Check out Rob I’s best lifts from the recent Powerlifting meet CFSBK sent a team to. Strong work, Rob!
- Don’t forget that tomorrow CFSBK is hosting the Brooklyn Community Foundation’s “Brooklyn Get Down” party and fundraiser. If you’re going to drink this weekend, it might as well be for a good cause!
- 14.3 has been announced! Are you happy you practiced your box jumps? What is your plan for this workout?
Last day to take home your shoes
CFSBK has a shoe problem. As many of you have noticed the oly shoe situation in the coat room is out of control. Today is the last day to remove your shoes before we remove and eventually recycle abandoned oly shoes. If you can’t make it to the gym, please email cfsbkfrontdesk (AT) and we’ll label and put your shoes aside.
Sign up for Strength!
There are a few slots left in Coach Jeremy’s upcoming Strength Cycles, if you want to dedicate some time on your strength, strike while the irons hot.
Strength Cycle A: Novice PM
Dates: March 17th, 2014 – May 9th, 2014
Schedule: Monday, Wednesday at 7pm, Friday at 6pm
Register here (Only 4 slots left)
Strength Cycle C: Novice AM
March 17th, 2014 – May 7th, 2014
Monday and Wednesday 6:30am
Register here (Only 1 slots left)
Both cycles will wrap up with a CrossFit Total on Sunday May 11th, 2014.
How to Clean Your Smelly Workout Clothes Properly lifehacker
Why High-Impact Exercise Is Good for Your Bones NYT
Bodyweight Single Leg Squat Progression says
I'm going to see if other folks find this effective, but I may actually do step-ups instead of box jumps. They're less taxing and will leave me with the gas to lift a bunch of heavy deadlifts. Any thoughts? It worked really well for some folks last year.
MattyChm says
I agree with Matt. I remember last year I was jumping on the box and afterwards I wished I did step ups. Unless you can bound up and down like a champ you aren't losing that much time. And I usually jump up and step down anyway so I think the timing is about the same.
Step ups are allowed correct? says
Thanks for the shout-out about my show yesterday guys!
I'm on at 9pm tonight at The Rock Shop, a 5-minute walk from CFSB.
I gotta try to keep it to only a couple beers tonight in advance of 14.3 tomorrow morning! says
Matty – yup, according to the rules, step-ups are allowed. You can even push down on your knees with your hands if need be (and some folks at Breaking Muscle even recommended doing that).
Dan L says
I did it this morning and did about half the box jumps as step ups to save some gas for the deadlifts, which were by far the more difficult part of the workout. I did the first 5-10 as step ups and then when I felt good enough I'd go to bounding.
It got hard right after the first set at 275 (I did 7, then 5, then a whole bunch of 3s and a couple singles). Ended up with 126, so BJ shy of the 315 round. Would have liked to get into the 315 round but pretty happy with where I ended up overall.
Shawn says
6am with Nick and DO. I did yesterday's c&j and rowing work. I haven't done a lot of cleaning and jerking, so it took a bit to get my brain and body more or less synched up. Worked up to 125#, which is a PR by a decent margin. I enjoyed the rowing. My sets went 2:02, 1:59; 2.00; 1:57, so if nothing else, I was pretty consistent.
lady fox says
Nice lifts Rob!
Reminder that anyone interested in possibly forming a 2nd softball team should email me ASAP at info(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com with 'Softball' in the subject line.
I'm excited for 14.3 since it caters to my strengths…but my back is a little nervous. 😉
KMo says
Hey! I liked the bodyweight single leg squat progression video! I may sprinkle some of these variations into my warm-ups. Reverse lunges are a little too easy, but I can't do the prescribed number of pistols in the allotted time. David and JMD should shoot a CFSBK version 🙂 Thanks for posting! Happy FRIDAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!
Samir Chopra says
@MGMT: Any chance the folks not registered for the open could do a modified version of 14.3 tomorrow so that we don't mess up our Wendler DLs on Sunday? I dunno, perhaps just do a AMRAP of light deadlifts and box jumps? We'd still get a metconnish workout but not knock ourselves dead with trying to do high-rep medium to heavyish DLs. Just an idea. YMMV.
Rob F. says
Catch up post from Wed/Thur
Both performed in my garage/backyard
Back Squat 2×10@160. Steady progressions there. back in June, my 1RM was 185, so im happy with this improvement.
Wall Ball/Box Jump was cut short due to the downpour that began in my second set. Wet Wall Balls + Wet Hands + Wet Cement + Wet Box = Accident Waiting to Happen.
HHC + Push Jerks @110. Not real happy with this light weight, but the Clean portion wasnt smooth, so kept it there. Push Jerks were better.
