3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
15 Kettlebell Swings, heavy
15 Burpees
3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats, 95/65
15 Hang Power Cleans, 95/65
Post time and Rx to comments.
It’s late in the afternoon on a day in mid September. I’m at work when I get a call from my sister Amanda, from whom I never know what to expect. – “Chuckee, I’m going to be in Lima to judge a youth entrepreneur contest. Meet me there next week! We can go to Machu Picchu!” Yeah, just like that, totally random and so cool. As fate would have it, my vacation lined up perfectly with her gig and I had no real plans. A week later, I’m in Mexico City, Lima, Cuzco and finally in the Andes visiting the lost Incan city, Machu Picchu. While it wasn’t exactly on my bucket list, the historical relevance, breathtaking views, tough hiking and delicious food (Strawberry spiced alpaca/llama!) made this one of my favorite trips ever. It would be so fun to tackle something as challenging as this outside of the box with SBKers! – Charmel R
See a few more pics in the SBK Flickr
Sign up today for Gymnstics with Ken
Join guest Gymnastics Coach Ken H. as he takes you through 6 weeks of gymnastics strength training. This 1.5 hour long class will incorporate different facets of body weight strength training and movement. Specifically, each class will be composed of 3 to 4 distinct areas, warm-up and active mobility, rings skill work (muscle ups, levers etc), body weight strength conditioning, balance (on hands and feet) and flexibility. Students will be asked to have a goal or intention to focus on for the next 4 weeks. Students can then focus on that goal outside of class.
Saturdays from 2:00pm – 3:30pm
11/9, 11/16, 11/23, 12/7, 12/14, and 12/21
*please note that class skips 11/30
$120 for 6 Weeks
Ken Haller’s Bio
Ken was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton, MA and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Ken coached for eight years at Capital Gymnastics in Northern Virginia where he coached regional and national champions. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions and members of Cirque du Soliel. In searching for an activity to replace gymnastics, Ken filled the void with rock climbing and yoga for the past ten years and recently found CrossFit to round out his training.
Have you ever been to any preserved sites of ancient civilzations?
See The Sunset from Space The Atlantic
Homeostasis: The Basis Of Training Cathletics
Does anyone have a good GP not too far from the gym? I'm looking to get a check-up and figure it would be a good idea to get a regular doctor.
6am with Jess and DO. Fitness version with 20kg kb in 13:15. Probably should've gone heavier with the kb. Thought about doing trying the performance workout (partly to avoid the burpees) but wasn't confident I could do the OHS for 3 rounds at that weight. Haven't been to any preserved sites of ancient civilizations yet, but I'm actually planning a trip to Macchu Picchu this summer. Pics look beautiful!
WOD 15:16 Rx. Another reason Joy is AOM: I was going to be all timid and do the fitness version, but on her way out of 6 AM class she was, all, "You can TOTALLY do performance, lady." I was nervous about the OHS but they were fine!
I've been to some of the ancient Roman ruins in Italy, and also the tomb of Qin Shi Huang in China (the one with all the terra cotta horses). Both impressive to look at.
Dragged myself out of bed this morning to 7am, really glad I made it. I was fantasizing about doing fitness with a 2 pood kb but decided on performance @ 75# instead. Finished in 12:34, only broke up one set… So too light. Should have pushed myself and tried 83. Also went too light on the cash out. Oh well, I was exhausted at the end so I'm sure I got plenty of stimulus…
Is there going to be a lfpb challenge this winter? I bought 'it starts with food' and I'm thinking about doing a whole30 type diet in January. Company makes it fun… Right?
Is it possible to do performance with an OHS substitution option for my wonky hip impingement? I'd really like to do the performance WOD!!! KB Swings? RDLs?
6am with Jess and David. Perf version Rx in 9:54. OHS and cleans unbroken. Grip was fried at the end. Should have pushed harder on the third run, but otherwise I'm pleased with the intensity level.
I've been to the Mayan ruins in Tulum and visited Pompeii. Machu Picchu is on my bucket list.
7AM with Jess and David… Did performance at RX. I should have backed the weight just a little. Years of skateboarding and snowboarding has left my right wrist wonky especially with OHS.
17:06 was not a great time but it was RX weight. If I could do it again I would drop to 75 pounds. The limiting factor is not mobility or strength per-say but my wrist which sucks a little.
walking lunges with 45 pounds was not so bad.
I have been to The Pantheon, and a few other ruins in Greece, Rome all over there while in school and an Ainu village home in Japan.
