For time
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of:
Thrusters, 95 / 65 lb.
For the full workout description, click here.
To keep classes running on time, we’re going to cap this workout at 25 minutes. Athletes can assign themselves a one minute penalty for every rep they don’t finish under the cap.
Alternate WOD
For time
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of:
Wall Ball Shots
Eduardo C getting down with Wall Ball
Bring Your Shoes Back
We got our new shoe racks in from BLKWD inc. We think with the new space we’ll be able to fit most if not all the shoes we had originally. Here are some shoe storage rules:
- Please write your name on the heel of your shoe somewhere. The front Desk has gel pens that work great for this.
- To maximise cubby storage, please store your shoes on top of each other with one heel and one toe facing out.
- Shoes can be stored below the bottom steel framed rack on the floor. Do NOT put shoes ON the steel racks, those are for bags.
- The Front Desk has shoe spray, we will make occasional sweeps to all the shoes but please take the time to spray your own shoes about once a week.
Please fill out our Feedback Form!
CFSBK wants to hear from you! Please take a couple minutes to fill out this feedback form regarding your experience, opinions and requests for what we offer and do at CFSBK.
Shauna S wants you to know about the Pat’s Run
As many of you know, Pat Tillman played in the NFL for four seasons with the Arizona Cardinals. After 9/11, Pat declined a huge contract to enlist and serve as a Ranger with the U.S. Army. Pat lost his life while serving in Afghanistan.
All New York-area residents have the opportunity to honor the legacy of Pat Tillman and support veterans, their families, and the Tillman Military Scholars program by participating in Pat’s Run NY Shadow Run on Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 12:00 pm. Through a partnership with EY Veterans Group and the ASU Alumni Association, the New York Shadow Run will begin at Pier 84 near the Intrepid Museum and will continue south down the West Side Highway and finish at the World Trade Center. To date, 290 Tillman Military Scholars representing 37 states and attending 74 academic institutions nationwide, including many here in New York, have been awarded more than $3.8 million.
Can you spot the liar? NYT
Chemists endorse marinating meat in beer
14.5 at OG last night: 19:04.
As reported, this is a slog. I expected to hit my strength limit with thrusters, but I took them in small sets mostly of 3's (7/7/4/3, 6/3/3/3, 3/3/3/3, 3/3/3, 3/3, 3) and they kept moving well throughout. Burpees slowed wayyy down though. The hardest thing was to keep moving through the burpees. All burpees were as floppy as possible, and I stepped up from about half of them.
Btw I had planned to do 7/7/7, 6/6/6 etc on thrusters but realized quickly that that wasn't a good idea for me. I concentrated on squat cleaning the first rep of every set and not pulling the bar too high so that it just landed in the squat rack position for efficiency. That part went pretty well, and might have made the small sets less inefficient.
My judge Chris wrote down my times for each section of each round, so I thought I'd share them in case anyone wants some benchmarks:
21/21: 1:53 / 3:50
18/18: 6:00 / 8:06
15/15: 10:15 / 12:05
12/12: 13:30 / 14:59
9/9: 16:06 / 17:15
6/6: 17:50 / 18:39
3/3: ? / 19:04
doing a little subtraction, that means that each round took
for thrusters: 1:53, 2:10, 1:25, 1:07, 0:35, < 0:25
for burpees: 1:57, 2:06, 1:50, 1:29, 1:09, < 0:25
Good luck y'all!
Yo, I want to donate my son's extra newborn baby formula to support a family/mother in need. Any organization recommendations would be great, a group local to the neighborhood would be ideal. Thanks.
Omnibus make-up post.
Did 14.5 yesterday at CFGC — 16:56.
This really takes the cake — physically challenging but not overwhelming, but just a brutal slog from a mental perspective. In my opinion, a really excellent piece of programming. (Unlike, say, 14.3)
I managed to stick reasonably well to my plan to do descending sets on the thrusters. The sets of burpees seemed to last forever — I'd love to see my over-the-bar burpees in class just to get used to the extra discomfort that the jump adds.
