Take 12 minutes to work up to a moderately heavy (around 75%) triple on the front squat.
Should be fast and crisp. No failing.
Post loads to comments.
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Deadlifts 135/95
Shoulder to Overheads 135/95
Chest to bar Pull-ups
10 Rounds for time of:
5 Deadlifts
5 Push Presses
5 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
Choose a load that allows you to move unbroken on the Push Press
The 2014 Open is Upon us!
Team CFSBK has 89 members signed up, the 23rd biggest team in the world! Interested? Sign up here.
The 2014 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge is “Over”
The six week 2014 Look, Feel, and Perform Better Challenge is over and we want to hear about your experiences. Please get your
Post Challenge Entry in. The deadline for entries to be considered for awards is Monday. These challenges improve from year to year based largely on learning what worked well for the most amount of people so whether you killed it or withered a bit, please take a few moments to share. Also set your calendar for the wrap up potluck on Saturday where we’ll also speak about how you can make these changes last longer than 6 weeks, and unveil the bonus challenge!
Inside the Affiliate
As we’re sure you’re aware, there’s a massive shortage of videos on the Internet. To rectify this dearth, we’ve created a swell video about fitness over on ITA. More specifically, a video about how we break down group instruction during Olympic lifting segments in Group Classes. Check it out, CFSBKers! We sure love your love.
Cellar Dwellers!!
Just wondering if it is possible/acceptable to participate in the Open if I can't Rx all the movements?
Final OG session last night before heading out of town for a couple weeks.
40×3 50×2 60×1 70×1 75×1 80xF,F 72xF,F,F
This got frustrating so I reset with the idea of hitting some good reps at a medium weight, but they felt great so I worked back up to PR territory:
Snatch 2
50×1 60×1 70×1 75×1 80×1 82xF,F,1 (PR)
I had to bail 82 behind since I got too close to the indie stands, so it wasn't a "competition make" but I'm counting it for the logbook!
Clean and jerk
70×1 80×1 90xF,1 95×1 102xF,C,F (PR clean)
Front Squat
135×5 185×4 245×3,2,3
Failed the 3rd rep on the second set but knew I had another 3 in me so I went again after a few minutes and made it.
If anyone is interested in my really nice bike… I swear spring will be here shortly.
Worked with Christie on FSQ, got to 150×3. Felt good.
Fitness WOD with 73# and banded kips, 10:35. The kips were no bueno today, even with the bands. Oy. I'll get it someday.
7am tiny class with McDowell,
Was planning on working up to a low 200 on the FSQx3, at 185's 3rd round I severely tweaked my left rhomboid. I scaled the WOD back on the fitness version to a 75# and boxed pullups and finished at 8:31.
I dont quite understand how this happened, I was still in warm-up mode and my weights were 45×3, 95×3, 125×3, 155×3, 185×3, so no real big jump, I dont know where I went wrong, I was even wearing a belt. Im looking forward to some extensive LAX balling tonight, and hope it goes away quickly.
Worked up to 215 on the FSQ, a little over 75%. Felt good and pretty fast.
Performance WOD: 7:06 Rx'd
Went better than I thought it would. 135 would have been pretty heavy for me 6 months to a year ago for 45 reps. Today did the first and last rounds unbroken and broke the rest into 2 sets just to save gas. Kept the pull-ups in sets of 4-7 til the end also for pacing purposes.
6AM with McDowell and Jess
Front Squat
45×5, 95×5, 125×4, 155×3, 175×3
– Felt "heavy" but got it up.
– Position has been a lot better just need to work on grip.
Fitness WOD @ 95# & Jumping Pull Ups: 12:25
– Was doing okay up until the sixth round, then my shoulders felt beat.
– Was tempted to do 75# but glad I didn't. The #95 was manageable and if I exercised more focus I'm sure I would've gone unbroken.
This cycles programming has been a lot of fun but also crazy tough. I'm feeling more beat than usual. I'm so excited to rest so hard tomorrow.
Looks nice, Sarah. Thanks for cleaning my chain breaker, by the way!
10am with Noah
Hit 205# on the front squat which was a 3RM PR once up a time. Today it moved pretty well.
Partnered with Fox on the performance WOD and was 6 reps shy of finishing when the time cap hit. Always great partnering with him, the coaching and cues were spot on. Also fun working out next to (i.e. competing against) Ryan who put up one more rep than me at the buzzer.
Monster 10am class
FSQ – 185-205-215
Felt good, no belt.
