Fitness: Work up to a heavy triple
Performance: Work up to a heavy triple
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
60 Double Unders
500m Row
400m Run
30 Burpees
20 Thrusters 115/75
Post time and Rx to comments.
Charlotte K doing her Inversion skill work in Rockport, MA this past weekend
Andy Milk’s Show Tonight
Hey guys, I’ve got a show tonight with my new music project Put Together just down the road at The Rock Shop. I’m on early at 7:30pm. Check us out!
Rope Climb Clinic SOLD OUT!
Want to relive the anxiety of 8th grade gym class? Maybe you’ve just always wanted to touch that weird brown stuff all over the ceiling. Regardless, we’re hosting 2 FREE rope climbing clinics for CFSBK members on Saturday, November 23rd at 1pm and 2pm. This event is limited to 8 participants per session and will review rope climbing 101.
To register, email David(at), first come first serve.
Rope Climbing Demos with Annie Sakamoto
NASA Releases First Ever Photograph of Saturn, Venus, Mars and Earth
The Innovation of Loneliness
6am with Jess and D.O. Push press: 45×5, 115×5, 165×3, 185, 205, 225. Push felt slow today, but 225 went up smoothly. Metcon: 10:12 Rx. Before the workout I was thinking to do the thrusters unbroken. Ha! Took about 5 sets. Lungs were burning afterwords. Running in the cold sucks.
Rest day for me today. I'm playing a few blocks away from the gym tonight at The Rock Shop (4th ave & Carroll St.) at 8pm with a new electronic-ish project I started. Music here:
Come on over all sweaty from the evening classes!
6am with DO and lady fox. Giant class! Awesome to work with Val. Went for heavy single on push press: 45×3, 75×3, 95×2, 115, 125, 130, 135. 125 felt heavy so I was conservative with the next jump but then 130 flew right up. Definitely have more room there. WOD Rx'd at 11:27. That run was just atrocious. I felt–and looked, Alex assured me–like a gimpy old lady.
Great vibe in the gym this AM. will be sad to miss classes next week. Anyone like a box in Palo Alto?
Ahhh! Andy I was going to post your show as it got closer and I blew it! Will edit soon!
8am Class
Push Press
185×1 (PR)
Today's WOD
11:30 As Rx'd
That stung a bit more than I anticipated, especially the Thrusters. Broke them down into 5's and took me two sets to figure out my breathing pattern with them.
Also, those rope climbing clinics sold out fast. Most of the people signed up before 1am. GET TO BED, PEOPLE!
Does anyone else get knee pain on heavy power cleans? It feels fine on the full clesns.
Today's WOD was fun, I've never been this out of breath, mouth fully open to get as much air in. Mightve created a vortex around me. Broke the thrusters into 5s at 75# but for the life of me, couldn't figure out how to breath, so ended up not breathing for 5 fast reps each time, which got me dizzy.
Worked my way up to a 110# on the press.
I need to do about a million squats before my first snowboard ride, it's going to be an awesome Winter.
6am with Jess and D.O. Got up to 125# on push press, although that was certainly, err, a push.
Did the WOD in 13:05. DUs were a mess — I just stopped at 2 minutes in and moved on to the row. Though my Fran thruster was 85#, I was feeling a bit slow today and somewhat tired from the push press, so went with 75#.
Thank you to D.O. for post the picture of my family and me from the marathon yesterday.
Is it possible that the UWS doesn't have Crossfit? The gym that was supposed to open at 105th and Columbus backed out of their lease, they were doing something in Central Park at 72nd when weather permitted. Metropolis is on the east side at 100th st. Harlem is really far up. I guess all affiliates would be listed.
Can anyone recommend Crossfit Metropolis or Crossfit Harlem?
6am with Jess and D.O.
Push Press: got up to 155×3, a PR
WOD: 12:17 Rx'ed
should probably have scaled the weight back…
Jean-Claude Van Damme
It's possible/probably that you're receiving your power cleans with too upright of a torso and relatively excessive knee flexion. When you full clean, your body is probably anticipating the squat and properly sending the hips back. In your power clean, you might be recieving more like a jerk dip than 1/4 squat.
Regardless, first make sure your technique is dialed, then put some slack into the system by doing some ORB or large LAX ball on your quads. Additionally, Voodoo above and below your patella. Like I said, perhaps a movement issue, but pain is an indication of something that needs to be resolved.
Noon class
Push press 205
WOD Rx'd in 9:38
Surprisingly not as bad as I thought. Just moved steadily.
joy, my favorite part of that video was the choice of music.
Loved the WOD this morning (but running in the cold) I get really wrecked running in the cold.
I did tripple push press to 145 which is more than I thought I could do.
The WOD maybe could have done RX looking back but I was really happy with how I did.
95# and a 10:19 time – I'll take it. I broke up the thrusters into sets of 5. I was just too out of breath form the cold and then burpees.
