Performance: 5/3/1 “5 Week”
65%x5, 75%x5, 85×5+
Loss of a neutral back position will automatically end your rep out.
Fitness: 1×5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10lbs from last week’s exposure.
Post loads to comments.
DL e4/6
Row As Many Calories as Possible in 10 Minutes
Post total calories rowed to comments.
Ring Inversions or Skin the Cats 101
2013 CrossFit Games Champ Sam Briggs gets 472 reps on 14.1. That’s 10 Rounds + 22 Double Unders
Sunday Updates and Notes
- Today at 2:00pm Coach Jeremy’s Strength Cyclers will be competing in the CrossFit Total! Come see some big iron move!
- The Foxes are on vacation! There is No Active Recovery today or this Tuesday evening.
- CFSBK OG Sarah LR will be leaving New York for San Fran to embark on a career as a primary care clinician this week. All are welcome to her going away party today at the Whole Foods indoor roof today from 2-6pm. Bon Voyage, SLR!!!! CFSBK will miss you!
TODAY! Village Fishmonger at CFSBK for Fish CSA Meet & Greet
Wondering what to do with your share? There are recipes on the Village Fishmonger site, and Michele will also be posting recipes on her blog, and on the gym blog. Not ready to cook it when you get it home? Pop it in the freezer.
The Last, Disposable Action Hero NYT
Klokov does 225lb Isabel in 5:47
Hey all. Planning to hit OG tonight right at 6pm to bust out 14.1. If anyone needs a judge/partner I'm happy to be it if you'd like to do it together!
Deadlift 200×9. I now recall I did 200×10 over the summer so I kinda wish I had tried for one more.
126 cal on the row. Kept it mostly in the 20 strokes/minute range. I am comically bad at skin the cat.
Fish CSA help please!
I'm trying to register — when you select your pickup location as SBK, there's an instruction to be sure to select the CFSBK-specific pickup schedule when picking a schedule. Except when I get to the "select a schedule" screen, no such schedule appears. (There's weekly, biweekly, and "CSA location members," which has a list of locations that does not include SBK.)
What am I doing wrong? Should I be picking the CSA location members option?
I really enjoyed today's programming, rowing before inversion work gave a nice endorphin kicker to hanging upside down.
DL 265×5, felt heavy enough that I'll only go up 5 next week. Still being super cautious on these.
Rowed 162 calories, just over 2500m. Wasn't sure about pacing and took the middle few minutes easier than necessary, but still pretty hard.
BTW failed to mention, the new jump ropes are really nice, definitely helped with DU yesterday. Thanks!
DL 275×5
The last few weeks I have gone up 10+ lbs.
161 calories on the erg.
Felt really good doing skin the cat, and I really want to try and see if I can translate my newfound success with kipping pull-ups and ring work into my first muscle up!
I have really enjoyed the programming during this cycle.
Ran to the gym with Penny today. It was like being pulled by a team of sled-dogs. Ears flopping in the wind, she was joyfully jogging. I was running full out. Think it was my fastest time from home to sbk ever!
95×5, 115×5
135×5 (65%)
160×5 (75%)
180×7 (85%)
Added 10# to my training max, which felt like a stretch. Was hoping I could get 8, but my back got a touch soft on the last two reps so I called it. Maybe I'm a lil fatigued after doing 110 moderately weighted snatches in the last 3 days 😉
Nino and I had to change a lot of weight back and forth so ended up doing our final sets during the beginning of the row. So I only rowed for about 3 minutes and just considered it a 'staying warm' exercise.
Ring stuff and skin the cats were fun!!
Ran about halfway home, legs smoked. Walked the rest of the way.
more fish CSA sign up info!
From Stella's question above, I realized the fish CSA info in the blog post was truncated. Here's the rest of the sign up info! Note especially the part about registering for biweekly distribution even though our schedule will be MONTHLY.
I will put this on the CSA page as well, but here is the rest of the post in case you want to sign up today:
To sign up for a seafood share::
Go to the Village Fishmonger website (
Click on 'Sign Up For Fish Shares'
Choose your pick-up location, in this case, CrossFit South Brooklyn
Choose from these 2 share sizes and be sure to choose the 'CrossFit South Brooklyn' schedule:
Small Share: ~1 lb per distribution, monthly schedule, which will comfortably feed a family of 2 for 1 meal. Monthly schedule –> 6 distributions x 16.50 per week = $99.00
Medium Share: ~2 lb per distribution, bi-weekly schedule, which will comfortably feed a family of 2 for 2 meal. Monthly schedule –> 6 distributions x 33.00 per week = $198.00
Choose your Add-Ons: You have the ability to add the following to your distribution to be received along with your main share: Clams, Oysters, Scallops.
Be sure to choose the 'CrossFit South Brooklyn' schedule.
Choose the 'Bi-Weekly' payment plan. Even though CFSB has a monthly distribution schedule, the Bi-Weekly payment plan will allow you to pay for 6 distributions upfront.
You will need to then create a Farmigo account to continue with the sign-up process.
For payment you can choose from:
Debit/Credit Card –> This is a one time payment with a debit or credit card
Automatically Recurring Payments – Debit/Credit Card –> You will be opting into the auto-renewal option so that after every 6 distributions, your card will be automatically charged for the next 6 distributions.
In the sign-up comments box, note any allergies (shellfish) or dietary restrictions (low mercury for expectant and nursing mothers, kosher for those who would like to eliminate non-kosher fish from their shares), if any.
