Josh loves Wall Ball!
CFSBK Membership Policy Notes
As you all should know by now, Zen Planner–our new membership billing system, has been in effect for several months now. Not only has this given you all fancy scan cards but it offers us multiple administrative tools all under one platform. It’s been a great way for us to keep better track of everyone’s accounts and provide valuble analytics for management. We’d like to take this time to highlight some CFSBK membership and billing policies so that everyone is on the same page about how to handle different issues. There is a copy of this policy breakdown at the front desk if you’d like a paper copy as well.
Signing In
All members should sign in at the Front Desk (FD) prior to your scheduled class. This includes Foundations, Strength, Personal Training and Speciality classes.
If there are multiple classes going on (Ex: Group class and Active Recovery), please let FD staff know which you plan to attend.
- Active Recovery and Open Gym count towards your membership as normal classes and members need to check in accordingly. If you plan to attend a Group class and then take Active Recovery (or vice versa), you must let FD know at check in so that attendance counts are accurate.
Members looking to upgrade their recurring membership before their next billing cycle will be charged a $15 upgrade fee to offset the difference between membership rates. Otherwise, you can simply wait until your next billing date to begin your new membership. Upgrade requests should be made at least 3 days in advance so that we have time to make the necessary changes before your next bill.
Ex: David has a 3x/week membership and gets billed on the 15th of every month. Today is the 10th and he decides he wants to upgrade to a 5x/week membership. If he wants that upgrade to be effective today, then he gets charged $15 and can start attending 2 additional classes per week immediately. Otherwise, he can wait for his upgrade to be effective as of the 15th where his new 5x/week membership rate will go into effect.
Membership downgrades will be effective as of the member’s next billing cycle. Downgrade requests should be made at least 3 days in advance so that we have time to make the necessary changes before your next bill. We cannot provide refunds retroactively for time prior to notification.
Ex: Jess is currently on a 5x/week membership that bills on the 1st of the month. Today is the 10th and she wants to downgrade to 3x/week. Her 5x/week membership will remain active through the end of the current month and her new 3x/week membership will begin as of the 1st of the next month.
Account Holds
CFSBK will honor membership holds/suspensions of one week or more, provided that staff is notified at least 3 days in advance.
Periods of suspension will extend the member’s current billing cycle by the total number of days absent, resulting in no financial loss for planned timed away.
Memberships can be placed on hold for up to 3 months. Any suspensions beyond 3 months and/or of an indefinite time period will result in a dropped (inactive) membership. Memberships can easily be reactivated by purchasing a new membership online or by stopping by the front desk upon return.
Banked Classes
CFSBK will allow members to ‘bank’ classes only from the prior week’s missed classes. These banked classes are limited for use during the following week only. Anyone missing classes beyond a week should contact us ASAP to set up a membership hold. Classes missed beyond one week without a request for suspension is at a loss to the member.
Members must alert the front desk staff at check-in when using the prior week’s banked classes.
This policy allows us to offer flexibility for extenuating circumstances. We do not intend for members to ‘bank’ classes liberally when they don’t make it into the gym.
Ex: Noah is on a 2x/week membership. His Grad school Finals unexpectedly kept him out of the gym and he missed his 2 classes this week.
Noah will be back at the gym next week. He’s planning on hitting 2 extra classes (4 total) to make up for this week and then he will resume to 2x/week the following week.
Outcome = No net loss of classes.
Ex: Noah realizes that he needs additional time away during/after finals. He informs our staff ASAP and we put his membership on hold effective from date of notification until he returns.
Outcome = No net loss of classes, as long as the request was put in 3 days before he wanted to take a hiatus
Ex: Noah let things snowball, didn’t make it into the gym and never notified CFSBK of his absence. He returns 3 weeks later hoping to make up the missed classes. Unfortunately, we cannot permit this since we were not notified in advance of his absence.
Outcome = Loss of classes
Membership cancellations can occur at anytime and for any reason without additional fees. We do request that you provide a reason for cancellation for our tracking purposes.
While cancellations can occur at any time, members looking to cancel prior to their upcoming bill must notify CFSBK at least 3 days prior the bill due date.
- CFSBK will not provide refunds retroactively for any cancellation requests.
Acrobatic Gymnastics Worlds 2010 Ukraine WG Combined
Which Came First – The Rain or the Rainforest?
