Jacinto and his fans after competing in Puerto Rico!
Jacinto placed 44th in a field of 70, all of his competitors were under 40 years old!
- Right now Chris P, Charmel R, Bob S and Jacinto B are all signed up in the 40+ Master competition at the Christmas Throwdown on December 7th. Is anyone else interested in competing, especially master CFSBKers? If so please sign up and we’ll organize transportation. Email David(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you want to compete.
- Coaches Fox, Jess and McD as well as Ellie M, Alan L, Mike F and Marian L have all signed up for the CrossFit Hoboken Winter Challenge on Saturday December 14th. Competitor slots sold out almost immediately but there are still spectator tickets available if you’d like to support the team. Email christian(AT)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you pick one up and want to tag along.
- Don’t forget to Meet the Farmer tomorrow at CFSBK from 5:30-8:30pm. Get info on the CSA, the farm, sign up to win a free share and taste some awesome salami!
- Emily S‘ dog Walter is in a facebook costume contest! If you like his “cavity” costume “like” the photo and help put him over the top!
What is one habit you’ve developed in the past 3-6 months? How did you cultivate it?
Smarter Than You Think,’ by Clive Thompson NYT
CrossFit Curmudgeon Cares CrossFit
The Central Governor Theory CrossFit Invictus
Indie Media Camp, a Conference for Bloggers and Entrepreneurs in Gowanus BK Nov. 13
I forgot to mention that yesterday's balance beam video was really mesmerizing and interesting. Balance beams are very difficult.
I've developed a habit of doing mobility twice a week before I go to sleep. I have some nasty psoas issues and my PT recommended doing it. It's helped a bunch.
Way to go Jacinto! You look so happy, and a bit surprised.
@David – That gymnastics video is definitely mesmerizing. Some of the backbending made me cringe.
My recent habit of compulsively posting on the blog seems to have started when I gave up on my notebook (not good, need a new one) and when I realized how helpful I find people's comments about work-outs. I wish everyone posted their work-outs more.
Great to be back on the platform this weekend. Felt like a strange man in a strange land. Lots of new faces which is great to see, and some old friends.
Been doing the mobility thing at night as well. Started off slowly, which seems to be a great way for me personally to form good habits. Trying a new mash or stretch as often as I can.
Next I am going to tarket the hip capsule.
I've been trying a new habit of better "sleep hygiene" (as my doctor called it). No reading in bed, ten to fifteen minutes of yoga/stretching before, no screens – computers, tv – an hour before, lighter meals if I eat later.
It comes and goes. I can do this for a week or two, then slip and omit the yoga or eat too much and all that seems to interfere with good sleep patterns. The ban on my five minute siesta nap at 3pm is the hardest habit to break.
Diane this morning at 6am with McDowell: I've never done this one before, not that I can remember anyway. 155 lbs on the DL which was probably a bit heave, had to break up the 21 & 15 round but nailed the 9's unbroken. But I know I struggled on keeping good back position and bracing.
My HSPU's were piked off the 24" box. Again, a struggle, but ok. Finished at 7'22".
CrashB workout later on today if i can find the time.
Anyone know a link for the CrashB facebook page? I searched but couldn't find anything. Besides the google doc log, are the CrashB folks posting anywhere else?
Diane yesterday with Noah and Arturo
RXed, HSPU all strict
21: DL- unbroken; HSPU – 10, 5, 3, 3
15: DL- 8, 7; HSPU – 3, 3 , 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
9: DL- 5, 4; HSPU – 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1/2, 1/2, 1
Afterwards my head was not in the right place and forgot to check my time, I think it was 9 something.
I need to learn to kip the HSPUs.
Thanks everyone for your kind words yesterday on the blog. You make this place so special and fun! Thanks Fox for writing such a nice piece! Lest everyone thinks I'm either a complete klutz or training poorly, I did get my bones checked after the broken arm. Test results showed a severe vitamin D deficiency which the doctor suspects may have caused the breaks. I apparently have plenty of bone; just poor quality bone (which for an overachieving asian, was a huge blow to my ego). After several weeks of prescription vitamin D, my levels are back to normal. Lesson to be learned: get some sunshine every day and get your vitamin D levels tested annually!
A habit I've developed in the past 3-6 months is taking a vitamin D supplement EVERY DAY.
What is the cost to sign up for the masters competition?
Why I think I can do tons of wallballs is beyond me but maybe I can do some.
Habit? I have not made any new ones but might have to add more over all active recovery rather than just shoulder work regularly.
First time in group class since October 1–blasted travel schedule this fall. Nice to be here. Diane Rx'd weight with 2 abmat HSPUs, 10:57. Grip the limiting factor on the DLs; HSPUs the limiting factor on the HSPUs. Heh. Started kipping at the very end, should have done so earlier.
