AMRAP 15 minutes:
Row 350m
12 Overhead Squats 95/65
AMRAP 15 minutes:
3 Power Snatches 115/75
3 C2B Pull-Ups
20 Double-Unders
6 Power Snatches 115/75
6 C2B Pull-Ups
20 Double-Unders
9 Power Snatches 115/75
9 C2B Pull-Ups
20 Double-Unders
Post rounds completed and Rx to comments.
Ken H doing handstands in California
- Today is the LAST DAY to sign up for the 2014 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge! Please make sure all your information is submitted by the end of the day! Get on it people!
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Back Flip into Handstand Push-Up CrossFit
Randomized Drug Testing Introduced to CrossFit Games Athletes
A Mental Problem Many of You Have Cathletics
Performance wod scaled to #95:
15 snatches +7 c2b pull-ups.
95 is pretty heavy for me so I was happy to hit it 45 times. Also I was able to keep all my pull-ups legit. So, very pleased with myself!
11am class – Chewed me up and spit me out.
Performance Rx
15 Rounds flat
Had to lay down for a few minutes afterwards so the gym could stop spinning. That was weird.
*When I left there were about 40 people in the 12pm class, in stark contrast to the 6 person 8am class which. Just saying ๐
11am group class. First workout in 8 days. Perf Rx: 15 snatch + 4 pull-ups. A week of drinking beer and eating too much guacamole did not help my fitness. Neither did spending 9 hours in the Cancun airport yesterday. I'm getting on the LFPB bandwagon today. Certainly dug myself a nice hole to climb out of.
@Fox I hear you, after two huge classes in a row I'm convinced to try to come in earlier on the weekends, or maybe as Stella suggested get Saturday's class in on Friday. It's kind of fun to see so many familiar faces in a class, though.
Loved this workout! Very hard. Perf Rx: finished the 12 round + 8 snatches. Really held back by my fledgling kipping pullups, these were chin-to-bar more than chest-to-bar so maybe I can't say I did it "rx." My partner JFid was encouraging me to try linking them together, which I did try later and it seemed to work OK. Need to find time to work on these… I'm also super happy that I was able to keep snatching 115 even when gassed. All the work we've been doing paid off and I was able to keep doing singles on autopilot. I saw people linking them together – overhead -> thighs -> down and immediately up, maybe I will try that next time. Doubles were definitely the easy part of this workout for me, I'm glad it wasn't progressively more ๐
Also, thanks to the LFPB people for posting recipes to the forums! I'm doing a whole-30 inspired strict paleo diet for January and the posts definitely helped. Made a delicious baked chicken recipe variant of one of the suggestions last night, and going to try cooking Stella's suggested greek beef stew tonight…
Did cleans @115 lbs instead of snatches. Did strict chin-ups.
I did the 3,6,9 rounds at full volume on the chin-ups and then for the 12 and 15 round dropped back to half volume (6 and 8).
In the end, finished the 15 round and got 8 more cleans. This wiped me out.
I got to witness a couple of classes to go the WOD today…you all were crossfittin HARD. Also, 12pm was the biggest class ive ever seen at SBK!
Work-up to: (242, 253, 266)x3
*I missed the 253 on rounds 2 and 3…but hit 266 each time. Focus issue.
Clean and Jerk
Work-up to: (286, 302, 319)x3
*Solid, felt strong
Front Squat
(315, 335, 350)x3
Last week of high volume before the competition. Leaving tomorrow for my second to last travel interview. I cant wait for these to be over.
Fun and nasty WOD today, made it through the 15 round and got 1 measly snatch into the round of 18.
C2B were my limiter here, I think a few I barely grazed my tshirt on the bar, next time I'm going to do it in a puffy vest for added contact. The added magnitude of the C2B swing always chews up my hands, and did today. I think I could have done more touch and go snatches, maybe 3 at a time, instead of doing singles, which I did from round 6 on.
Would like to try this one again at the end of the LFPB Challenge, I feel like its a pretty good benchmark as well.
With Nick
FSQ 185x3x3
I hate front squats so much.
Today's Performance WOD as Rx'd
Made it 11 snatches into the 15 round.
I thought this would be a WOD well suited for me but I couldn't cycle the snatches and spent a bunch of time staring at the bar.
Fun WOD – paced myself so that I could do all my snatches in sets of 3 and then did my pull-ups in sets of 3 or 4, which felt pretty conservative. Felt like that helped keep me moving without totally redlining.
Got 6DUs into the round of 18
12pm Madness. Now I'm no longer on vacation back to 6am. See you all there!
