14 minute AMRAP:
60-calorie row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots, 20 / 14 lb.
30 cleans, 135 / 95 lb.
20 muscle-ups
Read the full workout description and rules here.
Alternate WOD:
For Time:
550m Run
50 Sit Ups
50 Squats
50 Dumbbell Cleans
50 Burpees
Post results to comments.
Coach DO scores 180 with a 13:55 tie break
Happy Birthday Janelle B., Jenna J. and Doug M.!
Winos Needed!
Like wine and good times! Brian Scott is looking for help pouring wine at The Hess Collection’s table during this year’s Wine Riot. This is a tasting geared towards cork dorks in their twenties and is always a great event!
There are 4 pouring passes available for each session:
Friday, April 4th: 7pm – 11pm
Saturday, April 5th: 1pm – 5pm or 7pm – 11pm
To pour you must be 21 years old and arrive at the venue 1hr prior to set up the wines. Everything will be provided and all that is needed is for one person to be behind the table at all times. You will not need to pay an entry fee ($60) for the event.
Note – if you work the Sat night shift you will get to keep any leftovers – provided you can haul it away.
Interested parties please contact Brian at bscott (AT) hesscollection.com
A reminder that tomorrow at 2p is the meditation workshop. The workshop is at capacity, but everyone who already RSVP’ed in the comments section on the event page is welcome to join. If you can’t make it after all, please let Mare know at mare(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com.
“Gym” (Planet Fitness) tells woman she’s intimidating guests with ‘toned body’
“Ha!” Takes a serious look at humor NYT
Ira Glass on taste, creativity and drive
After watching this video and seeing the end, I'm so fucking pissed I didn't jump up and get a muscle-up. In my post clean stupor I thought I had like two or three seconds left.. I had plenty of time to get one.
I'm taking this regret to my grave.
"pro tips"
Keep the row at about 70-80% perceived intensity. I was pulling between 1000 and 1200 cals per hour at a 28s/m pace and felt fine coming off the erg.
this workout largely depends on toes to bars. If you've got them, work at small, sustainable sets with consistent rest. Don't sandbag it but don't go to failure.
Same with the Wall Ball, I suck at them and had to do sets of 5. Most people fitter than me can do sets of 10, at this point things start to feel terrible, just get okay with the idea that this workout is going to feel awful until it's over.
If you could do doubles or triples on the clean do so. I would say at this point you need to be well aware of the clock and push or pace depending on what you've got left here. Take your time setting each one up but pull reps like you're on a metronome.
Little seconds really add up here, especially if you feel pretty competent at all the movements. Don't pull a DO.
Have fun with it! 14.4 was the toughest workout in the Open yet. Time to go to work!
Well all my strategies went out the window once I started 14.4. lol
I had planned on taking the row nice and easy but instead I went pretty hard (not all-out, but faster than I anticipated) I have no idea if the extra effort wasted me, or the extra 30 seconds helped me in the end.
Finished the row in about 2:45 and had 15 T2B pretty easy in about 4:00 minutes, engaging my lats like I planned, etc.. and then… Yikes! The next 35 T2B were laborious to put it mildly, swinging my hips crazily and just grinding them out as singles over 5-6 minutes.. Much credit to Val (my judge) for cheering me on so encouragingly. Got to the cleans at 12:30 and all my pre-workout thoughts about good form went out the window. Got 8 for a final score of 158, which was about what I hoped for.
Fun though. Good luck to all today.
14.4 is in the books with 156 reps. I'm so glad it's over so I can enjoy the rest of my weekend anxiety-free.
Row in just under 4 minutes. Then T2B in sets of 5 until 30, then down to sets of 3. Got to wall balls at about 9 minutes (I think? Maybe 10 minutes?) and did them in sets of 10 (with a handful of no reps for not hitting the wall). Approached my bar with about a minute and a half to go and the only reason I even attempted to pick it up was because David was standing right next to me, just saying over and over "Hands on the bar. No pacing now. Hands on the bar." I'm pretty convinced I would've gotten 2 or 3 cleans if he wasn't there, so thank you David.
