Fitness: 3×5 Across
Should be getting a bit heavier but you still get all 15 reps.
Performance: 2×5, 1xMax Reps <10
Add 2.5-5lbs from last week. The lower your reps get on the rep out, the less aggressive of a jump you should take.
Post loads to comments.
Bench Press e3/6
In about 5 attempts/20 Minutes, work up to a best complex of:
5 Power Cleans
5 Thrusters
5 Romanian Deadlifts
Post loads to comments.
The old skull and bones
This flag originally hung in my (DO) dorm room in college. I thought it would cool at my gym and held onto it. It was the original inspiration for all our skull and cross bones iconography. It’s still hanging at the top of the far column at the gym.
Holiday Schedule and Programming Notes
Tuesday the 24th (Christmas Eve): No Active Recovery, no 8:30pm class. Otherwise normal.
Wednesday the 25th (Christmas): Only 9am and 10am Group Classes
Thursday the 26th: Normal Schedule
Tuesday the 31st (New Years Eve): No 7:30 or 8:30pm Classes. Otherwise normal schedule
Wednesday the 1st (New Years Day): No 6a,7a,8a or 10a Classes. We’ll still have a noon class PLUS an extra 1pm Group class and then a normal evening schedule.
Programming Switch
We will be performing Wednesdays Snatches and Squats on Thursday this week to accomodate the holiday. Christmas day will have a seperate WOD.
Inside The Affiliate: New Article
Coach DO has a new blog entry on Inside The Affiliate. ITA is a free, open source blog for the CrossFit community dedicated to sharing what we’ve learned running an affiliate for six years. If you like it, please share it with your CrossFit friends on Facebook and help spread the word!
Where will you be this holiday week?
Will Tuesday have Monday's and Wenesday's workout or Monday's and Thursday's?
Ditto to Michelle's question!
Hi cfsbk. I'm in the snowy and cold rockie mountains, skiing with my brother and 75 yr young mother…
Morning! doing the double weekend whammy. This past weekend an early Christmas celebration in Philly, complete with Santa handing out candy canes on the fire truck going down the streets. The kids went bonkers.
(Philly is where the EAGLES are from, fyi. CA-CAW!)
This week we stay here and visit my inlaws, and then run out to Rockville Centre for my Grandma and Uncles. . Really looking forward to it, boys are at the best age!
They had xbox, nintendo, ipad on list. I was shocked and told them "This stuff is expensive!" they said to me, seriously, "How is it expensive? the elves just make it. it's magic."
We are in DC at my parents house, also the house I grew up in. The neighborhood (Dupont Circle) was a funky, diverse, middle class neighborhood when my parents bought the house in 1973. Now there are Bentleys and Jags parked behind every house on the block, and my folks are selling to move to NYC. A bittersweet marking of tradition and change.
6am with Jess and Noah. Missed last week's bench exposure, so wasn't quite sure where I was at. Ended up with: 220×5, 225×5, 225×9. Struggled a bit with rep 9 and then completely failed at rep 10. Complex: 95, 115, 135, 155, 160. Another grippy one. Had to do the romanian deadlifts quite rapidly on the last set in order to not drop the bar.
I'll be here in lovely Brooklyn this week. We're heading off for a week in Mexico on Saturday.
Must have left my black and white wrist wraps (stiff, not very stretchy) out last Monday or Tuesday after benching and they're nowhere to be found. Anyone maybe grabbed them by mistake?
You missed a good opportunity to teach them about scarcity and its importance in economics.
Make-up post from yesterday
4 rounds and 2 KB swings (rxed)
KB: 1st rd: unbroken; 2nd: 10,15; 3rd and 4th: 10,10, 5
Kipping: First two round was good, strung together sets of 5-6. the later rounds were mostly singles.
Push press: all rds unbroken
I got totally distracted and didn't realize partner B had to break down the bar. Apologies to MGMT and whoever used my bar after.
Aileen and I will be in town for the holidays.
