15 minutes to work up to a heavy single Power Clean + FSQ + Split Jerk
15 minutes to work up to a heavy single Clean & Jerk
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
25 Double Under
15 Hang Power Snatch 95/65
50 Double Under
10 Hang Power Snatch
75 Double Under
5 Hang Power Snatch
Post time and Rx to comments.
Erin M with a GOOD REP overhead
- Watch Coach Fox on Buisness Insider talking about a 4 minute workout folks can do at their office!
- As we mentioned earlier this week, CFSBK is running a follow up challenge through June 1st for anyone who completed the LFPB challenge and wanted to continue their progress. To that end, superstar Ryan K created the 2014 Bonus Challenge Tracker to help you track your behaviors for the next few months. Get on it!
NEW Fish CSA! Sign Up Now, or Come to the Info Session Sunday 3.2
Village Fishmonger is excited to start offering deliciously fresh, local seafood shares in partnership with CrossFit South Brooklyn! Our fish and shellfish are sourced directly from local fishermen and shellfish harvesters, which we then process and package for you in our kitchen in Brooklyn. You’ll be able to sign-up to pick-up fresh, local seafood on the same days and times that meat shares are delivered: the first or second Wednesdays of the month (see below.) Sign up by Sunday 3.9 to participate in the first delivery on Wednesday 3.12.
We offer a 1 lb or 2 lb size share of mostly finfish, plus add-on shares of clams, oysters, and scallops as well as a la carte items that can be ordered on a distribution by distribution basis. Low-mercury, allergy-sensitive, and Kosher options are available too. Note that only those households that sign up for a subscription can order a la carte items.
The fish CSA will require a 6-month commitment. All signups and payment are handled on the Village Fishmonger site.
Wondering what to do with your share? There are recipes on the Village Fishmonger site, and Michele will also be posting recipes on her blog, and on the gym blog. Not ready to cook it when you get it home? Pop it in the freezer.
Village Fishmonger will hold an Info Session at the gym this Sunday, 3.2 from 10:45-1
Tonight at 8:00pm 14.1 will be announced on the Games site.. any bets on what will come out of the hopper??
When should I tackle the 2014 Open Workouts? CrossFit Invictus
My hope is AMRAP 5 minutes of 225lb back squats.
call me nutso, but I dig on CrossFit Invictus' "Friday Night Lights" where their competitive athletes do the Open WODs together, in front of a cheering crowd of community members, family, friends etc.
That would be gnarly.
7am with Foxy Lady and DO. Worked up to 113# on the clean and jerk, which is my 1RM. I need to work on keeping my weight back in the jerk, as I tend to collapse forward a bit and then land too far forward as a result. Overall felt good today. Then, 5:50 on the WOD, rxed. I felt great about this, really smoked through it and had a lot of fun. Can't wait to see what the WOD is for 14.1!
@bdubs, loved your suggestion of a Fox vs. Fox live face off. I can totally picture all of us sitting around drinking beer and watching, cheering for our favorite Fox. I really like them both, but chicks before dicks, man.
6am with Jess and DO. Worked up to 103# on the c&j. These felt solid and could've added more weight but we ran a little short on time.
For the WOD, I was debating whether or not to do 53# or 63#, but ended up going with 53 since I knew the DU's would be a struggle. Ended up whacking myself in the head a few times with the jump rope, although it got me to realize that my hands/arm position gets too low on DU attempts. Thanks to David for adding on 10#s for the last set of snatches. He was right and I should've done rx from the start. Finished around 8:25.
"I can totally picture all of us sitting around drinking beer and watching, cheering for our favorite Fox. I really like them both, but chicks before dicks, man."
What she said. Sorry, Fox. ๐
Let's see, what can they do to burpees this year that hasn't been done before, to make them even more miserable? The answer to that question is the key to 14.1.
i LOVE the FOX vs FOX idea!!
