Azam providing Brian with what is known as Erg Moral Support
- Happy birthday, Kristen G.!
- CFSBK’s softball team, Las Calaveras, has their first game tonight at the Red Hook ball fields. Word on the streets of Brooklyn is that they are not to be messed with. Come cheer them on at 6:15pm!
Weekend Alternative Programming
We are hosting Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength Seminar again and the gym will be mostly closed tonight through Sunday night. As an alternative, we’re offering off-location workouts. Below are the programming options available. Please note that all classes require preregistration, so please sign up ahead of time HERE.
Friday 4/25
Morning and afternoon classes are on as normally scheduled. Open gym is cancelled.
Saturday 4/26
All normal in-house group classes are cancelled. We are offering yoga and active recovery classes upstairs in the annex, along with a Prospect Park WOD. Your group class membership will apply for any of these classes, including yoga.
Upstairs Annex Classes
9am Yoga for Athletes
10am Yoga for Atheltes
11am Active Recovery
12pm Active Recovery
Prospect Park WOD
9:00am Park WOD
10:30am Park WOD
Meet Coach MeLo on Long Meadow Field as you enter from Garfield Place. Look for orange cones. WOD will include handstand practice and sprinting. Bring your own stopwatch to keep track of interval times as well as a water bottle. Email Melissa [at] if you have any questions.
WEATHER UPDATE: If it is lightly raining tomorrow, MeLo will still hold the Prospect Park WODs. If it is pouring and we do need to cancel, we will have a notice posted by 7:30am.
Sunday 4/27
All normal in-house group classes are cancelled, including open gym. We are offering three track workouts located at the Red Hook running track.
10am Track WOD
11am Track WOD
12pm Track WOD
Support Vanguard High School’s Backpacking Program
CFSBKer Matthew E. has been backpacking, climbing, hunting, and enjoying the outdoors since he was a child. When he began teaching at an NYC public school, he was horrified at his students’ limited exposure to the outdoors. Some of them had never been outside the city, let alone in the woods. To reconcile this deficiency, Matthew helped organize and lead a backpacking trip for 20 students to the Appalachian Trail. It was an incredible experience. All materials were donated or loaned from teachers, staff, and friends. To make this a sustainable project, Vanguard is hoping to raise $5,000. They are currently half way there! Help them out by making a donation or spreading the word! Learn more here.
What’s the weirdest/funniest/most memorable thing you’ve overheard someone say at a CrossFit gym?
Coaching Athletes on How to Sleep The Atlantic
Why You Should Not Be Running PJ Media
On CrossFit and Risk Huffington Post
The Limits of ‘No Pain, No Gain’ New York Times
Today is a normal rest day, in that there is the choice between yesterday's deadlift WOD, or (what would have been tomorrow's) clean and jerk/front squat.
6am with Nick and Fox
Feeling quite beat up and sluggish. Back did not want to move weights today, and I couldn't find the wakefulness/adrenaline in my body to move well on clean and jerks. Stayed under 90% of my 1RM, because I couldn't seem to organize well.
C&J: 95, 95, 95, 135, 135, 135, 155, 155, 165, then 175, 175, 175, 160, 160
Every one of these was ugly in some way, except maybe for the last two.
Front Squat: 165 x 8 (mistook the rep scheme), 165 x 6 x 4
Alex – you're intuition was right, I wrote next week's numbers on the board 🙁
Should have been: 72.5% x 8 x 4
Kept the C&J light because yesterday's WOD definitely aggravated my elbow. Did the fitness version and maxed out at 100#. I partnered with Akoto, and it was a blast to see her blow through her own PR expectations!
FSQ 140x6x5. Guess I'm doing that again next week, although I'll probably make it 145 since 72.5% for me is 142, and I was moving pretty well.
Cash out with 20kg KB; embarrassing how not-unbroken my swings were.
Crossing my fingers that I don't have to work this weekend and can therefore go to AR tomorrow.
6am with Nick and Fox
C&J felt strong today although I am still stuck at 185#. I have hit 195# twice in the past but I have been failing at that lately. 185#, however has been feeling better and better.
Front squats felt pretty crisp the entire time at 165#.
Looking forward to yoga tomorrow and Red Hook Track on Sunday.
Also not my day for c&j, worked up to about 80% of my 1rm. Split jerks as always a work in progress. Squirrelly.
Front squats 200x5x3 felt real heavy. But somewhere in the middle it felt like I had another gear and, yes, heavy, but also doable if I set my mind to it.
Did the first half of the cashout w/20kg and then had to skedaddle. Many KB swings.
Is it too late to enroll in the veggie CSA? I'd like to split a share if there is anyone else that may still want to enroll.
Re memorable quotes, I would have to go with "Fish are essentially vegetables that can swim"
Totally missed the blog QOD. Oh my god, I've been threatening to start an "Overheard at SBK" Tumblr feed and now I can't remember anything that I wanted to put on it!
I mean, there's the usual stuff like "What's your snatch looking like today?" but why can't I think of the really good stuff right now?!
