Farmers Carry: 100m x 5 Trips. Go Heavy
Push-Up or HSPS Capacity Test: Warm-Up and go for a max effort set.
Sled Push: 50m x6
Upcoming Programmings Notes:
Back off/Transition Week: 4/6-4/12
New Cycle Starts: 4/13
- Monday: Bench Press + WOD
- Tuesday
- Wednesday: Snatch + Back Squat
- Thursday: WOD gymnastics based
- Friday
- Saturday: Clean & Jerk + FSQ
- Sunday: Deadlift (Fitness) or Power Snatch (Performance) + WOD
Joey B doing beach handstands in South Africa
“There is a funny story behind the one from Boulder Bay. My fiancé was trying get to the other side of the beach to take pics of the penguins, and once she got me doing this, she ran over to the other side of the beach. However, four French people saw me doing this and came over, and started trying to do these handstands. Other people noticed, and by the end, there were ten of us, none of whom spoke the same language, all doing handstands on the beach in South Africa. It truly was a trip of a life time, but I did not work out at all while there, and all I did was eat and drink, and Im excited to be back.”
Time to Sign Up for the Vegetable CSA!
- Cost: $650 (pay by check) or $670 (by PayPal). Members pay once for the entire season.
- Sign Up: To pay by check, download the Member Agreement, fill it out, and mail it to the Farm with your check. To pay via PayPal, download the Member Agreement, fill it out, mail it to the Farm, and pay via the link on the Farm’s site to PayPal.
- Pick Up: Veggie CSA boxes are delivered every Wednesday; the pick up window is 6-8:30 PM.
- Don’t want a whole share? Many members decide to split a share with someone. If you need to find a buddy, post to the gym blog and email Michele for help: mignyc at gmail dot com.
Sign up for a Free Fish Cooking Class!
Interested in cooking (and eating!) more fish? Come to this fish cookery class to learn some basic techniques – and make a nice dinner!
Village Fishmonger, our new Fish CSA partner, has agreed to co-lead the class (and provide the yummy fish) along with our own Michele K.
The class includes hands-on cooking of several dishes, plus a fish butchery demo, recipes, equipment recommendations, and more. Dinner will follow.
When: Sunday, April 13, 2-5 PM
Where: at Coach Whitney’s house in the South Slope
Who: Up to 5 gym members
To sign up: email mignyc at gmail dot com.
Space is limited, so sign up now!
This is a Generic Brand Video Dissolve
Poop Transplants Minute earth
Fun day! I love when we get to do slow heavy stuff.
Got to 24 pushups, not quite good enough for 3rd on the leaderboard, but then LB blew us all out of the water anyway with 45. BEAST!
Noon class
6 plates on the sled and a few carries ranging from 72 ea to 120 ea
Did about 25 push ups and decided to call it.
So fun to be outside after the roughest NYC winter in recent memory
Noon class with Ro and MeLo
Worked up to 7 45lb plates on the sled. Brings back some "fond" memories of football practice. Did two farmers' walks each with the gas cans and the 120lb bar. After all that, I only had about 32 push-ups in me, done in a set of 22 and a set of 10. I am feeling pretty roached after the last cycle, so I am glad chill out week is upon us.
Strength Cycle
45 x 5
95 x 5
155 x 3
185 x 2
195 x 5 x 3
The last set was pretty hairy BUT this was my 1RM or 'heavy single' on January 29th so YAY! Onwards and upwards!!
45 x 5
55 x 4
60 x 3
62.5 x 5 x 3
Power Clean
53 x 3
63 x 3
83 x 3
93 x 3 x 3
Looking at this now, I probably messed up the warm-up a bit.. My first set at 93 was fine but the other two were pretty bad and the bar was way out in front of me. This was a 10 lb jump from last week and I am happy to drop back a bit here and focus on form.
Thanks, Stella! Thanks for counting for me and keeping me going.
So for today..
Sled: 180#ish x 5 (one way). Couldn't budge 190#. These are so hard.
Farmers: 20kg KBs x 1 (both ways); 24kg KBs x 3 (both ways)
Max reps strict HSPU: 2
Max reps kipping HSPU: 13
Max reps push-ups: 45
Morrison: 28:13
Rx, with the exception of not clearing the 10' target on some of the wall balls. That was a challenge.
Borducci and Stella! You're both amazing!
Came in tonight to make up Morrison. Took me at least five minutes of staring at the wall to finally say, Fuck this, and get started. I did step-ups (since it was the kind of night where I would have fallen on my face if I didn't) and mostly only hit the 9' target (broke WB up into sets of 10), 16kg KB. Finished in 24:10, didn't let myself rest more than a few breaths since I was scaling it.
Tacked on Tabata stair sprints with Miss Harper and some plank holds. I want my cardio fitness back!
OG for skwats:
135×6 185×6 225×3 255x6x6
Snatch "Panda" Pulls:
135×3 155×3 175x3x3
30" box jump 5×5
100 v-ups for time (6:29)
I started a new 5 week catalyst cycle today after deciding that running two squat cycles back to back was draining the life out of me. This cycle should lead in nicely to the the meet on May 18th. Additionally I need to drop around 13 lbs and squatting 3 days a week does not help with that.
Snatch (75%, 80%)x2
Snatch Pulls@105%x2x3 (297)
Front Squat 87%x1x5(352) Each rep followed immediately by 2 box jumps
70GHD sit-ups
Out on LI this weekend.
Morrison yesterday at CFGC. Matt and I did this over in a corner with no music. I suspect it would've been easier with a crowd.
30:50 Rx. Never wanted to pick up the kettlebell.
And today, with my legs a bit sore:
For time — with 115lb barbell:
10 strict press (5/5)
15 overhead squat (7/4/4)
20 push press (6/5/5/4)
25 front squat (9/6/6/4)
30 push jerk (5/4/4/4/4/5/4)
35 back squat (15/12/8)
17:05. Knew it wasn't going to be a fast one after Morrison, just happy to move and get through this one.
Excited for the programming this cycle!