Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Start at about 70% of the recent 1RM exposure, or light enough to add weight for the next five weeks. If there’s still time on the clock then do an additional set.
Performance: 70% x 8 x 4
Rest two minutes between sets.
Post loads to comments.
Partner AMRAP 20 Minutes:
20 KB Swings 72/53
10 Burpees
5 Toes to Bar or 10 V-Ups
Yoga for Athletes and Pilates Canceled Next Week
There will be no Pilates or Yoga for Athletes this Saturday through next week, as Coach Whitney and Kristin H. will be out of town. This means the following classes are canceled:
6/14 Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney
6/17 Pilates with KH
6/19 Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney
6/21 Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney
Get your scoop and bend on this week with Pilates on Tuesday at 7:30pm and Yoga for Athletes on Thursday at 7:30pm.
News and Notes
- Long-time CFSBKer Rick Miramontez, the publicist for five different Tony-nominated shows, was recently profiled in the New York Times about his success as a press agent. The article is called “Whoever Gets the Tony, He Wins.” His shows won a bundle of awards last night. Congrats, Rick!
- There’s a new post over on Coach DO’s blog Inside the Affiliate, called “CrossFit Group Class Coaching Expectations: Timeliness,” which is the first of a series.
- This is the first day of the first week of our new cycle. If you want to see what else is on tap, check out the Current Programming Cycle link in the left sidebar.
6am with the usual gang on a super rainy and humid morning.
I did 125# for my 70% x 8 x 4, failing on the last rep of the 4th set. I'm going to try 120# next week in addition to not cranking so fast on the first two sets.
Peter and I worked together on the Partner WOD. We were tucked up by the whiteboard and got through 11 rounds + 14 KB swings. That was a toasty one; starting about halfway through I had to break up the swings but maintained everything else unbroken.
6am with NickDowell. Fitness programming for the press. 58# x3x5. I hit 73# for the 1 rep max last week, so this felt like a good place to start the cycle.
Partnered with Richard for the WOD. 8 rounds + 10kb swings, using the 24kg kb and doing v-ups. I was going to try t2b, but after a few attempts, I knew it wasn't going to happen for this wod. One day I'll get there…
6AM 115x3x5 then 10 rounds even with Scott
Having a persistent pain in my right upper trap not caused by pressing but feels distracting….
I love that TED talk from Dan Gilbert… The "end of history" illusion. So true about life.
6am. Press: 135x8x3, 135×7. Failed the last rep of my 4th set. Still feeling weak from the cold I'm coming off of. Might try this weight again next week. Partnered with Michael A on the metcon and we managed 11 rounds + 14 swings. I was mildly irritated that Michael blasted through his last round so fast giving me 30 seconds of kettlebell work. Between rounds I sat in the corner and produced a good imitation of a smoker's cough.
6:39am Strength Cycle,
I woke up at 6:28, hung over, fun.
I feel my 3rd round was the best one by the time I woke up, the belt popped at the 3rd rep of the last round but I didnt panic, just kept on going.
85x5x3, still plenty of room to go up.
245×5, this is my first time moving this much x5 in deadlifts, it felt ok, but I was loosing my grip, Jeremy suggested I switch grips for next time. (20# jump from last week)
Disgusting bike ride back home, I brought the gowanus back home with me.
Wait, can we go back to yesterday and the 'no furniture' article? I really like that idea! So much so that I'm getting rid of my couch (to make room for an airdyne)*. I already have a 6×6 yoga mat (partially covered by the couch) and a mobility basket in my living room, so that space will just become an expanded mobility+exercise space!
*Do you need a couch? Insider tip: I'm giving it away for "free" to whoever will come and take it away from my 4th floor walk-up. It's a full-sized, brown (microfiber? not sure) couch that was very nice at one time (from Crate and Barrell) but has definitely seen some love over the years. It's still in good condition, but I wouldn't say it's "like new." I'm going out of town next week, but if you are interested, let me know: katie.mohrhauser(at)
The couch has "seen some love," eh?
Hello Community!
My wife, Judy, has had her PC (not Mac) recently hacked with some loss of personal financial data. We think this happened via some inappropriate monitoring of her Email account during an online conversation with a financial institution representative.
We need a consultation with someone in the community who is knowledgeable about hacking and what to do going forward to prevent this from happening again. Willing to pay a consultation fee, if necessary.
Please contact me at Thanks for your help in advance.
CFMNL OG again (bailed on the WOD after this):
45×5 95×5 135×5 185×5 225×5 255x10x3
Was aiming for 80%x10x2 today but the second set was too easy, so I went for 3. Felt really weird after though!