5 Minutes – Burpee Box Jumps 24"/20" followed by 1000M row for time as tie breaker
Fox on the BI! Very cool!
more fish CSA info
guys – there's so much info on the Fish CSA that it was too much to put up. i'm going to provide the rest of the detail on the CSA page in the next 48 hours.
in the meantime, if you're interested, remember that Village Fishmonger will be in the gym on Sunday.
FOX vs FOX!! FOX vs FOX!!! FOX vs FOX!!!
6am. Worked up to 195# for the clean and jerk. D.O. says my clean was slow off the floor, though it felt ok to me. Jerks were horrible today. Right wrist is still the slightest bit bothered and I think I was mentally not committing to getting down. Metcon Rx in 5:17. First round of doubles was unbroken. Second round I tripped up on the second rep and then did 49 unbroken. Third round I tripped and tripped and tripped. Finally got going with 17-13-20-25. Snatches were the rest time for me on this one.
I like how your are all pretending that there is a remote chance I would beat Jess on an Open WOD. Unless its AMRAP push ups I have about the same chance as a snowflake in hell.
I expect to see burpees in some fashion, burpee-box jumps is as a good guess as any. There will never be rowing in the Open though. Jump ropes, barbells, boxes, and body weight only.
Nice Cage.
If I had any photo shop skills, I would definitely do a mock up 14.1 announcement featuring the Foxes.
I don't think we'll see burpees or snatches tonight. They gots to mix it up, right?
6am with D.O and the future winner of Fox v. Fox. (Sorry but I also prefer chicks over … the other things.)
Hit 185# on the Clean and Jerk which is a weight I can say I own now but still kind of sloppy.
I really enjoyed this WOD. Did it Rx'd at 6:57. Snatches felt strong with a weight that was relatively manageable. Double unders were okay but for some reason in the last set my rope stopped hitting the floor. I assume my hands were spread to far apart but I had trouble correcting it. It is tough to get into a rhythm without hearing the rope hit the floor.
Nice bruise on my hips from bringing the snatches down too fast.
6am. Worked up to 185#. Much more solid than the last time I put that weight up. WOD in 5:34. Last set of DU was just all kinds of broken since I couldn't really feel my shoulders. I'll take a vague guess that 14.1 is going to be bar facing burpees with some sort of overhead barbell movement and ascending weights – but not snatches. Thrusters, Overhead Squats, or Clean & Jerks – take your pick. 12 minute AMRAP.
In other news, there's this:
Lot's of talk in the office about how calorie counting will be easier… I'm realizing how much my thinking about nutrition & diet has changed in the last year.
I'm coaching 830 and FOXONFOXONFOX is definitely going down. Bring beers, wear costumes, its on.
Snatched up to 94kg today, felt heavy but fairly organized. WOD in 3:43, I can't fathom how McDowell did this sub 3.
6am with Jess Fox and DO
C&J: worked up to 175, and repeated that twice to work on form. Second rep was good. Could have gone heavier given more time.
WOD: Rx in 6:59.
Double-unders were 25, then 3, 47, then 24, 25, 26; snatches were 5, then power-snatch+5, 5, then 5, 5, 3, 1+F, 1
Got no-repped by D.O. for snatching from the floor on first set of the second round, and generally took too long standing around between sets. My last rep took about 20 seconds.
I still feel like I'm struggling to get back to where I was before bronchitis laid me up for the last week or two. Hope things shape up by Saturday for 14.1. No idea what it's going to be!
@Erin M, my Kaibigan, get it!!! Pinay Posse For Life!!!!! <3
Hey that's me! ๐ (and my painful, "is it over yet?!" face)
LOL @crystal – Salamat po, Ate!
Love the fox vs fox idea… Maybe we can rig up a camera to project on the big screen too :p
Noon class with David.
Clean and jerk worked up to 148# putting a little voodoo on the lift as fatigue was setting in but wanted to keep going up. Did a few too many warm up reps 95/105/115/125 should have made bigger jumps earlier.
Banged out the WOD in 4:56 with a 75# bar. If I was fresh may the 95 but certainly 85#.
