Fitness: Snatch Segment Deadlift (1″ off floor, Knee, Mid Hang) + Mid Hang Power Snatch + OHS
Try to catch the power snatch in a quarter squat, stabalize the load then proceed into the rest of the overhead squat. Only recover the bar after the power snatch if you need to adjust your feet or position. Only go as deep as you can organize properly in the overhead squat.
Performance: Snatch Segment Deadlift (1″ off floor, Knee, Mid Hang) + Mid Hang Snatch
The first part of this complex can develop awarness of balance and tension during the initial pull off the floor. Focus on speed under the bar for the mid hang snatch.
Back Squat
Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 5lbs from last week.
Performance: Work up to a 3RM
Try to beat last week’s heavy 3 by 5 to 15 lbs. Avoid failing but use spotters just in case.
Post loads to comments.
Snatch/BSQ e-/6
10 Rounds NFT of:
10 H2H Kettlebell Swings
10 Hollow Rocks
Although not for time, transition quickly between movements for all 10 rounds.
Behind The Desk: LF DOOM
Here is the next installment in our new series called Behind the Desk, about our beloved and much appreciated Front Desk staff. These CrossFitters take care of the important duties of checking in our members, handling walk-ins, tidying up after classes, and so many other things that it would take forever to list them. They are the glue that holds this gym together!
Full name: Lisa Marie Fernandez
Where were you born and where did you grow up: New Orleans!
First album that you loved: Mariah Carey’s Music Box
What are you up to when you’re not at 597 Degraw Street: This
“Ask me about that time I…”: got my belly button pierced with a fake i.d. when I was 13… WOOF
Earth is about to implode but aliens on a previously undiscovered planet named Euripides want to preserve one artifact from humans. What would you offer them? A hug.
Favorite shade of blue: Cerulean
Favorite lift: Low Bar Back Squat… duh!
Crossing Swords with CrossFit Outside
Coffee: The Greatest Addiction Ever
Small classes this morning so I ended up taking the 7am with DO.
Performance Snatch Complex:
63×3, 73×2, 85×2, 90, 95, 100, 105
-had one odd fail at 95 with barbell way behind me. first time bailing backwards and it felt weird.
-hit a couple each at 100 and 105 but I was catching them high. All of a sudden this week, I'm scared to get under the bar.
(45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 165×3)
190×3, 200×3, 210×3
-this week felt much more organized than last week's 5 at 200.
Cash Out:
10 rounds of KB clean (5ea. arm) and 10 hollow rocks.
-first 2 rounds with 16kg, 3 with 20kg, 2 with 24kg, 3 with 20kg.
-kb cleans are not a smooth movement for me.
also, as a late post: late post:
Nobody showed up for the 7:30pm class on Christmas Eve except Fox and Rickke so we all got our WOD on.
Filthy Fifty:
-20" box, 16kg kb, back extensions, 14# ball to 10ft target, 45# push press
-i'm starting to get pretty sore.
7 am with Lady Fox & DO.
Worked up to a nice and clean 110# snatch, unfortunately nice and clean is not something I was going for, but i'll take it. Need to engage my hips and get under the bar about 5x faster than I am now.
Linear progression on the HBBSq worked up to a 160# x5x3
I feel like I accomplished something at least on this useless work day.
6am with Jess. Snatch: 95x1x3, 115x1x3, 125x1x2, 135x1x2, 145x1x2, 150. No misses today. Yay! A wobbly catch on one of the reps at 145, but everything else was pretty solid. Night and day difference from my last exposure. Squat: 135×5, 185×3, 225×3, 245×3, 255×3. A little bit slow on the last set. Not getting much bounce out of the bottom. Cash-out: first 2 sets at 24KG, then switched to 28KG. Cleans got better as I progressed, but the kettlebell made mincemeat of my palms.
10am class
Snatch Complex – worked up to 155 plus a few misses at 165. Wasn't finishing my pull and was missing (although barely) out in front.
The LP continues. Feeling heavy each week but still moving well, so I'll keep adding weight. So far it's been +10lbs each week (except for a 1 week re-set at the beginning of this cycle). My ego takes a bit of a hit when I see how far I was set back, but then I check that ego when I remember laying on the floor writhing in pain in spasm.
7am with DO
Snatch (kg)
40×2, 50, 60, 70, 75, 77, 79(f)
Just missed 79, which would have tied a PR. 77 was probably the best rep I've done at least recently and possibly ever.
275 for a heavy 3 – still have some room to grow but fighting hard not to fall back into a LBBS position as it gets heavier.
Cash-out at 28kg. I like those Kettlebell cleans
6AM Group Class
Snatch Complex
165xM,M, x1
225x3x4 (Linear progression)
PM Session
Couplet 1
220lb Jerk Dip Squats: 220x3x4
Push Press: 135x5x3
Couplet 2
Jumping Good Mornings: 70kgx8x3
Weighted Planks: Worked up to +115lbs (2 blues and 1 green) for 1:00 unbroken hold.
That's plenty of fitness for one day.
Oh also,
I haven't worked out at 6am in god knows how long. I felt great afterwards all day!
8am with Coach Fox and my MAGICAL new Do-Wins! 83# on the snatch complex (my 1RM is 88# and 83# felt made solid). Very excited about this. LBBSQ, 145# x 5 x 3. Gearing up for Titsday and this was heavy but I was glad I forced myself to try it. Shoes felt awesome.
Please read on for a part time employment opportunity over the next three days. I received this email from a good friend this morning, so if you are interested and want to know more information, please email Amy Kisch. Her email is below:
Today until Sunday, my co-working space (Brooklyn Creative League, President Street between 3rd and 4th avenues) needs general hands/laborers to carry wood and for a desk building project. No special carpentry work. A fabricator or set builder would be great, but anyone strong and able will do! My friend who is managing the project threw out his back and needs some extra help. If you or any friends you know might be interested, email me ASAP! amykisch(AT)
Thanks CFSBK!
