For as long as possible:
From 0:00-3:00
2 rounds of:
10 overhead squats, 95 / 65 lb.
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
2 rounds of:
12 overhead squats, 95 / 65 lb.
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
2 rounds of:
14 overhead squats, 95 / 65 lb. 14 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Following the same pattern until the athlete cannot complete the perscribed work in the allotted time frame. For the full rules and standards, click here. (You’ll have to click on the Week 2 Tab)
For the folks not registered for the Open we’ll also be offering a 9 minute AMRAP version of this workout scaled for your needs. If you’re registered and know you can only complete a couple reps of this workout, you’ll do as much as you can Rx’d to get a score then will modify for the remainder of the workout.
Post reps completed and Rx to comments.
3 Rounds NFT of:
1:00 Row
10 Strict Dumbbell Presses
15 V-Ups
Coach David’s video submission for 14.1 (113 Reps)
- Don’t forget about our Free UFC screening today starting at 2:00pm. The gym will supply some beer but everyone is welcome to BYOB. Dogs, babies, non-CFSBKers and imaginary friends are all welcome too! The card should go through until 5:30pm or so.
- Don’t forget we have Yoga with Whitney H at 10am and Active Recovery at 11 and 12pm today!
CFSBK Powerlifters Competing Today
Today 5 CFSBKers will be competing in the USAPL Guerilla Fitness Raw National Qualifiers. Each athlete will have three attempts at a 1RM Back Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift. Best of luck to all competing under the watchful eye of Coach Jeremy
Uzef G
Paul J
Nicole A
Rob I
Becca W
Tomorrow is the last day to sign up for the Fish CSA
More information on the Fish CSA click here
Unexpected Priving Lessons from CrossFit Fast Company
Stop sitting there and pick up the bar you idiot!!!
Thanks to all the OGers who stayed to watch me do this, very encouraging to have some folks on hand. Also thanks to Lauren B for being my official judge.
Good luck to all the Powerlifters today.
See you at the gym and at the UFC event tomorrow.
Good luck lifters!
Good Luck Powerlifters!!! GET IT IN!! Y'all are going to be awesome!!
Kill it powerlifters! Especially Becca — I want to hear all about how you lifted ALL the weight. 🙂
Off to a totally different competition. CROSSWORDS FOR TIME.
8am. Open WOD 14.2: 83 reps. Was hoping to bust into the next round, but my forearms gave out on me. Overhead squats felt great today, though I brushed my crotch region while snatching the bar on the last set. Ouch!
Not video taped, but immediately preceding David's workout was my own stunning performance, in which I did 5 whole reps. I know David was very nervous about whether he could beat my number…
… seriously, was very happy with 5. I had never done over 85lbs on an OHS, so 5 reps at 95 was an accomplishment. David coached/judged my effort, which was great. I also had some good advice from Noah and Melo regarding warm up and stretching ahead of time. I'd also add that all the shoulder work we've been doing the last 4 weeks or so seems to be paying off.
8am with Melissa
Hit 72 reps which was just about right. Chest to bar felt awkward from the beginning for some reason but I fell into a groove. OHS moved well and unbroken in the first round. Didn't take the time to get into a good position on two separate occasions an had to bail forward.
Thanks to Melissa for the switch grip suggestion.
Ha. Peter said crotch region.
18 reps. Which i'll take considering C2B pullups are not in my wheelhouse. Switch grip saved me once again.
Was also pleased that the 65# OHS felt fine and doing 10 unbroken was totally a non-issue. Funny, the one year I don't sign up for the games and I'm actually doing not too bad at the workouts thus far.
Non-registered version of 14.2 with 10 overhead squats + 5 strict chin-ups for an AMRAP of 9 minutes.
4 rounds @85 lbs + 2 chinups short of 2 rounds more @75lbs.
Whopping score of 10 in the 10am class, with two almost pull-ups. Humbling, but still had fun, especially watching Bob do serious damage to the workout. Besides having a heavenly AR sesh afterwards, I didn't do much of anything besides my OHS. I've been sick with that gnarly stomach bug since Tuesday, so it was just nice to move.
Thanks for everyone for the love about MeLo's piece yesterday, and biggest thanks to her for sharing her story with us. How I loved figuring out how best to tell it–and how I love seeing everyone's love for her on here. She deserves every ounce of it. Keep making her blush!!
Last thing… OMG sunshine!!!
Yoga with Whitney was a great way to start the day!!!
11am group class with McD…did the non-registered version of 9min AMRAP with 10 Front Squats & 10 Jumping C2B pull ups – got 5 rounds plus 9 FSQ!!!
Nice work by all the registered folks…great to see so much hard work being done!!!
37 reps, surprised myself most by being so frustrated afterwards. This is my first time trying c2b in a workout so I should be happy with 17. The OHS was totally fine, just lost my pull ups and stared at the bar for a minute at the end. Looking forward to running tomorrow!
Got 19 reps at the 11am class. Not a super high number, but 9 more chest to bar pull ups than I've ever done before! Used a switch grip and spastic double-kip&shimmy-chest-to-bar method. Did 2 additional rounds of 10 overhead squats and 10 jumping pull ups, but was having kind of a hard time getting excited about finishing the 9 minute amrap, so I took a long bike ride in the amazing sunshine instead. Thanks to Jess and MeLo for encouraging me to try the pull ups.