Go to our pick-up on the delivery date and pick up your seafood!
Village Fishmonger will be offering monthly distributions at CFSBK coinciding with meat share distributions on the second Wednesday of the month until June 4th, when the pick-ups for both meat and fish will move to the first Wednesday of the month.
Though we offer rolling sign-ups, sign-up deadlines for the seafood share is midnight the Sunday before the next distribution.
Only those households signed up for the subscription can order a la carte items.
To ensure that dietary and allergy restrictions are applied to your account, please make sure you enter that information during sign-up or send us an email shortly after sign up with the pertinent information.
If you do not pick up your fish share during the distribution time, it will be given away. The gym cannot "hold" your share for you.
If you need to sell your fish shares, you must notify Village Fishmonger. There are absolutely no refunds for canceled shares.
Be sure to read through their FAQs and CSF policy before signing up.
8am. Deadlifts: 245×5, 285×5, 320×10. Used a double-overhand (hook) grip on the rep-out and it started to slip on the 9th rep. Fun time skinning the cat today. I feel like a kid when I get inverted. 187 cals on the row.
11am with Arturo and Melissa
Worked up to 135 x 5, 10lbs+ from last time (three weeks ago…) weight felt heavy but manageable
Loved skin the cat, I left confident although completely wobbly at times. I might consider gymnastic classes.
117 cal on the erg – I sprinted at the end, but overall I didn't really push too hard.
I love Sunday workouts!
11am with Arturo and Melo –
Deadlift: 255×5, 295×5, 335×10 – Rep-out felt solid. Left a little in the tank.
184 calories on the erg. Not an all-out effort, but still pretty hard.
11am with Mel & Ro…
Jumped 10lbs today on my Deadlift to 135#….feel really good about this with room to move
121 calories on the row….with 4-5 hard pulls at the 2, 5, and 9 minute mark. Otherwise kept it steady at around 23-24 s/m – This didn't suck as bad as I thought it would…
Ring work was a bit scary but super fun!! Hope to see more of it!!
9 am, I'm a fan of today's programming! I got some handstand practice in while 8am was wrapping up, then PRed at 135 on deadlifts (linear progression) for 1×5 plus a bonus 1×3 since we had extra time. The ring inversions were fun, even though I had trouble flipping over completely. The former gymnast in me wants more gymnastics!
I also liked the structure of today, while half of us were rowing the other half was working on rings. When the workouts are in heats, I usually find myself wanting to be doing something while the other group is working.
I wish I could join the fish CSA but I cant do the six month commitment as I'll may be moving out of the city this summer for grad school — if anyone cant pick up their share one week, let me know and I'll buy it off of you!
noon class with Ro and Melo!
did 135# today which moved fairly quickly, just need to keep my chest up at the end there.
first time ive ever done anything on rings, haha had some problems for a little bit but sorta (?) found my neutral spot at the end. would def love to try it again! being upside down is weird/scary/disorienting/cool!!
just rowed for 10 mins (not for calories) steadily.
today was fun!!!
10 am with MelRo.
Deadlift- 135 x 5, 185 x 4, 200 x 3, 215 x 5. Felt good.
Today's workout was really fun! 146 cal on the erg. I sprinted for 10 strokes at the halfway point and another 10 at the end, but overall it was a 'restorative row', which was enjoyable for me.
The skin-the-cat stuff was also fun. It felt a little strange doing it on the lower rings and I wasn't sure which direction I was facing as usual. I would like to practice this more, especially now that gymnastics is over for a while, and now that I know how to do it on the lower rings, I might try.
So nice to come in and do three things today that I feel reasonably confident about after all of those double-unders and snatches. This was a great end to the week.
Michelle!! You should definitely join gymnastics class!! You would be great at it!
Haven't worked out on a Sunday in a while, but I guess the Open inspired me. In my garage gym again.
DL 1×5@195#
Row for Cal was 144 – 2:08 splits which were a few seconds off my race pace.
Wendler 'Five' Week – Part 2
DLs: 175×5, 195×5, 225×17
11AM partnered with Brian.
Upped my 1rm work weight 10 pounds.
Repout 12 at 220. I think I went too light on this cycle's start.
164 cal row. Kept a steady semi fast pace 29-31/min with good solid pulls the whole time. I could have conversations while rowing so I felt good with that output.
Still a little tight from 14.1
Lots of make-up posting here.
10am today, I upped my training max for the deadlift by 10#, and got 10 reps at 210#. Then 152 calories on the row. Used the time to play around with my stroke rate while maintaining the same cal/hour, and seeing how it affected my rate of perceived exertion. Loved the skin the cat practice.
Did 14.1 yesterday. Total suckfest. Double unders make me sad. 214 reps, which means all of the double unders and 4 snatches of the 5th round. At least it was better than I did on this workout in October. I'm praying for wall balls in 14.2.
Then Friday I went to OG after missing every single class in the previous week. Made it to 11 in the LBBS rep out at 170#. Also practiced clean and jerks. I worked up to 133#, but didn't feel very crisp, so I stayed there to try to iron out whatever was going awry. I think I was missing the lat engagement to keep the bar close enough to my legs? Or any number of other things.
155 on the dead lift 1×5 I have been going up by 10 and the bar seems to be moving quickly. Rowing went well I did not push it because my forearms, biceps and calves are still on fire from 14 .1
Ring class was fun ! Enjoyed the programming today!!