Rounds 1, 3, and 5:
400m Row
12 DB Push Press, medium heavy
Rounds 2, 4, and 6:
400m Run
8-12 Chin Ups or 12 Ring Rows
Rounds 1, 3, and 5:
400m Row
ME UB Handstand Push Ups (No AbMats. Set ends when you come off the wall)
Rounds 2, 4, and 6:
400m Run
ME UB Kipping Pull Ups
Caption this photo of CFSBKers getting their calf mash on
- Don’t forget, Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney is at 7:30pm tonight!
- Have a magnificent Thursday!
I Refuse to Be Busy New York Times
New Yorkers’ Contributions to a Greener, Greater City: A Behavioral Impact Study GreeNYC
CrossFit Phenom Annie Thorisdottir: The Fittest Woman on the Planet? Vogue
The Best Exercises You Aren’t Doing for Your Back Elite FTS
Hahaha. That Vogue article about Annie T referred to us as "buff hipsters." I'll take it!
6am with Jess
I think we should stop referring to it as Back-off Week. Totally deceiving.
Very fun vibe in the gym this morning. Must be the sun paired with having the gate up. Pull Ups were 13-15-15 with grip being the limiting factor. I lost tension in my abs in the first round and the kip fell apart so I had to drop. Learned my lesson and stayed tight for the last two sets. HSPUs were strict with one ab mat and 8-8-8.
Anybody looking to run tomorrow? Eric and I were thinking about hitting Prospect Park at 6am for an easy 60 minutes or so. Endurance running folks or people prepping for the Brooklyn Half?
Planning on meeting up at the Grand Army entrance to prospect park. Leave a note here or just show up!
Hey guys, I'm playing an early show tonight (7pm) at Piano's (158 Ludlow in LES) if anyone is in the area and wants to check it out. Indie electronic stuff.
Greetings from Tilburg! Had a great few days in Berlin getting some tattoos and hanging with friends. Now it's time for the music festival! Had a really hard time getting online/connected the past few days but looks like this hotel finally has functioning wifi.
It's a bit overcast and chilly here, jealous of recent reports of a sunny Brooklyn.
Big thanks to Kate R who is keeping the CFSBK blog alive in my absence.
Keep on rocking, everyone.
Hey folks! Some of you may have noticed a little bit of love from CFSBK in your email inbox. We've resurrected the long-dead SBK newsletter and will be sending it out at the start of every cycle. If you don't feel like getting another one, just hit unsubscribe at the bottom of the email and we'll never bug you again.
And if you've got any big community news, announcements, births, weddings, whatever, you can email me or Mare and we'll include them in the next edition.
Plug-ariffic: You may have seen this in the brand-new SBK newsletter (thanks MK and Mare!), but I'm going to say it again anyway.
PUB QUIZ! Come play for bragging rights and, more importantly, free drinks. 7 PM, Sunday night, at 68 Jay St Bar in DUMBO.
I ask the questions, Charlie makes the drinks. This week, there may or may not be a CrossFit-related question that anyone from SBK will have an advantage on over the rest of the world. Just sayin'.
I agree with Matty…the warm up had me gassed!
Fitness version with banded chin ups and 20 lb db. Tried the 14lb ball today to a 9 ft target and felt good. Now let's see if I can do them in a WOD!!!
Been dealing with some foot pain so have missed some days. Felt good to be back with the 6am crew!!!
First day back in the gym since February 18. SIckness & travel have conspired to keep me away.
WU: 3R NFT 10 burpees, 8 T2B, 12 WB. Started with 20# and moved to 14# with a 10' target.
WOD: did 35# push press and 8 chinups w/ the white band, switched to ring rows for the 3rd round. Humbling.
@MattKatz I did not get loved by CFSBK. cjkaiser(at) Thanks!
PS that vogue article is kind of historic. But can we get the real link, not the mobile one? most of the pictures are missing from the mobile link. Thanks!
@Charlotte I just fixed the link—thanks for catching that! I was wondering why the layout was so hideous.
Pretty Intense Lower Abs Tweaking. Endless Soreness.
Clamshells, 100s, bicycles, and twirling leg thingies.
Thanks KH!
Was googling about crossfit instead of doing work and came across this cool link:
Its breaks out Mobility WODs by muscle group! Also, evernote is rad.
p.s. finally gonna make it to the box today. Writing this up here is my accountability. See you this evening!