Clean and 2 jerk
95×1 135×1 165×1
Clean and jerk
185×1 195×1 205×1 210xC,C,1 (5# PR)
Back was a little soft catching the jerk at 210 but I got down low and fast and was able to stand it up without too much wobbling. The cleans were all so easy I can't wait to try 215 next week.
Front squat
135×3 185×3 225x3x3
Still moving pretty good. Started recording some of my sets to make sure I'm looking OK. You can hear me start choking after the second rep cause the bar was rolling back into my windpipe.
45×8 75×8 105x8x3
Barely got 125x5x3 last week and there's no change plates here so I decided to drop down and work some more volume. These were tough to finish out, triceps were burning by the end of the last set.
I've been away this week because of an injury. And belatedly I guess I've decided to finally see a doctor about this. It seems muscle related, – in my side, a little toward the back, a muscle strain/tear/pull right below my ribcage. I just rec'd a few referrals to see an orthopedist from my doctor so I was curious if anyone out there in CFSBK-land has any positive or negative reviews of these ortho's:
Dr. Steven Arscht,
Dr. Laith Jazrawi LICH,
Bay Ridge Orthopaedic Offices
Dr. Jordan Metzel, (specializes in sports medicine, return to play, dance, running),
thanks in advance,
Hi Richard
I have seen Dr Metzl a bunch of times over the years for sports related injuries. I highly recommend (although undoubtedly not the cheapest option).
Jay – thanks for the quick response
I'm going to throw two more Ortho's into the question because i just searched on my (crappy) insurance website and these are the only two in my network – so if there are positive reaction to these guys, that would help đ
From the Medical Mutual "Provider" list
George L Unis, MD –
Andrew L Rosen, MD
thanks again,
I have seen Dr. Steven Arscht at Beth Israel for a issue with my shoulders a few years back. He was great. At the time the only issue was to get a appointment fast enough. He was booked solid for 3 to 4 weeks in advance.
Hope you feel better
Snatch maxed out at 88. Good: That's a weight I have consistently failed this cycle, so it was nice to finally hit it. (Twice!) Bad: My first rep was ugly as sin and the second wasn't much better.
High-bar squatted with Pigeon, 160x5x3. I'm really happy with the progress I've made doing the fitness programming with squats this cycle. In both cases (FSQ and HBBSQ) I've ended up doing more weight than the weights at which I injured and re-injured my back last cycle, with no issues at all. It felt plenty heavy though!
I had time for 3 rounds of cash-out, then I had to split.
@stella What's tomorrow's cash out?
Management: I was always under the impression that if you're 5x a week, AR was comped and did not count toward your five classes. Is this the case? If not, are AR sessions still $15?
Also, "Noah" seems to be having some problems managing his time effectively. He should probably work on that.
Seriously, get your shit together, "Noah".
6am good times. Hit another PR, 3rd this week, for high bar backsquat – I need to do singles sometime as I'm curious how far I could have gone.. was feeling good. My wrists are getting janky with being on the computer all day so snatch always kinda blows. 3 rounds of cashout and I had to run but did my lunges weighted.
This is video of the Purdue gymnastics team. There is a lizard involved and the whole things is pretty derpy but the dude who was doing bicycle legs sideways on a tree was pretty cool. And of course I can see DO doing all of this including that leg split thingie that blue shorts did. OH! And there are rings in trees. Eh.. fun shit for Friday. Also I think this should happen at SBK but to Weedeaters Wizard Fight. I will ribbon dance.
6am with Nick and McDowell. Snatch: 114, 124F, 124, 134, 144F, 144, 154, 160F, 160. Was feeling all sorts of uncoordinated today and kept missing reps. Yet I managed to hit 160 with a nice solid rep. Had to bust out the fractional plates to increase a single pound over last week. Pretty sure that is a hang snatch PR. HBBS: 235×5, 240×5, 240×7. Weight moved ok, but overall I felt weaker than last week.
@Richard, I have seen Dr Jazrawi after a snowboarding accident wich left me with a triple sprain and meniscus tear in the left knee 2 years ago. He was not helpful but i stuck with him and went for a follow up visit, and thats it, I'll never go see him again. I went back to my old dr whom Ive seen for a tennis related injury in the same knee, and he was much more helpful, its Dr Maynard at Cornell. (go big red)
Great snatch day, I maxed out at 105#, followed with HBBSQ with Stella at 160#x5x3
I love friday classes.
