Alan L Overhead Squatting during the recent Frostbite Challenge
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Programming Note at 14.1 Reminder
As you may have noticed, 14.1 is basically what we programmed for yesterday’s conditioning work (conspiracy, coincidence or collective unconsciousness phenomenon?). In any case, folks who are coming in today to do yesterdays Clean and Jerk and want to do 14.1 on Saturday will be given the alternate programming option of:
15 Minutes NFRs of:
Row 250m
25 Weighted Sit-Ups
5-10 Strict Chin-Ups
Also, if you’re registered for the Open, please review the movement standards from the Games site and please make sure a coach knows you’re registered before attempting a workout. We need to make sure people have judges, the judges understand the standards and that you’ve got an official score card which can be picked up at the Front Desk.
When you complete your workout, please tear off the bottom half for yourself and leave the top half with the Front Desk. Submit your scores to the games site no later than 8pm on Monday night otherwise you will not be able to present a score.
There are currently over 190,000 competitors registered for the 2014 CrossFit Open. How will you stack up?
Watch Garret Fisher and Marcus Hendren taking on 14.1
Hit 14.1 with the Foxes last night. I remember doing this workout in 2011 and it knocking the wind out of me. Nowhere to hide and while I'm okay at them, I hate double unders. I just don't enjoy doing them and they spike my heart rate like crazy.
Anyway- fun time with my judge JBails keeping an eye on my reps. Finished with 4 Rounds + 30,11
5 Rounds + 30
I tried to talk smack and get in the wife's head, but was unsuccessful. I'm pretty sure this is better than I did in 2011, I hope.
Off to the beach for a few days. See y'all next week!
6 rounds even for a total of 270 reps.
-du's were mixed about half unbroken and half with a trip up. only the first round of snatches were unbroken. after that it was 8-7 until the last round when I did 5-5-5.
-It was hard to breathe. Fun to go head to head with Man Fox and with Captain O off to the side. Glad that's over and that vacation is 6 hours away.
See you next week SBK!
Bozman repping CFSBK in his matchup vs Rory McKernan
3 rounds + 30 + 6 = 171 reps, which means my double unders were not a complete shit show. I'll take it! Judged and was judged by Kristie, who beat me by 6 reps despite having done yesterday's WOD. Well played. Thanks McLo for the encouragement.
I'm going back to 4 days of group classes and 1-2 days of running per week now that I can actually run outside without having to negotiate giant sheets of ice. So I'm glad I chose yesterday as my day not to come to the box!
6am. 14.1: 4 rounds + 30,8 for 218 total reps. 3 reps less than when we did this workout in October. 🙁
Snatches felt fairly smooth. Double unders were the limiter. Not ideal that I did yesterday's WOD. I thought my legs felt fairly good this morning, but I definitely wasn't as springy today. And now my calves are tightening up nicely.
I am 49% of a Rich Froning.
Yesterday's 8:30 with Noah. (With a view of Fox v. Fox)
Intended to arrive early to get extra C&J practice in, but a flat tire on the bike changed plans. First time lifting imperial measures in some time!
115×3, 145, 165, 180, 195, 210
Then a modified WOD — 10 to 1 of KB swings (32kg, American) and sit-ups: 5:52
Ended with some good DU practice — thinking positively for Saturday! Will be representing SBK from Long Island.
What's tomorrow work out?
8am with Noah. 14.1 with 90 SU.
I have mixed feelings about my performance on this.
Going in I wasn't sure what weight to do – it feels like it's been a very long time since i've done snatches. Noah's advice was to do the Rx weight – and I'm happy I asked, and happy I did it. But only got through 2 rounds + 10 snatches.
I paced myself on the first set of snatches, and think I needed to do that just to get into the movement again; but I wish I pushed a little harder in rounds 2 and 3 to complete the third round of snatches.
The weight wasn't too bad for me. feels like it's my conditioning – needing to catch my breath that just kills me. I'd like to see this workout again and try to get to 4 rounds (hopefully having DU by then too).
Editor's note: Lauren S snatched her previous 1RM 40 times today in 10 minutes, and jumped some rope just to prove it ain't no big thang.
Question on 14.1- power snatch requirement says ground to overhead anyway. Are clean & jerks allowed?
Kristie — huh. In the video you can clearly see the demo athlete doing a clean and jerk as one of the acceptable methods. I wonder why they didn't just call it "ground to overhead" instead of "power snatch."
Did 3+ rounds in 2011 and 4+ this time. But looking back I've performed this WOD better. Even though I've been feeling terrific this past couple of months.
Fun WOD though.
I just saw the video and noticed also the clean and jerk as an acceptable movement I might do this if snatching gets me tired quickly also 10 lbs less if your in the masters category
This is my 4th day of rest, another 3 and i'll be back to my sacred 7am class. My back is feeling good, but its deceptive. I cant wait to be back at it in a toned down version next week.
you guys this cheetah video is insane. i promise you will like it.
Well that was pretty bad. 127 reps. My double-unders are just awful – i do five single unders for every double under, and I was left doing singles and doubles of DUs. Oh well! It's still kind of fun to chart one's progress, especially since so few people have registered their scores. Right now for example I am 15th in my age group in my region. Whoo-hoo!
Anyway, determined by crossfit open 2015 to be able to string together DUs. Though I'll also be happy just to be healthy and still able to do it at all – not a given!
Well my Open is over before I even started. I strain pretty badly my right calf muscle yesterday doing double unders. I'm out for a least 4 weeks!!! BUMMER
But the good news is there is always the 2015 Open!!!
I will come by on Saturday to cheer everyone
So sorry to hear that Pierre! Rest up buddy.
@Noah Thanks man : )
Michael O (obliquely) convinced me to sign up for the open, along with his endurance program, should be interesting/fun… So, so glad that it's a 75# snatch and not, like, 135. See y'all tomorrow!
Yesterday, wrist still kind of unhappy, more sore from pushups than squats on weds, 10x{1 min run, 2 min rest}.
Random question – the swole patrol shirts on sale, are they related to the blog theswolepatrol? Was reading it along with mopewod but no updates in a while, so sad.
Pierre, sorry to hear it man! Hope you get better faster than that!
@pierre, just saw what you wrote. Really sorry to hear that, hope you have a quick recovery…