Fitness: 3×5 Across
Should be getting a bit heavier but you still get all 15 reps.
Performance: 2×5, 1xMax Reps <10
Add 2.5-5lbs from last week. The lower your reps get on the rep out, the less aggressive of a jump you should take.
Post loads to comments.
Bench Press e4/6
AMRAP: 2 minutes
Double Unders
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP: 2 minutes
DB Hang Power Clean
Rx 45% bodyweight
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP: 2 minutes
Toes to Bar
Substitute v-ups or sit-ups for toes to bars.
Post reps per movement to comments.
Ben and Linda during Fight Gone Bad 2013
Holiday Schedule at CFSBK
Tuesday the 31st (New Years Eve): No 7:30 or 8:30pm Classes. Otherwise normal schedule
Wednesday the 1st (New Years Day): No 6a,7a,8a or 10a Classes. We’ll still have a noon class PLUS an extra 1pm Group class and then a normal evening schedule.
January CSA Pickup is Wed. Jan. 8!
Due to New Year’s Day falling on the first Wednesday of the month, the January pickup will be on the 8th from 6-8:30. Please remember to bring a bag. Questions? Email Michele at mignyc (at) gmail dot com.
New Post on Inside the Affiliate
Coach DO has a new blog entry on Inside the Affiliate about leveled programming. Thanks again to everyoe who emailed us testimonials. ITA is a free, open source blog for the CrossFit community dedicated to sharing what we’ve learned running an affiliate for six years. If you like it, please share it with your CrossFit friends on Facebook and help spread the word!
What was your favorite …
Movie you saw
Place you went
Person you met
Thing you started doing
… in 2013?
Is the schedule for this week the same as last week's? Thanks.
Awesome to bench with Val, who fought a mighty battle with the bar and won!
105×9 on my rep-out. The bar is still moving well and I'm going to take another 5# jump next week.
43, 24, 45 on the WOD (counted DU attempts/30# DB/V-ups). I did mostly alternating singles and doubles to get a rhythm going on the double-unders, and was moderately successful at it. V-ups were surprisingly horrible, which just means I need to do more of them!
Favorites of 2013:
Movie: As everyone knows I am pop-culturally challenged, but I did see American Hustle last night and loved it.
Place: Hubs and I had a very nice few days in Cooperstown this summer. I'd forgotten how nice it is just to lounge by a pool sometimes, and we saw a wonderful performance of "The Flying Dutchman" at the opera festival there.
Person I met: How do I choose? I mean, I'm pretty sure I met Charlie, Serene, Lindsay, and others this year…maybe I met one or more of them in 2012 and I can narrow it down that way 😛
Thing I started doing: Hosting pub quiz! The next one is Sunday, January 12 (I'm shooting for first and third Sundays each month, but in January I have schedule conflicts) at 7 PM at 68 Jay St Bar, and you should all come!
6am with Nick and Melissa
Bench Pressed with Michael and Coach Fox. Hit 190# 5X2 with 10 on the rep out. Looking forward to another 5# jump each of the next two weeks to finish up the cycle at 200#. Shout out to Fox for letting me grind out the 10th rep for what seemed like several minutes.
90 on the DUs
19 on the Cleans
20 on the T2B
6am with Nick and Melo. Bench pressed 90×5, then 4.5, then 3.5. I'll take Melo's advice and try this weight again next week.
WOD – 23 DU's (big jump for me, finally starting to get the hang of them)
15 cleans
60 sit-ups
Movie – saw the wolf on wall st over the weekend
Place – safari in Kenya this summer was the trip of a lifetime
Person – all of you at CFSBK
Thing – crossfit!