I am really happy that I got to the cleans, and even managed to do a few! This was a fun workout. But David nailed it when he said you will be in the pain cave. Wall balls, which are usually one of my strengths, were torturous. And 95# felt like 120#, for realz. Good luck to everyone today, and have fun!
9am with Melo and DO. I knew 14.4 would be challenging for me since I don't have consistent t2b. I was happy that I got 8 in the warmup, but disappointed that I only got 6 in the workout. I had several tries where my toes were about 2-3 inches away and I just couldn't get them to touch. There was one rep where I felt my lats engage and it was smooth, but just couldn't repeat it. Decided to move on around the 9 min mark and finished the wall balls and did 15 cleans. I'm glad I registered for the open, but definitely points out a few skills that need some work.
Alternate WOD with 30lb DBs.
Slow as molasses, finished in 15 minutes flat. Groan, creak, moan.
Thanks for all the sweet comments from yesterday, it was fun to read them along with people's obsessive 14.4 strategy breakdowns! I really enjoy taking the photos of everyone in action and seeing you all make such amazing improvements. When I dig around in my archives it's pretty clear how awesomely strong everyone has gotten over the years.
One more nugget – I have over 150,000 photos of everyone killing it at Crossfit on my computer. Interpret that as either awesome or slightly creepy. 😉
Noon class with Jeremy and McDowell.
When I saw 14.4 posted I thought I was doomed to 60 reps, since I didn't think I had T2B. BUT, I tried one on Thursday night and got it! I was so shocked that I made Whitney come over and verify (thank you, Whit!). I was afraid if I kept trying them they would go away, so I went into this workout with absolutely no idea what was going to happen.
I am very pleased to say that I managed 41 T2B, for a total score of 101 on 14.4. I still can't believe it! The hardest part was definitely the grip. Since I don't have pull-ups/chin-ups/kipping anything, I'm just not used to being on the bar for so long. I only had one or two failed reps today, but I was so slowed down by the pain in my hands. I think a little more grip strength would have gotten me through all 50. Anyway, I'm pretty thrilled with the 41. Thanks to Sarah for some excellent judging! Great day today.
Oh and thanks to everyone who was yelling at Willie to get back on the bar, because I definitely thought you were yelling at me… and it helped!
14.4 is in the books.
I was hoping to get to 180 and make one decent attempt at the MU, hopefully matching DO's pace to the cleans, but the T2B gods would not have it. Got off the rower in 2:25 and my kip evaporated by the second set. 5, 3, 21×2, which took me well past 9:00.
Did the 40 WBs unbroken to give me a glimmer of hope, but couldn't manage to string any clean together. Only regret is that I didn't try to strong any together. Might have broken 170 that way.
Super proud of Matt, who beasted the T2B to get to 174.
11am with Whitney who did a fantastic job of organizing amongst the crowded chaos!
Alternate WOD in 15:30 with 15# DB cleans. I think I could have gone heavier on the cleans….Why do burpees never get easier??!!! Did the first 20 in 2 sets of 10 but then went down to sets of 5 to finish.
Everyone was killing 14.4….great job!!
OG last ntie
(176, 187, 203)x2
365x5x6 (F-ck ya)
Snatch grip DL@312x3x4
14.4(first two movements)
Row/TTB in about 7ish mins…IM OUTTA SHAPE
Thanks, Nan! Great fun coaching today, even if the space was quite tight and a lil crazy! Congrats to everyone who got 14.4 in the books and to everyone who slogged through that nice little chipper!
14.4: so glad I came in at 9AM to get this DONE before yoga and coaching for the day. I was nervous and a bit amped up, so it was a good choice to get it done before watching a whole bunch of other people push thru. Great to read the strategies and comments ahead of time.