Artis – AR counts as a class. Folks can use it as a class on a membership. You owe me one million dollars!
Damn Fox, harsh toke. I'll write you a check, k?
so if you do 10am class and then 11am AR does that count as one class or two?
This is why I wish there were a 6x/week or 5x plus AR membership. Currently I do 4x/week group classes and supplement with running so I can get my AR in — it would be close to $300/month to do 5 classes and AR every week. I used to use banked classes occasionally to do 5x + AR some weeks, but that will be harder to do with the new 1-week bank.
You would think that the system would just be able to hold all banked classes as long as you have a membership. Every week lets say 5 classes are added to your balance. if you miss a class one week you will see 6 classes in your "account" then they just keep carrying over. Maybe holidays like this one coming up people might end up having 3 or 4 classes banked because they are away. That turns into "extras" like AR down the road. If maintaining a balance is an issue force convert 10 banked days into a punch card?
Because let's look at the system. if I am paying for say 5 classes a week. I miss even one class that leaves very little next week where I could spend that class saved before it's lost because I am already coming 5 times a week. Also, 5 times a week that is a lot of crossfit., to go a 6th day so I don't lose it and sets up the possibility for "over doing it" or maybe I just don't have the extra time to make that 6th class.
It is a lot of money people are spending and I am sure missing even a class does have wallet pain. I know I am missing at least 3 classes maybe 4 next week with Thanksgiving and traveling. There is no way I can make up 4 more classes plus my regular 5 the week after so they are just lost to me but the money is still made. If I could get those added to a "AR classes" for example to be used later that would be amazing. It's a computer system now, so it's not like the coaches themselves or even in a paper book need to remember what is banked and what is not. The login will tell the deck person and the crossfitter… You have X amount of classes in your account.
just my 2 cents
Hit 145 on the snatch today for a 5# PR. Got 155 and 160 overhead but just couldn't stabilize them. HBBS was a mess today – last night's workout followed by last night's drinking may have contributed.
Makeup post for yesterday: Performance in 17:45. Spent a lot of time staring at dumbbells on the floor.
To weigh in on the membership question – has mgmt considered an "unlimited' membership option? As Keith alluded to, doing more than 5x per week is hard for most people, so I wouldn't think (though obviously without seeing the analytics I could be way off) allowing members to purchase an unlimited pass would result in a huge flood of additional attendance. But it would avoid people feeling as if they've lost classes in weeks they're unable to come in more than once or twice since they're always welcome to come in as much as they'd like in other weeks to make up for it.
Alternatively, what about an option to add unlimited AR/OG to a 5x/wk membership? I'd like to get in class and OG Friday/Sunday, but that's 4 swipes right there. It would be nice to know I have the option to make 4 or 5 group classes a week and still be able to do OG, even if the weeks I'd manage to actually do it would be few and far between.
I always thought the 5x week option is a little weird. I'm curious why there isn't an unlimited option. Would people go too much? Come in on Tuesday and Fridays and double up on Mon/Wed or Thurs/Sat workouts? With the programing 5x a week is just about unlimited but it doesn't give room for AR or open gym unless one wants to give up a coached class. I would love for the 5x a week to be unlimited though honestly I don't always make it in 5x a week. More often than not with my schedule I end up only making it in 4x a week so maybe I'd like to see a 4x a week option.
will the 1 week of banking rule also apply when the gym closes for the weekend? hard to see myself making it in 7 times the next week
Honestly I'm just joking about the 4x a week option though I do believe the unlimited option would be a nice replacement to the 5x a week. And I have to agree with Spencer that I wouldn't imagine it creating a huge influx of folks attending that many more classes though of course management would know better and maybe with only two AR classes an unlimited option would overwhelm those alone.
These numbers make my head hurt. So much for MGMT to figure out–kudos to you for such a lovely and entertaining write-up that lays it out for us.
Make-up post from last night's 7:30 class: 15:35 on the fitness WOD. I was coming in feeling good from my fast 400m rows the other night and thought I would be able to kill (like seriously, just massacre) this WOD. The first set of wall balls quickly disabused me of that idea. So many reps = so many opportunities to be excellent, which I mostly was not, but the idea was nice. Echoing KMo on it being a great class though.
