Fitness: Hang Power Snatch 1RM
Pressing out is a no rep. Catch lower as needed.
Performance: 1RM Hang Snatch
Back Squat
Fitness: 3×5 Across
add 2.5-5lbs from last week’s weight.
Performance: 2×5, then 1 x max reps <10.
add 2.5-5lbs from last week’s weight.
Post loads to comments.
BSQ/Sn e6/6
5 Rounds NFT of:
10 Push-Ups
15 Sit-Ups
20 Split Jumps or Lunges
Elisa’s SDHPs at Fight Gone Bad 2013
- Good luck to all the folks doing the rope climbing clinic today!
- If you didn’t read yesterday’s blog post about membership policies, please check it out.
Stop Juicing Slate
Jean-Claude Van Damme’s Epic Split for Volvo Is Insane Mashable
Totally Irresponsible Parents Remember To Drop Son Off At Football
Would anyone like to take my spot in the 1pm ropes course? A change of events has happened and I cannot make it today.
Please email myself or DO by noon!
@Chris A – love your vignette last night about open gym.
Another monster 10am class. Love seeing so much good going on!
Hang Snatch – feeling like I own 165 now. Had a few really good misses at 176. It's there.
HBBS – 265x5x3. Still moving well.
No time for cash out. Gotta buy a pie and head to Mom's in NJ.
Chris – your late night post gave me the warm and fuzzies this morning.
My love for Jean-Claude Van Damme has reached a new high.
Would anyone like my entry for the (sold-out) Race to Deliver? It's tomorrow in Central Park, 8:30 a.m., 4 miles. You would have to run it with my name/bib number, but you can keep the shirt, and the entry fee is all paid. Hit me up:
Monster 10am class + AR. Hats off to the coaches for keeping everything running smoothly.
I was really, really hoping to snatch over 150 today but it turns out that lifting in the meditative peace of OG with Josh giving lots of tips is different from group class. Instead I felt rushed, went up in weight too quickly, failed at 145 several times, didn't take enough rest, then finally hit a not-great 145 at the end. Thanks to my partner Dan for being encouraging (he also crushed his goal snatch weight today, good for him!). Note to self: take your time.
HBBS went better, 230x5x3, didn't feel like maximum effort. Somewhere along the way my squat seems to have gotten stronger. Would like to hit a 1RM of 300 some time in the next year… I'm pretty close I think.
AR was good, felt like happy jello on my way home.
10 am with every coach (sans Jeremy and Nick) in the house!
Love snatching but gave up on it a little bit. Haven't made many exposures so just wanted to concentrate on form. Didn't make any strides in weight but made 68# look and feel closer to what I imagine fair-good being. Stayed there and got 4-5 progressively better reps in.
Hbbs. Feel like this finally became a natural squat form. Worked on keeping ribs locked down, strong core with Josh's help. Wish I'd gone in more confident this morning, felt like I had more to give. 130x2x5, 135×5
Nft was fun. Then a light jog home to loosen the quads.
i hate when each cycle ends. i like routine. crush week feels more unstructured and i'm always afraid im going to lose any gains ive made. and i get anxious waiting to hear about the next cycle.
i'm crazy.
oh but also! my snatches were a goddamn disaster but i got a pr on the hbbs!
(please deadlifts please deadlifts please deadlifts please deadlifts)
Fun working with #fakemotogang today on the platform.
Worked up to 75kg on the Hang Snatch, with a couple of misses at 80. I think I could get it from the floor.
Squatted 265x5x2 before I had to go coach, felt pretty decent for being a little "intermittent" this cycle.
Chris Artis is the barbell poet of our generation. His words are like a chalk bucket for your soul.
The Chris A martini story was damn funny.
To Joel's point about how you wouldn't ask a Globo gym for a refund of missed classes. That's true, but you know that going in. The ability to freeze membership and bank classes was sold as part of the deal when I was in Foundations. I'm not sure if that's still the case, but I was surprised when I was wasn't allowed to freeze my membership for a week over the summer. Banking classes doesn't help me much as I probably average 4 classes a week. Anyway, glad to have the policy spelled out.
Nice to see Jean-Claude working, and that Enya track is a classic. How come we never hear her that at the cfsb?
115# on the hang snatch (a PR). Second time I've done them so I was happy with that. I dumped 3x at 125#. I started to get stubborn and decided not to get greedy.So I just left it.
HBBS 185x5x3
My legs are there, but the strength in my back isn't… yet.
The ropes course at 1 was fun. (I have a fear of heights. Which I guess is a healthy fear, becacuse they are dangerous.)
Thanks again for the clinic David.
