Performance: 3 Position Clean + 1 Jerk
Fitness: Segment Deadlift + 1 Mid Hang Clean + 1 Jerk
Post loads to comments.
Team Chipper
In teams of 3 with one partner working at a time, complete the following for time:
3000m Row
150 Box Jumps
100 Dumbbell Thrusters
We recommend doing 500m relays on the row, breaking up the box jumps into 25s and the Thrusters into 16 rep sets. Go heavy on the DB Thrusters
Will Wall Balls make their apperance in the 14.4 Chipper?
- Happy Birthday Uzef G!
News and Notes
- Save the date! On April 5th, we’ll be hosting a bike maintenance class to help bring your bike out of winter hibernation. Basic bike maintencene like flat repair, brake and gear adjustments as well as general maintencence tips will be covered. You’ll be able to bring your bike right into the gym to use it as an example with the folks from Bicycle Habitat. Click on the event page to the right for more info!
- We’re also considering a clothing swap event on April 19th after Saturday group classes pending interest. If you’re interested in swapping some gently used adult and children’s clothing, please let us know in the comments.
- Don’t forget, Yoga for Athletes with Whitney H is now at 7:30pm on Thursday nights!
Meat CSA: Free gift for new members and NEW refer-a-friend bonus!
We are having a special sign-up bonus for new members who join the Herondale meat and poultry CSA in the months of April or May.
New 15-lb share members will receive three of our most-loved items: a juicy NY strip steak, a pack of pork chops, and a pack of our legendary bacon. That’s in addition to the regular share – a $50 bonus!
New 10-lb share members will receive a NY strip and a pack of bacon in addition to the regular share – a $35 bonus!
Refer-a-friend: Any existing CSA member who refers someone to the program will receive 2 packs of the brand-new Jacuterie bacon – choose any 2 from Jack’s great new flavors (maple, honey garlic, or Italian.) All are mouth-wateringly good, so refer your friends today! Write to to make it happen. Remember, you don’t need to be a member of CFSBK to belong to the CSA.
Questions? Email mignyc at gmail dot com.
Check out “A Tale of Two Wendler Waves” written by our own Samir C!
What time on April 5th?
Clothing swap: YES! Could we do a book swap too?
Clothing swap – absolutely x 100.
6am with Jess and DO. Worked up to 103# on the performance c&j complex. I could probably add a few more pounds with the clean, but find it difficult as it gets heavier to stay braced and not take the brunt of the jerk with my lower back.
Partnered with Joy for the 2 person version of this fun chipper. We each did 500-500 for the row, 25-25 for the box jumps and 15-10-8 for the db thrusters with 20# dbs. I think we finished around 16:20.
I am so excited for the bike maintenance class!! I was thinking earlier this week how I either needed to find a class or watch some youtube videos, especially since my brakes are annoyingly squeaky right now. I am clueless when it comes to this stuff, so really looking forward to this!
My butt is super pronounced in that picture. I don't know how I feel about the giant wedgie I appear to get during wall balls.
I have clothes in excellent condition to swamp (and books)!
@Amy…bike class would be 230-4 on April 5th
@Matt, just remember that strong is the new beautiful. No matter what they say.
Shake what your mama gave ya!
Hopefully 14.4 involves 150 wallballs so I can make a grand appearance. Bring your kids and have your cameras ready cause I'm ready to dance!!
I am into the clothing swap. And I am into Matt Katz's Money Maker/Amazing Wedgie.
Into it.
Yes to clothing swap!
Have missed you all. Major sickness, then amazing trip to Kenya = no squatting for 6 weeks. Hope to be back in the gym next week!
1st pukie visit in 3+ years of CrossFit. Wow…
I'd be interested in a clothing swap
yes to clothing swap
6am with DO, Jess Fox and the crew.
185# on the performance complex working with Alex.
My lower back and general core area is smoked! Saturday's open workout + Sunday's CityRow class + Monday and Wednesday's WODs have done a number on me. It's not so much that my back hurts (it really doesn't) but my clean and jerks were definitely off today as I felt like I couldn't stabilize at all. I digress.