Thrusters were: 14/7, 8/5/5, 7/5/3, 7/5, 6/3, 6, 3
Took an extra second or two on the last burpees of each set to mentally prep for the thrusters. Kicking your legs back as far up as possible also eliminates the extra, painful step before the hop over the bar.
Thursday's clean and jerks at the 8:30 with Noah:
[115, 145, 165,] 185, 205, 215, 225 (PR), 230F
Good cue from Noah after 205 that I was forgetting the shrug at the expense of opening the hips. The cleans at 215 and 225 felt much better. Certainly had the height and speed down on the clean at 230, just collapsed a bit upon catching it.
14.5 in 24:39. Womp WOMP.
This is the worst I've felt in the gym in a long, long time. I've been sick with a never ending cold/cough for a week and haven't worked out at all since 14.4 last Saturday. I absolutely suffered through this WOD. I wanted to give it a shot so I didn't have to score a zero, but now I'm thinking it would have been better to finish the Open with my dignity intact. I was taking such long breaks because I just couldn't breathe. Strong Laura Mc was a great partner, although I had to pass on my judging duties to David for a few minutes so I could go throw up in the bathroom afterwards. Ultimate. Sadness. Good luck to everyone today, and congrats to my partner Laura, who DOMINATED this workout!
14.5 at 8am in 15:51. I wanted this to be over before I even started it. Walked out the burpees (instead of jumping out) and alternated between walking in to keep my heart rate down and jumping in to pick up the pace.
Broke the thrusters up in sets of:
Cooled down with 4 delicious blocks of totally not paleo breakfast sandwich. Nomnom.
9am with Melissa –
Since I am not registered, I did the alternate WOD (with a side of guilt once I realized I had the option to do 14.5 because it was as smallish class). I just could not talk myself into it and I am still regretting it. oh well, next year…
Did the WOD with 14lb wall balls in 11:50. Rested a few minutes and then did 3000k row.
Awesome job to everyone who did 14.5!!
I was lucky enough to be able to do a scaled version of the workout thanks to coming in early and Elliott needing a partner. Rather serendipitous.
This work was a mental challenge from the start. It didn't feel heavy at point – the work was manageable it was more about working through each rep and staying focused.
23:27 @ 75LBS
Broke up the thrusters like this:
21 (3 sets of 7)
18 (6 sets of 3)
15 (5 sets of 3)
12 (4 sets of 3)
9 (I started to get unfocused here and ended up doing 3, 2, 3, 1)
6 (2 sets of 3)
At around 12 burpees I started walking them out and walking them in just to keep my heart rate down. I was really happy to just keep these moving and not stop.
Thanks to Elliott for the coaching and motivation throughout.
@BK, definitely call or swing by CHIPS, the soup kitchen in the hood. They have a residence for homeless mothers with infants. If they can't take they could probs direct you.
DNF 14.5, my lower back made a nice "pop" halfway through the set of 9 thrusters so I laid down on the floor for a while instead of doing the final reps. Didn't brace properly for a clean from the floor. It's not so bad though, I'm just going to be uncomfortable for a few days. Felt like I was learning to do thrusters as I went through this – later reps were a little easier with better arm positioning and a very aggressive rise from the bottom.
This was super hard of course but I don't think even if I finished it would have totally knocked me out, because I was going so slowly. What I learned from the open this year is that I have a ton of stuff to work on – the weight and rep schemes in these workouts were a touch too heavy for me, so I couldn't go super hard on any of them. If I want to do better next year, I need to get a much better kip and develop more upper body strength.
14:49 RX. And I actually submitted my score this time!
I originally thought I was going to break up all the thrusters, but I realized going into this that they were my strength and the burpees were going to be a slow slog. Did the set of 21 unbroken, split 18 and 15 into two sets, then 12-9-6-3 all unbroken. Stepped up the burpees from the beginning and just tried to keep moving.
I figured this was going to be awful, and it was – but I'm glad I did it and I'm happy with my score. Thanks to the ever-lovely Alex for cheering me on and the ever-lovely Pierre for judging.
Happy end of the Open, everybody!