I don't recall detailing how I handled it. They aren't getting those things, and I did discuss it with them. Make assumtpions a lot?
I think the quote that you paraphrase would be a good one for you –
Sarkozy to Cameron "you missed a good opportunity to keep your mouth shut."
Sorry to the rest of CSFB for rising to the bait there. I guess I get sensitive when people tell me how to raise my sons.
I am sincerely sorry I should have bit my tongue, as tempting as it was.
JR, I just want to make clear I was having some fun, and definitely was not making a comment on how to raise your sons. We have talked economics in the past, and so when the kids raised what seemed like a good point to me about why things would be expensive if elves just make the toys with magic, I thought it was a fun point to make. In the same way that Harry Potter doesn't make a lot of economic sense
Sorry if I offended you, but I really didn't think my comment was about your parenting in the least.
accepted. thanks.
JR, so funny. I wish I had elves who could make me anything I wanted, even if it is only once a year!
Also: CA-CAW right back atcha. I'm headed to Philly in the morning for a couple of days with my family. We would have gone to Ohio to be with my in-laws if hubby and I didn't both have things to do tonight (he has a final exam, I'm singing Messiah with my choir).
8 AM was ladies' hour today. (We almost ran out of 33# barbells for the complex!) Bench 100×10, complex maxed out at 78. I thought because I did 93# in that heavy thruster workout a couple of weeks ago that I was going to get to 93 today. Ha, ha, ha. Did not realize how doing 5 power cleans before the thrusters was going to wipe me out.
Last Monday I found some on the bench on the left side of the gym and put them in lost and found. I didn't notice stiff/stretchy.
I'll be in Brooklyn for the holidays.
Stoked for my 3rd Christmas WOD with SBK! I'm doing 10am and bringing along a gift I was given: a stainless steel growler, I KNOW!!!, of Carton Brewings Carton of Milk Milk Stout that was C02 sealed. A 4% stout it breathes with a cocoa aroma and has a killer flavor profile of bittersweet chocolate, coffee, malt, wood. Very light and crisp. Pours for all who are down as its totally good for you. The nutrition of a sandwich ya'll! Perfect for post WOD recovery.
@ladyfox Nope, it was Tuesday,I went to the 5:30 class. I'm also pretty hung over today and am questioning what just happened 2 minutes ago.
6am with Lady Fox and Noah
Bench Press went up to 185# 2×5 with a rep out at 8. I have been going up by 10# per week but next week I think I need to start with the 5# jumps.
Worked up to 105 on the complex. Cleans were easy enough and thrusters were rough on the wrists as usual. Hardest part of the whole thing was the RDLs which were killer on the grip.
I will be in Brooklyn for the next couple of the weeks except for a day trip to CT to see the family. Wont be there for the Christmad Day WOD sadly.
I'm also staying in Brooklyn and am looking forward to my very first Christmas WOD at 10 am with JB and Ariel and many more amazing folks, no doubt. This time last year, I thought you were all completely insane for wanting to work out on Christmas Day.
I don't know what it is about Sunday afternoons, but they are just about my favorite times of the week to get my drink on just a bit. This week I was blessed with Monday off, so I did that drinking guilt free-ish. Made it to Lady Fox's 8 am class a little fuzzy but happy to accompany my wifey, who was the one who actually signed me up for this gym more than four years ago, to her first group class out of foundations. (Go E!)
If I had some elves, I'd ask them for booze that doesn't get me hungover and pills that make me stronger. Oh wait, never mind, I can find those second items on my own. Could my elf give me some wisdom to tape up my wrists at the beginning of the complex? Prolly could have gone a bit heavier if my elf could help me with that.
Bench, rep out 10 @ 155#
Complex, @125#
We will be in Brooklyn over the holidays.
(@ Charlotte. I hear you about DC neighborhoods changing. My parents have had their house in upper NW since 1972 and the hood has changed. a lot. It's kinda fun that your parents are moving here, though, right?)
@Crystal – Thanks, that was actually me posting from the gym computer and I forgot to check the name. I'll check that bin again!
