15 minutes to work up to your heaviest load on the complex:
1 Press
3 Push Press
5 Push Jerk (no split)
Rest as needed between sets. Work out of a rack. Stay on the bar for the entire complex, no re-racking.
Post loads to comments.
15 Minutes NFRs of:
5-8 Strict Chin-ups (band or partner assist)
10 Dumbbell Push Press, moderate weight
10ea Dumbbell Lunges, moderate weight
15 Minutes NFRs of:
3-5 Ice Cream Makers, on rings or bar
5 Dumbbell Push Press, AHAP
5ea Dumbbell Lunges, AHAP
Control your tempo and positions on the ICM’ers. You can modify this movement by tucking one or both legs while still keeping your midline.
Post loads and volume to comments.
Elite level Triathlete and CFSBKer, Michael Olzinski
- Save the date! Remember that on Saturday, 2/22 we’ll be hosting our second Community Potluck and LFPB awards ceremony!
- Congratulations to Nick P for wining last night’s Mario Kart 64 Tournament! Also huge thanks to Matt K for helping set it up and running the show! Check out a clip on our instagram page.
Endurance Program at CFSBK
If you are interested, we will be holding an INFORMATIONAL MEETING this Saturday 2/15 at 1pm where we can give all of the details behind the program.
You can email Michael at michael.olzinski (at) gmail.com with any additional questions.
Active Recovery on Inside the Affiliate
Haven’t you always wanted to be an elegant gazelle? A graceful crane? A SUPPLE LEOPARD? That’s what we thought. We love being supple and mobile like sleek leopards at CFSBK—hence our Active Recovery classes. This Monday’s post on ITA is called Running An Active Recovery Class at Your Affiliate. Check it out and spread the mobility love!
Also, check out these awesome testimonials about the program:
-Lauren B
“AR is a great opportunity to be very intentional about mobility. I’m a desk warrior who would much rather be moving heavy weight around most days of the week, but have found that I’m simply not going to get to the places and positions I want to be in if I don’t spend time focusing on my ability to move without restriction. At least for one hour every week I get to put in that time and actually make positive changes, even while I’m fighting to just stay the same most of the time.”
– Joel W
Are CrossFit gym memberships worth it? Project Mayhem
11 reasons why I take my shirt off when I workout Train Heroic
An endurance program!!!! Best news I've heard all day/night/why am I awake…regardless. COUNT ME IN.
SWEET I'm excited to hear more about the endurance program!
Endurance program makes a ton of sense but I hate running. Still waiting for a full-blown Olympic lifting track at CFSBK!
Endurance and I are broken up and we're not getting back together ๐
Complex at 73#, which is well shy of my press 1RM. I realize the press is the hardest of the movements, so I maybe should have gone closer to that, but on the other hand I figured I'd be too fatigued from the rest of the complex to approach my 1RM. Still wish I had tried 78 or 80.
I can't believe I thought I was going to try the ice cream maker move before I came to class. I have one L chinup on a good day. And I really mean ONE, not "I can do one, and then I have to rest 3 minutes, and I can do one again." I already had great respect for gymnasts, but suddenly I have even more.
Interested in the Endurance program – I'm hoping I can make it. If I can't make it Saturday I suppose I could get information by emailing Michael?
#45, #75, #95, #105 (Failed at 2nd Jerk), #95 (Failed at 3rd Jerk)
– The volume made this pretty tough and I've been feeling pretty tired from this past week's programming.
– The failures were because of technique. I was high catching the jerk and the rest is history.
NFR Accessory Work
4 rounds at #35
– My grip was dead at this point. Not sure if anyone else felt this but my forearms were burning.
I'm excited for rest day especially after this week and looking forward to Wednesday's squats.
6am with Nick and McDowell.
Pressing went well but drastically underestimated how long I would be holding onto that bar. While the press was obviously the hardest movement, you only have to do it once. By the time you get to the jerk the fatigue has set in. Went to 115# on the complex. Could have done more but ran out of time.
Then I made feeble attempts at making ice cream. They ended up being slow, controlled, ugly, L-Sits. So sort of like a watery greek yogurt. Without any toppings.
