Fitness: Snatch Segment Deadlift + Snatch + OHS
If you have a hard time organizing the pull off the floor, perform snatch from the mid-hang.
Performance: Snatch 1-1-1, then 90% x 1 x 2
Work up to a heavy snatch in 3 attempts, then perform 2 singles at 90% of today’s best snatch.
Back Squat
Fitness: 3×5 Linear Progression
Performance: 72.5% x 8 x 4
Rest about two minutes between sets.
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David spots Deb P. as she skins the cat
Weekend Alternative Programming
We are hosting Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength Seminar again and the gym will be mostly closed Friday night through Sunday night (4/25-4/27). As an alternative, we’re offering off-location workouts. Below are the programming options available. Please note that all classes require preregistration, so please sign up ahead of time HERE.
Friday 4/25
Morning and afternoon classes are on as normally scheduled. Open gym is cancelled.
Saturday 4/26
All normal in-house group classes are cancelled. We are offering yoga and active recovery classes upstairs in the annex, along with a Prospect Park WOD. Your group class membership will apply for any of these classes, including yoga.
Upstairs Annex Classes
9am Yoga for Athletes
10am Yoga for Atheltes
11am Active Recovery
12pm Active Recovery
Prospect Park WOD
9:00am Park WOD
10:30am Park WOD
Meet Coach MeLo on Long Meadow Field as you enter from Garfield Place. Look for orange cones. WOD will include handstand practice and sprinting. Bring your own stopwatch to keep track of interval times as well as a water bottle. Email Melissa [at] if you have any questions.
Sunday 4/27
All normal in-house group classes are cancelled, including open gym. We are offering three track workouts located at the Red Hook running track.
10am Track WOD
11am Track WOD
12pm Track WOD
I Ran the Pyongyang Marathon: What I saw running 26 miles in a Stalinist dictatorship Slate
What is the Polar Vortex? National Geographic
The Lure of Forbidden Food New York Times
Re: signups. I've signed up for Saturday AR and Sunday track WOD, but there's a chance I will have to work one or both days this weekend (and I won't know whether I do until Friday at 6, ugh). Should I take my name off the list? I'm guessing the track WOD could get fairly big without having to size-cap it, based on how big the last one was, but I don't want to take someone else's slot if we are limiting the size of these.
Matty Chm as the AOTM! Matt, it always feels like a good day when you're there working out with us. Well deserved.
6am with McDowell, Arturo, and the gang
Snatch: 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155F, 155F, 155F, (damnit I'm gonna get this) 155, 140, 140
Overthinking for me = not pulling hard enough, and not getting down either (this is what happened on my first three attempts at 155). When I just say "to hell with it, I'm gonna pull as hard as I can and get this", I can get 155, but I land in a power snatch, which is what happened on my fourth attempt.
Every time I finish a snatch session I just want to go back and practice snatching some more.
HBBS: 195 x 8, 200 x 8 x 3
Knees started coming in a bit at the end of the last sets, but the weight moved well the whole way through and I never felt close to failure.
Cash out: Tabata burpees, got 10, 9, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 6
Hard. On the last round I misread the timer and stopped 3 seconds early. Convenient!
Great 7am with McDowell and Arturo.
Fitness snatch complex up to 143. I missed this once in front but caught it very solidly the second time. Then pitched forward a little while bringing it up… McDowell suggested I was taking it up like a lbbs instead of a more upright posture. Fought the impulse to go for 148 or 153 today and instead backed off to hit a few at lower weights. Really happy that depth wasn't a problem today.
I wanted to do the perf squats today, but I was really sore after last week and felt it in other workouts… I like squatting but am focusing on running until June! Anyway, 225x5x3, which I own pretty well.
Been thinking about posture lately. I asked my partner to video one of my squat sets… Low and behold, I am totally losing my head position! More to work on.
Congrats Matty Chm! It's been great to get to know you since I've joined CFSBK.
6am with the Arturo & McD.
Partnered with Peter on the snatches and used the Kg weights (which I note only because at 6am I can barely do normal plate math, let alone the 2.2 conversion for Kg's). Hit 165# and then failed 170#, bending my arms a bit early and not focusing on the sweep-back enough (thanks McD for the tips).
Back squat was 220# for the perf version; sticking very close to the 2min rest makes the 4×8 feel like a cardio workout rather than a lifting session. Good times and soreness to come.
I reneged on my vow to always choose rowing because I felt like I haven't done burpees in a while and, weirdly, I love burpees. Hit 10 reps for the first 7, 11 on the last round. Awesome heartrate spike.
6am. Snatch (kilos): 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 75, 79 (PR), 70, 70. Warmed up with a few tall snatches at 40 and 50 to work on dropping under the bar. Result was much better than last week, where I power snatched every rep. The rep at 75 was a power snatch which I stood up and then did an overhead squat. Caught the rep at 79 a bit above parallel before riding it down. Last rep at 70 was the best of the day. Snappy pull and I got down quickly. Nice to end a session like that. Back squat: 215x8x4. Fairly easy. Was getting a good bounce on most reps today. Rounded down from 217.5 and should have rounded up. Tabata burpees sucked: 9-8-7-6-5-6-6-7.