20:30 on the WOD using 45# DB's. Team APM (Alex/Peter/Michael) attacked it with fury and a bit too much optimism. 🙂
"Let's do sets of 25 on the box jumps and 15's on the thrusters" – was what we said with smiles before the workout …
"Um <gasping> let's do <more gasping> 10's on everything" we all said and agreed to during the row. We wound up doing 7's on the thrusters anyways.
Lots of fun and I always enjoy working out with those guys.
Have a great day everyone.
I'm also wishing for something with burpees this weekend, and nothing approaching Karen regarding WB's.
14.4 Update!!!!
Yes, it is a Chipper involving Wall Balls, but will now incorporate removing wedgies from Matt Katz.
6am. Worked up to 185# on the performance clean and jerk complex. In a reversal of my usual story, the cleans felt slow and weak and my jerks were crisp and solid. Finished the chipper with Michael and Alex in 20:30. We broke the row into 2 500m pieces each. Sets of 10 on the box jumps and sets of 7 on the thrusters. Fun time. I like partner chipper wods. Built in rest, but the motivation of a partner to push hard when you're working.
Yes to clothing swap and book swap! Also, any chance the community may be interested in a pet adoption event sometime this Spring / Summer? I'm volunteering with a shelter and I know other CFSBK members are associated with different pet rescue groups. It would be great if there's anyway we could leverage the CF community to get dogs and cats out of shelters and pair up a Crossfitter with a new family member.
I love how much y'all care about my bootay.
Thanks to everyone who's been showing so much love this week to Stella, OG CFSBK dog mascot (she's Miss October on the dog calendar on the fridge). I am dog sitting her while her owner, also OG SBK'er Matt Ufford, is on vacation.
Would love to participate in the clothing swap!!
10AM with Jess.
Only got up to 125 on the fitness complex. Still sore from Monday/Tuesday.
Partnered with Steve and Brad on the WOD and finished in 19:49. Did the thrusters at 30lbs.
Brad carried us in the last round, doing more than his fair share of thrusters. Thanks!
10am with Jess…
Worked up to 98 on C&J. Felt good.
Loved the partner chipper WOD. Was paired with Whitney and Keith and we finished in 20:16. Broke up the rows 500 x 2 each. Box jumps 25 x 2 each and Thrusters 10 x 3 and then Whitney took one for the team and we broke up the last 10 4-3-3.
I love these types of partner WODs because you get rest and work harder because you are part of a team! Fun stuff.
Clothing and book swap would have been amazing a few months back. I donated tons of books and clothes when I moved 3 months ago! oh well.
Usef (zp?) Happy Birthday!
Thanks to Kate R. for sharing that gem from my fourth studio album, Stripped.
Matt Katz, just remember – neither words, nor wedgies, can bring you down.
Fun 6am class with Jess and DO
Crazy 3-cleans-from-different-positions-then-a-jerk complex: 95, 135, 155, 165, 175
Recovering 175 from a front rack to a hang position without dropping it was something I have never attempted, and it surprised me that it was actually manageable. Every other aspect of this complex was terrible at that weight. From my clean pulls, to my front squats, to my split jerk, each movement became a rescue operation. If I had more time I would have repeated that weight and tried to organize it better. Not sure I could have gone any heavier.
Chipper with Peter and Michael A: as previously reported, we got 20:30 with 45# DBs. This was a lot of fun.
7am with 7 dudes plus KH. Stella – where were you?! Worked up to 103# on the performance C&J complex, then tried at 108# and failed on the third clean. My 1RM on this movement is 113#, so I guess 108# was pushing it a bit. Then I was paired with Rob and Peter on the WOD, which we finished in 22:03 with a 20" box and 25# DB. This was way harder than I thought it would be, especially the row. I went out a little too hard on my first one and couldn't keep up my pace. We broke it up into 500m, then for box jumps we each did 25-15-10 (this was brilliant, BTW), then thrusters in sets of 10 until the last set which was Rob 4, Me 3, Peter 3. Definitely had the "jelly-legs-while-going-down-the-subway-steps" afterwards. Oh, and after the WOD, Val told me that I "looked pretty jacked". This basically made my day. Thanks Val.