Row comentary
At the CRASH Bs, my race pace was supposed to be 2:01. since i was battling a real bad cold, It ended up being much slower at 2:09. Today i wanted to keep it below 2:00, so i aimed for 1:58. thanks to coach nick's training, i was able to avg a 1:57.6. About right on target. Although these numbers are not going to get me to the Olympics, they were exactly where I wanted to be. Thanks Nick!
Rob F. says
some tips i just read that may help with 14.3
guys could use the #35 bar and stick some #5s on the ends. This will save some grip strength, especially my small hands!
Also planning to do jump up/step down. Did these during FGB and noticed that I didnt loose much time.
Christina says
8am with Noah – High hang was challenging which made the clean more of a limiting factor than the jerk. Made it to 78# which is pretty good for me. The rowing was brutal, as expected. Ended up with 1:59, 2:00, 2:02 and 2:03. While my times went up, I'm glad it wasn't a dramatic increase.
JoelW says
Make up post from last night:
Got in to do clean work and then made up squats from Wednesday which a long night of work on Tuesday prevented me from doing. Worked up to a clean 155 on the performance complex. i really like these high hang cleans and really hate push jerks. i got extremely hyperextended on one last night and it freaked me out. had a nice one rep of high hang and push jerk but missed the second at 175.
squats, wendler 1 week: 250×5, 285×3, 320×10. 320×10 on the rep out might be the best squat set i've ever had. looking forward to 14.3
NO says
Courtesy of The Fu and because I care.
14.3 is upon us! You only get 8 minutes to get through this WOD so movement efficiency and transitions are extremely important. Here are your tips and tricks to make 14.3 fly as smoothly as possible: 1. Set your station up so that you are toggling back and forth between your deadlift station and box jump station. It should be no more than a 180 degree turn and you're ready to transition to your next movement. 2. Line (do not stack) your plates next to your bar in the order that they will be used. 3. An extra consideration for the boys to save on grip strength would be to use the smaller 35lbs women's bar. You would simply load a 5lbs plate on the inside of the bar and then load the bar normally as you would a 45lbs men's bar. 4. Mix grip the deadlift right out the gates to spare the forearms. 5. Have a belt nearby for when you feel the trunk start to go. This will help keep you together when fatigue starts to set in and spinal integrity starts to go. If you've never used a belt before, trying it in this workout may not be the best time to learn. 6. Depending on your capacity, start breaking up the deadlifts before you feel the back start to bow. For many, this could be as early as set 1 or 2. The goal is to keep away from the back barbecue. Once the back starts getting pumped out, you'll start losing the ability to continue moving through the workout continuously. 7. I would actually advise against rebounding box jumps for the majority. Rebounding takes quite a bit of energy to cycle the rhythm down and up. We found during last year's Open that, for the majority of our athletes, jumping up and stepping down or stepping up and stepping down kept a very similar pace to rebounding box jumps and allowed the athlete to spare energy towards the rest of the workout. To test for yourself, time yourself doing a set of 15 box jumps rebounding, 15 box jumps jumping up and stepping down, and 15 box jumps stepping up and stepping down. Take note of the time and energy cost of each set using this information to help create your strategy for 14.3.
Lauren says
@NO – thanks for posting this.
I wanted to mention that I thought yesterday's class was a great training combo. The high-hang clean and double jerk complex highlighted many of my weaknesses and the row sprints forced me to fight through pain. Thank you programmers.
I also had an interesting experience with fasting yesterday, and today feels like I'm starting with a clean slate mentally and physically. I would try this again under slightly different circumstances.
Michelle B. says
7am w/David
I didn't save my numbers, but today was AWSOME! I ♥ deadlifts. It almost makes me think I'll miss the WODs now that I'm starting strength cycle. Or not ㋛
Noah says
NO, what is your full name? Lots of interesting posts, I'd like to put a gym face to a blog name!
Fox says
@Samir – We're doing Ddeadlifts tomorrow, before more deadlifts in 14.3.
8am class
Kept the bar light and worked: 2 High Hang Clean + 2 Push Jerk
Lots of reps at 155. Felt good to move.
500m x 2 w/2:00 rest
1:44.3 and 1:44.9
Also wanted to keep this relatively easy, Only did two, I needed some recovery time before my 9am client.
Matty Squared – Step downs are going to be the way yo go for many people, I'd only use step ups to keep moving. If you can jump on to the box it's a lot faster and not a whole lot more tiring especially if you step down. Bound only if you're a boss at it.
This workout seems to be all about the deadlift but I don't think it's the grip that will limit anyone, it's your p-chain. It looks hard enough if you maintain a neutral spine, don't make it any harder by rounding your back. It's not ok any other day at SBK so it shouldn't be ok on 14.3, "unless" you have a shot at Regionals.
All that said, I am pretty anxious about doing this one. See you tomorrow at 10am, suckas!
