Fitness: Clean Segment Deadlift + Hang Power Clean + FSQ + Power Jerk
Performance: Clean Segment Deadlift + Hang Squat Clean + Power Jerk
Front Squat
Fitness:3×3 Across
Performance: Work up to a Heavy 5
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C&J/FSQ e1/6
Barbell Warm-Ups.
Doug J, on the right here will be trading BK for Austin at the end of the month. We’ll miss you, DJ!!
- Good luck to Coaches Fox, Lady Fox and Mcdowell as well as Ellie JM, Mike F, Mare L and Alan L competing in the CrossFit Hoboken Winter Challenge today!
Other Stuff We Sell
Did you know we recently got in new CFSBK THERMALS!!!Check them out at the Front Desk next time you’re at the gym. We also sell a few other things beyond clothing and memberships. Check out the list below and see if you can’t benefit from picking up one of these items.
Becoming a Supple Leopard: $35
The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Pain, Preventing Injury and Optimizing Athletic Performance. Dr. Kelly Starrett’s textbook on how to perform all the movements we do at CrossFit, a template for understanding movement restrictions and tons of mobilizations you can do to help get you into better positions and increase performance. 400 pages with full color photos.
Lacrosse Balls: $2
You have no excuses to not own at LEAST one lacross ball. This is the “fine brush” in your mobilization tool box. There are countless ways to inflict some soft tissue love (hate) on yourself with these guys. Great for sore muscles, adhesions and general stiffness. Great stocking stuffers!
Fish Oil: $35
Magnesium: $25
Vitamin D: $15
Or, purchase all three for $70
Balance out your Omegas, decrease inflammation, stay happy in the winter, defeat your enemies and look better naked. Nuff said.
Private Training: Variable
People often consider themselves to be either a group class member OR someone that does Personal Training. Group class members should consider some once off or even semi regular private training to develop skills, trouble shoot movement issues and understand how to accomplish their goals. On top of our packages, we also offer 1/2 hour sessions for $55 and single hour sessions for $90.
CFSBK Stickers: Free
Great cycling video or.. the GREATEST cycling video?
Another epic BrOG session last night with T. Cavallo et all…
Clean and Jerk
That is a 280Kg total, which is 3KG off the National qualifying total. 6 weeks out from the meet and Im feeling good.
These are awesome numbers Jake. Very Impressive!!!
So here's some news…
I've been vegan for about 6 years, but about two weeks ago I started eating eggs- well really like inhaling them- i'm officially an eggoholic now. and today… drumroll- I PR'd my squat by 15 pounds!!! Granted, it's a lot less reps this week, but that's pretty crazy. Now- i'm not gonna start eating any meat or anything because I still believe in the ethics behind vegetarianism, but I'm pretty excited- especially with TTD coming up.
2 wods down for most of us so far at Hoboken. If you want to keep up, live scoring is at
nice, bree! that is a very cool anecdote. congrats on the pr.
Yeah, Jess! I'm following you guys on there. We're cheering for you!
Partnered with Andrew M, which like always, was fun.
Clean complex: 95, 115, 135, 145, then dropped back down to 135.
Front Squats: 200x3x3
11AM class with Ro and Josh
Performance Complex
115×1 135×1 155×1 175×1 185xF,1 195×1 205xF
Caught that first 185 jerk with a soft lower back which always scares me a little, threw on the belt to help remind me to stay tight and 185 and 195 went up easy. Should have 205 too but rushed to get it in before the cap and had no pop in the dip-drive.
Front Squat
135×3 185×3 220x3x3
No problems here, ended last cycle doing 215x3x3 so I'll see how far 5lb jumps can take me now.
DIY cash-out with Rickke and Noah: 100 V-Ups for time.
No idea what my time was but I do know they got real hard (and sloppy) real quick.
That cycling video is, indeed, amazing.
"Stand up with your cleans with the doggedness of a solider fighting to return home to his lover alive."
Performance complex:
95, 135, 185, 205, 215 then backed down to 185 for another rep. 215 had a little bit of a press-out on the jerk. Need to get under it more.
Trying a linear progression on the FSQ this cycle. Started at 215x3x3, which felt pretty good.
8am with MeLo.
Performance complex:
95, 115, 135, 155, 175×3, 180
Lots of time at 175. Found this tougher to hold than with the snatch with more weight on the bar. Need to get under the jerk more — these were more like push presses than push jerks.
Shoulders and legs seemed to be still a bit affected by Thursday.
FSQ with MatttChm and Foundations friend Pablo:
135×4, 185×3, 205×5, 215×5
Fun time today at 11a, even without the normal Saturday morning hooligans.
Partnered with the TickleApple.
Performance C+J complex, 50kg, 60kg, 70kg, 80kg, 90kg, 100kg failed the jerk, just didn't commit under it. Then failed the clean the next time, just got a bit off balance. Cleans felt fairly crisp, jerks did not.
