×7
Missed the 32nd rep. Tried to rush it to get it over with and ran out of breath. I continue to loathe front squats.
Also @ Adele- that's awesome- so glad this is helping with your injuries.
probably this jacket!!!
C&J- 53(2),63(2),73(2),83(2), 93(1), 98(1), 103(1), 108 (1 and 5lb PR!!) All felt pretty solid today.
FS – started the cycle at 90lbs – did 3×5 and all felt good and more time on the clock so got a bonus set in.
QOD- my 1986 Mets world series teeshirt and my champion sweatshirt (that I usually wore inside out).
6am. Clean & Jerk (kilos): 50, 70, 95, 105, 112. Think I had another rep in there that I'm forgetting about. Jerks felt slow today, probably because my traps are still sore as shit from Monday's pressing. The rep at 112 was particularly ugly. Cleans also felt slow. Wasn't getting my elbows around fast enough. Front squats: 195x8x4. This cycle is going to be rough.
QOD: I had a pair of plaid shorts in 3rd grade. Super cool. Loved those shorts until they turned to threads.
Peter – your/my traps are sore as sh*t from all the KB swings, prolly not the presses. I benched yesterday and it hurt to set up!
Michele W – I'd love to take and show you some video of your lifts next Wednesday if we're in class together again.
Also, a Chubster David Osorio?
Help our friends at Virtuosity go to the Crossfit Games! They placed 3rd at Regionals, and now need help fundraising for their trip to Carson City:
egg lovers, the price for the Herondale eggs tonight is now reduced to a FIVE SPOT. Bring a fiver tonight and go home with a dozen farm-fresh eggs!
Snatch doubles from high(ish) blocks
205, 205
225, 225, 225
Jerks from Blocks
Clean Pulls@365x3x4
QOD: definitely my "Soccer is Life, the rest is just details" and "No Fear" Tshirts….
light day:
3 min warm up on the erg
Strict Press–3×5 @ #70
pull up pyramid–thin green band 2-1-1-1-1
Does anyone have any good local camping recommendations?
I wanted something like this:
But my friends want something a little closer to glamping than camping. ANY recommendations are welcome.
Also- So stoked for my Herondale Eggs!!!!
Jumped in to the 10am class for front squats. Skipped the c&j since I just did that yesterday and will be doing that again tomorrow.
Front squats:
(45×5, 95×5, 125×3) 145x8x4
-holy hell were those uncomfortable. I was dreading these all morning and looking for every excuse to not do them. I'm already dreading next week.
Favorite clothing item was definitely my red Puma high-tops. I swore they made me faster. I miss them dearly and actually might now go on a hunt to find a similar pair because they were so sweet.
Squat Clean and Split Jerk
Per Frank's advice since Im taking the OLY class tomorrow I did:
Felt pretty snappy
Then I played on the Rings for a while, thanks to Ken for helping on the.. what I'll call.. "inverted Piked Kip to straight arm muscle-up"?
Ditched jerks today because of my sore shoulder.
Worked up to 165lbs on squat cleans.
FSQ: 165x8x4
8:30 pm with Coach MeLo.
C & J at (55 x 2, 65 x 2, 75 x 3 and) 80# x 2.
FSQ at (75 x 3 and) 95 x 4 x 5. Had some extra time so threw in an extra set.
Same place I left off on C&J: 133 for both, 135 just the clean. Maybe a bit more rest and would have had it. Feels like there's room. Thanks McDowell for the cues on the jerk: coming forward on dip, and need to get front foot out more, these are things I have a hard time noticing myself.
FSQ: 100x8x4 felt good
I think I'm going to like Wednesdays.
@DO – back in the day you could drive your car up to your campsite at Ramapo and I still think you can get pretty close to your campsite. I also think there were actual restrooms. Not sure if that counts as glamping. But sleeping in a car instead of a leaky tent was luxurious in high school!
cleans: 145 1 rep max, ran out of time to get any higher,
FS: 145x8x4
MU drills and 8 MUs EMOM style Wooo!!
QOD: admittedly, anything from The Limited Too
8:30 class with MeLo.
(Quickly) worked up to a less than stellar 220lbs on the C&J with DFung. No misses anywhere, but no one rep felt excellent — the best were a second attempt at 165 and my rep at 205.
Really cool to have so much O-lifting going on at once, though Frank's class meant lifting in pounds and without a fancy bar (whaaaaaa?).
190x8x4 on the FS. Asta's description nails it — soul-crushing. Not excited for these to get heavier.