6am with Jess and DO
Opted for performance version of the WOD, but started getting exertion headaches after the first round of OHS. Had to slow way down, then after the headache returned on the second round of OHS despite my best efforts on neck position and breathing, I decided to bail. Bummed.
Lunges with #45 were ok.
Been to Pompeii and the Mayan ruins at Caracol. My wife is from Rome and we were married in an ancient roman temple outside the Baths of Caracalla in Rome.
7am with Jess and David. Performance Rx in 12:48. OHS unbroken, grip forced me to break up the cleans a bit. I've got to learn to cycle cleans better, especially keeping the hook grip.
Overhead walking lunges can bite me.
When you see 96/65 as the prescribed load you can assume that the intention is to gas you. Yeah, it's light, so you should be moving fast with it.
Question of the day: "I can overhead squat 95 pounds so should I do this WOD Rx'd, right?
Answer of the day, answered with a question: "Can you overhead squat 95 pounds for 45 reps under significant stress from sprinting and doing a bunch of light hang power cleans?"
Summary: The 95/65 is meant to be a light weight, maybe around half to two thirds of what you can safely overhead squat. The HPC should be super light. Choose a weight that allows you to finish in about 8-12 minutes. If you struggle with the OHS then I recommend you do the fitness WOD…it sure ain't easier.
I've been to the ruins at the pyramids in Teotihuacan. Pretty cool stuff. Missed out on Mesa Verde this fall since the gov't was throwing a tantrum. Peru sounds beautiful, I've wanted to go ever since my stint with new-agism. I have also been to Staten Island and New Jersey, certain parts of which are kind of like preserved 1980's civilization.
Visiting "rubble' is kind of an unofficial hobbie of mine. Spent a couple of weeks packbacking through honduras, Guatemala, Belize, and the Yucatan and saw tons of Mayan stuff in various stages of excavation. places like Tikal, Copan, Tulum, Coba, Chichen itza. Even today there are tons being discovered.
In Europe, Leila and I had an active honeymoon hitting Greece, Croatia, and Turkey. Lots of well preserved Roman and Greek ruins. The standard sites in Greece, but surprised at how mant roman sites are in Turkey and Croatia.
Today, around 4:30 im going to visit somethings called Squats and Cleans and then some ancient machine called the Erg????
Hampi in India. Japan is not really ancient but here is really not an old temple or shrine there I haven't been to, especially in Kyoto/Nara/Osaka area.
Charmel!! Macchu Picchu definitely on my bucket list. I dig ruins. Been to a bunch: Pompeii, Acropolis, some old Macedonian city (which was a ruin even when the Acropolis wasn't, trippy), Baalbek in Lebanon, and Borobodur and Prambanan in Java, Indonesia. Would love to see Angkor Wat too.
Out too late last night for a work dinner and missed this AM. Sad face.
Some stuff in Italy and Thailand are the only truly ancient ruins I've seen, I think. Both knocked me for a loop, Italy probably more so… only because I could connect what I was seeing in the ruins with the shapes of my own modern life.
Thanks to everyone who met the farmer yesterday! Rickke was the lucky winner of the meat share raffle, and I think anyone who tasted the new charcuterie offering also came away feeling mighty lucky.
Thinking of joining the meat CSA? Herondale has updated their website to make it easier than ever.
Visit their site for pricing, details and the registration form. The next delivery is December 4.
Jess and Fox just got props on the main site Facebook page.
this morning was supposed to be a sprint? could have sworn i heard DO say light jog
growing up in italy and greece you see real old stuff all over the place. the oldest church in my dad's village is from the 16th century
I've visited the orange seats in the spectrum many times in the 80s. Those seats were inhabited with some form of neanderthal, all of them wearing Flyers Jerseys. Prone to excessive drinking and section-wide brawls, they were really a site to see in their indigenous habitat. Potentially the missing link.
I've bought and done a few hikes from the book
"Hiking the Road to Ruins: Day Trips and Camping Adventures to Iron Mines, Old Military Sites, and Things Abandoned in the New York City Area"
by David Steinberg which I've found pretty cool. It's about $10 on Amazon.
I grew up in a town called Kinsale in the south of Ireland, where there are two old forts which were built in the 17th century. Does that count as ancient? We used to play in the forts as kids and, later, they were a great place for bonfires, parties and underage drinking, not that I partook in any of that sort of behaviour.
Also, there is a thing called a dolmen, which is actually a portal tomb, not unlike the pyramids in essence, but far smaller and obviously less epic. (usually just three big stones) I have seen a few of these in Ireland- one I specifically remember is Poulnabrone dolmen in Co. Clare. These date back to neolithic times.
