Work up to a heavy double in 12 minutes.
Goal is no failing. Work on creating an active, rock solid rack with the shoulders shrugged up and pushed forward slightly to support the bar. Try to focus all of your leg and hip drive through a rigid torso straight into the bar.
Post loads to comments.
Push Press e4/6
As Many Rounds as Possible in 8 Minutes of:
15 Kettlebell Swingsm 53/35
10 Push Presses 115/75
5 Toes to Bars
Post rounds completed and Rx to comments.
Check out our new “events wall” next to the Front Desk
Yoga for Athletes at CFSBK
Do you consider yourself too inflexible or inexperienced to try yoga because you’re not one of those “naturally” bendy-kinda-people? Are your tight shoulders keeping you from finding a good overhead squat position? Are your hips and hamstrings begging for a bit of attention? Do you sit in a chair for long period of time? You get where this is going…
These ongoing Yoga for Athletes classes, designed and taught with the CrossFitter in mind, will allow you to start exactly where you are and build a foundation that supports your WODs, weightlifting, and overall quality of life. We’ll learn and practice basic postures, focusing on the alignment and action of the body. Through a variety of standing, seated, kneeling, prone/supine poses, and even some inversions, the whole body will be stretched, moved, challenged, and restored. With consistent yoga practice over time, you can expect to increase your balance, improve coordination, develop more range of motion, create control of your breath, and calm the mind.
and Saturdays at 10:00AM
All payments will now go through Zen Planner. Please sign in at the Front Desk before coming upstairs to class!
Class is open to CFSBK members and non-members.
People with previous yoga experience are encouraged to attend, as modifications and variations will be provided for all levels.
Help Inside the Affiliate Win a Contest!
What Your Deadlift to Squat Ratio Can Tell You About Your Olympic Lifts Breaking Muscle
The CrossFit Level 1 Training Guide
Workout looks awesome..!! I miss bench press on Mondays though….:(
Vote for Inside the Affiliate and we'll love you FOREVER.
Also, my black Underarmor sweatpants went missing from the coat room yesterday. If anyone accidentally took a pair of unwashed pants that smell like a sweaty Canadian, please return them and I'll be forever grateful.
6am with Jess and Noah
Hit 155# on the Push Press for a heavy double.
Paired with Isaac on the WOD. Did this RX'd but went Russian with the KB swings. Very slow on those push presses which were damn heavy and resulted in a quite a few grinding press outs. Went through 3 rounds and 21 reps.
Voted for Inside the Affiliate just now. Good luck David!
Man, this overhead work is killing me.. Friday i did the WOD with 9 rounds of 5 C&J@115lbs, Sunday the 4 rounds of thrusters @135lbs, and now today's workout.
I feel like I'm still not transferring power from my legs consistently on the push press.
Worked up to a heavy double @145.
Partnered with Dan for the WOD: 3 rounds plus KBswings plus 8 push presses.
Switched mid-way from 115lbs to 95lbs, also switched gradually from American Kbswings to Russian – perhaps I ended up somewhere over Portugal.
6am. Push-press: 135×2, 165×2, 185×2, 205×2. Metcon Rx: 5 rounds even. Forearms are toasted.
If anyone is interested in re-using the LFPB Tracker for the Bonus Challenge, I've got a new document with clear templates with revised dates to share with all interested parties.
ryanmjoyce (at) gmail
Recently, I've noticed some folks enter their lifting numbers along with a note that says "unbelted".
Why is this? Is using a belt wrong? Is "unbelted" more manly? Are "belted" lifts to be marked with asterisk? Is a "belted" lift considered aided? Are "belted" lifters less beastly?
That squat/deadlift article is depressing. That is, it's depressing because I've always known that my clean and snatch numbers lag far behind what someone who can squat and deadlift what I can, should be able to do. But now I can actually estimate what I could do if I were more coordinated ๐
@Belted – I believe I've been the only one posting this way. In addition to using the blog to communicate with this community and put my numbers out there, I also use it as a training log. Last summer I had a back injury that I attribute in part to my over-reliance on wearing a belt, particularly on the slow lifts, and the resultant weakness and imbalance in my trunk.. Thus, I have been performing these lifts sans belt and posting them as such so I can track back and see where I was, where I'm at, and where I might go. Once someone knows how to properly use a belt they can lift significantly more with it but one should still be driving their un-belted numbers up as well. I had developed a bad habit of using my belt at a particular number instead of letting that number move up.
Also, IMO, while lifting with a belt is not unmanly, posting anonymously potentially is. Why so secretive?
Partnered up with Rio today and worked up to a heavy 115×2 I think I took one too many lifts before the 115 and could have gotten closer to 125 but still wanted some in the tank for the WOD. Three days in a row on my shoulders is certainly smoking them more than a Texan with a brisket.
