Fitness: Deadlift 3×3
3 x 3 reps where you finished your previous heavy 5
Performance: Power Snatch 5×2 at 70% of Wednesdays 1RM
Buy-in is 100% BW Men, 75% BW Women
3 Rounds For Time
75 Double Unders
400m Run
25 Wall Ball
Aileen H. DROMing it out (plus Michael’s neon-clad left foot)
- Loosen it up in Active Recovery at 11am today!
- Our new cycle starts TODAY! Who’s excited?
Monday: Bench Press | WOD
Wednesday: Snatch | Back Squat
Thursday: WOD (gymnastics-based)
Saturday: Clean and Jerk | Front Squat
Sunday: Deadlift (Fitness) or Power Snatch (Performance) | WOD
The Power Snatch: Uses & Cautions Catalyst Athletics
The Nun Who Got Addicted to Twitter The Atlantic
Flex in the City Rejected Workouts
KH a.k.a. Cage says
Today was just one of those days where I felt awesome at the gym. DL was 175# x 3 x 3, which actually felt heavier than I thought it would. Was originally planning on 185#, but I wanted to leave room to grow. This may sound obvious, but my focus this cycle is going to be on bracing my core and not over-extending my back. WOD rxed in 16:02, and I was the 4th person in my class to finish. Whenever I'm not among the last I get really psyched. In the first round I hit 63 double unders unbroken. Holla! I also blew Fox's mind with my mad French skillz. Quelque chose cool!
Peter says
8am. Power snatch @ 125. First set was the worst. Fox noted that I seemed to pause right above the knee before doing the final pull. Tried to eliminate that hitch from the remaining 4 sets and the reps felt quite a bit snappier. Weight never felt heavy. Think I could have done 135 without problem.
WOD was a bit ugly. Did the first 45 DUs unbroken. Then I practiced various techniques for missing doubles. I demonstrated how to tense up your body and arms which both causes the rope to spin slower and gasses you at the same time. Runs and wall-balls were ok. Did the first and last sets of wall-balls unbroken and broke up the middle one 15-10 hoping that would help the DUs (it didn't).
Lovely day. Time to go the park.
Fox says
12pm class
Power Snatches at 132
WOD was awful
Double Unders were a suck fest after the first unbroken round. Wall unbroken for 1 and 2.
Stella says
Deadlift 215x3x3. I went in thinking 225, but quickly realized that 215 was going to be plenty heavy, especially if we are adding weight each week.
WOD 15:49 with 60 doubles/round. I planned on Rx but I'm kind of glad I didn't as I would have missed a little more of AR had I done so.
COME TO PUB QUIZ TONIGHT! 7 PM at 68 Jay St Bar. Just-out-of-Foundations SBK'er Kate and her roomie have been on a winning streak lately. CAN YOU TAKE THEM DOWN? says
Weekend summary:
Saturday's clean and jerk work with McDowell. First time working with Michael A — good times.
95, 135, 155, 175, 190, 205, 220F, 220, 230 (PR).
Caught the first attempt at 220 soft. Jerk at 230 wasn't as crisp as the one time I took that from a rack for the jerk (naturally).
FSQ at 215x3x3. Sally with a mix of push-ups and squats.
Today's snatch work with Jess.
115x2x5 — intentionally went to 70% — felt a bit beat up from the week, actually.
WOD in 14:39. 75 doubles straight in round one, which is a best. Broken frequently after that. Runs felt miserably slow. WBs unbroken.
Dan L says
Worked at ~141 on the snatches today – felt good and crisp
WOD in 12:56 Rx'd – broke once on the doubles in the first round and then did them in 3 sets in rounds 2 and 3. WB unbroken. Nice to run outside!
Nan says
11am with Melissa & Arturo…felt nice to warm up outside!
Worked up to 145# on the dead lift. My goal is getting over the 200 mark this cycle.
Finished out the WOD in 20:32 with a 12# ball and 25 cal row. Round 2 was tough as I couldn't catch my breath. Need to work on my breathing while rowing because it's just not coming together naturally.