Those rope classes went in snap.
Today was the first day in a while that I felt good about what I got done in the gym. Been plagued with a few different frustrating injuries lately and have had to really back off. I haven't squatted weight in weeks – I miss it so much!
PRed my 1RM push press at 105# (previously 100#) and might have even had more in me. Felt great. Then did the WOD in 10:42, which I was happy with. I substituted 63# push presses for the 75# thrusters because of my knee troubles. Other than that I felt good. Even push presses were crazy hard – I was glad I didn't do the thrusters!
All these random aches and pains in the ol' bod makes me feel like I'm getting OLD, yo. WTF?!?
Loved this wod! Skipped class this morning because I wasn't feeling well, but I ended up doing this at my work gym this afternoon. Subbed in 35# db thrusters and ran on a treadmill at a 2 degree incline. Everything was going super well until the thrusters, finished in 10:58. Should have run faster but whatever. Been trying to do burpees clean instead of fast, I think I prefer that. Thrusters were a mess. Hoping I can make it in on Saturday!
4:30 with josh
Worked up to 83 on the push press felt funny on the movement . we haven't done this in a long time so not sure if I'm working my legs into it so decided to go down to 73 to just practice it.
Finished the WOD at 13:13 and I finally ran for the first time since I sprained my ankle!!!!!
I was really happy about that everything else was blah! Thank you 4:30 class for screaming my name out as I did my last few thrusters I really needed it at that point especially you Hailey!
103# push press, 12:30 Rx on the WOD. I was partnered with the lovely MeLo and deceived myself into thinking I had a chance at catching her. I felt like I cruised through the first four movements, but holy bejesus, those thrusters sucked. Took an entire 4 and a half minutes to finish, split up into sets of 2 and 3. I'm glad I went for it on the Rx-ed weight, but woof.
Make-up from yesterday: fitness, 110# cleans and 110# FSQ. 24kg kb.
Yahoo Nancy on the first run back! That's the best feeling. 🙂
And yahoo to Dr. Liz for switching tonight from 2 classes/week to 5!
@Joy… I visited New York for the first time with my family when I was 7 over the holidays, and we soon found out that Jean-Claude Van Damme was making an appearance at FAO Schwartz. My poor mother waited for over two hours in a line outside the store with me. I can't even remember why I was so in love with him, but it's an indisputable fact of my young existence. I also loved Enya back then, so, you know, clearly I was like, the coolest kid.
5:30 class with DJ 'Ro. All the talk of sandwiches in the QOD made be HUNGRY!!!
#75 on the push press. Tried #78 and failed. My last press was forever ago it feels like….
Finished the WOD at 12:44 with #50 on the Thrusters which i had to break into sets up 5 to get through. Thanks to those folks encouraging me at the end. It helps! I also enjoyed the dubstep….like we all up in the club and stuff.
And am the only one who got soooooo bummed out by that loneliness video? I'm a few days into a 2- week facebook/instagram fast so that it came right in time as reinforcement.
Also, everyone should ask Arturo and Josh to explain what paperclipping means.
Got up to 125 on the push press when I felt form totally going to shit and my mobility playing havoc so I stopped there.
The WOD was good, really liked it. 9:52 with 135# front squats supped for the thrusters. Double unders were unbroken and the row I took as a breather and kept my splits at 1:55-ish. The run I took medium and the burpees were slow and steady with only one or two quick breathers thrown in. Squats were 10, 6, 4. I thought I could go 10, 10 but it was not to be.
I've been a rather passive participant on the blog. I read it every day, but rarely post. I decided that starting today I am going to post more frequently.
No squats in strength cycle tonight. I still can't believe. The platform felt so unfamiliar without the sounds and sights of people squatting heavy.
Who am I kidding? I was actually kind of relieved to have a break from squatting after Tuesday night's volume squats. I had soreness in muscles that I didn't know existed after that.
Bench Press:
– Moved well and felt strong. I was happy to hit this especially since I failed at 75 last cycle.
close grip bench
60# rep out @ 20 reps
– My triceps gave up on me long before the weight began to feel heavy.
deficit DLs
– The last set was really difficult and felt like it took an eternity to move. Happy I fought through it.
100 KBS @ 12kg unbroken
8am class.
Push press-heavy single
(45×5, 75×3, 95×2, 105×1)
115, 125, 130, 135
-had room for more. Would love to test my jerk sometime in the near future.
Chipper Wod:
10:25 rx'd.
-all du's unbroken, row around a 2-2:05 split, run was a light run, burpees were in 10 then 5's and thrusters were in 5's.
-those are maybe the 2 worst movements for me to really push hard on especially to finish a wod. Had to keep moving though because I didn't want David to catch me.
-figured MeLo would kill this and sounds like she did! If only I could get her to post…;)