- We are operating under a normal schedule today.
- Thanksgiving: Judgement Day Holidays force many CrossFit athletes to leave the comfort of their boxes and face questions about their workouts, eating habits and bloody shins from friends and family
who think they’re completely insane. Hilary Achauer reports.
Trivia with CFSBKers this Sunday
WHAT: Smart in DUMBO trivia night with Quizmistress Stella and Charlie tending bar. Test your wits against other Brooklynites answering trivia questions, naming that tune, and more to win boozy prizes!
WHEN: Sunday, December 1 at 7:00 PM
WHERE: 68 Jay Street Bar (Jay St. at Water St.)
HOW MUCH: Costs nothing to play! Just buy some drinks from Charlie and enjoy the fun.
Help PS 282 get to Nationals
A core CFSBK value is community involvement. We like to support causes with a local focus and neighborhood institutions such as schools. Last year, the chess team (of which Rob U’s two boys are members) at The Park Slope School PS/MS 282, the gym’s “zoned” school, were national chess champions.
With the support of NYC VC Fred Wilson, the team just launched a Donors Choose campaign to help fund this year’s trips to states and nationals. Because 282 serves a large economically disadvantaged population, it is not always easy to find the money so the entire team can travel. You can help by making a tax-deductible gift to support the team right here.
Better still, your gift is matched if you use the code INPSIRE at check-out on Donors Choose.
Workout: A Woman in Nascar NYT
Archeologists Sigh Over Paleo Diet
Let me just say that I do know one of the kids on this team. Biruk Watling. I have coached her and her sister Misgana for years, and I love them! Biruk has been playing chess for some time now, and they are near and dear to my heart! Thanks so much for posting this, it's an absolutlely amazing thing for these kids to do!
Thanks for the shoutout DO!
This is my first time emceeing a pub quiz, and if it goes well, I might get to do it on a regular basis. So please come! You might win some free drinks!
Note to self: cancel Post thanksgiving AM classes next year, no one shows up, ( 1 at 6a, 0 at 7a, 5 at 8a)
Hey all we recently got a new spotify account and I'm rebuilding a wod playlist. Please advise some bands or songs.
i loved today!! i finally did a workout that resembled the actual workout. hell to the yes.
maybe next time ill be able to do it with a weight heavier than our heaviest barbell but ill take what i can get at the moment.
David thanks for what was basically a 6am personal training session and for motivating me through yesterday's workout. Though I realize I should have done tomorrow's where I would have benefited from the one on one focus in a more skill based movement. But I'm planning to make it in tomorrow so I wanted to get yesterday's work out in which was a fun one. Thanks again.
I'm just kidding around. A pleasure to work with you, Luke! And then I got to work on a new playlist at 7am with Lindsey.
Some Jump Rope variations to get the blood flowing
PVC Triceps Mash
Voodoo Wrists
Short day today, I forgot my keys at the gym and didn't want to get locked out. Also attempted some harder V2s and my forearms got pumped out too soon.
Back Flip Practice
3 Back tucks x 6 sets
BKBs floor is SORT of like a springboard floor. Enough to practice this without jamming on my ankles.
Handstand Practice
On parallettes, and some walking. Was feeling burnt out by the point so it wasn't terribly productive skill work.
MGMT, can I bring a friend to AR tomorrow who has never done CrossFit? Is that allowed? She's super nice. ๐
Kate R – AR is open to all. Bring her!
@DO please don't cancel next year. I love a small class every now and then! Lots of help on my snatch – seems it is mostly an issue with confidence… Baby steps.
Anyway – was a great 8 am sat workout with Charlie.
Thank you to David and the box for posting about the PS/MS 282 chess team (JR – we know Biruk well! A great chess player AND A great skier!).
Thank you to everyone who has given and/or will give. This is a great cause. I know Park Slope is perceived as being an affluent area. But we still have lots of families among us who still struggle to make ends meet — PS/MS 282 is one of a couple public schools in the area that continue to serve the "have nots" and it is unfortunate that we haven't been able to bring the full team to major tournaments because of individual family economic means.
This campaign, http://www.donorschoose.org/project/support-national-champs-psms-282-chess/1087330/, intends to change that. Also, if you do choose to give, please remember to use the promo code INSPIRE at check-out so you're donation is matched. THANK YOU!
Missed yesterday. Great to get the blood flowing today.
Snatch practice felt good today. 83# felt easy for the first time in group class. Got 88# way up and didn't drop under. Josh's precision demos were enormously helpful. I need the visual and specific reminders every time I attempt this lift.
Tomorrow's work-out:
24 @60#, 6 @65# in 7:41
Didn't know what weight to use. This was probably about right. Although after seeing the leaderboard times maybe I should have used a PVC.
DO! I had planned on 6am and instead 10 hours of sleep somehow happened. Noon with Arturo and Josh. Saturday's WOD. Finished at 63# overhead which is another 1RM/PR for me. I'm never taking my Chucks off again. WOD lost count after 20 so just kept going until the clock ran out. Probably in the 35-40 singles range at 42# – could have gone a little heavier maybe but never got sloppy and it started to get challenging about when I lost count so probably did it right.
Back to back with the Thanksgiving Tabata Kiss My Butt = body is knackered in a good way. Took a nap in a puddle of sun afterwards and read the rest of the afternoon away. A nice chill day.
This would have been good (or awful) for Thursdays WOD:
Thanks for the shoutout David! Hope to see some of you on Sunday evening!
Open Gym at Practice CF in Troy OH
Snatch – worked to 170 (1 pound PR!). Missed 175 a few times by not staying on my heels long enough…out in front. Was planning on Isabel but instead joined some of the PCF heavy hitters for a part we WOD.
12 minutes
Sled push 180# ~15m out and back
Burpee pull up
Wall ball
Partner A pushes the sled while B does the first movement then switch. Continue moving through the triplet for 12 minutes.
Jess and I scored 130 reps in 2 rotations through. Fun stuff.
264 (FUCK ya..)
Snatch Doubles
242(PR double)
Clean and Jerk
Snatch Pulls (Pause Below the knee)
Best day of lifting in months.
Thanks to Josh for always being so helpful at Open Gym.
Also props to Becca for working with TWO wheels tonight – squatting three work sets at 225. And calmly.
Bad assery.
i'm in love with christmas abbott.
GO UNDERWOOD BOYS! ๐ Love causes like this.
Thanksgiving Holiday Workout Breakdown:
11/28 – went for a run, a little under 2 miles, with Dan. It was the first run i've been on in probably 9 months of anything over a mile. IT band was causing a little pain but was able to stretch that out afterwards, victory!
11/29 – the lovely folks at CrossFit Full Potential here in Newburyport, MA gave us some super secret "OPEN GYM" time to run amok in their facilities before their actual classes.
Hang Power Clean – worked up to 100# which is a 2# PR. Finally hit the 100's! I think I can actually go much heavier.
Front Squat – 3×3 (85#, 105#, 115#) worked in a comfortable weight set to knock them out.
EMOM couplet for 8 total rounds:
Odd Rounds: 5 ring dips (used a band for assist)
Even Rounds: Max Sit-Ups
Great little burner, the sit-ups ate me and we ended up doing an extra round of each because the timer was set wrong the first go through. ๐
Looking forward to being back at SBK tomorrow!