Curl / OH press / push-up superset
45×10 60×10 65×10
Just wanted to get the blood flowing to my upper body after that, and something about this heat makes me want to get my Muscle Beach on. (Suns out guns out, as they say). Then I did the strength portion of what was programmed for class that day:
2 power cleans OTM for 10min
135 145 155 165 175 185×5
Still working on "long arms" to stop hip cleaning, which I find to be a lot more difficult for power cleans since theres no "getting under" to rely on after extension. Will be good to keep drilling these regularly.
10am class
Press (based off 175, rounded up slightly from 122.5)
WOD w/Bob S
11 Rounds + 20 Swings + 4 Burpees
Bob asked if he could go first so he could "get a little more work in"…really. All swings unbroken, which I hated, but when Bob lays it down like that you have to pick it up.
"Some CFSBK dudes" looks to me like: Jon S, Alan E, Ryan J, Zachariah H, Matt K, and Mario A…not sure who the fellow on the far left in the black tee with his back turned is. I wonder if we'll get to see a pick of "some CFSBK chicks" later this week.
Friday OG
– 3 Rnds of: 16 walking lunges (2x12kg KBs in front rack); 12 GHD sit-ups; 12 kipping pull-ups (straight legs). This was a good warm-up
– Kipping Muscle-up work: Getting the swing, not able to maintain false grip to transition; a bunch of chest to ring holds and a couple failed strict MUs. Meh
– HBBS: Attempted to find 1RM, 182# went up fast, then failed twice at 185#. Did lots of warm up sets and think I ran out of steam/psyched myself out. Meh again
– Snatch balance: This might have been the high point. They feel much improved from the last time ages ago. 93x1x5 and a lovely bruise on the back of my neck
Saturday Back Flips!
Great class with Ken. It was cool to see/try all the drills that lead up to the moment of truth, and was even cooler to try a few. Props to Ken for spotting all 8 of us novices through about 4-5 attempts each.
Sunday OG
Productive and quick session after a disappointing yoga class (not at CFSBK)
– 25min-ish NFRs of some of my least favorite things. All of these were unimpressive, but it was good to get some practice in:
400 m row
50 DUs (in 3-4 sets, ugh)
:30 L-sits, alternating legs sticking out
– Snatch technique work:
33# warm up, then worked up to light snatch with pause at the knee:
63x3x5 — happy to approach this with confidence and finish solidly in a full squat.
– Clean technique work
63# up to light clean with pause at the knee:
93x3x5 — felt smooth and pretty speedy.
*both lifts trying to move my hips up simultaneously with my shoulders on the first pull and to stay mid-foot.
And this melancholy Monday morning is fitting after a relentlessly fun-filled weekend.
In case you haven't heard the Kentile Floors sign here in Gowanus is in imminent danger. An excellent post on why it must be saved is here, If you'd like to take action, a good first step is to sign this petition from Brad Lander, #savekentile
BTW — "NickDowell". Linda, FTW.
@ Fox
I changed the pic last minute last night, and then realized Kate already had ran the "Dudes" shot.. oops! So I changed it to the Dudes and dudettes of CFSBK.
Ben W -haha!
KMo, I think you've gone full Kramer
"Levels guys, alllll levels."
Re: Dan Gilbert, Stumbling on Happiness, his book, is one of the best books I've ever read. It discusses 30 years of literature on hedonic measures of happiness, and the ways in which we are bad at predicting what will make us happy. It's also very funny and highly recommended.
6am with Nick and McD
Press: 105x5x3. Had some helpful pointers from Nick on my grip width and elbow position.
Partnered with Alex on this nasty WOD. 10r + Alex made it to 2 T2B. He definitely kept us moving on this one. I'm impressed by the speed of his burpees! Started off strong with everything unbroken. My first round of T2B were solid with a kip but that quickly fell apart as I got tired and I had to do them strict after round 1. Swings were unbroken on the first 2 rounds, then broke down to 15/5.
Have to nominate Ben FTW so far.
That TED talk is great. His delivery seems a bit unnatural, but eh. It's pretty cool to consider that in ten years, our lives could look totally different than they do right now.
Random note: I'm going to give myself a fun challenge this week and limit each of the blog's posts to one exclamation point. Winning so far.
10am with Jess
Started the Press off at 53lbs today for the linear progression. That is almost exactly 70% of my 1RM last week and it felt like the right number to start at. Had some extra time so did 4 x 5 instead of 3 x 5.
Partnered with Joy for the WOD. I used a 16KG KB because of some back stiffness I am dealing with. Did everything unbroken. 11 rounds + 15 KB swings. This was a tough one!! Hoping we will see more T2B this cycle!
I miss NickDowell. Not enough to stop strength-cycling, of course, but I sure do miss '80s New Wave Friday mornings with McD going, "Bury that squat!"
Joel – that sounds like Cat World, the dreamscape I've imagined creating for my cats. All levels. All carpeted. I'm going to interpret this blog conversation as a sign that I should make Cat World a reality in my new couch-free apartment.
12pm class with Fox and Ro.