Had a CFSBK dream last night:
We were doing another "annual" Fight Gone Bad. This time it did not take place at the box but at an arcade that was still open to the public. Fox's pep-talk advised us to consider the public as "just part of the fight". I start on the erg and complete the first minute. Then i start running to the next station, which i couldn't find, and end up running 2 laps around each room of the arcade. I finally find the push-press station – under a set of stairs – and yell "where have you been?!" to the person in charge of this station. I had serious difficulty doing the push-presses with the empty bar – empty bar being the Rx! There wasn't a rack to put the barbell into so i try to hand it back to the person in charge of the station and she says she doesn't know what to do with it. I didn't lay the barbell down on the floor, i say "this is so unorganized!" and stand the barbell up on the floor, vertically. As i'm running to the next station, i finally start passing other SBK members who were equally upset about how unorganized it was and not being able to find stations. DO gets wind of people being upset and catches up with me. I tell him what was going on inside the arcade, "so unorganized, David" and his response was "i'm concerned bc if you write this up it'll just be bad PR for the gym." I immediately run away from David to try to find the next station, and he continually screams to me from the back porch of the arcade "it's just bad PR, it's just bad PR.."
This wins craziest dream of the year!
125 on the bench. Missing a week pushed me back down to 125. Hope to be back at 130-135 next week.
140 du's / 25 30# DB cleans / 32 toe to bar.
I need to get my own rope again… I kept tripping up and the rope had a lot of extra wire on it which doesn't help.
Movie: the hobbit
Place: I didn't get to travel really this year which sucks
Person: several new crossfit peeps and some people while freelancing.
Thing: started going to a league night.
6am class (who am I?)
Bench Press
205x5x2, x7
DU – 120 (60/40/20)
DBHPC – 35 (20/10/5) @45
T2B – 25 (5-5-5-5-2-3)
Becca, that made me laugh hard.
Movie – John Dies At The End
Place you went – American Southwest, particularly Southern Utah and Southwest Colorado
Person you met – Elizabeth Akinwale
Thing you started doing – CrossFit, again
Just clarifying — there will be AR tomorrow night? Because woohoo, I can actually come!
Ever since Mr. Fox's enjoyable LFPB info session yesterday I've be experiencing an overwhelming urge to drink a pint of maple syrup. Any idea how many zone blocks that would be?
@BeccaWolf – Hahahah! Not the first thing that would come to mind that would worry David, but dreams are funny like that. Great comic relief for a Monday morning.
@Jay – Funny you should say that. I must have read Oatmeal in a bunch of places because I realized it had been ages since I'd had any, felt the need to make some w/ cream, honey and salt, consumed it directly, and swiftly regretted it. Felt like 45 blocks.
@Fox – Thanks for a great info session last night. I am still trying to decide if I will be able to participate in this year's Look, Feel and Perform Better Challenge, but it definitely already has me thinking about what I'm eating and how much.
Movie: Hanna (not new, not in the theater, but I liked it which is rare for me with movies)
Place: Paris or Peach orchard, can't decide
Person: Can't pick one, but nice to take a moment to appreciate the many awesome people I met this year.
New Thing: I started singing wherever it will be tolerated; also, I went to my first gymnastics class and hopefully that will become a thing.
12pm with Fox and Ro. 90# x 2 on the bench press. Failed on the third rep so scaled back to 87# x 5 x 2 and completed it. I wasn't pausing at the bottom which scares me, so for my heavy triple next week I might attempt 90# again and do the pause. Yikes, Titsday is coming up fast…
95 DU, 30 HPC @ 30#, 19 T2B. I wish I could kip these better! They were all singles.
Favorite place I went this year: Paris! Obviously.
Favorite person I met: My best friend's new three month old son, Hudson. He's the cutest.
12pm class with Fox and Ro.
Bench Press 87x5x3- I love bench presses but to reiterate what KH just said I need to start pausing at the bottom as well. This will be my first tough tits day and I'm very excited and nervous at the same time!
60 DU, 30 HPC @ 20#, 31 T2B. Every time I do double unders it kills my achilles tendons. I need to start doing some sort of accessory work to fix this.
Favorite movie: Frances Ha
Favorite Place I went this year: Colorado
Favorite person I met: My best friend's newborn daughter
Favorite thing I started doing this year: Pilates with Kristin! It's been very helpful with my lower back issues.
Bench Press: 215x2x5, 9 – Happy to get 9 here. Will probably make another 10# jump next week and see if I can get 8
159 DUs (113 unbroken, which is a PR, to start)
42 HPC @ 40
32 T2B
Grip got a little fried from the HPC and limited me on the T2B. Happy with the 113 doubles!
