Fitness: Hang Power Snatch 1RM
Pressing out is a no rep. Catch lower as needed.
Performance: 1RM Hang Snatch
Back Squat
Fitness: 3×5 Across
add 2.5-5lbs from last week’s weight.
Performance: 2×5, then 1 x max reps <10.
add 2.5-5lbs from last week’s weight.
Post loads to comments.
BSQ/Sn e5/6
50 DB Bench Press
50 DB Curls
50 Knees to Elbows or 100 AbMat Sit Ups
Chris A Muscle Ups
Calling all potential CrossFit coaches!
Brooklyn CrossFit : South Williamsburg and Brooklyn CrossFit : Columbia Street are looking for coaches, assistant coaches and interns. If you have ever thought that you might like to try your hand at becoming a CrossFit coach; now is your chance! Both boxes have part time slots available and are willing to provide on the job training and instruction as needed. Please send an email to crossfitsouthwilliamsburg(AT) for more information and to set up an interview.
Yours in Health and Fitness,
70 River St. Brooklyn, NY 11211
Man Who Drinks 5 Diet Cokes Per Day Hoping Doctors Working On Cure For Whatever He’s Getting
"Yolanda" at CFMNL
Partner WOD
20:13 AMRAP
Partner 1: Run 400m
Partner 2: 8 Burpees, 11 Thrusters (65/45), 13 KBS (24/16)
Partner 2 doesn't stop working until Partner 1 then they switch.
My partner and I got 3 runs, I got 4 rounds plus 3 burpees of the work. Members pledged to donate 4php (the cost of one "Mingo meal") per rep completed. Brutal and fun way to raise money!
Also if anyone is looking for simple ways to donate, Apple and The Red Cross are accepting donations through iTunes, you can donate $10 to UNICEF by texting RELIEF to 864233, and you can donate $10 to the UN's World Food Program by texting AID to 27722.
Some friends are also fundraising for UNICEF on Crowdrise (should be familiar!) here:
"Yolanda" at CFMNL
Partner WOD
20:13 AMRAP
Partner 1: Run 400m
Partner 2: 8 Burpees, 11 Thrusters (65/45), 13 KBS (24/16)
Partner 2 doesn't stop working until Partner 1 then they switch.
My partner and I got 3 runs, I got 4 rounds plus 3 burpees of the work. Members pledged to donate 4php (the cost of one "Mingo meal") per rep completed. Brutal and fun way to raise money!
Also if anyone is looking for simple ways to donate, Apple and The Red Cross are accepting donations through iTunes, you can donate $10 to UNICEF by texting RELIEF to 864233, and you can donate $10 to the UN's World Food Program by texting AID to 27722.
Some friends are also fundraising for UNICEF on Crowdrise (should be familiar!) here:
"Yolanda" at CFMNL
Partner WOD
20:13 AMRAP
Partner 1: Run 400m
Partner 2: 8 Burpees, 11 Thrusters (65/45), 13 KBS (24/16)
Partner 2 doesn't stop working until Partner 1 then they switch.
My partner and I got 3 runs, I got 4 rounds plus 3 burpees of the work. Members pledged to donate 4php (the cost of one "Mingo meal") per rep completed. Brutal and fun way to raise money!
Also if anyone is looking for simple ways to donate, Apple and The Red Cross are accepting donations through iTunes, you can donate $10 to UNICEF by texting RELIEF to 864233, and you can donate $10 to the UN's World Food Program by texting AID to 27722.
Some friends are also fundraising for UNICEF on Crowdrise (should be familiar!) here:
"Yolanda" at CFMNL
Partner WOD
20:13 AMRAP
Partner 1: Run 400m
Partner 2: 8 Burpees, 11 Thrusters (65/45), 13 KBS (24/16)
Partner 2 doesn't stop working until Partner 1 then they switch.
My partner and I got 3 runs, I got 4 rounds plus 3 burpees of the work. Members pledged to donate 4php (the cost of one "Mingo meal") per rep completed. Brutal and fun way to raise money!
Also if anyone is looking for simple ways to donate, Apple and The Red Cross are accepting donations through iTunes, you can donate $10 to UNICEF by texting RELIEF to 864233, and you can donate $10 to the UN's World Food Program by texting AID to 27722.
Some friends are also fundraising for UNICEF on Crowdrise (should be familiar!) here:
"Yolanda" at CFMNL
Partner WOD
20:13 AMRAP
Partner 1: Run 400m
Partner 2: 8 Burpees, 11 Thrusters (65/45), 13 KBS (24/16)
Partner 2 doesn't stop working until Partner 1 then they switch.
My partner and I got 3 runs, I got 4 rounds plus 3 burpees of the work. Members pledged to donate 4php (the cost of one "Mingo meal") per rep completed. Brutal and fun way to raise money!
Also if anyone is looking for simple ways to donate, Apple and The Red Cross are accepting donations through iTunes, you can donate $10 to UNICEF by texting RELIEF to 864233, and you can donate $10 to the UN's World Food Program by texting AID to 27722.
Some friends are also fundraising for UNICEF on Crowdrise (should be familiar!) here:
"Yolanda" at CFMNL
Partner WOD
20:13 AMRAP
Partner 1: Run 400m
Partner 2: 8 Burpees, 11 Thrusters (65/45), 13 KBS (24/16)
Partner 2 doesn't stop working until Partner 1 then they switch.
My partner and I got 3 runs, I got 4 rounds plus 3 burpees of the work. Members pledged to donate 4php (the cost of one "Mingo meal") per rep completed. Brutal and fun way to raise money!
