Performance: 5/3/1 “1 Week”
75%x1, 85%x1, 95%x1+
Fitness: 2×10
Linear Progression
Post loads to comments.
LBBSQ e3/6
5 Rounds, each for time of:
10 Burpees
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings
10 Burpees
Rest about 2 minutes between sets.The C.R.A.S.H.-B Sprints in Boston
- Don’t forget to RSVP for the Potluck this Saturday starting at 7:00pm!
- See more pictures from CRASH Bs in our Flickr page
CRASH B Results
First Name | Last Name | Rank | Time | Ave. Split | Ave. SPM |
Tom | Altier | 5 | 7:30.1 | 1:52.5 | |
Michelle | Berrios | 16 | 8:49.9 | 2:12.5 | 31 |
Brad | Devendorf | 1 | 7:09.5 | 1:47.3 | 32 |
Robert | Fasone | 11 | 8:15.0 | 2:03.7 | 31 |
Judith | Geis | 13 | 8:21.2 | 2:05.3 | |
Mel | Lloyd | 17 | 8:54.2 | 2:13.5 | 26 |
Sarah | Marquez | 7 | 7:34.6 | 1:53.6 | 30 |
Katie | Mears | 4 | 7:29.9 | 1:52.4 | 30 |
Joe | Mefford | 3 | 7:18.3 | 1:49.5 | 31 |
Adele | Myers | 18 | 8:54.8 | 2:13.7 | 27 |
Charlie | Nagle | 9 | 7:59.9 | 2:00.0 | |
Erica | Nofi | 15 | 8:35.9 | 2:09.0 | 27 |
Robyn | O’Brien | 10 | 8:13.4 | 2:03.3 | 30 |
Ruth | Pardee | 8 | 7:58.4 | 1:59.6 | 29 |
Charmel | Rogers | 2 | 7:09.8 | 1:47.4 | 29 |
Elisabeth | Snell | 14 | 8:21.8 | 2:05.4 | 26 |
Juliana | Vail | 12 | 8:15.4 | 2:03.9 | |
Mike | West | 6 | 7:31.0 | 1:52.7 | 28 |
Sam | Wright | 19 | 9:09.0 | 2:17.2 | 29 |
Rival Industries Sweet Talk the Public NYT
Nice job, crash-bs! The training looks fun/amazing/awful.
Fun 6am, glad I dragged myself out of bed.
LBBS wendler, 255×5, finished feeling like I could do maybe two more. This was the first time using a belt, I noticed last week I was rounding a little at the bottom. I think the belt helped. Next thing you know I'll be ordering lifting shoes…
I slipped and fell on the ice on Monday, smacked my wrist pretty hard. Went to bed last night thinking about burpees and woke up thinking about burpees – luckily my wrist was OK. WOD in 16:59, 32kg. Fastest 1:44, slowest 1:50. Took the first round relatively easy to pay attention to my wrist, in retrospect I could have pushed harder rounds 1-4. Hardest part was definitely the kb swings, burpees were broken up nicely.
Also went for a run Monday, my calf was fine (if not my cardio)! If I could stop accumulating new injuries for a few weeks everything will be pretty much perfect.
Congratulations CRASH-B'ers!! Such an awesome job!
Well done Crash Beasts – certainly something I could never do, so really impressed with the effort through a gruelling 4 months of training and the times posted are great.
Make up post from yesterday. Another hour of torture (@KH) identifying and trying to utilize tiny little muscles that I didn't know existed.
Then squats at 45 * 5, 135 *5, 225 * 3 – work sets, 275 * 5, 305 *3, 335 * 5
WoD – anything with 100 burpees involved will be rough. The last 5 seemed to take an eternity. (1) 1:29 (2) 1:25 (3) 1:32 (4) 1:38 (5) 1:42
GREAT JOB CRASH-BEASTS!!! Some amazing numbers! More importantly, amazing efforts!
YEAAAAAAHHHHH CRASH-Beasts! My hat is off to you for all the craziness it took to get you to that point.
BSQ 180×9. Definitely going to add 10# to my training max for the next 3 weeks.
WOD 18:47, best round 1:56, worst 2:25. Ouch. Also I think Brad lapped me. If you can imagine an action figure that does burpees, that's Brad. Burpee Brad. Not available in stores.
Way to go Crash B's!