165 reps. Got off the erg just after 4 minutes, which was my target. T2B: started with sets of 3 through about 24 or so, then did doubles. Had a couple failures on my doubles so decided to just keep digging with singles. I didn't want to waste energy so did one quick, hopped off, shook it out, turned around, and got right back up. This felt solid and I was able to keep moving.
WALL BALLZ were the suckfest. Pain cave like whoa. I had planned 4 sets of 10 but just couldn't get it goin. Did 5's, 6's 7's mostly. This felt like an eternity. Think I had one no rep.
Cleans. Just was hurting so bad by this point, but knew I wouldn't regain any semblance of a moderate heart rate. All singles and just tried not to rest too much. Echoing KH… 95 felt like a lot more than that!
I have a dance rehearsal tonight. Should be interesting!
Went alternate since my T2B are horrid.
DB Cleans @ 30LBS
Finished right at the 14:00
This was tougher than expected. The run was smooth (my endurance training definitely helped out here), situps were fine, as were squats, and then all of the sudden you get to the DB cleans and burpees and it just hits you right smack in the face.
Did 4 sets of 10 on the cleans and then finished with 2 sets of 5. Didn't have any strategy for the burpees and I kept looking back at the clock (wanted to beat 14:00). The last bit was rough and I squeaked out the last burpee right before the clock turned 14:00.
Congratulations to everyone who participated in 14.4 – tough stuff. I'm not brave enough to continuously fail at T2B 😉
Previous to 14.4, I had maybe a couple of TTB. Zero in a WOD.
Today, 33 TTB. Sweet!!!
Coach Nick, you'd be proud. I was the first one off my ERG in my heat. Think my time was like 3:14. The Coach at my wife's box was my judge and he was loving my pace.
93 reps total which was more than i expected. I'll take it.
137 reps, pretty happy with that. I was really worried about both t2b and wall ball, so in a way happy they were both in the same workout. I can kip a little but need 2 swings per t2b and it showed! Got off the erg pretty fast, right under 3 I think. My plan for t2b was going really well until my forearms died. Then I started failing and taking longer and longer breaks to get doubles. Since just getting set up for my 1st takes me like 2 seconds hanging on the bar, doing singles is kind of a waste. Anyway I got to wb with 2 minutes left, basically fresh except for my forearms… I was very surprised these went so well, 27 in total. Would have loved to hit some cleans but I need to learn to cycle t2b better. Next year!
@ Christian Arca. I knew I recognized the name from somewhere. I served someone with your name in Olympia Wine Bar in DUMBO last week. Was it you?
Congrats everybody! Lily, that's huge! I am so happy for you, but you know that already 🙂
14.4 at the 10am class. 134 reps. So glad that's over.
Over the last month or so, I've been having a pain in my right lat/intercostal muscles that was triggered any time I did toes to bar. I'd been avoiding them to let whatever was going on in there heal. So I was pretty nervous going into this, both because I historically suck at t2b and also because I didn't want to injure myself on them. Had been planning to skip the t2b and go straight to wall balls if anything started to hurt at all, but happily (or unhappily I guess, depending on how you want to look at it!), I was pain-free, so I stuck it out for all 50 miserable reps. Almost all singles. Lots of missed reps/flailing/stomping around in frustration. But dammit, I finished!
By the time I finally got off the bar, I felt like I could have done the wall balls unbroken, but I just ran out of time.
Also I ripped the shit out of my hands right around the 45th rep of the t2b. Look ma, I'm a real crossfitter now! Hah.
8am with Melo and David today
I rowed a little harder than I had originally planned, because it felt good, and I came off the erg around 2:40 I think. After that I just tried hard to stick to my strategy of cutting the breaks painfully short. Ttb were in sets of 5 for the first half, then 3s and 2s, and finally singles for the last 10 or so. Wallballs in sets of 5 with 10 second breaks. When I got to the cleans at around 9:00, it felt like there was 185 pounds on the bar and I needed every second of those 5 minutes to make it to 30. Ended up with 180 reps at 13:58. I don't think I had a muscleup in me at that point, but I was glad I got to see Brad make an attempt!
