For Time:
1000m Row
50 Wall Ball Shots
1100m Run
Post time and Rx to comments.
10 Minutes NFRs of:
5 Handstand Kick-Ups against a wall or freestanding
Accumulate :30 in an L-Sit
2 Wall Walks
Accumulate :30 in an L-Sit
Grace R is a pious CrossFitter and writes her numbers on the board before going home
- Good luck in everyone doing today’s Time Trial in Prospect Park with Mike O!
Paleo Potluck Tonight!
Starting at 7:00pm we’ll be hosting our second potluck of the season. Not only will we be crowning the top three folks from the LFPB Challenge, we’ll also be talking about our addendum “bonus challenge” to provide more support and accountability moving forward. We’ll also have some of our CSA farmers in the house so you can meet where you’re meat comes from and learn about the farms that CFSBK has partnered with. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come. Can’t wait to see you all!
Meditation transforms roughest San Francisco schools
Two trends that will kill CrossFit
Great 8am class with David.
Seemed like we packed a whole lot into one hour. Finished the WOD in 13:17. Looking forward to the potluck tonight!
8am with David. Today was fun – the handstand kickups felt better than I expected them to and I even managed a couple of proto-handstand pushups. I did the WOD with a 16# ball in sets of 10. I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly those 50 wall ball shots went. Finished overall in 14:19. It felt good to get out and run a bit in the sun – I think that's the first time I've felt warm outside in months.
Fun 8am. Agree with Matt — that was A LOT in one hour, especially given we never touched a bar bell. 14:40 for the work out — took 4-5 breaks during wall balls. Partnered with Phil who was visiting from West London and attends a box that CFSBK have visited in the past.
Missing CFSBK but the warm weather here in Florida kind of makes up for it. Though central Florida leaves a lot to be desired. Dropped in at Crossfit Kings Point here in Orlando which is a terrific box. Great coaches and space and cool members too. Fun time. Skill was 5 sets of 6 weighted dips. Followed by a tough little sprint of a WOD 5 rds of 10 front squats RX 95lbs and 300 meter run with 90 seconds rest between rds. Finished in 14:53. Legs and lungs were burning.
Congrats to OG SBK'er Jenna M and her wife Jane on the new addition to the family 🙂
Fun times at the 9am with DO!
WOD wasn't as bad as I thought it would be…finished in 15:22 with a 12# ball. Broke them up into sets of 10. First lap outside was a bit slow but tried to pick up the pace on lap 2!
Oh and my wall walks are getting better…just need to control coming down a bit more!!!
9am with DO. Really like these kinds of chipper WODs. Tried to pay attention to my pace on the erg and was around 1:49 for the first 400-500 and then started to slow down before going to the wall ballls. 14#s in 20-15-10-5. The run outside felt so nice in the sun! Finished in 13:21.
I also got some wonderful and much needed body work from Inka afterwards. She gave some great pointers on areas that are especially tight, where I should to focus on rolling out. Thanks Inka!
Made up this week's squats at my globo gym. I noticed they bought some Airdynes, so I finished up with an Airdyne tabata. I wouldn't say I regret that decision, but it took an hour to feel right again. Wow.
I really like classes where I feel like we do a ton of things in an hour. But my wrist was already killing me from work all week (too much mousing), so the L-sit holds were murder. I try stretching my wrists regularly but its not helping. Anyone have any suggestions? I tried tape once but that didn't seem to work either. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.
WOD with 20lb ball. Finished in 13:51.
Beautiful day!
9 am with David
It was fun to get back to doing the gymnastic type stuff. I've always been good at lifting heavy stuff but I like trying the inverted stuff and L-sits.
I really liked todays the WOD portion of the morning. My goal was to be the first one off the erg and I was I didnt pay well enough attention to the finishing time but I think it was about 3:30.
Did the wall balls with a 20lb ball, did 25 unbroken stopped for a 5 count, did 5 more to even it out in my head took a few seconds and finished with 20 in a row.
The run felt good, finished in 11:58
Noon with Jeremy and Mcdowell
Wod 14:01 with a 14lb ball beautiful day for those 2 long laps around the block!
Thursday: ran home from work, 12 min warmup then 1 min run+1min rest across the Manhattan bridge. Finished on 7. Then cool down jog home, followed by amrap friends, tacos, and beer at Taco Santo.
Friday: "sore" from Thursdays AMRAP work
I couldn't make the 1pm at pp today but after seeing the WOD decided to make today a 2fer.
Workout 1: timed lap around the park. Running is definitely a work in progress for me. Then down to the gym for 11am. DNF today's workout! I accelerated into the second lap, then my calf cramped. McDowell suggested stretching and electrolytes; in retrospect I feel like an idiot for not putting HEED (electrolytes) in my water bottle. I'll remember how to do this eventually…
Beautiful day!
OG last night
Mobility: foam roller on t-spine, lats, triceps. SO SORE from thu in shoulders/last. orb into sub-clavius and pec. a bit in the hamstrings/adductors. a few rounds of 5 push-ups, 5-10 jumps into handstand, and 10 hollow rocks to get the blood pumping. then,
LBBS: 45×5, 95×5, 115×3
wendler "1 week"
125×1, 145×1, 165×5. David said I had two more in me, which I'm sure was true, but happy to cut it there for now.
Accessory work: 3 sets of 10 band pull-aparts. 2 sets of :30 supine GHD hold, :30 prone GHD hold. a few free-standing handstands, a few ring chin-ups, a few skin the cats… trying to get there with straight legs.
11AM class w/ Jeremy/McD:
WOD in 14:15 with 14# ball, 9' target
-my mindset going into this was almost to think of it as a recovery wod after how sore I was from Thu and from squats last night. happy I did.
-took the row at a really chill pace, started around 2:00, let it get up to about 2:20, a few harder pulls around 250m, then chilled thru the finish
-WB in 5 sets of 10. felt strong and consistent, no misses.
-first 1.5 blocks of the run were MF slow. I managed to pick it up a bit, and then even more towards the end
cash out: whole foods. no seriously… i used all of my $ at whole foods afterward.
Took a much-needed rest day yesterday.
AR at noon was great as always. I really did not feel like working out afterwards.
1pm class with Jeremy and McDowell. WOD with 14# ball to 9 foot target in 14.02.
Row- 3.59.5 1.59.7/500M which is right around my 2K race pace.
Wall-balls were absolutely woeful and I had to no-rep myself five times. I seem to have forgotten how to do them, but then that 9 foot target has always been a challenge for me.
The run outside was beautiful, lovely and wonderful. I kind of made back the time I had lost on the wall-ball section.
Bad idea to do this WOD right before rings class as my shoulders were smoked but I still had fun and will miss this class during the break. Thanks K2H2 for your patience!
8am with David
All things I need to practice and improve today. Handstands, even with the safety of a wall, freaks me out a bit. But after a little help from David, kicking up got better, and I can I see I'll get there with practice.
Not crazy about my time on today's wod – 15:29. But also not surprised since I'm not strong on the erg, or so much with wall balls: 12#, 9'. I broke them into 5 sets of 10. The 12# ball is starting to feel slightly easier, but it's my endurance on these that weakens quickly. Legs are beat.