Yesterday Morning
HBBS 363x3x6
50 Pullups
Yesterday PM
Snatch high pulls@264x3x5
Snatch DLs@308x3x4
Its days like this that I wish nature was more accessible…
87 dissapointing reps
8am great fun with 14.2 – a whopping 11 before I broke off and did jumping push-ups, which is to say I did my first ever C2B push-up woo-hoo, and also managed 10 overhead squats at the rx, a weight I'd never tried before. Really good environment for giving it a go,and thanks to partner Brendan for excellent energy. ScottM
Fun times in yoga this morning and a great (big) AR class with Captain DO to get limbered up.
14.2 at 12PM class: 74 reps
Very very happy with this. I just really wanted to get through one round without blowing it. I haven't been doing C2B pull-ups at all (probably since the open last yr?), so was nervous that they wouldn't be there. Switch grip is WHERE IT'S AT; felt stronger than anticipated. Kept R arm supinated the whole time b/c it's stronger/more comfortable, but I want to try L arm supinating too next time so I even out a bit.
Went with McD's sage suggestion of sticking to 5 sets of 2 reps of PU each time. Just pacing it out, taking time so as not to lose them. That was a big contributor to success. I think all OHS were unbroken.
On the 2nd round, I wasn't thinking and thought I was done after 10 OHS instead of 12, so i dropped the bar. DUH. finished the last two, but that def. cost me a bit of time… maybe a few more reps. My last rep on the set of 12 pullups was a no rep, but that was the only one.
Big thanks to NANCY for being a very encouraging judge, as well as all others who were around to cheer and whisper and yell things 🙂
64 reps.
The OHS got hard fast for me. First two rounds were solid, but slow (finished around 2:30). The third round I had to break the OHS up into 6/4/2, and just squeaked out the last pull-ups.
Fun, got around what I figured I'd get.
Finally back from Asia. I didn't keep up with my posting this time but rest assured I was training hard (ask Jake, he watched all my training vlogs). Some make-up highlights:
Hit a HBBS 5RM PR at 260, did it twice unbelted and then a belted rep-out of 7.
Power clean PR at 215 tells me I really should be cleaning a lot heavier.
Got to train at Crossfit Asphodel in HK with a friend of 2 of my former Crossfit Manila trainers. Did their Olympic class which was super fun.
Did 14.1 and 14.2 at Crossfit Manila. My goal is to be "half as good as the pros" which I nailed on 14.1 by getting exactly half of Froning's score with 222, a pleasant surprise in my still deconditioned state.
14.2 was a reality check. I haven't done a C2B pull-up in about…12 pounds. They devolved to singles pretty quickly into the second round of 10 and were certainly my limiter. Finished up with 68 and don't think theres much I could have done to pace any differently.
I'll see everyone at OG tomorrow!
84 reps on 14.2
Kept telling myself I was going to get to the round of 14 on this, despite watching most of a stacked 11am class get stuck on the round of 12.
Came close and got a number I'm pleased with, but there's a tiny part of me that's regretting having dropped the bar with 4 OHS to go….
Did 10am today with a very large crew. Still amazes me how well everything works with such a large class.
Partnered up with Scott (visiting from Virginia) for 14.2.
Hit 116 (2 rounds + 13 C2B). I totally misjudged how nasty that 3rd round was going to be. I hit the dark tunnel and was not ready for it. Super tough. I did everything unbroken up until the 3rd round's overhead squats, switched to 7/7 and then the C2B I did doubles until the end.
I went to A/R afterwards and literally couldn't participate for about 10 min while I brought my heart rate down.
14.2 with the wife again at her box, CF Floyd Bennet Field
I love that the Open has included movements which are such strong weaknesses of mine. As of last week, I've never been able to do Dubs in a WOD, but was happy enough to get 45 of them. More than I've ever had.
Today, 20 Reps. OHS@ 95 has never been attempted in a WOD and I might have gotten a few C2B in the past, but again, never in a WOD. I'll take that 20.
Then enjoyed a beautiful day on the beach in Rockaway watching some surfing.
DO's 14.2 video is awesome – makes C2B look like a walk in the park. If I had watched it while sitting on my couch eating a bag of pita chips, I would have felt like a big, lazy loser. Phew! It's a good thing I didn't do that.
Thanks, Christina!
Fun watching the UFC fight with everyone. Got in some work during it too
Performance WU x3
Subbed Push-Ups for Pull-Ups
315×5 dead stops
3 Rounds of:
3 Turkish Get-Ups e side (55lbs)
8 GHRs
Some handstanding
Wooohoooo got my 10 reps in for 14.2 could not get one c2b at all but it was fun so glad I signed up it's an awesome experience !!! And a big thks to my judge Whitney she is so amazing I can't wait to be just as awesome as her!!!
David. Two things:
1). Your 14.2 was beautiful.
2). What was the first song playing in video? I need to have it. Please tell me.
Thank you,
late posting here to be able to refer back.
81 reps
-all ohs squats unbroken. I did miss the very first one of my second set of 12 when the bar was way out in front. lost a few secs there.
-c2b started out strong and in sets of 4-3-3. then quickly went to triples, doubles and then singles in the end.
Definitely feel like I could/should have pushed harder to make it to the next round. I guess I'm just happy that I didn't tear.
So awesome to see/hear so many girls/guys get their first c2b's ever! Nice work all!