FSQ 240x3x3
Great OG last night.
I wrote a to-do list and did a pretty good job sticking to it.
(1) 5 rounds: tabata tuck holds on parallettes (:10 work, :20 rest) — easy
(2) 20 strict chin-ups, kind of for time (~10 min) — much easier than last week!
(3) 50 strict push-ups for time (9:11) — so much slower than last time, I'm not sure why
(4) 3 rounds: supine GHD holds :30 each — getting better!
(5) 5 minutes of DU practice — complete train wreck ha
Fantastic 11am class this morning
Paired with Whit on the C&J. Worked up to 103# on performance complex. Felt great. Tried a couple of reps at 108#, but couldn't get my pinky finger around the bar for the jerk. Need to practice that little pop/reset at the top of the FSQ.
Then Alex joined Whit and I on the squats. FSQ 115x3x3. Felt better as I went along, but I think I went a little too heavy.
@breebree congrats! Maybe you've tried it already, but Brendan Brazier (vegan ultra endurance athlete) has a protein powder under his 'Vega' brand that I use (even though I'm not plant-based anymore). One scoop post workout is equivalent to 4 or 5 eggs' worth of protein, but maybe your point is yaaay animal protein and not yaaay 'more' protein. Also eggs are delicious. Anyway I have tried other protein powders but I think it's just fine. Buzzword buzzword bcaa etc. It does have sweeteners though.
Sad hotel gym was sad, but I wanted to try to DIY today's workout.
Warmup with 20# dumbbells: 3 rounds 10 ohs, 8e renegade row, 20 hollow rocks. Then something like clean and jerk with 30, 40, 50# dbs. I couldn't jerk the 60s so hit a few at 50. Sad gym was too much for me so I ran some sprints and called it a day. Not much of a workout but way better than nothing! Looking forward to lifting something heavy on Monday.
HoBroKen – Great day in NJ with some great Brooklyn people. We repped SBK well. Always fun to see familiar faces from years past. I'm grateful to be able to perform all the tasks that some up in these things. Between the combination of Thursday's thruster WOD and today…I am sore as hell. Gonna eat lots of calories and take a rest day tomorrow.
11am with Josh & Ro
Fitness C&J complex sans front squat
#63, #83, #103, #113, #123–not as pretty as I liked
First–the deadlift work before seriously fucks with my power clean mindset. I don't feel like I'm in the right spot, and as I'm about to clean, I FREAK out and mess up when it's getting heavier.
Second–push jerks also freak me out. The movement overhead doesn't feel very good in my shoulders and I noticed I closed my eyes on the last two, not quite sure if I could do it or not.
My head game is a big problem during these lifts. Growl.
West side wide stance squat work on 20"
…tempted to try the 16" box next week or make some major weight jumps. Tired of being stuck here
Hope everything went well for all the peoples up at Hoboken!!
Wandered into 11am very unsure of what I would be capable of since my shoulder has been acting up recently. The front rack position is no bueno right now so I subbed c&j and front squat for DL and backsquat.
DL: 135×5, 155×5, 175×5, 195×5 (felt alright but stopped because I didn't want to push it)
Backsquat: 95×5, 125×5, 145×5, 165×5
100 V-up cash out (more or less….) with Noah and co.
Really bummed out that I have to drop out of TTD. But im incredibly thankful for Dr. j, David, Arturo and everyone else who's been helping me with mobility/scaling options throughout my recovery process! HOO-RAY CFSBK!
Worked up to 80 kilos on the complex and 255 on the front squats for a heavy 5. Front squats felt surprisingly snappy today.
OG last night:
-3 rounds of warm up 1 (ohs, ring rows, hollow rocks)
-barbel drills
Snatch Complex:
3 part snatch deadlift to hang snatch
53×2, 63×2, 73×1 F, 73×1 F. first one went forward, second one was good but i didn't stay tight enough at the bottom (abs engaged, ribs locked down), so just lost the balance on it.
now I can't actually remember if I got one more at 73#…
went back down and did one clean one at 63#.
that 3-part-snatch-dl is a doozy!
11am class today:
partnered with KMo on C&J Complex
drills at 33#
drills and first attempts at 53#
3pt DL, hang power clean, front squat, push jerk
63×1, 73×1, 83×1, 93×1, 103×1, 93×1
103 went up but i pressed out the last bit of it so decided to drop back down to get one more solid one. just needed to fully extend more on 103 and drop faster.
feeling really good with staying TIGHT and punching the bar up to the ceiling.
I rack Jerked 98# last week, so happy to know that 103 is there without the split… and maybe a bit more with better speed soon!
meant to post this earlier but I forgot! We'll be at The Prospect (bar/grill), 5th Ave b/w 14th & 15th tonight after 8pm for drinks for Fox's bday. I know the weather is pretty crappy but feel free to join us for a nice warm bourbon if you're around!
Worked up to 145 on the c&j complex
FSQ 175x3x3