Performance: 5/3/1 “3 Week”
70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+
Never done a 5/3/1 progression before? Click here for the details
Fitness: 2×10
Linear Progression
Add 5lbs or so from last weeks exposure or start your LP light with adding weight each week in mind, around 80% of your best 3×5 from last cycle is a good place to start.
Post loads to comments.
LBBSQ e2/6
AMRAP 7 Minutes of:
7 Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches, left arm
7 Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch, right arm
7 Push-Ups
Scale the push-ups to be moderatly challenging for 7 reps. If 7 reps is easy for you then scale up to 14 reps.
AMRAP 7 Minutes of:
14 Dumbbell Power Snatch
7 Ring Dips
Switch hands each rep on the Snatch. Dumbbell touches floor each rep. No bands on the Ring Dips
Post rounds completed and Rx to comments.
Pierre D goes for a heavy single
MEAT CSA Pickup Today!
Interested in learning more about the meat CSA? Jerry Peele, the Herondale farmer, will be in the house at the LBFB Challenge Pot Luck on Saturday, Feb 22.
All We Had Was Heart”
Here is another installment from CFSBK’s Poet Laureate Dr. Mike about his youth football experiences.
We just wanted to play ball after outplaying our welcome
with all the teams our age. They found us. “You guys look pretty good.”
That’s how this childhood version of “Bury My Heart
at Wounded Knee” got started. They were older, bigger, stronger.
Ready to use us up like water on a hot day.
We were the mice. They were the cats.
Big cats who swiped us with their paws,
and sent us sprawling. But, we kept getting up again
and again. We could annoy the hell out of them,
nipping at their tails and legs, but never doing any serious damage.
They called us the “little balls” team.
Outweighed. Outgunned. Full of blind courage.
I called the plays, ran, did the punting with two fleet halfbacks,
a sturdy fullback, and some talented receivers. All of us could run.
Broken field running was our specialty. That’s because we knew
how to run away from our older brothers at home.
When the fox is being chased, he knows how
to dart and weave. But … we were still the fox.
The score at the beginning and the end said it all.
First quarter: 7 to 7. Then, the punishment began.
Final score: 7 to 70. They won. They always won.
Our huddle in the 4th quarter was a study in fear and panic.
Heaving chests and downward stares at the ground
said it all. No one wanted the ball. It just hurt too much.
Too many knees in the face. Too many pile-ons. No Ref.
This was sandlot, schoolyard rules. So, I’d have to keep
the ball myself. All we had was heart. Each week we went down
in flames … again. No hope of winning. Still not sure
why we did it. But, we came back week after week.
It was the greatest athletic experience of my life.
To learn how to keep going when your tank is on empty.
Life is a Game, This is Your Strategy Guide
What happens when you let two bots have a conversation
Phenomenal model to help you visualize Spacetime and Gravity
lots of laughs reading the rest of yesterday's.
@Courtney Fordham in the house!
Good vibes in the 6am class. Everyone was in a good mood. Lots of laughs.
Partnered with Michael A. on the LBBSQ. Hit 7 reps at 225# on the Wendler cycle. I probably had two more in me but I called it before it got too grindy.
Got through 4 rounds and two extra snatches on the performance WOD. Rings dips never felt so good and fluid but I need to focus in externally rotating at the top. Warmed up with 40# then moved to 50# for the workout but it still seemed too light. Should have used 60#. Next time.
Make up post from yesterday,
I had a bipolar roommate in grad school, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times…
LBBSq LP jumped 10# from last week @160x10x2, I need to find a better breathing tempo on these. Somehow I feel the people doing the wendler cycle are having more fun.
7 minutes of DB snatches and pushups @35#, 5 rounds +snatches + 2 banded push ups. I LOVE short metcons, I give it everything I got in me. This was my 4th consecutive workout, my shoulders are smoked.
the snowfall projection maps of your dreams for the storm that is coming in. please to enjoy your bitter fate:
6am, good vibes indeed. The awesome, Muppet-looking dog chillin' by the water helped, I think. LBBSq @125x2x10. I like these sets of 10 a lot, but they are deceptive – the last few are much heavier than the first few.
I went 5 rounds of DB snatches (35#) and pushups + 7 DB snatches. This was a fun workout.
Make up post from yesterday:
Hit 135 on the press, pp, pj combo. Then failed at 145 on the 5th jerk 2x. #fail
6am squats with McD & Ro. 265X5X3. Then 4 rds + 14 snatches at #50
Love Fox's story from last night.
My roommate story changed from 6am, because it's better. In college we had a story house with 7 bedrooms and 8 guys. We convinced my friend Ian to take the money from his student loan for housing, and live on our couch and buy beer and food with the money returned by the housing authority. This apt was a shithole but great. It had 2 balconies that had beer pong tables set up for some epic tourneys, We mostly played on the 1st floor so that when the ping ball fell over, we could hop the balcony and get it from the fround. One night we had a raging party and my friend Chris was so drunk, that when a ping pall fell off the 2nd floor balcony, he hopped over and fell 20Ft+ on to grass and rock. He broke his wrist and arm. The worst part is that the pain only set in while sitting in the ER hours later. I had driven him there and had to call his parents to explain.