(45×5, 65×3) 72x8x4
-the 8th rep in every set was tough. I honestly wasn't sure my arms would cooperate with getting locked out for the very last rep of the day. Good thing the WOD wasn't going to involve any shoulders…
Partner WOD with Whit:
-We got 11 rounds plus 20 kbs plus 10 burpees.
-I was Partner B so finished just 5 t2b shy of my 6th round. 24kg American swings, all unbroken though I really wanted to break them up after the 3rd round. Burpees were slow. I maybe could have gotten 1 T2B before time but in my wod-haze I totally just ran into the rack and bounced away. Did 5 t2b after the cool down just to be even steven.
Hope tomorrow is Leg Day!
6am with NickDowell
Press: 95 x 5 x 3
Felt moderately heavy.
Partner WOD with Elliot: 10 rounds + 20 kb swings, 10 burpees, and 2 ttb. Had fun chasing Sick Peter and Michael A. I think we were slightly ahead of them for a short while in the middle there, but it was not to be. I slowed way down on the kettle bell swings in the last couple rounds. We missed our 11th round by 3 TTB. It took me about an hour to recover from this. Good times.
12pm group class
Warm-Up: 3 rounds, performance version 2-ish:
-4 slow+controlled matador dips
-4 pistols each leg
-12 tempo v-ups
+tricep mash on parallette
Press: Didn't 1RM test last week, so just backed it off from what I know has typically been "heavy" for me.
33×5, 43×3, 53×3, 55x5x3, BONUS round of 53×5 since we had time.
Felt speedy. Fox mentioned I may have been shorting the bottom of a couple reps, so I fixed that on the last round. Really felt connected to the ground — squeezing butt, stayin' braced.
Partner WOD with Lady Fox
11 rounds + 20kb + 10 burpees
As Jess mentioned above, I got thru 6 rounds and left her with a short amount of time to bang out her last one. This was fun! Definitely felt like I pushed it each time. Burpees were quick in the first 2-3 rounds and then were more steady one-at-a-time as opposed to the bottom of the jump being the beginning of the next one.
-All my swings were russian+ and unbroken. Shoulders feeling overworked lately, so just chose not to go OH. 24kg.
-T2B mostly in 3's and 2's. I think I got maybe 1 round unbroken?
Big orb on L adductor/hamstring and R glute during coaches' mtg.
I want to shout out to all the awesome cfsbk'ers who confronted and conquered a very legitimate fear of back flips.
We had an excellent class, the 1.5 hrs flew by. Before we all knew it, we were flying through the air, flipping and landing, a few even on our feet.
Great class. Thank you all.
PS, my shiner is not visible when I have my glasses on.
6:30am Strenghth Cycle
LBBS 105 3×5
Not 'easy peasy' as Jeremy said but I felt like the weight was moving although it was heavy
Press 45 3×5
Moving fast, not too challenging…yet
Deadlift 1451×5
On the heavier side for sure, I was feeling light headed by the last two
PS: Not doing burpees in the morning makes my day
6:30 class tonight with David and Arturo.
63x4x5 on the press (had time for an extra set).
Ellie and I finished the WOD with 5 rounds each + a few KB swings on her end. 20kg bell and v-ups, which I'm hideous-floppy-fish-esque at. Arturo intervened and helped me think about how to work on it. I've loved all the hollow-rocking we did during back-off week. Good reminder to add that in on a weekly basis.
Fun night. Loved the fast-paced warm-up and getting thrown into it.
8:30pm Group Class
250m Row
270m Run
This got progressively harder and I was dumb to "round up" my 1RM. 70% of my 1RM would have put me at 91lbs today but I figured I'd bump it to 95. The first three sets I did static starts and the last I did dynamic, barely making the last rep. Will swallow my pride and Rx accordingly for the future exposures 🙁
Partner AMRAP
Ryan Joyce and I got 10 Rounds + 28 Reps. I contributed 5 rounds and 28 reps, hit my personal goal of doing all the Kettlebell swings unbroken, however I'll note that they were Russian, not American swings.
I LOVE THE ARE YOU ALONE VIDEO. I feel like it summarized my entire non-religion perfectly
6:30 pm w. DORo or RoDO (pronounced like rodeo?), can't figure out which version I like better.
Press at (45 x 5, 55 x 5 and) 60# x 3 x 5.
Partner WOD with Shawna (sp?): 11 rds plus 3 KB swings. Did 20 kg American swings, all sets unbroken (barely). Thanks to DO for keeping me honest and correcting my form on the last few sets. Also did toes to bar for the first time. 🙂 Thanks to Shawna for pushing me to try them!
Starting to log workouts on the blog this cycle
10 am Jess
120 x 8 x 8 x 6 x 4
Volume is tough. I know the percentages are there though
10 rnds Rx'd with partner. Heaviest KBs I've done in that form of a workout. Good stuff.