Fitness: Snatch Halting Deadlift + Snatch
If you have a hard time organizing the pull off the floor, perform snatch from the mid-hang.
Performance: 1-1-1, then (1+1) x 2 at 75% from high hang and knee
After working up to a heavy single in 3 attempts, perform 2 reps of the Two Position Snatch (high hang and knee).
Back Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to last week.
Performance: 80% x 4 x 4, then 82.5% x 4 x 4
Rest about two minutes between sets. Use the lifting time wisely and get to work weight within 2-4 warm ups so you can get all your work sets in.
Post loads to comments.
Introducing: CFSBK Olympic Lifting Program
What: An 8-week Olympic lifting cycle meeting twice a week with Coach Frank Murray and/or Heather Farmer in addition to 1 Open Gym or group class per week.
When: 2 options beginning the Week of 5/26/14 (see full details below)
Price: $300 per 4 weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill charged automatically to the card on-file 4 weeks later.
Each cycle needs a minimum of eight participants and is capped at 10 athletes.
Please note that this program includes either one group or open gym class with the cost of membership.
Coached by Frank Murray, “participants can expect to build a strong foundation focused around proper technique, mobility, and attention to individual weak points. Building this foundation will not only help lead to higher lifts, but also set the base for continued and consistent progress. Moreover, by developing proper technique, mobility, and focusing on weak points, participants will become more confident, less prone to injury, and more consistent lifters. All of this giving you the tools for a longer, healthier, stronger career with the Olympic lifts.” —Next Level Weightlifting
A typical day* would consist of:
Weak lift
Opposing lift
*Each athlete may have different exercises depending on their individual needs.
AM Cycle
5/29/14 – 7/17/14
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30am to 12:00pm
Register Here!
PM Cycle
5/28/14 – 7/21/14
Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:30pm to 10:00pm
Register Here!
Frank has competed in weightlifting for over seven years. During that time, he has medaled at five separate National Championships, most recently a Silver at last year’s Nationals. His all-time best lifts in competition include a 151kg (333lb) Snatch and a 182kg (400lb) Clean and Jerk at a body weight under 200lbs. He has worked with many athletes, from multiple CrossFits, including: CF Garden City, CF Queens, CF Great Neck, CF 516, CF King of Island Park, RADD CF, CF Greenpoint, CF Manhasset, CF L.I.C, among others.
Coached by Arthur Drechsler, former world record holder, chairman of the board of USAWeightlifting, and author of The Weightlifting Encyclopedia, Frank has learned from the many years of experience that Artie has had over his coaching career.
USAW Level II Advanced Sports Performance Coach
Level 1 Local Referee
B.A. Physical Education
2013 American Open Silver Medal: Clean & Jerk
2013 Nationals Weightlifting Silver Medalist: Snatch Clean & Jerk and Total
2011 Nationals Weightlifting Bronze Medalist: Clean & Jerk and Total
2010 Nationals Silver Medalist in Clean & Jerk
2010 Empire State Games Champion in Olympic-Style Weightlifting
2009 Nationals Bronze Medalist: Snatch, Clean & Jerk, and Total
2009 American Open Bronze Medalist: Clean & Jerk and Total
Happy Hump Day Reminders:
- CFSBK Movie Night returns THIS Friday, May 16th at 8:15pm after Open Gym. We’re screening Evil Dead and all Brooklyn CrossFit gyms are invited. RSVP over here!
- Meat and Fish CSA pickup is TONIGHT from 6-8:30pm! Questions or issues? Email mignyc [at] And if you haven’t signed up for the veg CSA yet… what’re you waiting for?!
- Have you signed up for your Memorial Day “Murph” heat yet? Get it done over here! Check out the event page to learn more about the day and how you can help.
A Better Spinal Cue 70’s Big
Eating Fat Doesn’t Make Us Fat WNYC
The CSA pickup is TODAY!
I'm interested in the Olympic lifting program – my form could sure use it – but is it meant to *replace* normal group classes or can it be a supplement? Thanks!
Oh shoot, @Rob, yes, it's today! I'll fix that soon.
Thanks for offering this!!
I would love to sign up for the oly class, but I'm focused on running until June 7 and can't start something new until after this marathon. Any idea if it's progressive, or if it would be ok to jump in two weeks late?
I AM SUPER EXCITED ABOUT THIS OLY LIFTING PROGRAM. Going to try really hard to see if I can flex my schedule in order to be able to sign up.
Who is Heather Farmer?
6am with McDowell and Ro.
Snatch: Paired with Peter with the kg weights. He purposely wasn't sharing the conversion numbers with me but I had a vague idea that I was approaching PR numbers. Previous PR was 135#. Hit 65kg (143.3#) twice and then failed thrice at 70kg (154.3#). I think 70kg is in my sights.
