Training Cycle Template
Training Cycle Dates: M 6/9 – Su 7/20
Crush Week: M 7/21 – Su 7/27
Back Off/Transition Week: M 7/28 – Su 8/3
Monday: Press | WOD
Fitness 3×5 Linear Progression. If there’s still time on the clock then do an additional set.
Performance wk1 70%x8x4, wk2 72.5%x8x4, wk3 75%x6x5, wk4 77.5%x6x5, wk5 80%x4x4 then 82.5%x4x4, wk6 85%x4x4 then 87.5%x4x4. Rest 2 minutes between all sets.
Tuesday: Rest Day
Wednesday: Clean and Jerk | Front Squat | Optional DIY Cashout
Clean and Jerk: Position focused complexes
Front Squat: 3×5 Linear Progression. If there’s still time on the clock then do an additional set.
Clean and Jerk: Max effort then back-off percentage work. (Buy in: 1.25x of bodyweight for men, 1x of bodyweight for women)
Front Squat: Use a hypothetical max of 105% of your previous max. Wk1 70%x8x4, wk2 72.5%x8x4, wk3 75%x6x5, wk4 77.5%x6x5, wk5 80%x4x4, 82.5%x2x4, 85%x2x4, wk6 1RM test warm up to 85% of a heavy single, then 90%x1, 95%x1, 100%x1, 105%x1, 105% + if still moving. Rest 2 minutes between all sets.
Thursday: Gymnastics-based WOD (HSPU, Kipping Pull Up, Muscle Ups, Toes to Bar)
Friday: Rest Day
Saturday: Snatch | Back Squat | Optional DIY Cashout
Snatch: Position focused complexes
Squat: 3×5 Linear Progression. If there’s still time on the clock then do an additional set.
Snatch: Max effort then back-off percentage work. (Buy in: 1.25x of bodyweight for men, 1x of bodyweight for women)
Back Squat: Use a hypothetical max of 105% of your previous max. Wk1 70%x8x4, wk2 72.5%x8x4, wk3 75%x6x5, wk4 77.5%x6x5, wk5 80%x4x4, 82.5%x2x4, 85%x2x4, wk6 1RM test warm up to 85% of a heavy single, then 90%x1, 95%x1, 100%x1, 105%x1, 105% + if still moving. Rest 2 minutes between all sets.
Sunday: Power Clean and Push Jerk or Deadlift | WOD
Deadlift: 4×2 Linear Progression. Start at 10-20lbs less than your 3×3 weight.
Power Clean and Push Jerk: 80%x2x5 (Buy in: 1.25x of bodyweight for men, 1x of bodyweight for women)
Hail to the Queen: July 7
Subway Series | Long Island City: August 3
Subway Series | CrossFit Queens: August 10
Subway Series | CrossFit Virtuosity: August 17
Subway Series | CrossFit South Brooklyn: August 24