There are lots of old fairy forts and ruins of castles dotted around the countryside. It was kind of a magical place to grow up.
12pm class. Good times. I'm going to nap in about 30 seconds.
By any chance did someone pick up my water bottle? Black Rogue, with the big red R, with an SBK sticker on it? If yes just leave at the gym and I'll grab another time.
There are more but the below is a solid list. I should note that I lived out of the country for over a year and traveled my arse off in addition to being in a family that traveled a solid 3 months out of the year, on the road for 18 years worth of adventures, so I'm pretty lucky:
These are my faves, Chiapas/Pelenque were culturally the most outstanding, Mexico/Central America: Tikal, Xultun, Iximche, Copan, Panajachel, El Mirador, Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Tulum, Coba, Teotihuacan, Palenque.. OH! Ek Balam.
Europe: Hadrian's Wall, the Roman Baths, Tintern Abbey, Chateneauneuf de Pape
US: Mesa Verde, Montezuma Castle, Canyon de Chelly
JR that could have been my brother and his buddies you were talking about!
Forget crossfit, we should all be doing this:
Todd and I went to Monte Alban in Oaxaca, Mexico (pre Willa/8 years ago). The site was founded in 500BC(2,500 years ago)!!! I took a rock that sits on our bookshelf and reminds me of that strange land whenever I look at it.
Joy, OMG, you win everything for posting that. The "complex" (if you will) that occurs at :33 is magical… And all the high-fives they incorporated!
Gymnastics with Ken is so much fun! I wish I could dedicate myself to this full cycle. I'll be away again in the middle. I need that iron cross.
@Crystal- are you interested in perhaps splitting the gymnastics cycle with me? I can't do three of the days because of Crash-B's. Ken has said it is OK for me to just do three days- this might make it easier payment-wise? Email me if you are interested- obviously will need to run it by mangement too if it is an option… hurricanecharlie8282(at)gmail(dot)com
Bench Press
Today's Performance WOD:
14:25 as Rx'd
All the OHS and HPCs were unbroken. As Nancy put it so eloquently, "You run like a guy who is 300lbs" :/
50 Walking Lunges with the 55lb plate overhead
Shoot. Saturdays are my capoeira days. I think adding gymnastics to that mix would kill me. would love to take a class offered at another time/day…
Bench Press
Today's Performance WOD:
14:25 as Rx'd
All the OHS and HPCs were unbroken. As Nancy put it so eloquently, "You run like a guy who is 300lbs" :/
50 Walking Lunges with the 55lb plate overhead
that aerobics video is hard as fuck but tappercize is the ultimate gangster shit
I totally spaced on seeing most of the castles in the Highlands of Scotland.
Fox, what if its not the weight but the in my case the pain in my wrist that was the factor? Go lighter and hope to avoid the pain and try to build more strength there? (If it can be done?) Or just F it and never do OHS?
1. Easter Island (Rapa Nui) with its 887 Moai statues.
2. The city of Knossos, which is the largest Bronze Age archaeological site on the island of Crete and considered Europe's oldest city. It was the center of Minoan civilization and in Greek mythology it was where the Minotaur was held.
3. The island of Delos in the Greek Cyclades near Mykonos. Evidence indictes it was first inhabited in the 3rd millenium (that's millenium not century) BC. In Greek mythology it was the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis and as such was considered so sacred that no one was allowed to be born or die on the island.
4. The island of Minorca, one of the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean belonging to Spain along with Mallorca and Ibiza, which is dotted with megalithic stone monuments called navetes, taules, and talaoits in various stages of preservation attesting to very early prehistoric activity.
On another topic, I will be attending a Saturday matinee performance of An Enemy of the People at BAM. Does anyone have any suggestions for a lunch place afterwards? Thanks.
@keith more tape
Keith – may i suggest one-handed OHS with your good wrist…
klramza: I like Smoke Joint and 67 Burger.
@Keith – did it hurt in warm ups?
4:30 with Josh and the regular jokers
Performance WOD with front rack reverse lunges in place of OHS
#65 –13:16
somehow all lunges/PC were unbroken…just couldn't imagine putting the bar down and wasting energy getting it back up. Definitely becoming a stronger runner.
Cash out: 25lb plate for lunges
My lower body has not been this rocked in a long time. It feels awesome ๐
If anyone finds my hamstrings, I left them on the middle platform.
Got to the gym about 40 minutes early which I spent doing mobility: couch stretch, calf mash and some ginger foam rollin' on some VERY sore glutes. Then worked on some freestanding handstands and a little handstand walking. The past 7 weeks-ish of dedicated handstand practice has really helped me. Had a few solid holds and even able to control some walking.