Did the workout yesterday. Short and um, sweet. Fortunately, the rounds are short but and 5 mins is not too long.
Well done Crash Beasts, the training looked grueling, I hope everyone is happy with their results.
Todays workout with McDowell and Ro,
LP LBBSq 170x10x2
WOD with a conservative 20#KB fastest was last, 1:40, slowest was first at 2:00
I hope my back feels better tomorrow, 3 days is enough to get over a tweak right?
Wendler BSQ, 145# x 7, a PR for reps at that weight. WOD with a 20kg bell, fastest time 1:57, slowest 2:04. Felt like I really gave it my all today, to make up for yesterday's wah wah. Hard WOD, I'm fried! @ Lisa F, thanks for talking to me at the front desk today! It's always nice to have someone empathize.
Oh, also, the Crash Beasts totally, totally inspire me. You couldn't pay me to train the way they do (okay, you could, but it would have to be a lot of dolla dolla billz).
Damn crash-beasties. I am in awe of your fortitude and mental toughness. Not to mention apparent pain-tolerance/masochism. Seriously, awesome work.
I tip my tam o'shanter to the rowers. Such a difficult thing to do. I used to get butterflies for 3 days before my tests on that machine from hell. Congratulations, that's some hard work right there.
I was reading yesterday, somebody not being about to swallow after 500 or 1k. I know there was some congestion there or something, but that was me everytime I did a rowing test. 500 in, couldn't swallow. rubber legs. Seriously, big hat tip. That's really difficult to do.
Awesome job Crash-Beasts.
6am class at Lalanne Fitness in SF. Double WOD of Helen, rest 10 min and then mini-Nancy (3 rounds instead of 5). Finished Helen in 7:41 which was a massive 41 second PR. Not an apples-to-apples comparison with my CFSBK Helen time given the different run routes, but I'm pretty stoked about the result. It helped that there was a guy in the class who finished in 7:14. Dude was super fast on the runs. Finished mini-Nancy in 7:32. Legs are a bit wobbly now.
congratulations crash b team – so impressed with the commitment and training.
8am with Ro.
LP LBBS at 95x10x2. These moved really well, except for my last rep in the second set, which went up very slow. Reps 6-10 takes a lot more focus, and heart rate gets going. I'm already slightly nervous for 100# next week, for some reason I think it's going to be way harder even though it's a small increase.
WOD with 16kg KB. Best and first round, 1:39. I lost track on some of the other rounds but hovered around 2 min for a few, and may have been slightly over 2 for my worst; taking a bit of rest between movements. I knew going in, i'd be gasping for air through the whole thing. It felt terrible but happy with my time on it.
Congrats Crash Beasts! I'm so impressed with all the work you have done.
10am class with Jeremy.
150 x 10 x 2. This felt heavy but I guess it is supposed to. Still getting used to the mindset needed for more reps.
WOD- 20 kg and strict no-knee burpees which I hate but made myself do because I can, even though I am really slow at them. Best round was my first 2.04 (25 kb swings- oops) and worst was the fourth round 2.26.
Still tired after the weekend away even though I took two rest days. It is really nice to be back in regular group class but I am a bit sad that it is all over.
Thanks for the love y'all. Amazing experience.
Noon class…
Lbbs rep out for 8 at 210. I felt like I had one or two in the tank but didn't want to push to fail.
Best round was 1:22 with 24kg bell worst was 1:38
Huge shout out to all the people that killed it at crashb! Very impressive.
We only need two more registrations for the games to be in the top 5 for the northeast!
Sign up people!
What JR said. Bravo to the CRASH Beasts for your grit, guts and gumption. My last 2K test was in 1993 and I never intend to do another. You guys are beasts indeed.
Did today's work in my basement. Wendler squats: 160×5, 180×3, 200×5. 200 felt wonkier than I'd like. Then the burpee/KB stuff with 20kg because my 24kg is AWOL. Second round best at 1:53; last round worst at 2:13. I hate me some burpees.
Congrats to the crash beasts!!!
Wendler squats 110lbs rep out at 11
WOD with a 20kg kettle bell
1st 1:55
2nd 1:55
3rd 2:00
4th 2:06
5th 1:59
This felt really slow and awful!!!
First WOD in what seems like an eternity due to rowing my silly self crazy.