I missed most Saturdays this cycle, so I didn't go into today with high expectations. Came out feeling like I did some pretty good work.
Snatch. McD encouraged me to work on catching it lower and staying tight when I receive. I was kind of all over the place. The weight was light, so I would pull and fail behind. Then I would over-correct and fail in front. Finally hit a couple of solid reps, one at 68 and one at 73, and called it a day.
HBBS. Worked up to 115x5x3. Not a max effort, but it's a constant struggle for me to stay tight, so I worked on that.
Cash-out. Only did two rounds. Said I would do the other three at home, but it's not looking likely. So Josh was right.
Finally began to have great form on the snatch and began to add weight so happy to be able to do this movement and so sad it might not return 🙁
HBBS 120lbs whoop whoop!!
Rope clinic was fun I'm so ready for SPARTAN!!
By the time I made it to gymnastics my arms were super tired.
I think I did too much today can't wait to see what tomorrow's WOD will be.
I am so happy to be back in group classessssss! And continuing to uncover what almost a month off will do.
Ran to the gym. First time in a while. 1.7 miles, about 17 minutes I think.
Snatch: Happy to report no wrist pain at all during this! This makes me glad I took off as much time as I did to just allow myself to rest/heal.
Drilss @33#, HSC: 53×2, 63×2, 73×1, 83x1F. Went down to 78×1 and it went up but I caught it as a power clean. 83 I psyched myself out. I get to a point where I start to realize that the weight is there and I end up pulling to early. Need to be patient, get FULL HIP EXT first and then pull. My previous 1RM is either 88 or 93 (too lazy to look right now :-/), but I certainly wasn't expecting to hit that after not training this for a month.
HBBS: Ok, so this movement was NOT feeling good on my body at the beginning of this cycle, but today… solid! I focused on staying super tight in my trunk and squeezing my butt like crazy to stand the weight up. In general, I feel how much more tension/stability I can and need to be creating during all the lifts.
3 rounds of the cash out with hand release push-ups. holy hell those jumping lunges are no joke.
Did this workout yesterday at 6am with Nick and McDowell
Snatch: worked up to a power snatch at 145. Still can't get lower at the heavier weights. Gotta figure out how to land in the squat, especially since it's relatively easy at <135. Anyway 145 was a 5lb PR for any kind of snatch, so that's nice.
HBBS: 225×5, 225×5, 225×10
A pretty big PR from last cycle. These just kept going up. I'm pretty sure that it's because JB was wearing chucks next to me while lifting, since she PRs too when she wears them. Either that or I'm weirdly strong… That makes PRs in four lifts this week, all while lifting next to JB on the platforms while she PR'ed the same lifts! – clean, FSQ, snatch, and HBBS.
Cash out: the split jumps were fun, and I think they made me pretty sore
thx! y'all sweet.
Noah, "barbell poet of our generation" would be you for that and "like a chalk bucket for your soul." (!)
10am monster class.
Hang Snatch:
65, 85, 95, 100, 105f, 105, 110pr
-really tried to focus on a bigger pull today. Able to make solid hip to bar contact because I've got the oddly placed bruises to prove it. Looking forward to keeping up this lift.
-McD came over at just the right time when I failed 105. Just a simple "look up" cue made such a difference.
(95×5, 135×5, 175×3)
190x5x2, 190×10
-that repout is getting mighty hard. Need to fight harder to keep my chest up during the last few reps when fatigue makes me start leading out of the bottom with my hips.
Always great to partner with MeLo and Ellie!
@Chris A. Loved your post as well. You're a keeper.
First off, thank you, coaches and fellow CSFBKers, for explaining all this and taking the time to think through the membership policies and consider so many possibilities!
On the topic of banking classes, until the policies post, I actually thought that banking was allowed within your billing month, and then they expire.
This made sense (to me) since we pay up front on a monthly — not weekly basis (and since weeks never fit evenly into a month). This way, 1) no one would have to go insane to make up 1 or 2 classes in a subsequent week, but could even them out over the 4+ weeks within their billing month (before or after a 'miss' within a given week), 2) the gym would not get into a situation with folks building an unwieldy bank balance, and 3) that your bank balance would 'expire' at the beginning of your next billing cycle, would work very cleanly with the monthly billing system.
In other words, I was thinking that saying 3x/week, or 5x/week was actually 13-ish classes/month, or 21-ish classes/month. Within your billing cycle, you use them or lose them.
From the billing system's perspective, we would all start with a balance of X classes at the beginning of each month based on the package we have and a class is debited each time we use one. When the new month starts, the balance restarts. A lot of yoga studios use this system.
Would this be possible?