Came in for the noon class today, and as has been the case for me with these two lifts all cycle (except for that moment with Jess a few weeks ago when I hit a snatch that felt like air), I felt shaky and not confident, despite a lot of helpful cues from Noah. 68# on my snatch and 120# HBBS. I might blame it all on the moment when McDowell turned off The Naked and Famous and my heart broke.
The cash-out stuff was fun. If anyone is as intimate with Jillian Michael's workout DVDs as I am (pre-CrossFit days, guys), you'll dig the jumping lunge action.
First of all I have to agree with what Stella and Keith are saying. Right now, it does not apply to me because I am no longer making it to 5 classes per week because of Crash- B's, but it would be great if there was a way for people with 5x membership to be able to bank classes for longer, for AR, specifically.
10am with McDowell and Noah.
Power snatches- worked up to 68#. Slowly getting better at these, thanks to some PT sessions with Noah, but 73# scared the shit out of me three times and I forgot to get under it, three times. Ugh. I do feel like I caught the bar lower than usual at the lighter weights, so whatever oly lift we are doing next cycle, this is what I will be focusing on, not weight. I just have to remind myself of that on the day and not get greedy or over-ambitious.
HBBS- 160 x 5 x 3. Very happy with this as it is a back squat PR for me.
Did some Crash-B's training afterwards.
@Grace it's five rounds of 10 push-ups, 15 sit-ups, and 20 jumping lunges!
@grace or regular lunges!
@grace or both!
Lots of points here to digest,
Unlimited Membership
We've got a 5xW membership which reflects the weekly programming template. Having an unlimited option would undoubtedly result in folks coming in 7 days a week, and us having to provide novel programming on Tuesdays and Fridays which are already split days. I've talked to other gym owners about unlimited memberships and what I generally hear is that they're constantly dealing with people over training/under recovering. You also get folks wanting to come in and do 2 a days. If that sounds crazy to you, trust me I've already had plenty of people ask me to do that over the years. We've very much of the mentality that less is more and I think the 5xW membership reflects that general ethos. I also do think that an unlimited membership that included AR would have half the gym showing up to AR classes because, well AR rulez.
I understand that folks might want to supplement their 5xW CF Group with Open gym or AR and perhaps we need to find an additional membership add-on that allows for people to economize those membership options. Perhaps a punch card or something that people can buy a bulk group of AR with? One could also consider buying a punch card and using it at OG which if you came in 1xW for would be 10 weeks of OG at $5 below drop in per class.
Banked Classes
While I understand CrossFit is expensive and missing classes suck, I think our policies are generally Way more liberal the most boxes and Dojo's (which operate under a similar class membership structure). What we run into, is a lot of "Noahs" who will be like, "hey like 3 months ago I missed a few classes and then I went on vacation last week so I should have a bunch of banked classes can you just add them to my membership or give me a punch card" This is kind constantly varied, high intensity, functional mayhem is a logistic nightmare for us and in general seems like it's taking advantage of the system.
Ideally, you purchase a membership that reflects what you can realistically make in consistently and when you happen to miss a class or two you can push it forward to the next week. If you go on vacation we'll do our best to reasonably accommodate as long as you tell us ahead of time. If you're regularly missing classes at your membership rate, perhaps consider modifying your plan? We've talked about the 4xW option, but since the difference between 3x and 5xW is only $15 a month, I don't think a 4xW membership somewhere in between those two makes a ton of sense.
Regarding gym closings, I think we were closed for 4 days last year, two for The Open event and two for the Rip seminar, the latter of which we provided alternative programming options for outside the gym. We're generally open most major holidays which again is somewhat rare for CF gyms. In my opinion, I think we're responsible for keeping the gym open as often as possible, not necessarily accommodating everyone's travel plans.
Feel free to continue the conversation and I'll answer however I can. I was going to post some other local CF membership policies as a comparison, but I thought maybe that would be in bad taste? đ
I just want to say thanks, DO, for the in-depth response and explanation. Just another example of how f-ing fantastic this place is.
1) Echoing DO, I think we are around the tops when it comes to staying open during holidays, being flexible/understanding/accommodating about missed schedules, etc. Think about it vs lots of gyms (CF gyms included) that sell yearly memberships and bank on people eating a large portion of their investment.