6am. Woke up with a knot in the middle left of my back. Took a bit of lax ball exploration before I discovered a searing ball of fire in my lats to the left of my scap. Feels much better now. Press complex: 115, 135, 155, 165. The last jerk at 165 was ugly. Shoulders felt dead. Attempted to make some ice cream. Fun to try something new, though I'm afraid my form was a bit hilarious. Used 45# DBs for the other portion of the accessory work. Should have gone heavier.
7am with McDowell and Nick
Performance Warmup with the pistol squats, tempo ring dips, and v-ups. I love this warmup.
115 on the complex. The last jerk was a mess, but went up. The press was ugly too, and a lot harder than expected. I thought I had more in my shoulders at this point, but it seems like, with pressing, I haven't made as much progress in the last 6 months as I have in other areas. I'm now planning some accessory dumbbell shoulder work at home this cycle to see if I can improve this lift.
Joined in the group of ugly-ice-cream makers. Accessory work: did sets of three butt-sagging ice cream makers. Got in 12 of these. Arms reached full extension on about 5 of those, but hips never reached full extension, or even close. Best I managed was to keep my feet at or above head-height for most of these reps.
#55 dumbbells on the rest of the performance accessory work.
Really enjoyed this workout.
It is totally worth clicking on the first link on that Inside the Affiliate posting for the visual you get.
Great gymnastics class yesterday with Ken. I actually feel like my body is learning how to do some of this crazy stuff, it's pretty awesome.
meat CSA pickup is Wednesday, 6-8:30 PM
@Charlotte. OMG.
7am class,
Complex, 45, 75, 95, 115F (that was dumb) 105, Was tired towards the end, its really 9 presses each round.
Interesting conversation about aliens and toilet bowls this morning. If you want to know more about it, ask Nick, he's "read" an article about it. (we all think he wrote it)
Great time at the Mario Kart Tourney last night. Who knew that adults playing an mid-90s video game could be such a tense environment. I made it all the way to the finals but lost to Nick P who proved to be the better driver.
I played a sloppy race on yoshi valley and then the wheels came off on DKs jungle parkway. In the end, the better man won.
Fun fact, Rainbow raceway is exactly a 2K race! I saw we leaderboard it!
Sarah la rosa — Chain breaker is on corner of front desk, next to pen cups. It's yellow (or used to be).
Photo of Rickke on ITA made my day. Terry Richardson meets TFBA.
On an unrelated note, can anyone recommend a local (11215 or adjacent zip code) nutritionist, not just for me, but preferably one with experience with kids (boys aged 10 and 12)? Time for some outside expertise. Thanks.
shpetner at gmail dot com
would love to work on endurance…running and i have a rocky history….i'll be there with bells on!
Excited to read about the endurance program, I try to participate in a few races every year but don't feel that I have successfully coordinated CF classes and endurance training so I'm eager to learn more from Michael (although I'll be at CrashB's this weekend).
I am hoping to do a few sprint triathlons this summer, and if there's interest from others maybe we could coordinate a group from CFSBK. There is one in Montauk and one in the Hudson Valley, both in mid July.
Pigeon: Unless McDowell was faking us out and HE wrote the article ๐
Looking forward to the Endurance Program. Generally I run several races every year and have been progressing but want to learn how to more easily coordinate my crossfit goals and my endurance goals. I hope to make it to the info session but I might have to work. I hope not but either way I think I'm in for the program.
Really liked todays work though I ran out of time to try to go just a little bit heavier. I think I had another 5 or 10 pounds in me. Worked up to 115 on the complex and it was challenging but form was fairly consistent (though in general I think my push jerks look like crap – yet another thing to work on).
Thought about trying the ice cream maker then thought better of it when I really looked at the movement. Opted for the strict chins and accessory work at 35lbs. And much like Christian my grip was fried. Surprisingly holding the weight for the lunges felt the worst.
Forgot to post yesterday… On Friday at OG, (I think) I left a gallon-sized plastic bag with a speed rope and a pair of wrist wraps somewhere in the gym. The rope has my nickname "KMo" on one of the handles. Did someone pick it up? I found my other rope in the lost and found but couldn't find the speed rope or wrist wraps. If so, can you please leave it in the lost and found for me? Thank you!!
Noon class
OH Complex: 125-145-155-165
Worked in cycling these from overhead and not resting in the rack. "Might" have had 170 or 175, press being the limiter. I am smoked. Looking forward to a rest day.