Also if anyone is looking for simple ways to donate, Apple and The Red Cross are accepting donations through iTunes, you can donate $10 to UNICEF by texting RELIEF to 864233, and you can donate $10 to the UN's World Food Program by texting AID to 27722.
Some friends are also fundraising for UNICEF on Crowdrise (should be familiar!) here:
9am with Melissa
Fueled by a night of girl talk and prank calls (Lauren) I was up with the sun this morning and came in to not pr anything.
Snatch 53×5, 63×5, 68f. Just wanted to work on trying to be fast and get down under the bar. Getting a little faster but still not getting down.
HBBS 115x3x5 I've stayed here way too many times. Just wasn't feeling like pushing it today.
Nft was great. I wish I could go to the beach and show off the guns.
Dbbp 20#x22, 25#x11, 25×10, 25×7
Curls 15, 15…100 @ 20# one arm at a time
Knees to elbows 16, 10, 8, 10, 6. Very sore hands.
Good times. Monster class – weights and wisdom with Charmel and Mike – played around #105-115, and for sure, I need to incorporate more hip into getting under the bar.
Charmel and I agreed that the long lines of lifters and Josh in front leading drills was a modern take on many fine Shaolin-school movies.
HBBS 165# – I have purposely kept myself here for a few sessions now because I am trying to get it crisp. It's not crisp, but it's better than it was.
Relays were fun – who knew that Benson would put on a clinic like that? Big fella knows his way around a PVC.
Hit a 115 snatch which is a PR but it was sloppy in my book. I keep fearing my wrist will hurt which is mentally throwing me off I think.
My HBBS session was good. Hit 195 3×5 and felt hard but only the last two of the last set felt a little grindy. I think I can hit 200 next week.
The 3 mile relay was fun. Last lap was def. my slowest but I think I kept my laps right around 2 minutes.
@Crystal – Yes, not the best preparation. I have you beat though. I even failed at voodoo wrapping my biceps.
Too crowded for DB cash out but glorious day for a 3-mile relay.
Preceded by HBBS @150x5x2, 150×8
And before that several botched snatches @83xFx5
Props to Josh and McDowell for seamlessly running such a large class.
11am w/ McDeezy & Josh
#53, #83, #93, #98 PR, #103 PR, #108 PR!
Man that was awesome.
West side squat w/ 20" box #65 #85 #105×5 #105×5 #105×5
Pain free but didn't feel as good as Tuesday.
500m row sprints 3x
1:50 2:08 1:58
I never want to do that again.
awesome and tiny 8 am class with melo. 110# hbbs which is a pr! was really fun working with natalie. i really enjoyed class today.
Trying to turn over a new leaf and start posting on the blog so here goes nothing…
9am with Melissa
Didn't get much sleep last night so I wasn't sure how today was going to go. Ended up working up to 105# which was a PR for me so (yay). Definitely gotta work on being more explosive in themmm hips but overall im happy with my progress.
HBBS 160# 2×5.. 7 reps for my last set
Incredible cashout…was a little shaky with the DB press so I stuck with 25# for everything….might've done a little better if I wore my Venice beach tshirt though
Hang snatch
Did a couple of light technique lifts @198. After last nights heavy volume I backed off….
340x5x3…. So in the hole on my very last squat my back went into spasm and I am now laid up BIG time. The pain is so bad…haha. For some reason whenever it goes into spasm I start laughing.
When I came in today for AR and Debbie Gibson was playing, it was the highlight of my week. Whichever coach chose this morning's playlist, I HEART YOU.
11am with McD and Josh
Worked up to 140 on the snatch, which is a PR from the hang. Catch is feeling more stable but I still feel slow getting under the bar.
215×5, 215×3, 185×13 on the HBBS – really need to work on stability/form when working near my max, that last rep at 215 was ugly.
To follow up on Stella's comment, I would like to officially request more Bon Jovi and Journey. Well done 11am DJ.
11am with McDowell and Josh
95, 125, 145, 160(F out in front), 160, 170, 175 (PR), 180 (F out in front)
Came really close to getting 180. I think I would have had it if I had time for another attempt. Happily going up 2.5# or 1kg per week on this though, so can't complain about that.
Lowered the weight and tried to be more upright and not just do a LBBS with the bar on my traps as I tend to do.
255x5x3 – Got a little sticky on the last set, but not bad. Much better positioning than last week.
Cash out:
Ran 3 laps with some rest. Felt fast but didn't time it.
2:15 with Nick… my posterior chain is very upset with me right now.
Enjoyed watching our fearless leaders take on about 3 minutes of what looked to be pure hell while all of us crash b folks were in our own world of hurt… Just for kicks, I did it without weight when I got home and it was still all kinds of awful. I can only hope that was a dry run for the upcoming crush week?
Made it in too late for the 8am but way early for the 9am, so I practiced handstands before class and finally (!) figured out how to do kipping hand stand push ups (!!). Thanks Melo for the tips. Landmark day.
Hit 93# on the hang snatch. Not a PR, but that's ok, considering that I've missed more Saturdays this cycle than not. Then 155#x5x3 on the HBBS. Slower than last week, but still moving fine.
The NFT piece took me forever. 30# for 30 reps of the dumbbell bench press then up to 35#s for the last 20. Tried to curl with 25# bells, but had to drop to 20#. Felt like I was going to be doing knees-to-elbows until I died. I can only do about 5 reps at a time before I start missing my elbows. By the end, I was doing sets of 2 and 3. Total slog. Ain't easy being swole.
10 am monster class, well handled
75kg(165) Hang Snatch for a few, missed 80 for a few. One good miss in there. Stay back longer!
116kg(255) HBBSq x5x3