HBBQ: Performance 4×4 at 205# ad 4×4 at 210#.
Had to skip the cash out because of an annoying 8:15 breakfast meeting.
6am. Snatch: 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 (PR!). Great snatch session. Fun to watch Matt PR and he came so close to an even bigger PR at 70KG on the last attempt. My rep at 75 was super solid. Snappy third-pull and fast under the bar. Massive difference from last week's ugliness. The rep at 80 was also fairly good, though I pulled just a bit early which left me slightly forward on the catch. Weight didn't feel heavy. I've still got room to grow. Dropped down to 60 for the complex and hit two good sets. Back squat (high bar): 240x4x4, 250x4x4. Felt pretty good on these. A few reps I got the bounce just perfect and popped right back up. Love that feeling. Did about 1/3 of the cash-out as I had to run home to send my wife off to the airport.
Snatch w/ Chris: 115F, 115F, 115!
This is the weight I couldn't get up last week. I read the article about keeping the bar close to the face, but just wasn't doing it. Arturo gave me the visual for this, and then BAM. I didn't get down as low as I should, but it flew up much smoother. I think this, combined with keeping my shoulders back on the pull will help.
LBBS w/ Kevin & Zach: 175x5x3
Even the first set was slow, but I got through them all with a bit of prodding from McDowell, and made my 5lb jump from last week.
Only a half-cash in light of dead arms, but still, today was awesome.
Olympic lifting program definitely interests me. Questions though:
1. website says $300 per 4 weeks for 8-week cycle, which would mean $600 for the 8 weeks. Actual sign-up page lists $300 for 8-week cycle. Which is it?
2. Same question as Scott. Signing up replace group classes or can it be a supplement?
Hey JJ:
Heather Farmer is awesome!. She is currently a trainer at Equinox on 43rd street (which is where I met her). She is on a mission to make the US Olympic team one day. A talented lifter, coach and great person. I hope she is able to come down and work with everyone.
"Zing!" (circa 1997). JOEL W, LADIES AND GENTLEMAN!
What I meant was, what does "and/or" Heather Farmer mean? Will she also be coaching this program? Just curious since she was mentioned, but no other info about her was given.
or, 2007. whatever.
Hi all!
We're so excited about the oly program too!
The program costs $300/M similar to the strength cycle. Each Oly class will be 1.5 hours, possibly a little more of they go over, Frank will also provide some individualized programming for you if you'd like to use the open gym as your third day.
Heather may be teaching some of the classes if Frank can't make it or if the day works out for her. Some details still being worked out. They're both tremendous athletes and coaches.
fish csa members!
the catch of the day is posted and recipes are up at the daily paleo.
really excited about Oly program but don't know if i can commit this summer. hopefully there'll be one in the fall or winter
6am with the crew.
Brad and I were a team again as hit the snatch workout. I warmed up with 95, 135, then did 155, 165, 175. I hit the 165 and 175 very solidly, focusing a lot on what McDowell said last week to me about getting under the bar quick. 175 last week was a PR but it was a hot mess, this week was a lot better. I almost hit 185 but dumped it, so that's my goal for next week.
Backsquat was a slog (felt like a 10k). Did 240x4x4, then 250x4x4.
Did half the cashout as I had an early meeting today.
On a whim, I decided to third-wheel on a weightlifting meet with Jake and Todd this weekend. I'm super nervous (terrified, losing sleep) and I’m kicking myself for this new pattern of committing to things that scare me – buying a motorcycle, spending a bazillion dollars in backpacking equipment before I knew if I even liked it (I do), booking a surfing trip when I’m terrified of surfing… I’ve somehow become a reluctant adrenaline junkie. I’m surviving so far, but gosh there’s a lot of stress in the meantime. And now I’m signed up for the PM Olympic lifting class, so it continues.
Came in last night to test out my openers for Sunday. I know I should know this with 100% certainty, but I don’t. Right now, I think I’m going to open the snatch at 38kg and C&J at 47kg. Might wiggle a kg here or there, depending on how I feel. I really hope I make the 53kg weight class, which will require me to not eat my normal diet of ice cream and plantain chips for the next few days. Less than 24 hours into this “diet” and I’m already struggling. Damn Inca chips are calling my name – loudly.
So many people to thank this week – McDowell for the great cues on the jerk on Saturday, David for the tips on prepping for the meet, Jess for handling my freak-out emails this morning, my friends (you know who you are) for the calming words, Jake/Todd for letting me third-wheel. Feeling blessed to have all the support.
That oly program looks AWESOME! I am permanently off the oly lifts, regrettably, due to my back, and it kills me. They are the best!
What a great idea. What is more fun than getting under the bar? Enjoy folks!
11am solo sesh
Snatch (kgs)
Complex @65
Go K-Mo.