Slept in this morning and went to 7am with Arturo & McDowell. Last week's snatch a total shit show, got to 75 after failing at 65, so was happy today to get a strong 85 and a cruddy 95. I will work that weight next time and focus on going 10x more down.
HBBSQ 150x8x4. oof.
Tabata burpees: 6/6/6/6/5/5/5/5.
@Charlotte – Nice work on the snatches. You cracked me up with your Frozen reference yesterday.
Congratulations Matt! What goes on at this 6am class? I will never know. Never say never. But seriously, never. It's been great to catch a glimpse of these impressive 6am-ers in some of the recent AOTM interviews.
Bench press last night. 85x8x4
This was up 5# from last week and moved pretty well. Better than last week I think.
Sarah was a great partner on bench and for the KB workout from hell. 20kg was horrific. 24kg would have crushed my will to live.
10am with Jess (yesterday)
Worked up to 68 on the snatch. I stuck at this weight for the last 5 minutes and just practiced it and finally had a successful lift at this weight.
HBBS – 3×5 at 130. Felt very heavy!! I don't know how I will keep adding 5 each week but we shall see!
Tabata burpees – 6/6/6/6/5/6/6/6
Today I did some Brooklyn Half Training – ran over the Brooklyn Bridge around NYC and back for 10 miles which is my longest run in many years! Felt good too. Thank you Crossfit.
Strength Cycle last night
45 x 5, 95 x 5, 135 x 4, 170 x 3, 180 x 1, 190 x 5 x 2, 190 x 8 rep out.
Bench Press
45 x 5, 65 x 4, 75 x 4, 85 x 3, 95 x 5 x 2, 95 x 10 rep out.
135 x 5, 185 x 4, 235 x 3, 250 x 5 PR
250# was my previous 1RM/ heavy single on Feb 2nd so I am really happy about this and Jeremy said it all looked good so I am excited to see how this progresses. This was my first time using a belt on this lift and I think it helped.
8am with Arturo. Snatch was not too bad – hit 63#, which was OK until I started thinking about it too much. Squat was better – 100# for 3×5, which is good for me as this was my PR not too long ago. Did rowing cash out – tried to get to sub 2:00 splits within 3 strokes and keep it there. Then did my pull up program. I didn't leave until close to 10am. A loooong but good day at CFSBK.
I haven't been to the Red Hook track before. Does anyone know if there is a place where my kids could play while I join the Sunday class? They are beyond wandering off ages (7 and 10) so it would just need to be a nearby space where I could see them.
Noon class
Snatch (kgs)
The first miss at 85 was so close. Just wasn't ready to reach and catch. The second one was stupid. 85 would have been a 3 kilo PR so I was being greedy. Soon.
Back squat
Felt great. Good bounce and speed. I imagine I won't be as sore as last week
Ditched the cash out since I ran yesterday in prep for the Brooklyn Half, and really needed a margarita stat.
Wednesday Funday for Jess and I!
Christina — yep. They could easily hang out on the grass area inside the track, or on the bleachers next to it.
Will there be alternate programing for Friday am classes if we've already hit the Thursday WOD? Or will we have a choice to do regular Saturday clean and front squats?
Hello friends,
I'll be in DC and Atlanta next week and Minneapolis the following week. Any recommended CF gyms in those spots? @Rickke I remember you like a spot in DC but can't remember the name….
5:30pm Class
Worked up to 80 kilos (176lbs) on the snatch
then dropped back and did two power snatches at 70kgs
kept missing 85, felt like I was so close.
Working on my BOUNCE on these. weight felt light enough.
Did Tabata Burpees. Didnt count my reps at all just went hard each round
Wednesdays are my mid-week refresher day.
Taught yoga at 9am, practiced yoga at 11am with focus on healthy shoulder movement. Acupuncture at 3pm, group class at 4:30.
Left shoulder and elbow have been bugging me again. Left bicep feels a bit tender, amongst other things.
warm up 1 with 22# bar. more warm-up at 33#
63, 63, 63 (to lock it in), 83, 83, 93, 103F, 103F, then back to 83, 83.
Had Rickke and Jake's eyes on: not pulling the bar back into my hips with my lats enough. It wasn't coming out front and I wasn't hopping forward, but I think I'm not letting the bar get all the way to my hips… and then I'm pulling with my arms instead of exploding the hips/knees.
Next week: video feedback for myself. It's time.
Also next week: don't have an acupuncture appointment right before oly lifting. Pick one or the other. I was feeling super chilled out and did not have the fire in me this evening.