WOD Rx'd in 9:13
Deadlifts all unbroken
Push Jerks all cycled from OH in 9/6, 8/4, 9, 6, 3
C2B made me so tired in 6/5/4, 5/4/3, 3/3/3, 3/3, 3
Thanks to Matt for keeping me moving without "too" much rest. My strategy was to let Dan L get way out ahead of me so I wouldn't try and keep up with him, so, I was successful at that.
@Christian – I'm also looking forward to hitting that rest day HAM.
Big 12pm Group class today with Fox and Ro.
(45×5, 95×5, 135x, 155×2) 175×3
-a little more than 75% and this was fine for today. Not super fast but not a grind.
Performance WOD:
9:53 rx'd.
-started out with push jerks but then switched back to push press which I'm much more comfortable with and can cycle much faster. Can't remember how I split the round of 15. The set of 12 was 4-4-4, the 9 was 5-4 and the last 2 rounds were unbroken.
-c2b really failed me today. I thought I'd be able to get sets of 3-5 consistently but I struggled to get 3's and had to resort to singles early on. Ended up tearing in both palms during the round of 6. 🙁
Great to partner with MeLo (who killed this!) and Lauren B. (who is stronger than she thinks she is!). Great class!
Also, congrats to the Crash-Beasts on yesterday's race! Would love to hear from you all on the experience.
My 1 year crossfit anniversary is today. Thankful that I was able to still come in and feel like I'm still a part of the community and find things to work on while on my slow road back to recovery.
@Fox–thank you for what you said today, I wish I could express how small things like that lift my spirits
LBBS w/ a #22 barbell– 3X10. Focused on bracing and breaking at the hips/knees. Good cue from Ro, my resident rehabilitation coach.
10 back extensions
10 DB strict press #20
10 ring rows.
Slow and steady 1K row after.
Spent 1.5hrs at the dog park with Cass after. It was nice to be out in the sunshine and watching the happy pup. Helps to remind myself how lucky I am and how grateful I should be for the coaches and community who continue to support and believe in me while I struggle through this time and try to remain positive and confident.
Tiny 7am with McDowell
FSQ at 225lbs – moved pretty easily and no real issues
WoD – RX in 9:34. Wanted to do the DL and S2O unbroken throughout… At least I made it through the round of 15 with that goal still in tact. 12 and 9 were broken into two sets. 6 and 3 round unbroken. C2B started so well 8 and 7 round one, next round 5, 4, 3, next round 3, 2, 2, 2, then 2, 2, 1, 1 then for the final round 1 long pause, 1 longer pause 1. No endurance on those then! Nice WoD though – enjoyed this one
@Gracie – you're welcome, and you did 🙂
10am with Noah.
Worked up to a triple at 215 on the FSQ. Moved just fine.
5 reps shy of finishing. What Matty said before — it was fun to chase him for twelve minutes. Push jerks aren't super comfortable for me to cycle yet. I also need to get a bit lower to preserve my shoulders. CTBs have come a long way these last few months.
Just got back from the CRASH-B race in Boston. I finished the race in 7:31.0, which is a few seconds off my PR, but almost a minute faster than the first 2k I ever rowed last February when I was starting at CFSBK. Overall, I am happy with my performance and learned a lot about myself during the months leading up to the race. My primary goal was to gain more mental toughness and I definitely think this entire experience has done that.
More important, it was great watching the amazing group of people from CFSBK killing it race after race in Boston. One of the highlights for me was when a guy who runs a Crossfit gym in (I think) Long Island came up to me (I had on my CFSBK t-shirt) and said he was impressed with how many people are always at the CRASH-B race from CFSBK. I think we represented well!
The whole event was really well run and having the opportunity to watch the other race categories was an experience. I think the oldest racer was 96 (he finished just under 12 minutes). Some of the college-aged rowers finished under 6 minutes, pulling splits between 1:20 and 1:25. I cannot even fathom this but it was a true feat to watch.
Big thanks to Nick for being the leader of the "Crash Beasts" and to Mare for coordinating everything to, from, and in Boston. And thanks to DO and the other coaches for letting us sweat, grunt, cry, and row on the ergs in the gym for the past 16 weeks.
Front squats
45x5x2, 135×5, 165×3, 185×3, 195×3
Modified WOD (shoulder injury)
10 rounds
5 deadlift @ 135
10 push ups
5 pull ups
FSQ with Lauren S and Alex – 130# x 3 moved well. Worked on moving more quickly with control through descent and bouncing up with speed. I plan to work on front squat and dead lift more.
(Yesterday was my first day back from vacation. My brain is still on the beach. Forgot to rep out my dead lift. Finished the work-out in 8 min perf as rx'd – everything was pretty wonky.)