When the doctor finally saw him, he did an exam on his neck and back to make sure he hadn't broken anything there. Chris, who was incoherent said to the doc, " Doc i don't know how much school you have been through, but the area you are touching is not my wrist, it's my back."
The good ole days.
Make up post from yesterday:
Worked up to 155 on the complex. Failed the press at 160. Probably did a little bit too much volume leading up to it.
Squats – 135×5, 210×3, 240×3, 270×10 – did 10 reps at 255 last week and this felt better than that did. Had 2-3 in the tank at least.
Metcon: 5 rounds + 4 snatches at 60#, which is a little more than 32.5% of bodyweight. Ring dips were quick. Felt like 7 minutes straight of dumbbell snatches.
Tues 5:30pm with Josh: Hit 80# on the press complex, which is my 1RM on a strict press so I was very happy with that. It was fun being partnered with Lisa and I love doing different complexes like that.
Wed 7am with Ro and McDowell. Repped out at 140# x 9 on the Wendler squats. Woof! Wendler is tough. 5 rounds exactly on the WOD with a 30# DB and kneeling push ups. My left arm could've done 35# but my janky right side barely made it through all 7. So interesting to feel the difference.
Thanks to everyone who came out for Pilates last night! We're starting to get a nice little regular crew going. Come on down and you'll learn what exercises like "the hundred" and "the ab series" are. They're fun, I promise!
Felt pretty rough today, kind of sick last night and not great this morning. For some reason Monday's NFT left me more sore than anything we've done in months… Went to 7am anyway just to "get it in." Did not inspire fear in any weights this morning.
Wasn't sure I would be able to LBBS well because of my calf strain… luckily it turns out I only feel discomfort at the very bottom of a squat, so I just avoided going too far down. Hit 245×8, definitely not a maximal effort (but still quite heavy!). Did the fitness WOD at medium intensity, 6 rounds with 40# snatches. This felt quite light, all jump and no arms, and it didn't get much heavier as the rounds progressed.
I like the new standardized warmups very much, even if everything was creaky and heavy this morning. Felt like I was holding onto the barbell forever for snatch practice. Fantasized about getting a 45# barbell for home and hanging out holding it in various positions while watching netflix or whatever, just to get used to the weight. I need a richer fantasy life.
JR, Rose Hill all the way. I was on Hughes – only one block from Tri-Bar! Ah, the good old days. And also, fellow alum, who are you in real life? 🙂
QOD from yesterday…I haven't had a roommate that I've had an all-around terrible experience with, but they've all had their quirks.
My freshman-year roommate (JR, I was in South!) used to sit on our shared carpet and use cuticle scissors/nail clippers/her fingers to pick at dead foot skin. She'd make little piles of it before scooping it up and trashing it. She also used to set her alarm for hours earlier than she needed to be up and hit snooze in 8-minute increments for about two hours straight. Also, one time she was so shithoused that she threw up orange juice in a plastic bag (luckily empty) that was hanging from our doorknob…and then crawled back into bed, leaving it there. I almost couldn't leave the room and was especially stymied when it started to drip.
Despite these tendencies, she was actually a great roommate. The good with the bad.
Looking forward to squatting tonight.
@courtney old foagie here. '94. Hughes, North, off campus, red door, etc,. etc.
noon class with McDowell and Josh
Squats: Wendler 3 week, hit 225×10 for the rep out, still had decent speed on the last rep
WOD: performance version with #65, 3 rounds + snatches and 2 dips
Snatches got heavy but dips were even more of a limiting factor for me. Was doing ugly singles by the end of round 3.
Worked up to 75kg. Felt off today and was not finishing.
Press 3 week
Then noon class
Felt good. Had a few more.
WOD @ 65#
5 rounds + 1 snatch
Ring dips felt tight. Gas was the limiter.
@Courtney & @JR: Class of 1994. South, Finlay, off campus, and Tinker. There was another bar that I can''t remember the name of that only a very few students went to that had the best cheese bread and porn on all the time.
Noon class
200×10 for my rep out.
5 rds plus 12 reps
Fun times
8am. Squats went 45×5, 75×5, 90x10x2. this weight felt good, no problem through 6 reps, then got slower, heavier breath, challenging but doable. fitness wod was 4 rounds plus the 14 db snatches. i could have went heavier on this but it still wore me out. lesson learned from last week – squats then clean & jerks back to back days beat me up good. will be rolling the hell out of my quads, and lax ball all over traps and shoulders in anticipation for tomorrow.
Awesome 6am class; great laughs and today easily takes the cake for the question of the day with the longest average answer.
Partnered with MattC for the LBBS. As I mentioned last week this is my first cycle doing LBBS and I really appreciate the tips that both Matt and Arturo were giving me. I don't have a true 1RM yet so I'm just mirroring other similar folks and focusing hard on technique.