One last tip – go SLOW and steady on the thrusters, especially if you want to go unbroken. Pause and rest at the top, then take a big breath and get down low. This isn't Fran, and I found slow thrusters to be really efficient.
Did alternate WOD 14#, 9' in 12:57. Burpees slowed me down, but I really liked this one.
But I'm really posting to give a shout-out to coaches McD and Whit who ran class so efficiently.
14.5 20:30. Thrusters are never fun but did them cascading sets of three until 9 set and they were manageable. Burpees no bueno. and after watching some folks in later classes I'm certain I would have shaved some time had i flopped and climbed out. (I'm a Captain Hindsight which is lame. sorry). So this sucked differently than I'd expected, but sucked bad, nonetheless.
Big congrats to all who suffered though what looked like a horrendous WOD. The carnage was something to behold.
231x1x7 (I missed the first two in terrible fashion)
2 push press+ Jerk (Behind the kneck)
364x2x7 (I did an extra set by accident)
GHD situps-60
1 pm with McDowell and Whit. Giant THANK YOU for the cheers. Ya'll make finishing last way less painful and embarrassing. Big thanks to Jaclyn, too, for coaching me through every single thruster from top to bottom. The cues are a huge help. Also, she absolutely nailed this workout. Beast.
A 65 lb. thruster is a REALLY heavy weight for me and is definitely the heaviest thruster I've ever done, so it was tough to push through this with any speed. I was happy and surprised every single time one of those went up. I started rushing to try and get reps before the time cap, but in hindsight, since it was the 1 pm class, I should've just kept my steady pace and gotten a real time. I got to the first thruster in the set of 9, so that makes my time… 25 mins + 33 reps left = 58 mins. Hah, good lord! Wish I had just finished it.
That being said, I had a blast participating in the open this year, and I'm so grateful to everyone at the gym for making it such an inclusive experience, even for someone like me with my 58 minute 14.5!
14.5 in the books… and another year of the open COMPLETE! feels good to be done!
time: 18:19.
my goal was to finish under 18 min, so I'm pretty happy. this was miserable. i've been sick this week, so felt like i couldn't breathe well. some coughing, a lil phlegm. you know.
also… the entire left side of my lower back got really tight and seized up on me… probably as early as the 18's. I had a moment where I actually contemplated not finishing. quickly shut that down. I think it's leftover from the heavy/high-rep deadlift workouts (14.3 and then the dl/box jump work out earlier this week). my long left leg means the left side of my back tends to overwork. and i didn't mobilize/prep enough throughout this wk. (it was a big week full of heavy sh*t!!). need to explore this more in high rep workouts and be better about mobilizing my business.
thrusters. stuck to cascading rep schemes, which is easier for me mentally:
my judge Karl and I got a bit confused in the 15's. he thought I had 1 rep left, and I thought I had 3. I'm not sure what happened, so I did 3. anyway… may have been 2 extra thrusters?
I definitely paused with hands on knees a lot and breathed during some of the burpee sets, in between thrusters, etc. Tried to stretch out my back, get my thumb in there to coax it to release. was definitely over the line from discomfort to pain for a good portion of the wod. will be actively recovering tonight!
congrats to everyone who stuck to it and finished the open!!!
14.5 in 18:48
That was awful. I am so glad it's over. That's the worst I've felt working out in a long time. The only way it would have been worse is if it was an ascending rep scheme!
Burpees slow as molasses. I tried all manner of being comfortable with them but never was, after the 21s.
14.5 in 21:58. Pain. The burpees were slow and I took too much rest on the thrusters. I mainly stuck to the cascading rep scheme except for the 15 round which I did in 3 sets of 5. It was fun to watch people fight their way out of the darkness. I really enjoyed the Open this year, even though I landed in the heart of Mediocreville. Nice work people.
Wait, marinated steak in beer makes it healthier? That's good news. I had to check to see if that was the Onion.
holy hell was that a rough one. Got to the gym a little before the 11am class to do some mobility and get mentally ready. My shins and calves were super sore from Thursday so I knew I needed time to make that feel better. Got to watch 2 heats of the 11am class go through this which just led me to be more nervous for my turn.
