In 15 Minutes, work up to a heavy single of:
Fitness: Power Clean + FSQ + Split Jerk
Performance: Clean & Jerk
Front Squat
Fitness:3×3 Across
Add 5lbs from last weeks front squats.
Performance: Work up 90% of projected 1RM (based off the 3RM) for 3 singles
Rest 2 minutes rest between sets. You should not be failing today.
Post loads to comments.
C&J/FSQ e5/6
Behind the Desk: Ruth Party!!
Here is the next installment in our new series called Behind the Desk, about our beloved and much appreciated Front Desk staff. These CrossFitters take care of the important duties of checking in our members, handling walk-ins, tidying up after classes, and so many other things that it would take forever to list them. They are the glue that holds this gym together!
Full name: Ruth M. Pardee (prounounced “Party!!” with two exclamation points.)
Where were you born and where did you grow up: Born and raised in Berkeley, California
First album that you loved: The Shrek soundtrack
What are you up to when you’re not at 597 Degraw Street: I work part-time for a small tech company. Other than that I love to go out to movies, go on bike rides, and cook.
“Ask me about that time I…”: Broke my nose while attempting to shoot a rifle. More me being stupid than an actual good story…
Earth is about to implode but aliens on a previously undiscovered planet named Euripides want to preserve one artifact from humans. What would you offer them? A Steinway grand piano (art, craftsmanship, and technology)
Favorite shade of blue: Teal
Favorite lift: Power Clean (from the floor)
Tough Titsday Powerlifting Meet Tomorrow
The TTD Powerlifting meet is happening tomorrow starting at 2:30pm. All are welcome and encouraged to watch some of CFSBK’s strongest women hit the platform to test their strength. Excitement and awe inspiring performances guaranteed!
The Details:
Each woman will have 3 attempts to hit a max single in Squat, Bench and Deadlift, in that order. All lifters will make their attempts in each lift before moving to the next. First, second and third place winners will be awarded in each weight class based on total combined weight of best lifts.
Tissue Repair 101: What Should You Be Doing? Tabata Times
A lifelong fight against trans-fats NYT
I really love having FD staff around and on top of so many things, and Ruth is the bees knees.
HAHAHA! Fox, I was just imagining the FD staff being on top of things in the gym…like monkeys. Chilling on top of the squat racks. Lounging at the top of the ropes. I really need to get on top of more things. <- new new year's resolution.
Also, YEAAAAA Ruth Party!!
And good luck to all the amazing badass ladies competing tomorrow!! I'll be there to cheer you on.
Hey anyone out there who is looking to do meadowlands mayhem I am looking for teammates or a team to join. Please email me if you are interested or know anyone who is looking for another teammate. My email is Thanks
Love your Steinway answer, Ruth!
Ooops, forgot to log.
Clean and Jerks: A bunch at 135 and a couple at 145
Front Squat: 215x3x3
My back is very sore and stiff.
10am Class
C&J (kgs) – 80-90-100-105-110(F)-110. Nailed it!
Pretty 242 sure this is an all time PR for me by 9 lbs. Felt pretty good. Have to get better at front squatting as that's the limiter for me right now. From 100kgs on I took an extra bounce out of the hole.
250x3x2 (I hate front squats)
Then boogied upstairs for AR with The Boss…so glad I did.
8am with MeLo and D.O. Clean and jerk: 115, 135, 155, 175, 195, 195, 195, 195, 195, 185. Cleans were easy peasy. None of the jerks at 195 felt solid which is why I stuck at that weight. Dropped down to 185 for a good rep. No failures and I felt pretty good about shoulder mobility today, just no stability on the catch. Front squats: 255x1x3. Felt strong today.
Frustrating day with the clean and jerk. Can hit 80kg no problem, 90kg the clean is fine but my jerk is seriously busted. Need to spend some time doing rack jerks, paused jerks, steve martin jerks, etc.
FSQ: 255x3x3. Definitely getting heavy, weight is starting to mess with my positioning.
@Noah it would be useful to have some jerk blocks, right? 😀
1PM stragglers class with Josh and McD
Clean and jerk
50×1 60×1 70×1 80×1 90×1 95xF,C,C,C
Still pretty beat up from OG last night, dropped well under ONE of those 95 jerk attempts but midline was soft and couldn't stabilize.
Front squat
135×3 185×3 235×1 255×1,1,1
These were definitely tough but I'm glad I didn't talk myself into anything lower.
DIY cash-out of 3x max hollow holds with 1:00 rest
1:00 :40 :30
Working with Todd today., same as him except that I faile the cleans not the jerks at 95. Wasn't getting elbows around. Pull is so much better than it was though. 90 is a PR c&j.
FSQ: 295×1-1-1. Fine. Not as bouncy as I would like at the bottom but fine. 320 is my old PR. Looking to beat that next week.
