As Many Rounds As Possible in 5 minutes of:
15 Kettlebell Swings
10 Goblet Squats
5 Push-Ups
Rest 5 minutes and repeat for a total of 3 rounds
As Many Rounds As Possible in 5 minutes of:
5 Power Snatch 115/75
5 Overhead Squats 115/75
10 Burpees
Rest 5 minutes and repeat for a total of 3 rounds
Post rounds completed and Rx to comments.
Lots of Squatting happening at CFSBK!
C.R.A.S.H-B’s Tomorrow
Each year in February since 2010, SBK has sent a group to Boston to race at the CRASH–B World Indoor Rowing Competition. This year we’re sending the biggest group yet – 24 people in all – of “CRASH-Beasts.”
The CRASH-Beasts have been training with Coach Nick since late October. Going off a weekly program that Nick provided, they’ve spent the last 16 weeks honing their rowing skills, developing their stamina, improving their mental toughness, and learning how to race. Along the way Nick held three technique clinics and four races at the gym.
SBK is providing a van to transport some of the CRASH-Beasts, and Mare is handling the logistics for the weekend. Stay tuned for their results!
Tom A
Michelle B
Brad D
Robert F
Judith G
Colette K
Melissa L
Sarah M
Amanda M
Katie M
Joe Mefford
Amy M
Adele M
Charlie N
Erica N
Robyn O
Ruth P
Charmel R
Josh S
Tushar S
Elisabeth S
Juliana V
Mike W
Sam W
The Law You Won’t Be Told
8am with Melo
This morning was a tough one.
3 rounds and 2 snatches
3 rounds and 1 snatch
2 rounds and 5 burpees
The over head squats became very challenging by the last round as the bar was difficult to maintain properly overhead. Shoulders are smoked!!!
Fitness version with a 20kg bell. 3 rounds plus 15 swings, then 3 rounds plus 12 swings, then 3 rounds plus 4 swings. Goblet squats are the worst and shoulders were lit up pretty good.
I was initially slightly disappointed to not be doing the performance version (just couldn't envision snatching 75# unbroken and quickly), but after watching the people who were doing it I wasn't really that jealous. Hard stuff.
8am. 3 rounds + 1 snatch, 2 rounds + 8 burpees, 2 rounds + 5 OHS. Fun to be chasing Pierre. Burpees were really slow today, probably because of all of the push-ups yesterday. Did the snatches unbroken until the middle of the second round. Overhead squats were brutal near the end.
Fun to see McGrath in the house for the 9am class.
Tough one today.
First round with 28 kg bell, next two with 24.
3 rounds + swings
3 rounds + 10 swings
3 rounds + 8 swings
Good luck Crash Beasts!
Good luck Crash-B'ers. Your training looked brutal. Much respect.
Great 8 am class with Melissa.
Did the performance version and almost immediately started to second guess my choice. The snatches went up well but I still need to learn how to cycle them effectively. OHS were very difficult but I was able to go unbroken. Burpees were burpees.
Hit 2 rounds even on the first round. 2 rounds plus one snatch on the second round. 2 rounds plus two snatches on the third round.
Very jelly legged after the first round. This was a tough one. Extremely slow walk home.
Good luck, Crash-B'ers!!!
Love the video — definitely going to pass it around to my fellow law nerds! The best professor I have ever had, Paul Butler, has written a lot on the power of jury nullification. If you're interested, here is a link to one of his many articles:
Training is going well out here in NJ. Very excited to participate in a snatch clinic tomorrow with Karyn Marshall, an accomplished weightlifter who coaches at my new gym. Maybe afterwards I'll try today's workout!
1. In fairly urgent need for a doc that perhaps has a running background or specializes in working with runners + injuries. My best friend is a wicked amaze runner and suddenly has a mystery foot injury that could possibly take them out of the season completely. Any suggestions? Crossing Fingers!
2. Good luck CrashBeez! MAKE THE ERG CRY
3. Awesome to see McGrath and fam at SBK 9am class. A nice treat for sure.
4. Huge thanks to Sara for texting Paddock to bring the coffee that brought me to life post class. I was utterly wrecked. <3 <3 <3
5. No comments on that WOD.
@JB i've seen jordan metzl at hospital for special surgery and he works with a lot of athletes. i think a bunch of other folks here have seen him too
10am class
1- 3 rounds plus 1 Snatch
2- 2 rounds plus 5 Snatch and 5 OHS
3- 2 rounds plus (not sure?)