WOD: fitness (row and ohs) 5 rounds at ladies Rx (65#) though I didn't he first two at 75#. Years of shoulder crap leaves me nervous and weaker than I should be overhead. So not feeling too bad about this.
Challenge challenge of the day: gallete du roi ceremony with the family and the puff pastry and almond frangipani makes it taboo. ๐ no fevre for me.
That was a hard WOD! Paired with Whit and Mare today, did the performance version with 65# power snatches and regular kipping pull ups. Got through 12 rounds plus 7 snatches. Both the snatches and the pull ups slowed me down, that bar got really heavy and my forearms were fried. Still not cycling kipping pull ups so well but they're getting better! Almost skipped the gym today but I'm so glad I didn't.
I thought the 11am class that I took was big…until the WOD ended and I turned around and saw a mob of people waiting to start 12. Wowzers.
Performance WOD rxd:
15 rounds plus 16 snatches in the 18th round.
-first 2 rounds of snatches unbroken. then 5-4, 4-4-4-4, then 3's through the last 2 rounds. really wanted to finish those last 2 snatches in the 18 round.
-all c2b pullups were in sets of 3. really happy about that. only one smallish tear in the palm of my right hand so I'm also really happy about that since c2b have always made me tear in the past.
-all du's unbroken except the first round where I tripped up at least 3 times.
-really loved this workout. Fun to try to keep up with Dan L. and Flynndog! Felt like the Open…which is just around the corner!
Plan on hitting some A/R here at home in a bit on some very sore and tired shoulders.
Part of the 11am horde this AM. Props to the coaches for taking care of all of us despite the giant classes.
Performance WOD. Snatches at 105 — in hindsight I could've gone heavier, but I was failing left and right at 115 just this Wednesday on the snatch practice so did have a ton of confidence going in.
4 rounds, 15 snatches, 3 CTB pull-ups. The 15 snatches took forever to get through. DUs were good despite the tight quarters, and this is the best my CTBs have gone on a WOD yet.
OG Snatch and Assistance
40×3 50×2 60xF,F,1 70xF,1 75xF,F,F 60×1 65×1 70×1 75×1 77.25xF,F,1 80xF,F
Tried 2 waves today and managed to hit a 1# PR (170#) the second time through. Tried a couple heavier but ended up just doing 3×3 pulls there.
Snatch pulls
45×5 95×4 135×3 160x3x3
Forgot to start with my OHS LP triples today so these were exceedingly tough. Second set I lost my balance a little bit on the second rep and with the extra 10 seconds it took to steady at the top I thought my wrists were going to fall off.
Cashed out with 3×10 t2b and a tabata mash up of hollow holds and supermans…err, supermen? Superman holds?
Joined the 11am festival as well. Seconding Ryan re a great job by the coaches managing such a big group.
Performance rx – finished round of 15 C2Bs but couldn't get back to DUs. Snatches were definitely the limiting factor here.
I'd also somehow read the blog as saying the WOD was power cleans. I maintained this misconception through the entire warm up. I don't know how. I do know it was a rude awakening to learn the WOD was about to be much harder than I'd thought.
Hello! I have misplaced my lifting shoes and haven't been able to locate them for a couple of weeks ๐ Last I remember they were in the coat room with all of the other shoes. If anybody sees or has seen them can you let me know? They say INKA on the beck. THANKS!!!
Great WOD today, even with 45 people in class!
Performance @ 65# with regular kipping pull-ups.
Got through the round of 12 + 15 snatches + 15 PU's + 8 DU's. If I hadn't tripped up a few times when I went back to those doubles, I might've had the round. Or, you know, if I had rested for 10-20 seconds less throughout the workout.
All-in-all this felt great. Happy with the weight choice. Pull-ups felt solid and proves that doing lots of ring rows has been helping.
Snatches: Started with sets of 3, then I think around 9 I started doing them one at a time. I realized that was going to SUCK HARD, so just decided to get to it and commit to sets of 3. Key for me continues to be staying TIGHT as I set up and pull, and saying that in my head or out loud. I know I pressed a few of them out slightly on one arm or another, but… most were clean.
PU's: Can't remember full details now unfortunately, but mostly sets of 3, with a few 4's or 2's in there. Switched between thumbs over and thumbs around grip here and there, which helps. Almost tore in the palm, but avoided it narrowly. Happy with these: starting to work a tighter kip and not ramming into my low back so much; really getting up and over, not just by the skin of my chin.
DU's: Most rounds were done in sets of 2, might have gotten the first one unbroken. Tripped up around rep 17 in a few rounds.
I can't believe Tough Titsday is ONE WEEK AWAY. Bahhh!