The blog lies. It's 150 box jumps and 100 thrusters. Consider yourself warned.
Every once in a blue moon, if you're lucky enough, you might get the chance to meet a delightful weirdo. For instance, maybe it's a spritely twink-weight born and raised in Coney Island who was loves nothing more than getting crushed by the heavy weight of a barbell in his satanist socks and making prison-sex jokes in front of complete strangers. Thank you CFSBK for affording me this magical opportunity and for being a place where people bond even when sweaty, grunting and panting…. Happy birthday, Uzef. Stay weird. <3
Worked up to ~196 (89kg) on the complex. Felt a little off, kept pulling out in front and short stepping my jerk. Chalk it up to a bad day.
WOD with DJ and [insert name here] (sorry, I'm terrible with names so don't take it personally) in 22:49 I think. Thrusters were at 50#, which got pretty heavy so I was happy to be able to do them 13, 10, 10 (barely)
Sorry Cage! Trying to do CF 4x/week, AR for my 5th, and running 2x/week now that the weather finally allows it. So I was out running while y'all were chipping away.
Back tomorrow, though, for sure.
Rumor has it that this is 1/3 of the 14.4 chipper WOD
C&J performance complex up to 113#. 103# was crisp and felt great. Lost my back a bit and jumped forward on 113#.
Workout was fun somehow. Kept my splits real close to 2:00 which is tough for me, 20" box, and 20# db which were less torturous than anticipated. Rachel and Marina were great partners.
Snatch drills were clicking today. Some solid dips. Pretty happy with this.
Happy birthday Uzef!
Oh and great idea on the bike maintenance class. Thanks for offering this. Is it open to non-members?
6AM with Jess and DO. Worked up to 115 on the fitness C&J complex. Still slow on the clean, though DO gave some good pointers, thanks. Not very consistent with the foot positioning on the split jerks, but getting the weight overhead didn't seem to be a problem. Partnered with Christian and Scott on the chipper. Liked the partner set up, having some recovery time between sets. I don't remember our time, but it felt good.
Lots of other good stuff to talk about today.
Who wants some free bacon and a new 'friend'? Was already going to sign up for the meat share CSA, so I'm an easy referral.
Also, I'd be up for swapping some clothes for books. great idea! Also like Judes idea about a pet adoption event!
Lastly, Christian Jon and I are going to meet up at 6AM tomorrow morning for a run across Manhattan bridge and back (and maybe around the area if we have time).
I'll leave it to Christian or Jon to call out our meet up spot around the base of the bridge since that's their hood up there.
Two words: Taco Cleanse
Saw this an immediately felt a need to post it. Also, many thanks to the 430 crew who was super supportive as I finished out those final, painful thrusters.
Today's Workout in my garage
Fitness Clean and Jerk Complex at #95
Was Focusing on getting down in my squat which i really haven't been doing much of.
Clean and Jerks are a weakness of mine and will be something to work on.
Partner WOD with Me, Myself, and I
500Mx2 @1:56 with a 1:1 Work/Rest
16 Jump Ups/Step Downs x3
11 DB Thrusters @25# x3
1 min rest between each of those sets
Dave Castro!!!
I'm so honored that you have finally invited me to a CrossFit Open!!!
Matt: nice job making today's blog about your ass. Excellent buttock definition BTW!
Michele: the athletes should be thanking you! (And Stella of course)
Samir: Why you gotta turn a strength program into some kind of endurance marathon? C'mon man, 20 reps?
Lisa F: Well said, well said. Respect to the ZEF!
It's like the Head Gamemaker heard SBK was rowing on Thursdays and decided to throw it into the Open to mess with our heads!
14.4 sounds like a logistical nightmare! Also kind of a bummer that the "Open" is getting less and less "Open" this year.