That was brutal. My shoulders and arms are dead from the half Cindy, but my legs had no juice. Snatches mostly unbroken, all OHS unbroken, but the burpees were the worst part of this.
Great brunch at Alma after with Jess, Melo, and Rickke planning our Cali motorcycle trip to the Games restored my faith in the world.
11 am
3+10, 3+1, 3 even
This was harder than expected. Weight wasn't really a problem just gassed me. Snatches were unbroken or 4+1 for the most part. OHS unbroken. Burpees slow and steady
11am – this was brutal. I came in thinking I would load 95+2×10 on the bar and take off the 10s when things got rough. Thought about doing fitness when I heard no scaling allowed. I'm glad I did this but it was a big stretch for me and my lower back is definitely cranky.
1 – 2 rounds + snatches.
2 – I don't even remember, probably 1 round + snatches + 4 OHS with a no-rep from Josh, but part of me thinks it might have been 2 rounds + snatches + 4 OHS. Having to break up the OHS 2nd time around = more snatching.
3 – 1 round + snatches. I had about 10, 15 seconds and could have tried for an OHS but I really felt like that was not a great idea.
OG last night:
-orb on hamstrings, adductors, and lat… specifically left side which feels ropey and terrible. this is obviously contributing to my shoulder stuff. lax ball on shoulder bits both sides.
-a few rounds of 5 pushups, 15 hollow rocks, and plank holds with 20 hand to shoulder lifts to warm up.
-cleans: I wasn't thinking clearly so pulled from floor instead of hang. avoided jerk since STO has been hurting. full squat cleans. 3 reps @ 63#, 3 reps at 83#, then 103×1, 113×1. called it there for a moderate single.
Then… ANNIE for fun! time = 6:33
This is 9 seconds off the 3rd place leaderboard time and I really thought I could get it. I knew I had to go fast as possible but didn't really look at the clock during the wod, just focused on form and speed. DU's unbroken except the round of 30; missed on 23 and then got the rest. Sit-ups just felt slow … didn't have a lot of extra gas in the tank to keep up pace, though they were all unbroken.
tacos from Taco Santo after. they did not have their shit together in terms of customer service, but the food was DELICIOUS. baja fish tacos, lobster taco, and mushroom taco. i'm in heaven.
Good luck Crash B'ers! Especially 6am-ers Brad and anyone else I missed.
Did 8am performance this morning. 6 rounds plus 4 reps. I can't cycle the snatches so had to let it drop and watch it bounce.
Really nice to see McGrath and the fam in the gym.
If anyone gets 4 rounds or more please post!!
Did performance version, which was fun but really hard.
1 round + 5 snatches + 5 OHS + 9 burpees ARRRG WHERE WAS THAT LAST BURPEE!
1 round + 5 snatches
1 round + 4 snatches
Still reeling from doing the performance option at 9am. Each round got exponentially harder. Not only did the burpees smoke my shoulders right before balancing a heavy barbell overhead, but the burpees (as they always do) left me gasping for air so I couldn't hold my breath to stabilize my core. Nasty combination. Ended up with:
3 + 1 snatch
2 + 5 snatches + 1 squat
1 + 5 snatches + 3 squats
Slow as hell. Thanks to Joy, without whose encouragement I think I would have just stopped moving altogether in the last round.
Godspeed, Crash Beasts! You guys have been working so hard! We're cheering for you!
OG last night, echoing almost all of Katie H.'s post yesterday:
Make-up squats, 110×3, 130×3 150×3, 165×4
Whit helped me realize after OG that I was calculating my Wendler progression incorrectly, and didn't drop to calculating from the 90% of my 1RM. So my squats the last few weeks have been 10% heavier than they should have been, which explains why I couldn't gain any ground on the rep outs. Regardless, I had a cool experience hitting 165 last night. I did one, and didn't bounce well out of the bottom and got scared and so I re-racked. I was going to call it, but Katie H. and JJ encouraged me to try it again. I got my mind in check and hit three more pretty easily. I've heard various peoples' stories about how certain WODs can bring out intense emotions when the circumstances align well (or poorly, depending on how you look at it), and I think that's how I feel about squatting. So even though I felt like a dunce later about my numbers, it was a meaningful win for my mental game.