Habit: I am trying to develop the habit of putting away my phone for the time between when L gets home from school and when he goes to bed. The days I manage to do it are really, really nice.
8am with Jess and McDowell
Missed 6am class today because of a raging sleepless 3-year-old last night. Feel all out-of-sorts with my schedule.
Squat clean performance complex: #95, #125, #145, #165, #165, #175, #175
Standing them up was the hardest part. The squat cleans all felt like there was room to grow. Jess gave me some good tips on getting organized, and told me I had to move faster, which is my goat.
Front Squats: #180 x 3 x 3
Elbows were lagging on my last rep quite a bit, but otherwise it feels like there's room to grow here.
DIY cashout: 2-pood kettlebell, pistol squats, and 15-seconds on each hold
Pistol squats took it out of me, but I was happy I could do them all after all the DLs yesterday and after today's squat work.
No headaches today, for my third class now. Gonna try some sprints this week.
Oh, my new habit is drinking 18 – 24 raw egg whites (and 3 – 4 yolks) a day with milk and a little maple syrup. As a friend put it "It's exactly like eggnog with lugees in it." Feels good. I gave up drinking powdered things.
I've actually been working on a few habits with some success…
1- Improved sleep hygiene like RG…Snoozing no more than once, preferably not at all, and getting 6-7 hrs instead of 4.5-5. The quality of sleep after the alarm goes off is pathetic anyway.
2- No sugary beverages, i.e. margaritas. I've had 3 in the last 2 months, which is at least 30 fewer than I might have had :-0
3- Spend a few hours a week, NOT checking work emails and work related blogs and websites. I had intended to replace this time with more reading (of novels) but its turned into food prep time, which is also awesome.
I'd sing up for that Master's comp if it wasn't so close to the Hoboken Winter Challenge.
Alex C – that sounds utterly disgusting (granted that may just be to me). I'd be aware of developing a sensitivity to eggs if I were you.
@Keith, it's $63.81 for Saturday, $58.49 for Sunday.
What I don't get is that the website says the 40+ Masters Only competition is on Sunday the 8th. But the blurb says those guys are registered for the 7th, which seems to be for everyone with no divisions.
D'oh, that was me.
Also, Diane in 10:26 with one ab mat for the first round and 2 for the next 2. The HSPUs did not feel very organized in the 21 round. I think I was too close to the wall and I need to keep my lower body more rigid.
Ive been trying to do a 1 day a week fast. Just drink water. Trying. Its not a habit yet.
When I have done it, the fast was easier than I expected.
I dont recommend working out on a fast day….
Richard G., I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.
Masters-only event is on Sunday (12/8). Saturday they are only running the Rx and scaled workouts for the young'uns. (The masters Rx is different from both the Open Rx and the Open scaled rx).
Love that they are offering a seniors discount. I wonder if they will throw in a free subscription to Prevention magazine also.
FYI – JR is me "Jay". I know taht there is another JR who posts on the blog. I only assume their identify when I can profit from it or when I want to challenge someone to a fight.
This is a fairly new habit but I'm trying to get used to standing at work since I've recently learned that I could be sitting myself to death! Not to mention I have lower back issues. I have a cheap laptop stand that holds my keyboard and mouse and my monitors are propped up on stacks of office paper. It's not perfect but it's better than nothing. I usually only stand for a few hours a day but already I can tell my lower back is a lot more forgiving. Also when I stand I find I don't feel as tired at the end of the day. Hopefully I'll eventually have no problem standing for the full work day.
6am with Jess and McDowell
Legs were very sore from Diane yesterday.
Squat clean Fitness complex: warmed up with #53, #63 and landed at #78. Jess offered some tips on keeping the bar path back against my body. One of the coaches a while back described it as peeling my shirt off with the bar on the way up. But right now, it's getting out in front of me.
Front Squats: #105. They felt like they moved ok. Gotta stay back on the heels.
DIY cashout: 16kg kettlebell thingamajigs (what were they called?), L-sits and Lunges. Lsits felts stronger than they did the last time. I was the last one done but I'm glad I finished all 3.
Some Habits I've been cultivating the last 3 months (with success!)….
1) a 10 minutes mediation/contemplation practice right before I go to bed and another 10 minutes right after I wake up.
2) I have stopped talking about people who aren't in the room unless they would like what I was saying about them!
Next Up – Conversational Narcissism – It's a work in progress:
Elena — that's a great link!
Cleans: 98, failed 103, which I made last week. Frustrating. FSQ at 145x3x3, which felt great.