Stella says
Samir: That's been taken into consideration with WOD planning — MGMT is awesome like that. 🙂 Basically, before the WOD you spend 12 minutes working to a heavy triple or single on the DL, so you're not totally gassed as a Wendler rep-out would make you, but you still have the opportunity to lift heavy.
…which I DID! I had thought I was just going to do something like 240 or 245 for a heavy single and call it a day, but then DO asked me, "What's your PR? [It was 255] So, are you going to match that or go for 260?" I thought about it for a minute and decided to go for it. And I did it. Yeah!
Proceeded to get 106 reps in 14.3. I was stoked for this workout as soon as I saw what it was. Did step-ups from the beginning, both because I'm no good at bounding down and up from the box (so I feel like I'm at least as fast with step ups as I am with box jumps) and also to conserve my legs for the deadlifts.
Rob F says
Chris Harris has a blog with tons of great insight. He's also been posting in-depth write ups of each of the Open workouts. Here's some for 14.3
Gear: Wear flat, light sneakers – Nanos, Inov8, etc. Something to make you feel low to the ground for the deads, yet light enough for the box jumps. If you have a weight belt, wear it. Preferably one that is velcro, and can quickly and easily be adjusted as needed.
Set up: Make sure you have the appropriate plates handy. My thought process – it’s always easier to keep adding weight, than to take off and put on. Lazy or smart? You decide. With that being said:
20kg bar
[2] 45lb Competition discs preferably*
[4] 45lb Bumpers (6 if you do not have any competition plates*)
[2] 25lb Bumpers
Mens’ loading:
Start with the 45lb discs
Add 25s
25s off, 45s on
Add 25s
25s off, 45s on
Add 25s
If you don’t mind a 20kg bar use it! With a 20kg bar:
[2] 25lb bumpers
[2] 45lb Competition discs preferably* or 2 45lb bumpers if you do not have any competition plates*
[6] 10lb bumpers
[2] 15lb bumpers
Womens’ loading:
Start with the 25s
25s off, 45s on
10s on
15s on
10s on
10s on
***Collars: although they didn’t use them during the Announcement, I would use them ONLY when getting to the point where you are breaking up sets a lot (like doing single). Hg collars tend to slide on and off the easiest. If you have them, use them but only when needed.
Charlie says
12pm with Lady Fox and Noah.
DL with Serene 135 x 5, 185 x 4, 215 x 3, 235 x 3.
14.3 was SO MUCH FUN!!! I was so happy watching the announcement last night when I saw it was finally two things I could actually do!!
123 reps. I stepped up because I can't bound and to preserve energy for the deadlifts. I used switch grip from the second round/ 45# bar, which was fine. We wrote down the weight changes on a whiteboard so as not to get confused, and that certainly helped.
Wow those deadlifts got heavy! I have no idea how many I did unbroken- maybe the first two rounds, but I do know the last fifteen were definitely done in singles and dropped from the top.
Now I have another goal for next year and that is to be able to bound 'like a boss'.
Thanks Serene for judging and Jess for the added encouragement and for keeping me thinking about form the whole way through.
Good luck everyone!! Have fun!
Peter says
6am. 14.3: 102 reps. Did bounding box jumps the whole time and they felt fine. Wasn't particularly gassed, but posterior chain was fried at the end. Not sure if step-downs would have helped or not. This workout is all about the deadlifts. Did the first two sets unbroken. Broke up the set of 20 into 5-5-5-5. FWIW, I usually do the first set of Diane which is the same weight but 21 reps unbroken. But the 225 in this workout feels quite a bit heavier. 275 was rough. Did a few sets of 2 before breaking down into singles. Singles were much easier because of the lack of negative (drop the bar from the top).
Michael says
Up until now the 2014 Open had mostly been a great workout in humility for me, since my double-unders are poor and my C2B pull-ups nonexistent. But deadlifts are something I feel comfortable with, so 12.3 was fun, as Charlie said.
I got to 106. 16 in the round of 275#. I did step ups, which worked for me. I also started doing singles in the round of 225# – but cycling them fast, dropping the bar each time. I was hoping that would help me in the final round, not sure if it did or not. I'm perfectly happy with my score but I am wondering if I could have eked out a few more deadlifts at #275. I was very careful about maintaining good form, so I wasn't really pushing myself in a crazy way – probably the best decision for my long-term health.
I'd also recommend using the small metal 25 lb plates, as Dave G. and I did. Easy to take on and off. says
I just watched the announcement video. Tovar's DLs were pretty gross most of the way. That was hard to watch. says
@Fox, Stella: Thanks – that's good to know.
lady fox says
Great classes today watching many folks hit 14.3! makes me nervous about 10am tomorrow though… says
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