Made-up FGB-esque metcon with Katie smoked my quads. Our TABATA cash-out of running stairs didn't help. Might not have been a great idea to write our own intense programming on a rest day, but it was super fun.
As a Montanan, I'd also like to give a shout-out to the snug Carhartt overalls that Noah was wearing last night on his bike. Evidence of fashion's ability to inspire.
Today's 11am class + noon AR
Got 2+ rounds each on the WOD with Whit today, and despite mashing and rolling during AR and a half-hour of Mike's awesome endurance info session, I am already so sore. But the good kind. 🙂
12PM with McDowell and Josh
3 Rounds + 8 KB Swings @ 32KG KB
– I've been wanting to use the 28KG but haven't been finding one so I keep on using the 28KG.
– Used 32KG for past KB workouts but underestimated the fatigue here.
– Came out way too quick. The two rounds were fine but the third round really caught up to me.
3 rounds + 3KB Swings @ 24KG KB
– Scaled down to make sure I could still work though.
– Had better pace here. Probably went a little bit too slow.
3 rounds + 15KB Swings + 6 Goblet Squats @24KG KB
– My best out of all rounds.
– Really was a mental challenge at this point.
– Huge thanks to Scott for being an amazing partner and really pushing me through this last one.
One question for the coaches. On the Goblet Squats, my bell was almost right on my shoulder. No one said anything so I'm assuming that's fine but I just wanted to double check. I found that it allowed me to keep the bell "up" while taking a breath and that saved me some valuable time.
Good and hard WOD although I really wanted to be doing the performance version. Good luck to Crash B-ers. Great session on endurance running! Looking forward to it.
Noon class doing fitness with a 28kg bell (ooof)
3rds +20
The squats just burned my back out and my forearms.
Thanks to Brendan for the partner cheer to keep me going.
1pm with McDowell and Josh.
Performance version with Matt
RD 1: 2 rounds + 5 snatches + 5 squats
RD 2: 2 rounds + 4 snatches
RD 3: 2 rounds + 4 snatches
Snatches varied between 4+1 and 2+2+1, all OHS unbroken. The 10 burpees at a time felt infinitely worse than the 60 over the bar we had to do last week. Really liked trading off with a partner to cheer and get some encouragement.
This was a good one. Fitness version. A little disappointed that I couldn't keep a consistent 4 rds for each. Originally planned on doing this at 28kg but felt like I tweaked my left lat during the warm up so opted for the 24kg (actually must have chosen the lesser subconsciously because I had all intention of trying the 28kg but then my partner and I grabbed the 24kg without thinking. I think we were both glad that we did).
Wound up
4 rds + 7 KB swings
4 rds even
3 rds + 15 KB swings
Happy I got in today after a few days under the weather, still feeling my way back a bit from injury/layoff but my back feels totally fine (!)
R1: 3
R2: 2 + 1SN
R3: 2+ 3SN
Felt less than crisp- I PR'ed my snatch the day I hurt my back (about 5 minutes prior) and haven't snatched since, so while 115 didn't feel necessarily heavy, it did feel ungainly. I actually got more comfortable as the rounds went on, but my gas is just not there right now, especially with barbell + bodyweight stuff. Still, I thought this was a super fun workout, and am continually grateful to be back in the saddle.
Also, Kate R (and Shaye), between my SICK Carharrt onesies yesterday and my tights today I think gunning for the title of Johnny Weir of CFSBK. I need to figure out how to incorporate some functional neckwear and other accessories into my repertoire. Come at me bros.
10am group class:
Performance WOD:
1) 3 + 3 burpees
2) 3 + 4 snatch
3) 3 + 2 snatch
-this was tons harder than I anticipated. my quads did not want to jump the snatch up or drop underneath the bar…which of course just made the lift harder. was able to cycle the first 2 rounds of snatches each round then had to brake them up towards the end. all OHS unbroken. burpees at a slow but steady pace.
-awesome to be partnered with MeLo who set the pace. I definitely wouldn't have worked as hard if she wasn't there moving me along!