2) I am filing a libel suit due against The Management for portraying Noah (and all Noah Abbott Inc subsidiaries) as boorish loafers who allow their membership to "snowball." I demand my day in court!
Been away for about a week after a short vacation with Matt and a few days to let my body reset. Excited to be back in the gym tomorrow.
But before that, Matt and I wanted to invite the entire gym community to help us celebrate our 25th and 26th birthdays, respectively. We'll be gathering at Halyards (3rd Ave at 6th St) at 9pm. You're all welcome to stop by for a drink or more.
Regarding the programming, I think DO is spot on in his assessment about unlimited options leading to overtraining, but I'm sensitive to Keith and Stella's points, as well.
Perhaps special AR/OG punch cards at a lower rate ($100-125/10 classes?) are in order. After all, at AR you get to utilize our coaches' expertise and careful planning without use of all the expensive, heavy equipment, while at OG you get to play with the heavy things without the same level of attentiveness from the coaches. If you're getting "half" a CF experience at each, a price point that reflects that might attract more customers.
+1, too, for Spencer. He's right, this discussion is why this place rocks. DO, maybe this is a topic for an ITA post?
Nobody would ask Equinox or New York Sports Club for a refund when they don't use their membership. This is the same, except with different framing, as our memberships or based on a per class basis. Asking for the banked classes to be carried long-run is asking for a refund when you don't use what you've paid for essentially. And it makes a lot of sense why you can't do that as a gym owner: most people would bank a lot of classes.
I don't know if David has utilization rates, but my guess is something like 80% of people don't use all of their allotted membership days. I have my five a week and I rarely make five days (will come back to this). So then you'd have lots of people with lots of banked classes, and then they could just run on their store of banked classes, and they'd be getting a lot of marginal benefit from the gym, and taking up space and coaching resources, without paying anything to the gym. All this would really do is force David to set prices so that each class cost $30 per class on average or $35 or whatever. Essentially, either the people who show up all the time under their membership subsidize the people who show up some of the time, or the other way around.
The best thing to do under those conditions, and the thing that incentivizes steady conditioning and steady consumption of your classes, is to give your classes a short shelf life, which this system does. It also helps management have a sense of how many people will show up at a given time. The seasonality of winter/summer when you could bank classes would be really problematic.
As to the 2, 3, and 5 a week options, the pricing system is really flat guys! 5 days a week costs barely more than 3 times a week. I pay $15 extra per month for the peace of mind that I can come whenever I feel like it, depending on work and life schedule.
Thanks for the discussion and clarifications DO. Much respect to an owner who is so engaged and responsive to his members. I second Joel W's sentiments regarding paying the slightly extra amount knowing I can come in as much as I can. And honestly before reading the above description of banking classes I had no idea that it was a possibility nor did I think it was necessary that management provide such a benefit. I kind of just figured it was on us members to choose the best option that suited our fitness needs and schedules. The fact that a class could roll over even one week is a tremendous gift in my opinion.
@Joel W. I completely agree to your points about the short shelf life and peace of mind! The pricing is so good, why wouldn't you just pick the 5x week option? As long as I've had my 5x week membership I have always considered a missed class a much needed recovery day!
I have been amazed with how accommodating MGMT has been about a membership that is already non-contractual. My upgrade from 3x to 5x was seamlessly pro-rated and then frozen so that my new billing cycle would begin when I returned from a vacation I was taking just after I made the upgrade. I donât know of any world class gyms who are as accommodating.
Brooklyn Boulders
and two unsuccessful V3s.
Deadlifts with a 2" Deficit
355 F,F
Got the 355 to about 3/4 up my shin but couldn't finish either one. This felt better than last week's 4" Deficits.
325x1x5 OTM
Parallette Handstand Practice
So Hungry.
I love Ryan's idea of an AR/OG punch card!
Back Squat
Huge thanks to David for clarifying this post and for Joel's perspective as a member. They both nailed it.
I am more than happy to answer and address any membership specific questions directly. Feel free to keep the conversation going on the blog, or if you have any specific concerns you can email me directly at info(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com.
i did not know we could bank classes at all! sweet. does the computer automatically do that when we log in, if we miss a class one week and then come an extra time the next week?
nevermind. i just read more closely. thanks.
I will put it out there and from here on out just live by it.
I go 5 times a week.