Delightful noon class with DO and Jess. Mashed the hell out of my lats, t-spine, and scaps to before class, which is so far very helpful in avoiding back pain and soreness after class. Worked up to 93 for 2 solid reps of the complex with power snatches. The bar moved fast, felt good. My snatching has been a hot mess recently, and my shoulder has not been happy with my overhead position in the catch, so I think it was good to scale back to the power version to regain some confidence there.
High bar squats at 155x5x3. Slowing down a little.
Did half of the NFT work with a 16kg bell, and half with a 20kg, throwing in some hand to hand swings with the cleans to give my grip a rest.
10am class with Jess today
Segmented-Snatch complex: worked mostly at 115 and 125, trying to make sense out of the mid-hang snatch. These didn't go very well today, but I got a good cue from the Foxes about keeping my head/eyes up. I've heard this before from D.O. and others, and I think at the end of my work today I finally realized that there's a connection between my high, slow, arm-biased pulls, and the position of my head. I think I'm looking down because I rely on a kind of shoulder roll/heave to get the bar moving (I used to do the same thing in rowing), and my head has to be down to take advantage of that. Leading with the head at the top of the snatch should pull me out of that habit and put me in a better position to drop. Been trying this in my office with an imaginary bar, and it seems to make sense. Excited to work on this next time I get to snatch.
Unfortunately I also did something to my knee while doing the segmented snatch deadlift, and this caused me to dial back my linear progression this week for the HBBS: 220x5x3 (instead of 230, as I had planned). Again, I got the cue to keep my head up here. Noticing a theme…
Cashed out with 20kg, then moved up to 24 after the second round. KB cleans always rip up the hairs on the back of my forearms, which is fun.
5:30 class. I know, right?!
Snatch topped out at 83…again. Josh pointed out that I am jumping forward with my hips instead of up. Definitely something to keep in mind for next week (and also when cleaning tomorrow) — I think in my attempts to keep the bar close to me I've been moving forward instead of pulling the bar into me.
HBBSQ 185×3. Yeah!
Dropped in on CrossFit Beaverton this morning. Decent space, kind of C-shaped with ergs in back, squat racks/pull up bars all around, and space down the middle for everything else. Coach Christian (I think his name was?) was nice, we talked a bit.
Quick warmups, then a "bear complex" which is new to me: 1 rep is a clean, front squat, s2oh, back squat, s2oh. 7 reps to a set, allowed to rest anywhere but the ground. 3 rounds to work up to a heavy weight. Definitely started to get hard around rep 4 or 5, worked up to 100#. A long time to work with the bar for one set, kind of interesting.
Then 3×10 strict pullups. I don't think I saw anyone get through this without assistance. I surprised myself and managed 7 on the first set before I needed help, but 0 on the last round. Good to work on this, I have been pretending pull ups aren't a thing for… Forever.
No conditioning piece at all. Other posted workouts did have conditioning, so I can't complain because it was just one day of programming that I saw.
Others have said this before but: dropping in also made me appreciate cfsbk even more, from the coaches (obviously), people, the attention to detail in gym layout and equipment (colored tape, nice new equipment and so much more), the atmosphere and the really nice, big open space. And superior music (usually). Thanks cfsbk and hope you all had a great holiday!
Das me! Thanks for the shout out CFSBK. I supadupaDUPA love you.
CARDIGAN. You're a funny one, Lisa Ferna.
10am with Jess, which might be my new fav class time. 68# on the snatch, down 5# from last week, which I didn't post about, but it was the first time that I really felt great about snatching. I created more tension in my shoulders and trusted my arms more in the overhead position to catch the bar. I snuck in behind Fox today and he kept growling at me to explode, be aggressive! The bar felt heavy today, but I'm really enjoying working on this movement. I was dreading it when the cycle started, but then just told myself to shut up and get better. 🙂
125x3x5 LBBS, which stunk and feels embarrassing. No increase from the last two times I've done it. Squatting has always felt like my strongest lift and this cycle, it feels like my worst. I've been foam rolling at least 15-30 min a day in and out of the gym. I wonder if some of the loss of strength is because I haven't been running much since the Staten Island half? Who really knows.
12kg kettlebell for cashout + solving world problems whilst hollow rocking with Danae.
Today I felt cold and discombobulated.
DL – worked up to 170#x5 which was ok. Switched to switch grip after first rep and it felt much more secure.
LBBS – worked up to 170# for a heavy set of 5 which was not ok. I hit 3 pretty solid, but panicked on the 4th and was way shallow, lost my nerve and racked it.
10 rounds of 10 hollow rocks and 10 KB cleans w/ 16kg. Less an issue of weight than of trying to avoid bludgeoning my wrists. Some felt smooth and coordinated, others were awkward.
that LF DOOM lady is pretty cool
LF DOOM puts a smile on my face every time I see her!
265 (This felt easy and light, very happy).
RDL@85% of clean 4×4
5:30 with Josh and Ro
Rough one today, too much wine with dinner last night probably.
Halting Snatch DL > Snatch
40×1 50×1,1 60×1 70xF,F 60×1,1,1,1,1
Couldn't organize from the hang today, dropped down and worked on cleaner footwork.
135×5 185×4 225×3 245×3 265×3
Did the cashout with a 20kg bell, any time I tried to go heavier I destroyed my forearms. Was perhaps too easy but I worked through it quickly.
Things I missed most while on vacation: CFSBK. LF Doom. Boom.
Late Post:
Snatch work up to 70kg, didnt feel organized
HBBSQ: 265X5X3, getting heavy, time for 5# jumps