I saw the first start wars which apparently didn't have that yoda fellow in it. So, there's that.
I'd reach out to Michele. Her email is on the CSA page
Matthew E – I'm tearing up just thinking about your trip. That is so awesome. That trail in Pawling was my first backpacking trip too 🙂 Love the idea. Thank you for inviting us to be a part of it!
Strength Cycle yesterday.
45 x 5, 95 x 5, 135 x 4, 155 x 3, 180 x 2, 192.5 x 5 x 2, 192.5 x 8 rep out.
45 x 5, 55 x 3, 65 x 2, 68 x 3, 68 x 1, 55 x 9
I didn't fail, I just gave up after one rep on the second set because my shoulder felt funny. Not seeing a whole lot of progress on this lift but I was expecting that and am ok with it.
33 x 3, 53, 3, 73 x 3, 87 x 3.
Actually these went better than usual. I definitely kept the bar closer.
I love this QOD but like Stella, I can't think of anything right now!!
8am. Feeling a little beat up from the past couple days & triceps are talkin about those L sits.
C&J went 63, 73, 83, 93 – all feeling good and solid. Did better today with not ripping the bar off the floor & keeping shoulder contact with the bar when dipping for the jerk.
Then 2 at 103# – failed the first jerk, got it on the 2nd but was a little wobbly. I'll continue to work on getting it really solid at 103#.
FSQ: 75, 90, 100x3x5. i got up to 105 last week but it was aggressive for the beginning of the cycle, so 100 felt appropriate today and still heavy.
A few of you ordered Girl Scout cookies a while back from my client, Jess G and her daughters. They are in, in the office, and there's an envelope there to drop funds ($4 a box) into as well.
Let the sugar coma proceed.
8am with Ms Fox. Tomorrow's work out. I learned a new trick – miscalculate the weight on the bar. I thought I was lifting 78# and was determined that it could be done because I've done it many times before. It was really 83#, which is 10# more than I did last week. Nice.
Front squats were front squats. Blah. 90#.
Because I have the sense of humor of a 5th grade boy, I'm with Stella on the wealth of funny stuff overhead relating to snatches, jerks, etc. I remember in particular one amusing exchange with a bunch of ladies when we were setting up for a WOD about how we felt about sharing our boxes.
Oh, duh. Pretty much everything that comes out of McDowell's mouth is an answer to the blog QOD. I have learned never, ever to complain about the WOD to McDowell. One day I can't remember what we were doing, but I think it was a shoulder-intense WOD when we had just had another shoulder-intense WOD a day or two before. And I bitched about it, and he said (in his McDowell accent), "Sorry for making you stronger!"
I shut up. 🙂
Strength Cycle Day 1- a few gems from Jeremy.
'Practice safe sets.'
'A clean platform is a healthy platform.'
'Position is more important than momentum.'
These are all important things.
(Referring to cleans, I believe, so it was probably Day 2)
Overheard in strength cycle (re: Deadlifts): "F@*k The Bar!!"
"fuck the bar" is a classic.
i also like "tickle the tonsils" re: proper squat depth
Sorry Fox, but I think i'm going to have to go with a time you were coaching and during some white board review said, “Listen, I’ve seen thousands of snatches in my life and this is [whatever-good-lesson-you-were-trying-to-impart].” Everyone in class started snickering like fourth graders after their math teacher used “do it” in a sentence. The adolescent in us dies a slow death. If death occurs at all, of course.
"Ten times more down."
Any info on how to get to/where the Red Hook track is for us out-of-towners?
Nevermind…just found the link. Still a little fuzzy from last night and todays hungover crossfit at 10 am.
Clean and jerk session before 12pm class
205-215-225-235-245(clean, "missed" jerk)
Photo evidence shows that I was solidly under the jerk, just didn't command it for some reason. 245 is a clean PR
Then tried to front squat after class, having not eaten anything but some fat free yogurt and an apple all morning.
I quit on the third set.
Weirdest thing I overheard was when Fox said "I quit on the third set".
Snatch-Max for the day, then 80%x1x5 of that.
253M, M, M. Was not staying over the bar long enough and pulling too early.
*Went slightly off program here, but i needed to hit that 253 (not a weight i should i ever be missing)
Clean and Jerk-Max for day, 80%x1x5 of that
Front squat-Max
Power Clean and Split Jerk
Worked up to 95kilos (209lbs) which I hit with ease then missed 100kilos two times JUST BARELY overhead. Was happy about how light the bar felt today.
10-9-8-7 reps of:
Strict Pull-Up
One Arm DB Press, each side 45lbs
very depressingly, I can't think of one funny thing I've heard off the top of my head that's worth posting.
Though, people seemed to really like my observation that "The arms are the legs of the upper body"
WEATHER UPDATE: If it is lightly raining tomorrow, Coach MeLo will still hold the Prospect Park WODs. If it is pouring and we do need to cancel, we will have a notice posted by 7:30am.
@David – I also recall an AR class when you referred to the inside of the elbow as the lesser arm pit.