LBBS: 45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 137x8x4
this felt similar to last week, like an endurance test. again, focused on taking my time to get set and get tight for each rep. felt myself pressing the bar into my back about mid-way through on most sets. not sure if this is a bad habit or something helpful. It feels like instead maybe i should just drive my chest and elbows up more…
8-8-8-7-7-6-6-8 = 58
We did this on January 15 and my notes say:
9-8-7-6-6-6-7-7 = 56
so… 2 more! hooray! fitness!
Muscle Snatch- 75% 3×3
**Working on getting my knees back right away and minimizing the bar banging too much off my hips and looping forward. Gradual progress. The videos show that the bar is def beginning to sweep back right off the floor but the loop is still there…
Clean and Jerk-80%x1x5
3 Rounds
5 Turkish Get-ups each side(20kg)
10 Strict pull-ups
*The turkish get-ups were the hardest part of the day!
Got in early for 6:30 class. Lots of mobilizing on the wrestling mat pre-class, but coming off a sleepless night I think I just made myself drowsy.
Snatch — Holy train wreck! I was on another planet and had to go find my own bar to pull myself together. After McDowell talked me down, I rebuilt up to a couple decent reps at 83#.. woah
HBBS with Marie, who is very strong. 135x8x4. Concentrated on form, speed and bounce with input and support from Arturo.
Today was one of those days where having our awesome coaches a few feet away made a world of difference.
No time for cash out. That is all.
DO — Does your "yes" mean "yes, it'll be C&J and FSQ"? Or "yes, there will be an alternate option that is not the usual Saturday two-lift combo"?
Here we go with a huge make up post:
Snatch: worked up to 93#, but all as power snatches. Scared to get down I guess. Then dropped and did 83x1x2. Still not great. Just wasn't committed to this lift today.
HBBS: (95×5, 125×4, 155×2) 170x8x4
-felt a little better than last week. more of a bounce out of the bottom but holy hell that's a lot of reps.
Yesterday (Monday's programming):
Bench: 102.5x8x4 Did this solo but all felt good.
Afternoon 4 mile run with the hubby. Furthest I've run in ever. Felt pretty good.
Power Snatch: 83x2x5
WOD (400m run, 40 db snatches, 40 burpee bj's, 800m run) in 15:25.
-damn that sucked. used 50# db to rx it which was hella hard. low back pretty heated after that.
Flex in the City comp. Fun times with MeLo, Zach and Alan L. as our CFSBK Team. We finished 16th out of 39 and it was a lot of fun. Can't wait for the next comp in early May at Mayhem in the Meadowlands!
Also, huge congrats to Matt C. for athlete of the month! He's an outstanding 6am-er and was an easy choice.
Snatch: 95, 105, 115, 125(F)
HBBS: 215x8x4
Make-up from Tuesday:
Bench 83x8x4, failed on the very final rep but otherwise these felt better than last week. Love doing the high volume stuff.
WOD with 20kg bell, the squats felt terrible but loosened up all the junk in my quads that was making it hard for me to walk after Saturday.
7:30 tonight:
Snatch: hit 78 pretty solidly and almost hit 83 (then 73x1x2) but these numbers aren't new. I'm so worried that if I take my time getting the bar to my knees, I won't get it up so then I jump my legs up and end up throwing the bar forward. Trust.
HBBS: 125x8x4. Collapsed a bit and didn't get full depth on a few. I don't want to use a belt again for a while, so I'm fine with the weight still being lower.
As per usual on Wednesdays, McD's cues and encouragement were perfect and so needed.
This is a week where just showing up is what's most important for me.
worked up to 65 kilos solidly. went to 69 kilos and just missed it 3 times before dropping back to 60. I was a bit forward on two after not punching strongly or getting down quickly. At the same time, I'm right on the precipice of making some good jumps it feels like.
255x8x4. Felt bouncy and good tonight. Way better than last week. Love the volume.
The snatch is a different kind of beast for me b/c of how important the form is. When I get it right it feels like it flies up weightless. But when it's wrong… oooo is it wrong! No balance, no hip thrust, slow off the ground.
Either way I worked up to 75kg with DO and it was feeling really good. I have a love hate relationship with this lift… I loved it today!
HBBS 230 8×4. Last 2 rounds were TOUGH but the thought of not having to pedal my bicycle home afterwards helped me get through them.
Tabata row… kept my split around 1:38 / about 96 meters every round.
* Snatch: #95, #105, #110, #95, #95 (PR, but pressed it up a little)
* HBBS: #175 8x4
* Tabata row
Snatch w/ DJ: 85, 85, 85, 95, 95
Only getting slightly more under the bar than last week by way of a little jump. Arturo put me in a much more balanced path for OHS (and basically everything else we did) by explaining the ideal weight distribution within my feet.
LBBS w/ Redis & John: 155x3x5
Felt tight when warming up (not sure if it was lack if DROMs or all the OHSs), then tried some HBBS that my knees didn't like, but the work sets were good. Was definitely pushing the brink by the last set, but a quicker pace got me through the reps.
Tanaka row (an autocorrect I'll keep in honor of Masahiro last night) @~1:45 split.