The first sets unbroken for both second set of DUs I tripped on my 42nd rep and split the snatches 5/5. Third set I tripped at 33 and 43 unbroken snatches for the finish.
Stuck around to help give some DU pointers to those trying to get some practice.
Nooner with DO.
Stayed light at 58# on the C & J complex as I am still just working on technique. It felt like I was getting it today. Still a bit scared about the jerk section and the weird pain I had been getting but I think that was as a result of dipping too aggressively, maybe?
WOD at 53# with scaled volume DU attempts (25,25,50- I don't know; it made sense at the time) in 8.26.
I would have been there all day if I had done the right amount of DUs. Really need to work on these.
Tired this week. I confess- my Zone compliance has been patchy this week and I am really feeling it. It's kind of crazy how much I am feeling it, actually.
So, if anyone is interested, a few of us have gotten a FB Zone diet support group together. Find me, Charlotte Rasmussen, and I'll add you to the group.
Glad to see Pinay Posse representin'!!!! ๐
On Monday I had felt banged up and exhausted after last week's shoulder/overhead intensive programming, and then that and yesterday's 100 push-ups and split cleans left me fried. I was out of it today.
I could only get up to 135 on the fitness complex.
Finished the WOD in a glacial 6:12 @75lbs.
On Sunday, the jump rope broke on me mid-WOD. Today, my last words pre-WOD to Nancy were – very sarcastically mind you – "I'm kind of nervous to do this after the rope broke last time."
On by about my 45th of 75 DUs, the rope broke. DO came to the rescue quickly with a new rope. 12 DUs later, the second rope broke. Again, DO to the rescue (many, many thanks!). I'm not sure if I'm allowed to use jump ropes again.
So clearly, I'm expecting the first open workout to be packed with DUs. It's only logical.
Are u kidding me our WOD is about the same as 14.1
Double unders and snatches! There is obviously some kind of conspiracy at work!
Clean and jerks at 98lbs
Snatches at 55lbs finished at 8:21 and strung 25 double unders together I was really shocked. Well I guess we got good practice for the open!
Kayleigh you can borrow my rope !!
Ooh! I can't wait to show off my double-under skills again tomorrow!
Called it! I'm gonna need to have multiple ropes at my disposal for this one.
@Kayleigh stop being such a strong badass that you are breaking everything! ๐
Fun yoga class upstairs tonight — great to see some new faces up there for some work on the shoulders and hips. thanks for comin, dudes and dudettes.
7:30 group class with NoRo
C&J: 63#, 83#, 103#, 113#,123# (5# PR, BABY!) I did a little dance afterward. Because I get excited when numbers inch up. 128# FAIL.
-After having a lot of pain in L shoulder with this movement (STO) for the past 2-3 wks, I was very very happy to just be jerking at all. Focused on keeping the bar super close/vertical and chest up. no pain! having also been nasty-sick for a week, I consider tonight a double victory.
-I typically start doing 5# jumps when I get close to my 1RM, but tonight I was just feeling coordinated so made my jump right to 123# instead of attempting my previous 1RM.
-128# I think I actually pulled it high enough, cuz it hit me in the chest. Just got mental and didn't pull myself down under it. Next time! I want BW!!!!
WOD: 5:27 rx'ed
25 du – unbroken
15 hps – 7, 4, 4
50 du – unbroken
10 hps – 4, 3, 3
75 du – 25, 25, 25
5 hps – unbroken
couldn't quite get my flow going enough to consistently pull the snatch immediately from the release of the last rep. reset most of them, except for a few here and there. something to work on at this weight.
DU's felt great, but my forearms/wrists were so tired! I kind of wonder if using the wrist wraps to support the snatches ends up making the DU's a bit harder…? or maybe they were a bit too tight.
looking forward to 14.1 at 55#… although I feel like only 20# difference between Men's and Women's really isn't much and that in other snatch WOD's in the past Opens when guys have been at 75#, women have been at 45#. Like 13.1 and 12.2.
jus sayin'