12pm class with Rox:
Bench Press:
(45×5, 75×5, 95×3)
112.5x5x2, 112.5×7
-only hit 7 on my rep out last week so just made a 2.5# jump here. glad to have hit 7 again so I'll go up another 2.5 next week.
DB Cleans: 30 at 35#
-got through 15 unbroken to start and then sets of 5ish. these actually didn't feel that heavy but they completely killed my wrists in the hang position.
T2B: 22
-started out with 8 unbroken and then just started to do singles/doubles. my hands hurt so bad and I didn't want to be on the bar.
DU's: 151
-opened with about 2 unbroken sets of 40 then kept getting consistent sets of 20-30 to finish.
What was your favorite …
Movie you saw–Argo, i just saw this recently and it was awesome.
Place you went–Southern Utah
Person you met–ooh, Chris reminded me that I met (and got to judge) Elizabeth Akinwale. Also, my nephew Maddox.
Thing you started doing–Riding a Motorcycle, bitches!
Also, @becca that is an amazing dream! I literally spit out my spit.
Bench with Kim and Andy, 215x5x2, repout X 7. Wasn't an all time fight for the last rep, but it definitely slowed down.
WOD: 149 DU, 33 HPC, 30 T2B. Played around with the abbreviated T2B kip I've seen Rickke and some others doing and liked it, felt much less grip intensive.
Fun morning at the gym, excited to see everyone this evening for BenchMondayz!
12pm with Rox(i like this nickname)
Bench: LP 145# x5x3, failed the last one of my last set, This upset me, a little too much, for some reason I was handed the bar before I counted, I shouldve just racked it back, but I went ahead with it, my grip was too wide, and i struggle on each one of the last set. I blame myself, I dont want to school anyone because im new to this, but lets do a quick demo of how to spot people, since things are getting heavy.
Im happy Fox said I should still add 5# next week, see what happens.
DUs 36, all broken of course, but getting there
HPC 27 @35# lord knows that doesnt represent 40% of my weight.
K2E 26, I hate these, so much
Movie you saw: Despicable me 2
Place you went: Loved windsurfing in Aruba
Person you met: A lot of really awesome and strong athletes & coaches at CFSBK
Thing you started doing: Sleeping early and waking up before 6am, 7+ hours, followed closely by last weeks clean+split jerk, I've always wanted to do this.
does one have to actually join the LFPB challenge to get the 15% discount to KB kitchen or is being a CFSBK member good enough?
10am with Fox and Noah. 97# on the bench press, was planning on Performance to try and break through to the other side of 100#, but failed on my 5th rep of the 3rd set. Fox told me to widen my grip a bit and screw my shoulders in more, and I remembered the cue to try and break the bar in half. I think I'm failing so often because I'm not coming down properly with the bar, and then am trying to push up at an incorrect angle. Maybe? This lift, over all the others, requires the most mental preparation and engagement for me. I also have psyched myself out at this point about the numbers and need to find a way to let it go and keep working.
118 DU, 26 HPC @ 30#, 25 K2E. Fun, fun.
Movie you saw: "The Way Way Back" and "Dallas Buyers Club" are recent favorites.
Place you went: Fernie, Canada in March for a wedding and snow/mountains time. My grandma's partial retirement community in southwest Florida is also a recurring favorite, because the weather and beach are stunning, and the people are absurd. An excellent combo if you want to be lazy, tan, and entertained at the unsuspecting and harmless expense of others.
Person you met: Too many, and many of you! Though probably Grace, my roommate.
Thing you started doing: Saying no more easily.
Amazing dream Becca!!!
Clean and Jerk
Worked up to 195
For time:
30 Overhead Squats, 75lbs
30 Bar facing Burpees
20 Overhead Squats, 95lbs
20 Bar facing Burpees
10 Overhead Squats, 115lbs
10 Bar facing Burpees
10 Muscle-Ups
All the OHS unbroken except the last one at 95 that I dropped by mistake. Muscle-Ups were 5-3-2. Did all of this with Arturo. Mucho fun.
My favorite …
Movie you saw: I can't quite remember what movies I saw this year…. except Primer which was… confusing.
Place you went: Amsterdam
Person you met: All the new people at CFSBK!