3 days in a row of poor sleep means I missed class to sleep in this morning… I cleaned up my diet a bit and the insane hunger & insomnia have returned.
Made up today's lifts at lunch, but my company gym isn't outfitted for oly lifts so kept my snatches at 'totally not going to bail this' weight. Did segmented DL + snatch + 2 OHS since the weights were lighter. Worked up to 95#, 0 problem but could have been snappier. I squatted medium heavy (225) on Sunday so did 185x5x3 today.
Not sure what today's cashout was so rowed a hard 500 and a light, uninspired 250. Cfsbk > solo workouts.
Second to last session before the meet on sunday
Power Snatch- 60%x1, 70%x2x3
Power Clean+Jerk- 60%(2+1)x1, 70%(2+1)x3
HBBS- 60%x3, 70%x3x3
I signed up for the Oly lifting class! But my focus through early June still has to be running. If the PM class fills up and it's not cool that I can't fully commit for the first week and a half, let me know and I'll offer up my space to someone else. As of right now there are still plenty of open slots.
Having said that… THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME and I'm psyched for it! Thanks again for arranging!
7:30 class with McD and MeLo.
I PR-ed my snatch!!!!!!!!! I finally hit 83#, and though my arms were wiggling a bit like one of those blow-up dolls they use to alert people about car sales, I still hit it. McD and Ellie (who has been my bar partner throughout this cycle) have helped me so much with organizing the pull off the floor and getting tight. I've been working on my overhead squat outside of Wednesdays, and I can totally see it paying off. Still work to do on gettin' stronger, but I felt so mean tonight and am stoked.
HBBS 135x4x4 and 140x4x4. Belted the last four. Felt redemptive after my ugly and sad fail last week.
I would also like to point out that though I was very off last week for other reasons, I did get greedy and round my percentages up from the 1RMs on my bench and squat I'd been working with the previous weeks, and I think that made a difference. Good learning experience.
5:30PM with McRo
63, 83, 93 (caught high, a bit squirrelly), 103F, 103, 108F, 108! 3# PR!
Wow. I am really riding high from that last lift. The miss at 103: I rocked back into my heels at the bottom; lost tension and just fell back on my ass. The miss at 108 was such a good pull and got up to my face, I just didn't commit to pulling under it (big surprise), so I knew I could get it. Well. I knew that because McD said, "It's right there. Can you get that right now?" and I said "…Yes."
Honestly, it was the cleanest lift above 90# I've probably ever completed. Felt AWESOME.
45×5, 95×3, 135×3, 152x4x4, 157x4x4
As much of a time and mental commitment as this was, it all actually felt good. Speed on everything.
I'd just like to say that when I started CrossFit oh-so-many years ago… I never ever thought I'd be squatting well over my body weight 32 times in the space of 20 minutes.
Cash out:
Alternated sets of 10 on the push-ups with sets of 20 on the hollow rocks, knowing I would be left with 50 push-ups on the back end. Stuck with sets of 10 until I had 20 left, and then broke it into 5's. This took so long. Murph is feeling so close right now, and I am feeling very unprepared.
First day things felt good since coming back.
got up to 120 and hit that about 7 times consistently.
Hit 125 a couple times albeit a bit sloppy–but that felt good after struggling at 95-105 last week.
Squatting–got in 3×5 at 195 and finished off 3 more sets at 205. All moved decently.
Skipped out on the pushups–hopefully can get them in tonight at home.
8:30 pm w. Coach MeLo.
Fitness Snatch: (55 x 2; 65 x 1F & 2; 70 x 1 & 1F & 1; 75 x 2; 80 x 2) and 85# x 3 (PR). Wasn't staying focused and failed a few times at lower weights, but glad to get up to 85#. Have to work on getting into bottom of snatch smoother, faster & with more confidence (and with active shoulder push upwards).
Fitness HBBS: (95 x 4, 105 x 3) and 130# x 5 x 3 (PR). Tough, but still moving. Great tips from my bar mate Asta to improve technique, just need to keep at it.
Cashout took forevs, I felt like I was going to close down the gym! Pushups were much weaker than the hollow rox, so I guess I know what I have to work on now!
Sadly I don't think I'll be able to do Oly Cycle this summer, but I will definitely do the next one.
WU: 40, 50, 60, 65
Reps: 67, 69f, 69(pr), 70(f). Complex: 50×1-1×2. Finally. Today is the best snatching has felt for me in a long time. I had a little mantra every time down, and I was even saying it aloud: "pull to your face, down fast, punch up." And they were just sticking.
Squat: 280x4x4; 290x4x4. Did these all unbelted. I'd say 25% of the reps felt like crap, as I was inconsistent with positions and being tight at the bottom. My head was not into every set I think. Maybe because there were, oh, 8 of them.