New Habits,
1-No screens (phone, pad, tv..) after 10:30pm
2-In bed before 11pm
3-No hitting the snooze button
4-Side of greens with my breakfasts
5-Being kinder to strangers (CFSBK has been a big help, but then again the people I see there aren't strangers anymore)
Still working on cutting down margaritas but failing, damn you Bogota!
New habit: standing in the subway, even if there's a seat, because I have a desk job and I spend all day sitting down as it is.
I've developed a rather nasty crack habit. I've cultivated it by taking my cues from Toronto's most excellent mayor, Rob Ford, who sincerely, sincerely, SINCERELY, apologizes for finally getting caught but still didn't resign. Trying to think of a Matt Katz joke right now but my brain is scrambled. From all that CRACK. See y'all at active recovery.
I am so sad that THIS is what my city has become famous for.
Diane- #115/PHSPU 7:32
Tired of the pain. Tired of the weaker strength. Crocodile tears tired of this hip.
5:30 with Josh.
Wasn't feeling great today but knew working out would make me feel better. Im happy, tired, and could fall asleep right now. (7:30)
I did Diane. 115# dl, kipping hspu 10:55. I was thinking I would finish sooner. First round was around 2 minutes, and then hspu got hard. I didn't feel like I was losing them so I just did them as I could. Was shocked when I was able to lock out the last one. Last five took 2 minutes! I got a nice swole on. ๐
Dave Fung, Fox, and Jeremy who did strict hspu….you're my hero(s)!!!!!
Squat Cleans complex:
High Hang
Knee Hang
93# 103# 113# 118#
123# high hang, caught but couldn't stand
123# high hang, stood it up, collapsed when reset for knee hang
123# high hang, caught but couldn't stand it up
Called it
Front Squat:
115#x5 not able to go up from there today
Cash-out (3rnds):
20 KB Romanian DL (16-20kg)
20 pistols, sets of 5 alternating legs
2x:10 L-sits legs tucked – been a while, I should go these more
crystal i saw those last two rounds and YOU are MY hero!
Worked up to 99kg on the performance complex. Up 2 kg from last week. Back and hamstrings were a little sore from the DLs yesterday
Got 240×3 on the front squat. 5# PR. Was a little bit of a struggle after the squat cleans.
@ariel thank you ๐
Diane at 115# with 15# DB presses: 6:37 Ugh. Went light because I was deliriously tired. Didn't really feel heavy, just had a hard time focusing on what I was doing. Going to bed early.
I've been feeling some seasonal moodiness in the last few weeks and have had a hard time dragging myself to the gym and/or summoning any intensity once I get there, but I sucked it up and made it in for the 6:30 class tonight. Diane with 155# and piked hspus in 7:03.
I am able to kick up into a handstand against the wall about 85% of the time now. Just have to figure out how to not get panicky when I try to bend my elbows up there.
@ AlexC–Are you serious about drinking 24 egg whites a day??? Thats insane, and dangerous….???
HBBS: 335 5×5
Weighted Chin-ups W/45Lbs: 25
GHD situps: 60
I don't know if it's techincally a habit, but I've been going climbing with Todd most Fridays for the last couple months. It's been great to have a set time and partner to do it with, much more fun and easy.
I need to drink more water and less lattes. Ive had some success with trying to drink my two nalgenes while I'm at the gym but it's not a habit yet.
Went to Chelsea piers for gymnastics class today with Melo and my friend Tracy. It felt GREAT. My front handspring is pretty much where I left it about a hear ago and everything else felt really good. Tons o fun.
Jake L: Most days it's just 18, but yeah. Did you mean dangerous on account of Salmonella, or do you think there's something else I should be aware of? Salmonella is definitely a risk, but I eat only fresh organic eggs, mostly from the coop, and I eat them immediately after cracking the shells. Salmonella is found in harmful quantities mostly in yolks, where it has the nutrients it needs to grow, so eating fewer yolks seems safer to me. But basically I'm counting on the freshness of the eggs to protect me. It doesn't seem more dangerous to me than eating eggs with runny yolks, which I've done all my life. I've had good poisoning plenty of times, but never from that ๐
Fox: It tastes pretty good, but the texture can be gross. Thanks for pointing out egg sensitivity. I'm going to keep an eye out for signs of indigestion. So far I feel really good when I drink eggs, which is why I keep doing it. I realize it's a lot, but I know some other people who have trained for many years eating a dozen or more eggs or egg whites a day without trouble, so my plan was to try this and see how it goes.
630 w/ Jess
Squat cleans: up to 165 on the complex
FSQ: (135×4, 165×3, 185×2) 195×3, 205×3, 215×3