Hit 225# for 5 on the rep out of the Wendler.
For the conditioning I did 5 full rounds at #45. The clean felt light and I should have listened to Peter and taken it to 50# or 60#.
Great day, looking forward to what's on tap tomorrow.
4 x 500M with 3 mins rest
1. 1.56.7 27SPM
2. 1.57.7 25SPM
3. 1.57.7 26SPM
4. 1.52.7 32SPM
These were supposed to be at race pace but this was more like what I would like for my race pace to be,
45 x 5, 95 x 4, 135 x 2, 145 x 10 x 2…. Maybe a tad heavy for the second exposure. Ellie had some great advice- to treat the first 5 reps as a set, then just brace and do them one at a time after that. My heart was beating pretty fast by the end of that!
3 x 1000M with 3 mins rest
1. 4.02.0 2.01.0/500M 26SPM
2. 3.58.6 1.59.3/500M 32SPM
3. 4.06.2 2.03.1/500M 30SPM
Probably not the best idea to squat before this one. I did not leave enough of a break between squatting and the first piece and then I went too fast on the second piece and the last piece was bla.
11am-Mobility and mini-Snatch session
-Decided to do 2 reps OTM for 8 mins to try to work technique.
First 4 rounds at 83 and last 4 at 88.
12pm group class:
Perf warmup 2 with matador dips and assisted pistols.
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 175×2)
200x5x2, 200×10
-only a 5# jump from last week but the weight is still moving. happy to have gotten 10 again on the rep out.
2 reps shy of 3 full rounds. 50# alternating dumbbell snatches, 5 ring dips per round.
-had full intention of doing pushups (hence the warmup with dips) however Ellie and MeLo were doing dips so I joined them. That dumbbell was freakin' heavy for my left arm!
Feeling pretty beat up from yesterday…
Power Snatch
2Power Clean+ 2Push Press
Snatch Deadlift W/Pause Below the knee
Clean Pulls
352×4, 374×4, 374×3
40 fat bar pullups
Wendler "Three" Week:
175×3, 195×3, 225×15
I was hoping for a few more here but I think I haven't still recovered fully after being sick for the last couple of days – many thanks to Josh for watching me on this set. I did a drop set of 205×9 just to make sure I had nothing left in the tank 🙂
Accessory WOD, performance version @35lb DBs.
3 rounds + 14 snatches.
6:30 class with Ro and a guest appearance by Nick
135×5 185×5 245×5,5,10
All sets other than the rep-out unbelted. It's amazing how much "easier" the squats feel when wearing the belt. Definitely highlights that core bracing weakness that I'm hopefully working on.
Performance WOD with 60# DB. 3 rounds plus 8 snatches. Everything after the first round was sloooooooow. I need to do more heavier and fast paced metcons like this to get some of that motor back.
Tried to cash out with 3 1:00 planks with a 35# plate; I had to drop the third after 30 seconds, but it was smoked shoulders rather than my midsection that gave out.
So nice to be in an early evening class today! 4:30pm:
3 rds of warm-up 2: 8ea rvrs lunge, 8 tempo push-ups, and 3 chins (if I tried to do 8 each round, i would be there for a long time). was piking my hips in the chins, so with arturo's guidance started squeezing my butt and pointing my toes more. MORRRRRE!
LBBS with the super-strong Marie:
45×5, 95×5
115×3, 135×3, 150×7. I think I had one more but was starting to fatigue and lose tension at the bottom, so rather than push, I ended on a good rep.
WOD: subbed KB swings for the db snatch so as not to aggravate my shoulder
AMRAP 7min: 28 KB swings (16kg), 7 push-ups (strict)
4 rounds + 6 swings
accessory: 3 sets of 4 reps of pistols on Left leg only. this side is crazy weak (hip stability, quad + posterior chain strength, etc.) so am going to do small add-ons here and there.
mobility cash out: couch stretch, hamstring on orb, pvc on calves
6:30 with Nick the mobility king.
Lbbs 95×5, 125×3, 130x2x10. I can't wait for this to feel second nature. Nice change of pace. Still moving fast. I'm going to try not to get too in my head about the number and push further this cycle.
30# db 7 left arm, 7 right arm, 7 push ups for 7 minutes. 5 rds 3 left arm snatches.
Then 3×25# 1:00 plank holds. I haven't done planks since that cycle that we did them all the time. They aren't so easy anymore.
Did this workout last night.
LBBS – 45×10, 135×5, 165×3,
185x10x2 felt good with room to grow
Did the wod at light weight because of shoulder injury
30# dumbbell and ring dips I think it was 3 rounds plus two snatches.
6:30pm with Arturo and Nick
250 x3
285 x3
315 x10 rep out
WOD at 60# first 2 rounds were ok then everything started to be heavy and slow. I need to work on my kip for the dips. 4 rounds + 1 snatch
@matt Cohen
Your chain break is back at the front desk! Thanks for letting me borrow it. 🙂