TOdd, you aren't pulling me into that fight. I suggest an online petition. The lifters have spoken!
i thought that 8+ hours of sleep, a good breakfast, no hangover, and 15+ mins of pre-class mobility would put me set to attack C&J's today but that wasn't the case. 🙁
10am class:
85×3, 105, 125, 135, 145, 155xfx2
-failed both jerks at 155. the second attempt was my best one but I still couldn't commit to the lock out. I was definitely pretty fatigued by then AND my triceps were also pretty sore from dips on Thursday night.
FSQ: 90% of projected 1RM.
(135×3, 162×2) 185x1x3
-my head was out of it at this point and I just wanted to be done. they definitely felt harder than they should have. need to pull it together next week. will have to get my lifts in on Friday as I'll be watching the hubby and other gents at the Master's comp next Saturday.
Was too frustrated in my head to take Active Recovery class though that's probably exactly what I needed to clear my head.
Open gym at CFGC to get in today's lifting. Who needs a 20min AMRAP when you can do heavy singles instead? Wound up being a great session.
Shoulder/ankle/hip mobility before trying to remember the SBK barbell drills. Think I got most of them in.
Squat clean+split jerk
45, 95×2, 135, 155, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215 (PR+20)
The jerks at 185 and 205 were very crisp. 215 jerk needed to be caught lower. Cleans all felt comfortable — 215 was my best squat clean coming into today. Have to credit two cycles of really smart programming on the coaches' part, I've found it's made a huge difference for me.
Front squat
Then some pistol practice (got a few on the right, very close on the left) and 3 strict pull-ups on the minute for six minutes.
Noon AR class then 1pm… Worked up to 165 on the c&j, my split jerk is saaaad. Meanwhile pretty happy with 235x1x3 front squat. Didn't feel like it was pulling on my wrists and mostly the bar wasnt biting into my clavicle. Third one was harder then I expected.
My love/hate relationship with snatches continues. worked up to 155, which is usually a safe number for me but kept getting soft in the hole and missing. Bad day, but glad I got some work in.
Time to go home and nap.
YAy Ruth- my fellow Crash-Beast! Always great to see your smiling face!
Nooner yesterday with Lady Fox and McDowell.
Still working out this clean and jerk business- stayed at 68# . Shockingly, I actually heard the words 'good, Charlie' from Jess at one point. I don't think this has ever happened on an oly lift before! Anyway they were mostly wobbly except maybe two of them and I will be missing next Friday/ Sat so I hope that we get to work on these again next cycle because they were kind of fun despite the fact that I only really did it right a few times!
Front squat- 140 x 3x 3. This was 10# less than where I ended last cycle and it felt really heavy but I am happy to be squatting at all. For some reason my back squat came back faster than my front squat.
5 thin green pull-ups, 10 RDLs with 32kg KB, 15 squats with band and box and 12kg KB.
Half volume rowing workout- 15 mins super-easy focusing on technique.
In other news- at home today, I did three consecutive chin-ups, which I have never been able to do before.
Thanks for all the kind words from all of you on here and in person at the gym. And a huge thanks to the wonderful Kate Reece for such a great essay (which made it all seem interesting).
I couldn't be happier at CFSBK, and that is because of all of you as well as my incredible boss and fellow coaches I look forward to working with daily.
When I first came to CFSBK I was reluctant to leave the 'community' I had at my old 'gym', which was made up of my brother, two cousins (one of which has literally been my best friend since the day I was born), and my beautiful wife. So, needless to say, I was nervous about throwing myself into a new crew of people. It makes me proud to be a part of the community at CFSBK; what is more, I have been lucky enough to develop some friendships that will continue to grow and evolve for a long time to come.
Thanks again for each of your posts, they all made me smile or laugh in some way.
Final parting shot: Intensity without volume, that's the goal on the bandstand. And off.
11am class with Josh and Mc Dowell
I rested my shoulder this week and worked a lot with Josh on mobility and today it paid.
Clean and Jerk to 205# felt great. The split jerk still needs a LOT of work. I stayed at 205 and worked on technique for 3 sets. It is slowly coming together.
Front Squat 3 singles at 285#. felt heavy but still moved well. This was 5# of my PR so I very excited for next week and 1RM.
Very excited for tomorrow's WOD as the sunday's WOD have been awesome and fun this cycle. Kudo's to the coaching team.
AR then:
155 c&j
170 fsq 3×3
Rough work week with heavy work in the single digit cold, long hours and little sleep. Feeling tired and nervy so backed off a bit. Still fun. Glad I showed up.
Had a great lift today even with a decent hangover from birthday dinner the night before.
PR'ed my C&J at 210#! Super happy with that.
McDowell's tips about my bracing position helped a ton.
Did 275# for 3 sets of 1 each (performance).
Felt good and solid.