Charlie says
Strength Cycle
45 x 5, 95 x 5, 135 x 4, 165 x 3, 195 x 2, 202.5 x 3….175 x 5 x 3
Jeremy stopped me after my third rep. at 202.5 as it was all falling apart. He said I have 'earned a deload', which I kind of was relieved to hear.
Bench Press
45 x 5, 65 x 5, 75 x 4, 85 x3, 90 x 2, 100 x 5 x 3.
53 x 3, 63 x 3, 83 x 3, 88 x 3
Left it there as my shoulders were hurting and I was unable to move my arms quickly.
Chin-ups 4 x 5.
Camille says
140# today on deadlifts. excited to add more this cycle!
this wod made my face as red as a tomato!!! finished in 18:50 with rows instead of DUs, totally forgot i was in group B and looked at the time (20:00 on the clock) and was like 'wait do i have time to even do my last set of wall balls??' but finished and then realized my error!
Whit H says
95×5, 135×5, 165×3
Left room to grow. This felt heavy but not a struggle, a place I could keep perfect position. Wanted to switch grip after the first set but made myself stay with regular — I need to improve grip strength overall.
WOD: 15:53 RX
All rounds of DU's were unbroken, which was extremely exciting for me! 75 was a PR during the first round (previous 55) so was stoked I could keep my composure for the subsequent rounds. That may have been b/c I ran really slow ๐
Wall balls: 7-10-8, 13-12, 13-8-4. Put a lift under my right foot for these, which feels good b/c I can feel my left leg working but also makes it a bit wonky. And Fox let me know I missed depth on a few.
Biked to/from the gym today and walked about 4 miles in the sunshine, most of it with Penny. Spring has certainly sprung.
FISH COOKING CLASS was informative and super fun this afternoon! I have more to say, but need to compose my thoughts and post tomorrow. Also, I am a little tipsy after said event.
Todd says
Fun OG session with a guest appearance by Crystal ๐
40×3 50×2 60×1 65×1 70×1 75×1 80xM,M,M 70xM,1,1,1
Power Clean, push jerk, jerk
50×1 60×1 70×1 75×1 80×1 85×1 90×1(PR push jerk)
Snatch balance
50×1 60×1 65×1 70×1 75×1 80×1 85×1 (PR)
135×3 220×2 255x2x6
Laura Mc says
Open gym tonight. I had big plans which were kind of derailed. Started with clean and jerks, trying unsuccessfully to hit a new 1rm. 83-103-123-143-153-158f-155f.
It was at this point that I decided to do some kipping pull up practice…on the rogue racks…forgetting that there are two bars on the rogue racks…and smacked my head right into the thick bar. I now have a tennis ball sized lump on my forehead and a puffy nose as proof of my idiocy.
Decided to tough it out for the front squats but skip out on the snatch balance practice and metcon I had planned. Front squats at 140x3x3. Did some more pull up practice (on the standard pull up bars!) and actually managed to string together a few kipping pull ups at a time, which felt miraculous.
This is going to be a really big bruise. says
Laura Mc – ice and whiskey help. Preferably in the same glass.
lady fox says
Like Mr. Joyce, here's my weekend wrap-up:
-worked up to 153 which I seem to be stuck at. the c&J felt solid but I just didn't have it in me when I went for 163.
air squat version–completed!
Power Snatch:
-felt good and sharp.
13:55 rx'd
-no room to breathe in this one. only the first round of du's unbroken. all wb's unbroken. runs felt good and not incredibly slow. was great to have Noah slightly in front of me so that I could try to (and eventually!) beat him. ๐
also, the warmup we did of one lap around the block with 8e leg reverse lunges at each corner was NO JOKE. says
Played catch up I my lifts during open gym
Warm up 1
1 rep max clean and jerk #150 (PR, a little sloppy but controlled sloppy)
3x3 front squat #155 (cleans sucked the life out of this)
3x3 deadlift #245 (lower back was toasty)
A few chin ups mixed in along the way