10am class aka Power Hour
195x5x2, x10
Third ten pound jump, but will prolly jump 5 next week. We'll see how macho I feel. 205×10 would definitely be a 10 rep PR.
I wanted to give 165 a try and had to get there without messing around since I had a client at 11am. Turns out I probably could have done a few pounds more. Cycled the power cleans, thrusters were by far the hardest part, and it was a relief to make it to the RDLs. "Resting" at the top of the thruster instead of in the front rack is always so much easier. Front racking a heavy bar for too long makes me want to give up but holding overhead makes me feel strong!
Tuesday will offer the choice between Monday and Wednesday as per usual. As mentioned on le blog above we're flipping the Snatch/BSQ to Thursday so folks don't miss out on a lifting exposure. So…
Monday – Bench Press + Complex
Tuesday – Monday BP+C or Wednesday WOD
Wednesday – WOD (9am and 10am class only)
Thursday – Snatch + Back Squat + DIY Cash Out
Hellloooooo 2 week vacation! I missed my noon classes 🙂
Noon with Fox & Ro
Bench 95x3x5, I tried 100, got 3 but didn't feel comfortable with 5 reps for 3 sets. I'm also SHOT from yesterday's double day of Sunday WOD and Saturday lift at OG.
Today's complex was fun, I believe Lauren and I worked up to #73. Still doing thrusters as quarter squat thrusters. Feel uncomfortable squatting with my feet so close together after months of the west side squat stance to rehab the ol' hip. Last round was push press.
My body is rocked but still coming in tomorrow cause I can't make Wednesday.
Holiday week–here, with a short visit home in the city for a few hours on Christmas
Snatch: 165×2, 205×2, 225×2, 240×2, 255×2, 225×2, 240×2
Clean+Jerk: 205(2+1), 235(2+1), 270(2+1), 290(2+1), 305, 270(2+1), 295(2+1)
Snatch Pulls: 295x3x4
Back Squat: 255×3, 295×3, 335×3, 355x3x3
Press: 170 4×4
Hit upper cape crossfit this morning here on cape cod.
We did the 12 days of Christmas Wod. I hit it at 75 pounds. It sucked, a lot. Finished in 34:40
Going back for more tomorrow.
Finally got a good working weight for my BP, did 205 today and repp'ed out at 8. I did 225 last week but failed and want to work through it more consistently.
Did 115# for the complex at the end; still feeling wiped out from this wicked bad cold last week. hoping to rest this week and start fresh next week.
I just got on a Jet Blue flight heading to Fort Lauderdale for the week! Brand new plane only a month old and it has power outlets!!! The future.
HOORAY for being back in group classes and hitting a nooner while on holiday vacation!! Partnered with Margie & Kristin on BP, like a well oiled machine until we went over time, oopsie! Bench #125, felt solid and got in some pause practice before TTD. Partnered with Jaclyn on the super fun complex. Finished at #83, tried #93 but didn't commit to it. Cashed out with a lady-date for lunch with Gracie & Lauren!!
QOD: Having a BK stay-cation this holiday week – and half of next week 🙂
I'm at my folks' house in Lake Forest, IL for the week. I went to Lake Forest Crossfit yesterday for open gym and squatted (I think I posted that), and then went back today for group class… which was their 1RM testing (squat, DL, and PP) for the end of their 6-wk cycle.
Since I did LBBS yesterday and have tough titsday coming up, I changed it up a bit and did this:
Front Squat:
35×5, 65×4, 85×3, 105×3, 115×3
95×5, 145×3, 165×3, 175×3
Push Press:
35×5, 55×4, 75×3, 85×1
Bench Press:
88×5. Pause was a little brief so dropped to 85x5x2 (up 5# from last week)
Barbell Complex:
5 power cleans, 5 thrusters, 5 Romanian DLs
33#, 53#, 65#, 75#, 80#
Back to 65# to work in cycling thrusters.
Thrusters.. Grrrrrrrrrr