It was great working out with everyone today and seeing the level of energy and excitement for this WOD.
@Asta – I enjoyed reading your responses on yesterday's post. Thanks for capturing so many great moments at CFSBK ..and for your empathy in the photo selection process.
I was a little too worried going in today hearing about the depth and darkness of the 14.4 pain cave. One of my goals has been to not shy away from a dark place, and I think I got there in the last minute of cleans thanks to Jess Bailey who quietly but sternly insisted that I not stop ..at all. I was talking with some folks afterwards about how the perfect storm of support, encouragement, ambient energy and healthy competition can make such a difference in the outcome of these things. Jess moving at an inspirational pace and exceeding her own expectations was a huge motivator for me when my turn was up.
The other thing that has noticeably affected my scores has been whether or not I had a game plan. Overall, I think I kept a non-killer pace with an eye on the clock which got me something like 3.5 min to get 21 cleans. The T2B were just enough of a break for the wall balls. I probably wasted more time than I needed to on the T2B, but thanks to some sound advice, the time I wasted was resting time and not dangling or missed rep time. Also, I used grips for the first time, which was helpful bc I wasn't constantly worrying about my hands. I shouldn't have taped my fingers though because, as if to punish me for being such a dork, it bunched up and I had a hard time getting it off mid-workout when I had no finger dexterity to speak of.
I'm hoping for HSPUs and rope climbs for 14.5. Time to shake things up. And, seriously, anything but thrusters and boring old burpees.
11am class
Great energy in the gym today!
Very disappointing. As I expected, the toes to bar took me forever. I know what I need to get better at for next year.
OG last night:
Snatch triples hh > mh > floor
40×1 50×1
60×1,1 65xM,1,1 70×1 75×1 77xM 75×1
Feeling this out after my trouble at the meet, its starting to come back together a little.
Clean, push jerk, jerk
60×1 70×1 75×1 80×1
135×5 185×4 225×3 255x3x6
Started a 6 week Russian Squat Cycle this week. Going to be a LOT of volume, should be fun.
Woke up late today then found myself rushing after breakfast to make the 1PM class for 14.4.
This was fun and brutal. Planned to go pretty easy through the row and T2B, surprised myself by maintaining 1cal/pull for almost the whole row. Started off with 5s on the T2B, made it to 25 before I went to 4s then quickly to 3s and 2s. WB felt great with the lifting shoes, but were definitely a gasser at that point. 10 then 5s to the finish. Had maybe 3 minutes to clean and managed 17 pretty crisp (but heavy feeling) singles by SLAMMING my hips into the bar to get it up.
167 and definitely happy with that.
12 hours after my 8am 14.4 an I am just now feeling well enough to post. This WOD kicked my ass! I can honestly say I don't think I had another rep in me. Hit 171 reps.
I was off the erg in exactly 3:00 which was my plan at 20 cal per minute. T2B were in 3s pretty much the whole time and was definitely the right strategy. WBs were at 10-5-10-5-5-5. Cleans felt hard from the beginning and then I fell into a semi smooth pattern until clock ended.
Shout out to my partner in crime Isaac who was my partner in 3 of the 4 Open WODs so far. (I think.) His coaching and cues kept me moving WAY faster than I wanted.
Also a great energy in the gym this morning facilitated by David and Melissa. Feels great to start my day that way.
@Charlie yeah! I live in Dumbo. That was on Saturday – right?
Did (okay, re-did!) 14.4 during open gym Sunday night. I got 154 reps, which is four reps into the cleans.
My strategic error on Saturday morning was tearing away at the erg and thereby shooting my forearm. That made T2Bs an epic struggle. My judge on that one told me that at one point I was hitting 1800 cal/hr… which is so inappropriate.
Sunday I took it easy, kept the pace around 1000 cal/hr, and it made all the difference. Also, props to Ben L. for encouragement and awesome advice during the WOD.