Any thoughts on how to approach 14.4? For me it will be about trying to get to 180 reps – no chance of muscle ups – not sure how much the T2Bs and the 135#cleans will slow me down. Should we go all out on the row? Or go more at like an 85% pace?
5:30 with Whit and Ro, with guest appearances from the boss. Worked up to 133# on the performance complex. The cleans felt good, but the jerk earned me a "please don't ever do it like that again" face from DO. Need to drop under the jerk more better.
The chipper was fun, worked with tough broads Inka and Jacqueline (sp?). 20" box and 30# dumbbells. Not sure how long it took us, but it seemed like approximately forever.
Oh and also re: 14.4, finally my favorite movements, wall balls and cleans, and I probably won't even get to them! Sad.
I predict AMRAP 27 minutes burpees for 14.5.
Michael – I'd say don't go all out on anything until the very end. This workout is going to be all about being consistent — even when Bridges and Panchik did it, they broke up the toe to bars into sets of 10s, then 5s, and did singles on the cleans.
Been broken lately but glad I made it in for 7:30 tonight. No leg pain! Just miscellaneous other things that are healing, I hope.
Started on performance but my attendance has been sporadic this cycle and my cleans went downhill so I switched to fitness. Jerks just got better and better though. 95# was weird, I thought I hit 155# really well (for me). I like partnering with Mike because he's very… graphic with his breathing and cues, which inspires me to stick my positions.
Partnered with Ryan and (other) Mike for the WOD, we finished in I think 20:35. Solid effort from all of us, I thought it went really well. I liked this, although for some reason I always expect to end up heaving on the ground but I felt fine after finishing today. I'll save the heaving for Saturday. I wish the cleans were after the row, because t2b and wall ball are just going to be a steady drumbeat of "no rep… no rep… no rep…" that's ok though because 14.5 is going to be a 10 hour AMRAP video game ultramarathon which is totally in my crossfit wheelhouse.
@Neil and Christian (and anybody else who'd like to go join us for a light jog):
There's a staircase at the corner of Jay Street & Sands Street leading up to the pedestrian walkway, let's meet on the stairs.
Map here:,-73.986835,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x89c25a3442fa4a57:0x838e0afb3f9bb7ef (and just a note if you're not familiar with DUMBO geography, Google Maps lies about where the F train is, it's really at the corner of York & Jay two blocks from where Google thinks it is)
I haven't been around much lately, but I love all the activities being proposed. Hell yes to the clothing and book swap and the idea of the pet adoption is amazing! Thanks Mare and everyone else who is coming up with all these great ideas and making them happen.
Rare (for me) 7:30 pm class
3 Position Clean + Jerk
Chipper with PR and James
24" and 45#
This was fun. I love team WODs that force rest.
Rowed 500m in about 1:45 each
Box Jumps were bounding sets of 10
Thrusters 14-10-10
I really hope to get to the muscle ups in 14.4, but those damned T2B are going to take me forever.
WOW. Today was a big day for me!
Taught a total of 3 yoga classes, coached 4:30, 5:30, 6:30pm group class and assisted Ro on 8:30 foundations. I am LE TIRED! But also really energized and grateful to be learning with the best and having FUN! Thanks to everyone!
10AM group class with Lady Fox
Performance C&J complex: 63#, 83#, 93#, 103#, 103#
Maybe could've squeezed out 108 or 113, but figured it was smart to do another set at 103 and just make it better! Good cue from Mr. Fox about not slowing down my first pull too much as it gets heavier. I think I've gotten over pulling to early, so now I don't need to purposefully delay the pull from the floor. In general, elbows felt fast. Jerk felt SOLID today.
Partner chipper with Keith and Michelle. 20" and 20# DB's. We finished in 20:16. That was painful. Box jumps were a relief and fun to bound through. DB thrusters are just the worst.
I'm gonna sleep like a baby and dream of getting through those T2B in 14.4 quickly so I can get some cleans done!