I put up my monkfish recipe (and other ideas) for anyone in the fish CSA who hasn't made theirs yet.
thedailypaleo dot tumblr dot com.
Yesterday's 8:30 with MeLo.
Worked up to 165 on the snatch, for a 7.5lb PR. Felt like I did a good job of punching up into the bar on these.
255x3x3 felt exceedingly difficult on the HBBS. Last time I don't eat before an 8:30 class.
6am. Tough little warm-up today. Pull-ups went 20, 21, 22 and HSPUs went 10, 9, 8. First round of pull-ups was all butterfly kipped and definitely not a max effort set. Second round was 15 butterfly and 6 regular kip and was nearer to a ME. Third round was 10 butterfly and 12 regular kip and I definitely couldn't hold the bar for another rep.
Yesterday: worked up to 160# for a power snatch. Yeah, we were supposed to be squat snatching, but my body refused to drop. HBBS at 235#. Just a little bit light, but it is back off week.
6am with Jess and McDowell
did the performance version
pullups: 25, 20, 21
kipping hspus with one abmat: 12, 4 (came off the wall), 8
rows were all around 1:50 split times, didn't try to go all-out, but even 1:50 was hard on the last round.
Feeling pretty beat up today after four days on. My extra crossfit wod on Tuesday isn't helping me to have a recuperative back-off week.
Lovely 4:30 class with Whit, who is seriously nailing it with the coaching. Thanks for all the great cues today!
So great to have the door up and the sun shining. The magic of back off week continues…
Noon class with Jess.
Foam roll quads, warm up lap, DROM
– 12 wall balls 14# to 10' – plus a few air-ball re-dos and drops, otherwise unbroken
– 8 kipping t2b unbroken, hands felt fine!
– 10 burpees
6 RNDs NFT alternating:
– 400m run; Kipping pull-ups (used tape): 12, 10, 13. Ten linked kipping pull-ups was a goal of mine so I was happy with this. On the last set I hung there before finishing the last few.
– 400m row; Kipping hand-stand push-ups: 11, 15, 10. 15 is my best unbroken. Thought I could get more on the last set, but I ended up away from the wall, held a decent handstand and then came down.
2 min each side of:
– Lax calves
– Super couch stretch
This whole thing seemed like a perfect back-off day — skills work, mobility and the not for time part being key.
Fun class, gorgeous day.
Quick little upper-body office workout to save my legs for squats tomorrow:
Hang Muscle Snatch
45×5 65×4 75×3 85×2 95×1 105×1 115xF 110×1 115×1 120×1 (PR)
Pendlay Row
115×5 135×5 155×5 165x5x3
95×5 135×4 165×3 185×2 205×1 220×1 230xF 227×1 (PR)
First time benching since I hit 225 for a PR 3 months ago, squats make your bench go up after all!
10am with Jess
Loved today. Warmup felt like a mini WOD. NFT work was great, challenging yet not overwhelming.
This is my first official backoff week here at CFSBK. I've been pretty sore. Really enjoying it.
@neil, it's supposed to rain tomorrow so I got my run in today. There are a bunch of 10kish routes that don't involve more time in the park BTW – I like running over the 9th st bridge out to the peninsula thing in redhook (past the park behind IKEA), or from cfsbk it's about 10k to run out around bkln bridge park and back (and you can sprint up that big hill by the watchtower if you want then back along the promenade). Longer, you can run down the water to bay ridge (some of the industrial areas like 1st ave are kind of fun to explore but maybe less safe feeling BC nobody is around), or over the wburg bridge and back over the Brooklyn… Anyone else have local routes they like? I should join one of those trail running meetups that goes to jersey or bear mountain or wherever, so much nicer to run over there…
Looking forward to class tomorrow! There, I said it, I have to go now. I really like the programming this cycle. I enjoyed the 2 lift days we were doing before but fretted about conditioning (I'm sure it was fine I just fret a lot). But now that I'm doing Michael's running club for kids who like being wet and cold, and I can get in 2 squats, snatch, and clean and jerk, and a bunch of running, for the next 6 weeks, and I'm mostly mended from all my stupid injuries, it's basically like all my dreams have come true.
I have sworn off running the Brooklyn Bridge unless it's before 8 AM. I just can't with all the idiots trying to walk five abreast in a narrow lane that's meant for pedestrians going in BOTH directions.
Over the Manhattan Bridge may not be as picturesque, but it sure as hell is less frustrating. I haven't done that in a while and I need to fix that.