WOD went 4 rds plus 14 Russian swings at 24kg using a 75# press.
Cycling them is not fun and one again caught my chin on the bar… That's twice in two days. :-/
Will read the articles and throw a vote for the blog.
i thought unbelted just meant your pants fit you well and you didnt need a belt to hold them up
Guys, thanks for all the lovely nominations so far! Inside the Affiliate only has to make it into the top 20 to be considered for the final ten, and the deadline to nominate is Thursday. Please nominate away! This would be such awesome exposure for ITA!!! So exciting!
The percentage article is the kind of thing I often wonder about. I was just wondering last night what percentage a power version of a lift typically would be of the squat version of that lift. Interesting. And, @Stella, I wish I had your squat and deadlift numbers!
One more thing. I missed the potluck on Saturday and forgot to say in my late post last night.. Congratulations to everyone who participated in the LFPB Challenge! I admire your commitment and perseverance (especially since I found I did not have it this time around).
6am with the crew.
Push-press: 135×2, 165×2, 185×2. Metcon Rx: 4 + 1 push press. My arms were totally jelly at the end. Partnered with Peter, always great motivation. We were facing off against Team Isac and Matt. ๐
Make-up post from traveling this weekend:
Went to my old box in Seattle ( and did 2-2-2-2-2 Push Jerk on Friday. Hit 225# which was a PR.
Saturday's WOD was nuts. 10 rounds for time: 7 Thrusters at 95# + 7 Burpees + 7 Chest to Bar pullup's. Did it in 18:20. On the floor almost passed out afterwards.
Partnered with Charlie for the 10am class with Noahpologies. We both worked up to 98# for a heavy double on the push press, which felt…heavy. Then WOD with 68# on the bar, otherwise rxed. Finished 3 reps shy of 4 rounds. Couldn't string together any T2B today, swinging a kettlebell overhead was harder than I remember it, and the limiting factor for me was GRIP! Forearms were fried.
10am class today with Noah.
Partnered with the ever-wonderful Cage.
33×5, 53×5, 73×3, 83×2, 93×2 (PR) 98×2.
The most I had push-pressed before was 90 x 3 a few weeks ago but this actually felt much better because I really focused on shrugging my shoulders into the bar more, which obviously helps.
WOD was pretty bad. I got 3 rounds plus 6 push-presses at 68#. I should have gone 5# or 10# lighter on the push-press as I had to break up the sets by the second round and missed a rep in the third. Silly me. I feel like I just made exactly the same mistake as yesterday. I also attempted to do T2B but that just wasn't happening.
But, it was my very first time doing American KB swings so that is one great thing that happened and did not go wrong. As long as there is one good thing, right?!
Slowly getting back into the groove of regular CrossFit classes. This shit is hard!!! But always fun ๐
10am Class
Push Press
Felt good, moved well. Had to reset 195 at the bottom though.
WOD Rx'd
5 Rounds plus 20 reps.
Particularly pleased with this. Cycled everything unbroken and rested very little. Grip was screaming.
6am with Jess & Noah…
Got up to 78×2 on the push press..thanks to Noah for the pointers and encouragement!
WOD – 4 rounds plus 17 reps @ 53# and a 12 kg KB….
I voted for Inside the Affiliate…Good Luck DO!!!
4:30 class with DO
Strict Press: 3X5 #68
15 KB RDLS 34kg
10 DB strict press #20
5 dragonflies
6:30 with David and Arturo
Push press 45×5, 65×2, 85×2, 95×2, 100×2, and it really felt good. 100 was no trouble at all. I knew we were not supposed to fail. 105×1, f, caught it went for it again,fail again.
Wod. Kb 16kg, which I have thought was 12 since summer. I got mentally stronger tonight! 65# push press and strict t2b.
2 t2b short of 4 rounds. I tried to get kipping and ended up swinging out of control. Fun night.
Post numero dos. Class 8.
Today was a bad day at the gym for me. I'm calling my WOD performance stupid, because it was, well…stupid. I didn't add any weight to the 33# barbell, which was a pussy move and mistake on my part. Tur (Ro) brought it to my attention mid-push press. At that point, I got in my head and my performance suffered as a result. Only finished 4 total rounds. Should have done more. On a more positive note, I did enjoy the American KB swings. Like them more than Russian. I used the 16kg bell, which was perfect weight, but in last round, my grip was slipping and my forearms were on fire.
I'm going to wrap this comment up by addressing the "dragonflies." In short, toes to bar needs to happen for me soon. The dragonflies are way too easy for this Pilates professional who has abs of steel thanks to KH aka "Cage."
I've said my peace.
Lauren I thought they were called 'dragonflies' too!
They are, aren't they Charlie?!?