Thing you started doing: Making more art, Inside The Affiliate,
Bench – 45×10, 95×5, 125×3, 140x5x3
102 DU's (wasn't feeling it tonight… had some very uncomfortable sloshing going on in my belly).
21 cleans @40# dumbells
22 t2b
@ Leslie YEAH! Pilates, baby! 🙂 You made my day!
7:30 – benched 150x5x2, x10, kind of surprised myself here and the 10th wasn't too slow. Maybe I'll try a 10# jump next week.
WOD rx'd (!) but not great form on the cleans. 115 DUs, 22 clean @ 40#, 24 t2b (26 including "almost there")…
Movie: Fox is right, John Dies at the End was also my favorite movie of the year (and I probably watched 50+ movies this year). (Yes, I have a problem). Escape from Tomorrow would have been second if it had been just a little less boring.
Place I went: cfsbk! Or maybe Reykjavik.
Person I met: this question unfairly discriminates against misanthropes.
Thing I started doing: I started cooking waaay more this year and half of me is really into it (the other half wants to watch movies all the time). I can finally consistently make decent meals, plan ahead for shopping and prep, etc. But I think I'm more proud of my ridiculous attempts at writing fiction. Looking forward to the brainery class "jumpstart your writing" because I kind of stalled on it midway through the year, and the last time I tried to write it was torture.
Adding ITA to my list of favorites!! It's been a blast, and I can't believe we only started at the end of August.
Long time, no post. Been out of town since before Christmas — hope to be back on New Year's Day.
In between lots of eating and celebrating both here and in Pittsburgh, Matt and I got a few good workouts in. We tackled Nate last week (7rds + 2 jumping-muscle ups), along with a great partner workout (2rds of 50 thrusters @ 115lbs, 50 burpees over the bar, 50 power cleans @ 115lbs). In PA we visited CF The Primal Athlete for some deadlifts and a long metcon of rowing, pull-ups, and OHS.
Then back at CFGC today for Fran. 5:00 flat, 45 seconds better than my best. Thrusters in 21, 10-5, 9; pull-ups 13-8, 9-6, 4-3-2. Short walk to the bar helped, I think.
After all this I just want to squat!
QOD: Argo or Monsters University, because I'm a kid on the inside; the farm in Putney, VT on which Matt and I spent 12 days in August (and their owners, who were amazing, interesting hosts); drinking espresso.
Movie I saw: this crazy documentary called Samsara on Netflix. WATCH IT!! it's beautiful!
Place I went: Cassis… little town in the south of France. amazing hike and a freezing cold dip in a pristine lagoon with some really good friends. le sigh.
Person I met: About a month ago I was walking from Grand Central Station and this 90-something-year-old woman started asking for some help on the street. I gave her my arm and we walked, practically hugging each other, for a few blocks in a holiday-crazed midtown manhattan til we got to her bus stop. She said something along the lines of how she could barely see, couldn't hear too well, and had trouble walking. There was this light in her eyes when she said thank you and wished me a good day and a good life that was rather spectacular and left something with me.
Thing I started doing: Started budgeting and tracking expenses very closely, started cooking a lot of my own meals and treats, stopped buying clothes (with a few small exceptions), and started a new chapter of my life with PENNY the pup!!
12 with Fox & Ro
Bench: 97x3x5
Can handle 100, but not sure of the volume. Will try next week.
AMRAPS: can't remember but I know those DB HPC rocked my shoulders. Oof #35
Didn't feel too great about them and wasn't feeling particularly inspired going in to today, but always love being there and glad I went.
What was your favorite …
Movie you saw: the untouchables/ rust & bone
Place you went: didn't do much traveling this year, sadly
Person you met: CFSBK community
Thing you started doing: CrossFit. Duh.
8am with Melo & Jess
Bench: 65#x5, 65#x4 failed last rep, 63#x5 – will take Melo's advice and probably stay here next week
WOD: need to learn DU's in 2014!!!
What was your favorite…
Movie: Jack the Giant Slayer (not sure when it came out but I just saw it)
Place: Langkawi, Malaysia
Person you met: the CFSBK community
Thing you started doing: living in Brooklyn