Fitness: High Hang Power Snatch + Below The Knee Power Snatch + OHS
Performance: Below The Knee Snatch
Back Squat
Fitness: 3×5 Across
add 2.5-5lbs from last week’s weight.
Performance: 2×5, then 1 x max reps <10.
add 2.5-5lbs from last week’s weight.
Post loads to comments.
BSQ/Sn e4/6
Fartlek Mile
Fartlek, which means “speed play” in Swedish combines aerobic low intensity work with more anerobic high intensity intervals. Generally the intervals are based on feel and somewhat unstructured. Play with this protocol for three laps around the block.
Anthony H ran the entire marathon with this expression on his face!
- Happy Birthday, Julian V!
The Handstand Push Up: How Things Go Wrong and How to Put Them Right Breaking Muscle
Millions Raised by AIDS Walk Spent on Rent, Not HIV Services (by our own Matt K)
Hang Snatch. Smelled like a PR day, came pretty close but only knocked on the door. Worked up to 165 for a couple of reps.
This linear has moved well for me since my back injury, started at 165x8x3.
Fartlek mile with Jess, Melo, Rickke, and new guy Michael. So much more fun to run fast and laugh lots. Good times.
Zack rocking the high bar back squat with excellent range of motion:
CrossFit workouts are scalable for all ages and ability levels.
Something clicked (in a good way) on the snatch today. I focused on jumping straight up and the bar just felt light. Hit 70kg for a 4# PR. Wish every day was like this.
HBBS 225x5x3. Still room to grow here.
Fartlek (heh heh) mile was tough/fun.
great article, matt.
i love back squat saturdays. got a personal hbbs PR that im not going to share because it's still pretty low but it made me feel good. and strong.
It's interesting how the blog is so scarce during the weekends.
Hang Snatch
242- despite being hungover I was feeling pretty good…
I love Saturday mornings, AR then 12 o'clock class. I was hoping to PR my hang power snatch today but I had some trouble locking out my arm at 130# and left it at that. I think I know what I need to do, just had trouble getting aggressive.
HBBS 220x5x3. This felt easier than 210 last week. Probably my mild hangover was contributing. There was a blog post about this last year. A football coach in Hawaii. Going to make another 10# jump next week, but will try to skip the hangover.
Partnered with Justin for the fartlek mile. Running is fun.
The PR Saturdays continue ๐
Snatch Complex:
#93 PR
Gonna focus more on this number next week. Felt heavy and bar didn't get up as fast as I would have liked.
The squat therapy continues ๐
West side w/ safety bar & 20" box
Haven't put that much weight on my back in 3 months. Feels good to be back ๐
Noon class with Arturo and McDowell
Finally got the performance snatch complex technique!!! i will begin to add weight next week if i can't catch it on a full squat then i will remain at 42lbs I refuse to catch it in the quarter squat .
HBBS went up to 105lbs felt really good and strong doing them ….I love this movement!!
Gymnastics with ken went amazing you don't realize how strong you come back after a break, back levers were very straight ,skin the cat is almost unassisted until i have to roll back into an L sit hang from the rings and my free standing head stands were great I actually held about a 10 sec hold!!!
Oh gosh i did so much today i hope its a light wod tomorrow !
Hang Snatch – 95, 125, 145, 155, 165 (f), 165, 172.5 (f) 172.5 (PR 2.5)
Felt pretty good working up. There is definitely more there. Wasn't even feeling that great today.
HBBS – 265x5x2, 8. Failed on the 9th rep. Should have just done 3×5 and called it a day there.
Make-up post from yesterday's 8AM that I snuck in before my flight:
Hang Snatch:
95×1 115×1 135×1 145×1 155×1 160xF,F,1
Harder for me to stay back on my heels starting from the hang but felt pretty good otherwise. That's a hang PR.
High Bar Squat:
135×3 185×3 235×5,5,10
Only did 3×5 at 225 last week since I was in the office so I didn't know what to expect here, super psyched to get 10 on the rep-out. We'll see what next week brings.
Skipped the mile run to finish packing. I'll probably be posting from Manila intermittently, the new CFMNL location is literally a block from my apartment here. Sweet.