I am excited to learn more about CF Endurance training.
And, Jude – yes on Sprint Tri's this summer – I like your thinking and timing – Montauk and Hudson River Valley in July both sound lovely!
Related, I have braved the Red Hook pool whenever I can get there over the last two summers – it is pretty amazing that we have a free, outdoor Olympic sized pool a short bike ride away. While the lifeguards do not believe in assisting in lane "management" which results in some unneeded chaos, it is heavenly to swim outdoors with 10 lanes just for lap swimming.
Got this one in at school!
Press complex (starting from floor)
Clean pulls
Last set felt disorganized. My deadlifts felt funny yesterday, too. I think I have a sore muscle in my old back.
Subbed biceps curls for pull-ups on the cash out.
6:30 with DO and Arturo, sad to be missing my scheduled running workout but happy to be at the gym. I kept expecting to feel a twinge in my calf telling me to back off, but it felt fine during all of today's movements (YES!).
Partnered with Serene and ??? I'm sorry I didn't catch your name I am such a flibbertygibbet ??? for the complex, worked up to 110. Could definitely have gone up again but ran out of time.
I wanted to at least try the performance workout, but as it turns out my body can't even begin to do… that. Went with 40s on the push press and reverse lunges which felt pretty fierce after a while.
@nino if there were an oly lifting track and an endurance track that I could do at the same time I would pretty much be in strength and conditioning heaven… not that I'm complaining about our regular programming! I'm just jealous of / intrigued by the OG workouts Todd and Jake post.
@nino and @pcker, come on out to OG any time! It's fun to train that stuff as a group!
Today's 12pm class:
Press Complex:
(45, 65, 75) 85, 90
-probably could have done 95 but I'm happy the press at 90 went up rather quickly.
3 rounds of the Fitness Accessory WOD:
8 strict chinups (in 2 sets), 10 db push press, 10e db reverse lunges
-db's at 20#, then 25#, then 35#. agree with others that my grip/forearms did not want to hold onto the db's.
Makeup Post Time!
Sunday's Wod: 251 reps total
-24" box, all bounding and got 15 each round. Had to no rep myself at least 3 times because I fell off the box. Good to know I can keep rebounding these.
-2 pood Russian KB swings. Got 16 each round. Hated this the most.
-Situps were well situps. Got 19 every round except one silly round of 20.
Sunday's Ring class: also fun. It's so hard, but like Charlotte, I feel like my body is better at understanding what it should do. Or at least it's working hard as hell to try to do these movements. I also pr'd my L-sit by like 2 secs. Who cares if I started at zero secs. ๐
Saturday's Open WOD 11.4
90 reps total.
-Thanks to an awesome partner (MeLo!) she recorded my timestamps for everything.
-Finished the burpees at 4:58 right on pace with the 12/min that I wanted.
-Started the overhead squats at 6:08 and finished in 2 mins at 8:08. Done in 3 sets of 10.
-This left plenty of time for muscle-ups…though I had little faith that I would get my first. As I walked to the chalk bucket, I looked at McDowell and said "time to swing on the rings". So no dice.
-Overall, still happy with this considering that 3 years ago I hit the time cap with only 12 reps of OHS in.
Oh, and I'm super excited about the Endurance Program with Mike! I'll be participating in it as well to help me prepare for the Brooklyn Half. Very stoked to be able to offer this (finally!) to the SBK endurance community!
4:30 class today and lots of new faces!
I have finally experienced the new warm up. Did the snatch one with 33# and 10 t2b. Wooooo
1 strict press
3 push press
5 push jerk
53# 1,3,3 first warm up abbreviated push jerk
63# 1,3,5
68# 1,3,5
73# 1,3,5
78# strict press moved about an inch. Wish I'd taken less baby steps. I knew strict press would be the problem and I was expecting a fail earlier on.
5 strict chin ups, 10 db pp, 10e rev lunge 20,20, 25, 30
On 30 # my body took over, brain shut off and David told me not to do push jerk, do push press. So a few reps were not done correctly and I didn't make them up.
730 with Arturo and Noah
95 135 155 with the press complex 155 felt like the perfect weight, got through everything with sound technique and didn't feel like much more could be added.
Got through 4 rounds of the conditioning.