4:30pm class…yes, I might have been one of those jokesters that Gracie was talking about. I blame Nancy though! ๐
WOD, performance in 10:12 rx'd.
-felt really good with this. all squats and cleans unbroken. weight was light so I was able to keep moving. all cleans were fast muscle cleans and my forearms certainly were jacked after this. quads were really feeling it during the last round of squats.
-was trying to chase Peter's time but damn was he fast…
Cash Out:
50 walking lunges with 35# overhead. ugh.
Hey Fox,
Hurt no but it certainly felt like it us usually does when I put a lot of weight on it and it's bent. It's the volume that gets it. Compound 38 reps as you squat and hit the bottom (that's when it hurts most) and pain threshold gets there quick. (38 because I switched to front squats per David's direction.
4:30 with Josh and the regular jokers!
Sorry David I was just making an observation lol I guess I was just jeolous that you was able to jog and I wasn't ๐
Did the performance WOD scaled the weight to about 42 lbs and rowed due to my ankle feeling achy and I'm really scared I might twist it again by running on the wet pavement. Finished at 12:35 or 13:35 I forgot
I really had a great time at my 4:30 class we had a bunch of laughs and I pass the blame to willie lol btw Gracie is part of that group of jokers also!!
I was talking to Lisa after the 6:30 class tonight, brainstorming all the reasons why I felt like CRAP this week. Some ideas…
1) Allergies?
2) Weather getting colder?
3) Lack of fish oil?
4) Work being crazy?
5) Getting jazzed about that aerobic video today and expending too much energy starting to practice my reproduction of it?
Fun class with Josh and Arturo, but I just sucked tonight. Couldn't stay steady on the OHS at 45# so switched to Fitness with a 24kg KB, finished in 12:30ish, but I've never wanted to quit a workout so hard.
Keith – sounds like lighter weight might have been better, allowing you to complete the movements pain free. FSQ is often an easy sub mid-WOD, as DO pointed out, when OHS is too much of a challenge. If an OHS was going to be too much today then the Run/KB/Burpee WOD would have proven to be a better (pain free) stimulus.
Have you tried any band distraction and/or voodoo band on the wrist?
4:30 class
Performance in 12:59 Rx'd
All unbroken but this was harder than I thought it would be for me, I had to fight to organize the squats. I also, seemingly, run like a 300lb+ man. Felt like the WIND though ๐
Cash out with 55lb plate – 15/10/15/10
Performance, rx-ed: 16:18
Cleans were the worst. I kept losing my hook grip and having to reset. Also, tape was bothering me for the cleans. Didn't feel natural in a movement that usually feels pretty good. Tape helped a ton for the squats though. Broke them up 8-7 to be conservative. 2-6-7 on the last round because I let the bar get a little in front of me on the 3rd rep and failed. Digging the OHS in workouts though. Turns out I can do those if the weight is light. Who knew?
Kate, I've also felt like crap this week and have been confused to boot. Let's blame daylight savings. Or the moon.
sign me up for the "feels like crap club." but i found a temporary cure: impromptu handstands with melo and the 830 class.
I've seen some very old stuff throughout Italy (Rome, Pompeii, Benevento, etc.), Japan, Nepal, Thailand (Bangkok), Mexico (Tulum), Ireland (Galway), but, as much as these places inspired a sense of awe while I was there, I have a hard time remembering details. The Pantheon was my favorite place to sit and ponder when I studied in Rome. I love how you turn a bustling corner with traffic coming at you in every direction, and the massive, stone, feat of architecture looms before you.
@Charlie — You conjure beautiful imagery of kids frolicking in fairy forts and castle ruins ๐
South America is next on my list of places to go without kids — or with kids who listen to me and can keep up ๐ Right up there as well, though not for their ruins, are Sweden, The Netherlands, and all the gorgeous parks in the US that seem to elude me every time we head out west.
Work-out-wise, I did some fine-tuning on Olympic lifts today. Fun and exciting!
I miss being in group class. It's been a solid few weeks now. Wanted to give my wrists/hands more time to rest after asking a lot of them by dancing/performing last week. Plus my neck got all spasm-y a few days ago.
It's been nice to enjoy some downtime. Looking forward (hoping) to start fresh next week and get back on it!
Hey Charmel!!!
Did today's WOD as a modified performance. 115# front squats and cleans with the same rep scheme. All squats unbroken but with a good pause between each one in the second and third rounds, cleans were more taxing than I thought they would be. 8, 7 for the first two rounds and then 5's the last round.