In my garage aka CrossFit BingoRyder
WOD with 24kg fastest round @1:54 slowest @2:13
Felt good do do a full workout again
For extra masochistic pleasure I did a 10 min cool down row
Still nursing a jammed wrist but Snatching feels ok…
HBBS 352x2x6
RDLs: 264x8x4
Planks W/25KG plate+Danae:15 seconds X 4
5:30 class
Exactly where I want to be with this. No belt, moving smooth,
WOD w/32kg
Fastest was 1:19
Slowest was 1:32
Fished in 15:00
That was really hard.
Wendler 'One' Week.
Partnered with Fox and Katie M.
185×5, 205×3, 235×12
Fox told me my upper back was collapsing and that I had a shitty set-up coming out of the rack, so like, back to the drawing board.
Accessory WOD with 24kg bell. Fastest round 1:48, slowest round 2:04. A couple of rounds in the 1:50s and one at exactly 2:00
6am with Arturo & McD
Somewhere along the way I lost sight of my lbbs weight…made a 10# jump from last week to 75# but have more in me. Hope to make another big jump next week!
WOD – best round at 2:00 and slowest was 2:25. Burpee hell…
Way to go Crash Beasts…I am in awe of all of you!
5:30 class
Felt good, though McDowell said that one of my reps was a little shallow.
WOD with 24kg, Holy hell was that hard. Tried to keep pace with Gina, but she smoked me by the end. Also I fell over during the second set of burpees in round 4. Graceful. Best time was 1:32 and worst was 1:58.
Noon class with Josh and McDowell. Became fun-employed yesterday so I can take afternoon classes for a few weeks and really excited about that.
I skied three days this past weekend and combined with front squats yesterday my legs are really taking a beating. The positive is, I skied moguals better than I ever have this weekend and attribute that the last 6 months of crossfit.
Stuck with fitness and was able to add 5 lbs to last week. 235 2×10
The conditioning part was a good one 32kg, bell best time is 1:31 worst time was 1:42 stayed pretty consistent through each round only finishing 2-3 seconds slower than the previous round.
Fox, you must scream through burpees. Those times are ridiculous.
Laura, I cracked up reading about your fall. Graceful, indeed. Get it, girl.
7:30 class, brought to you by Late Night with McD and MeLo
Wendler LBBS 135×5, 150×3, 160×3, felt a little rushed and nervous during the rep out, so I decided on three reps and didn't engage enough to see if I could/should push it beyond that.
WOD with 24kg, slowest 2:08, fastest 1:57. I grabbed a 20kg at first but decided to push it when Shaye and Steph grabbed the 24. Gotta love positive peer pressure. First three rounds decreased my splits, then fell off in the last two rounds because my burpees started happening in slow motion, weird how that happens…
On a side note, I was reading through my journal entries from a year ago today, and it was freaking hilarious. When I first started group classes, I made it a goal to meet one new person and memorize their name each time I came to class, so I have all these notes about people I now would say I feel quite a bit of love for, with my first-impression adjectives next to their names. Also: so glad you guys encourage journaling, because turns out, a mere nine months ago, I was stoked about squatting 100#. Good stuff.
A rare 5:30pm Wednesday night group class for me.
(95×5, 135×4, 175×2)
205x5x2, 205×10
-still moving up and happy to have hit 10 again. Up 5# next week.
Wod o' burpees with a 24kg bell:
1) 1:30
2) 1:30
3) 1:33
4) 1:32
5) 1:41
-god damn that was hard. Did my best to try to keep up with Fox but I knew it was over once he took off his shirt. 😉 Had to coach a foundations class immediately post-wod and it took me at least 30 mins to finally stop panting. I hate burpees.
6:30 p.m. w/ McD & Ro.
215 x 5
245 x 3
270 x 10
WOD with 32 kg bell. best round 1:25. worst 1:54. last two rounds were a big drop off and disappointment. I have no business swinging a 32 kb bell but that's all that was left after I took my time fetching a white board.
Side note. Olympics right now some female ice skater is doing jazz hands and cheerleader moves and big smiles to "Shine on you crazy diamond' by Pink Floyd. WTF, right?
Congrats Crash-b's!
Creating new habits! Committing to posting as well as utilizing my log book.
Noon Class: 145 x 10 x 2 – Felt pretty good – I honestly missed the last two weeks so I was unsure what this would feel or look like but it went really well. Let's see what next week will bring.
WOD: 20kg: Best Round: 1:26 Worst: 1:34