Today's work-out performance version @ 83# took me 12:46. It felt slow and ugly. Especially compared to MeLo's 7:46 @93#. I could have beaten her if I hadn't taken that 5 min nap in the middle of the work out. Always fun partnering with M&J. Such an inspiring duo.
And big thanks to them for keeping me moving and making me finish the work-out. STO were taxing and that contributed to my lame pull-ups, which I tried really hard, unsuccessfully at times, to make C2B. Wasn't sure how this one would go and that's pretty much how it went.
I really liked class today. And I can't wait to get better at everything!
Front Squat: 205×3
WOD: Fitness version @95 lbs and 5 strict chin-ups. Finished in 12:10
5:30 with DO and RO.
FSQ — worked up to 123#, which seems to be my sticking point on the FSQ
WOD (fitness, 63#, subbed 2 strict chins for 5 pull-ups/RR's): 9:28
Also, I did push jerks. I didn't think I would like this one, but I did. Happy I came in.
Accessory work: GHD holds, pallof presses, windshield wipers.
Thanks Jess! We are still on the way back from Boston in the van (thanks David for providing the van!) and thanks Mare for being a fantastic cruise director. Biggest thanks of all to Nick for creating a brilliant training plan and for all of the support over the last few months.
This whole experience has been awesome. The training program was a grotesque kind of fun and I really enjoyed having one thing to focus on over the winter months. This was the first time I have ever competed in anything or trained towards a specific goal and it has been a really rewarding experience, both physically and mentally. I definitely feel all of the CRASH-Beasts have developed a bond over the past few months and this weekend was such a fun time with a ridiculously amazing bunch of people.
We met Nick at the Harvard boathouse on Saturday evening. We got caught in the blizzard on the way up so we were two hours later than everyone else but Nick waited for us and we did our pre race warmup, which felt pretty good after sitting for so long! The boathouse was pretty amazing and I think we all felt very lucky to be able to be there,where do many elite athletes have trained.
The event itself was well organized and it was so cool to see all the real rowers and their crazy almost world record-breaking numbers. You could pick out the Crossfitters a mile away by their clothing, which was pretty funny. The race itself was scary. I got really nervous and My coach Monte was great and kept me calm throughout the race but I lost it a bit towards my last 500 meters. My form broke down and my stroke rate was probably a bit high and I just didn't push to my limit and I did not beat my last time but I got sub-8 (7.59.9!) was my original goal. It was a bit disappointing not to beat my last time but I was only a second off and it was still 10 seconds faster than my first 2K back in October.
I am definitely doing this again next year.
Favorite moment- Mel, Juliana, Ruth and moi pushing the van out of the snow while Nick drove. Ha!
Fun day. Worked up to 175 on the front squats but it was ugly. Not completely comfortable on the front squats and Noah called me out on my depth (rightfully so). I did 175 back in January when we did a 3x and I think it was a lot smoother. Just need to get more comfortable with the positioning.
Did the fitness WOD and it was fun. Used 95lbs and the dead lifts and push press were consistent. My kip is still a work in progress but did them mostly in sets of 2 and 3 until the last set when my grip was a bit fried and I apparently tore a callus where i did 2/2/1. Finished at 11:50.
I want to be a Cellar Dweller.
Climbed at BKB for about 45min-an hour, happy with my progress
Was sick and lazy all of last week so I just wanted to move a bit today
3 Rounds
20 Walking Lunges with a 16kg Kettlebell
12 Push-Ups
15 GHD Sit-Ups
Then I did some pause squats, light rowing and ate food. Exciting stuff.
7:30 with Arturo and Noah. Worked up to 205×3 on the front squats, focusing on bouncing at the bottom and keep good speed.
Did the fitness Wod at 115lbs. Got through two rounds with strict pull ups then Noah advised me to scale them to do 3 reps instead of using a band. Pull ups was the limiting factor, as expected. Did all other movements unbroken and could probably have added a few more pounds.
Finished at 12:36.
7:30 with Noah & Arturo
Worked up to 88# on my front squat.
Went a little light on the WOD because I am beat up from the weekend and not used to evening classes…48# and finished in 9:58….could have gone heavier but my body was tired.
Excited for rest day tomorrow.
Power Snatch Doubles
**This was not smart. My tweaky wrist is not getting better. Maybe it has something to do with not giving it a rest.
Clean Pulls (Chinese Style)
Behind the neck press
Going to take a couple days off from going over head and hope my wrist heals up.
CELLAR DWELLERS!!! That is soooo awesome. I predict that will be me in a few decades…