12pm class:
-MeLo and I planned to go in the same heat and try to pace each other. This worked great and I think we each pushed each other to go a little harder than if we'd done it solo.
-This was the hardest, most physically demanding WOD of the open for me. No room to hide.
-Thrusters in 2 sets (12-9, 10-8, 8-7, 7-5, 6-3) until the last 2 sets. Should have gone unbroken with the 9 set which would have put me a little closer to MeLo. Rested at the top of each thruster and squat cleaned every first rep.
Glad the open is over but I'll miss the competition environment that Saturdays became. It's so much fun to try to push yourself harder than you think you can. We saw a lot of people within the gym get their first…something…and then do multiple reps of that something. Great work everybody! Can't wait for next year.
23:45 for 14.5
This was a nightmare, and I think I even loudly said that after the 18 thrusters. My goal was the finish within the cap, and I mostly stuck with a cascading rep scheme like Whit describes above, but I think I actually knocked the 12 thrusters out in two sets, and did the 6 and 3 unbroken. Burpess were slow, used the step back approach for all. It didn't make them feel any better. This involved going to a very dark place for what seemed like a long time. Got it done, though.
I was on the fence about doing the Open since a lot of this stuff is very new to me, but I am really glad I did. It was a fun time, I learned some things about myself (like I CAN actually do toes-to-bar). Cool.
Brutal way to finish out the Open. I literally wanted to quit in the middle of it.
Thrusters were the limiting factor for me. Burpees were slow and involved a lot of flopping and a little crawling towards the end.
Total time: 16:12 – tried keeping up with Matt Katz, but he kept pulling ahead on the thrusters. Thanks Ryan for the counting and the encouragement.
That was absolutely awful. I thought about quitting halfway through, but am glad I finished. Rx'd in 24:45. Thanks to lady fox for jumping in and judging and providing much needed encouragement.
Glad that's done. And that the open is over. Quite the roller coaster.
It was fun to go out with some cheering today. Thanks to everyone who stuck around for the 1pm class. Thanks David for being my judge.
My hope was to be able to keep moving and not get crushed by the thrusters. Turned out ok. Felt stronger than I thought, which meant fewer sets of thrusters. 15:57
I've appreciated hearing and reading about everyone's experiences during the open. Learned a thing or two.
It's double back off week now right?
@LadyFox, Re "'ll miss the competition environment that Saturdays became"… why not make a tradition of doing a "girl" or "open" every other week, or even weekly? I like that spirit too, and I think it would be fun to know that every Saturday was an especially intense/competitive end to the week.
Did 14.5 at the 10am Group class.
Once I heard what the workout was I decided to not tape it since it would be too boring to watch. Really happy that I did it with the Group class as the energy was electric and I get to work on the flow of the class schedule not my own putzing around delaying the inevitable forever.
I actually didn't think it would be that bad since my plan was to pace it pretty slow and just try to keep moving, especially the beginning. I couldn't have been more wrong. As many others stated the 18 round is when you start to feel think "oh shit.. is this what I'm going to feel like until it's done?" Then it was just a slow sad grind to the finish. Overall happy with my performance, but I don't feel like my time reflected how hard I thought I went. Had no goal going in but seeing other scores I'm a bit fitness jealous now.
Big thanks to Ben L for helping me pace through this workout and kept a positive and motivating voice in my ear. Also thanks to everyone who was cheering me on throughout. Also great fun to see Lauren beast this out at the 1pm class. You guys are all rockstars!
Went to AR today and it was especially amazing. Stayed afterwards to watch the 1pm class hit 14.5. So much fun! Congrats everybody! I was upset that I couldn't do it but still felt like I was a tiny part of it watching you all being so amazing. The Open has been a great experience.
I don't think there is a better way to describe that workout than "a slow sad grind". Well said David.
That sucked but at least there wasn't muscle ups! 16:31. Burpees were the hard part which I did not expect. Learned a lot from this open and can't wait to start working on all those newly found goats
Ps- is anyone else really F'ing sore?