I almost never miss a class unless it's a family thing and I'm out of state. Maybe a very important thing, etc. I also go out of my way to make it to classes. I change travel dates, try to get my class in, jog travel times to avoid carry over because it doesn't really exist. You can't go more than (at least I can't) five times a week.
Going five times a week takes its toll on me, so to go to an active recovery class is something I enjoy. However, when it comes down to it I can't afford everything and if I'm maxed on classes and can't appoint lost classes there, then I can't go. I rather keep my 5 times towards my working out.
I'm definitely not someone who would take two regular classes in a day (I hardly survive one).
That said, I also understand that it's a business but I think personally going 5x a week should net you an active recovery someplace. I do also understand there is a coach involved with that and they should make money. So I guess it stands if you go 5x and miss a day most likely you're just SOL because you are likely not going to physically be able to make it up the next week.
Joel, your point is well taken. (Although — of COURSE Equinox and NYSC don't refund for time not spent at the gym; their whole business model is based on a bunch of people who don't show up!) I definitely understand why one can't bank classes forever — especially with 5x/week people, this could add up to a big enough number that a member could eventually cancel and still be coming to the gym for months afterward. I also take David's point about not wanting to call it an unlimited membership because there are some crazy people who would try to come in every single day or even twice a day, which sounds like a road to injury.
That being said, I think there are a substantial number of us who already do, or would like to both a) do 5x/week class and b) do AR once or twice a week. So I'm still gonna say that on my wish list is either the ability to bank a finite *number* of classes for an indefinite (or at least longer than a week) *amount* of time (kind of like at my office, which allows you to carry over 5 or fewer vacation days if you don't use them up by December 31), or else an intermediate pricing option between the $230 5x/week membership and the cost of that membership plus 4 or 5 AR classes per month.
Also, to Luca's point — yes, the gym is *completely* shut down only a few days a year, but if you count up days like FGB and Subway Series, where members who have not signed up for the event don't get to WOD, isn't it a bit more than that?
I have a 5x a week membership. I only go 4x a week, and sometimes even that is a struggle. If we banked I would have like a million banked classes. Even though it's a small money difference in cost, I do wish there was a 4x a week option so I don't feel like I am "wasting" a class a week and also technically under-accomplished in attendance.
Iâm 5x a week but I almost never do the full 5. Mainly because I lack something called âdiscipline.â
Last night I was at open gym intending to do Thursdayâs metcon. After warming up a bit Josh set me up on some rings for the MUs. I did a couple but my left shoulder was feeling âtweakyâ which got into my head and I mulled what to do. I told Matt Katz about my shoulder and he was like, bro, I got the same thing going on with my left shoulder. Donât risk it. And then I saw Josh and he listened and got thoughtful and asked if I did the MU warm up. And I was like, MU warm up? And said yeah and then oh shit, they erased it. So then he took me through the MU warm up which was totally helpful. So then I did one more MU but wasnât feeling it and then I thought oh shit gotta do 21 of these. Even if I scale the volume thereâs just no way my shoulder will be happy. Then I was going to do a different version with Alan but then it was getting on toward 7 p.m. and I was tired cuz it was 7 p.m. on Friday and that whole âdisciplineâ thing. So then I did some mob work on my shoulders with a lax ball and Josh saw me and smiled beatifically, our eyes locked and I swear we were thinking the same thing âyes, if you keep up with the mob work Chris will be able to snatch something heavier than a pvc pipe.â So then I decided to row 2k to get my heart rate up and that was good. Then I saw MeLo and she said she was going to try for a pr on her snatch on Saturday. And I said, well at least youâre not me, I canât snatch a pvc pipe. And we laughed.
On my way out I saw the recycling bin had empty beer cans in it and I said, looks like there was a beer party and no one let me know. And I was told there was âleftoverâ beer in the fridge. And I said whatâs leftover beer? Donât you just drink the beer till itâs done? No, CFSBK has beer leftover from FGB. Help yourself. I started to get dizzy at the thought. Sure enough the fridge was filled with beer. I helped myself to a bud and then sat and read an article in the New Yorker about what an asshole Steve Jobs is. But I knew that, but it was in the New Yorker so it was entertaining.
It was a warm night so I walked home up 5th ave. when I got home I made my wife and me martinis and told her about this thing at CFSBK I learned called âleftoverâ beer.
I heart CFSBK.
That's an awesome post, Chris.