AMRAP 5 minutes:
5 Push Press, 155/103
25 Double Unders
Rest 5 minutes
AMRAP 5 minutes:
5 Box Jumps 30/24″
7 C2B Pull-Ups
Post rounds completed per couplet and Rx to comments.
I wanted to say a special thanks. Carolyn and I (Camilla) got married this past weekend and it was spectacular, partially because of you guys. Almost a year ago, I kicked Carolyn off the couch and into David’s teaser class, and she’s been hooked ever since (notwithstanding the last month or 2 when wedding planning and all sorts of other things have taken over).
Thanks guys (and gals)! You rock! [Also, my wife’s ass is pretty firm now.]
Don’t forget that we gained an hour of sleep last night AND that the Marathon is happening today right on 4th ave. Please make sure you’ve got a plan to get across the street during the race’s peak hours.
Good luck to the following CFSBKers running the Marathon today: Rob U, Darlene M, Anthony H, Jonathan C, Michael R, Fraisier H and Joe M
Just The Two Of Us
how do you cross 4th ave? the entire avenue is closed?
Good luck marathoners!
@dee you could go under it – if you go down into the subway station at 4th and Pacific you can exit on the other side of the street without having to go through the turnstiles.
Dee — yup. Atlantic subway stop is the way to go.
Also good luck marathoners (you're all crazy)!
Congrats Camilla & Carolyn!
And good luck runners… no envy from this sector, hang tough!
I worked out at CF Strong Island yesterday afternoon. Pretty nice gym. They actually had treadmills… (4 of them) I met the LI Starting Strength powerlifting team there and we had the run of the place. Good times…
Squat: 330x5x3
This is actually a PR for for my 5RM. The linear progression is still moving up.
Bench (w/ slingshot): 225x5x3
Deadlift: 345x2x2
I was going to do a drop set of 5 @325 but my back was barking at that point so I called it.
Still coming back from my Sept. setbacks, but getting back to normal. Too bad I can't do the meet there in two weeks though…
Havent PRd a lift in a while?? Come down to OG tonite and put something on the bar that you never have and try to lift it..backsquat, bench, deadlift..whatever!! Its go heavy sunday!
@jake seems psyched! But I'm going to skip his kind solicitation.
10am. Glad to see wall balls in the warmup, not because I love them but because last week I tried with 20# and it was a mess. They went up pretty well with 14# this morning but I still need practice throwing it correctly. I'll probably use 14# next time so I can practice doing it well, rather than just heavy.
Both of today's WODs were really asymmetric for me. Doubles aren't so bad for me anymore (largely unbroken) but my 95# push press went away very quickly. Finished four rounds and 3 push presses. Same story for the 2nd WOD, I should have done jumping pullups because my strict went away after the first round. But low rep box jumps to a ~29" box (20" + 3 fat 45# plates = ??) were pretty easy. Because I spent a lot of time staring at the bar in both WODs, wasn't able to push into the red zone either time. Oh well, still glad I went!
Watched the marathon for a while. I hope all the runners are having fun!
Good luck marathoners! Kinda makes me want to run another, but not really. 😉
11am class today:
-Only did 2 rounds of the warmup with 20# ball, 9ft target.
WOD 1:
5 rounds plus 5 push press, rx at 103.
-the weight felt really heavy today since I'm still so freakin' sore. all push press unbroken. all du's unbroken except the first round. should have pushed to finish that 6th round.
WOD 2:
4 rounds plus 5 boxjumps, rx
-c2b require a bigger kip for me and I ended up opening up a blister i got the other day from Cindy during the first round. Changed me grip and thankfully didn't really tear up anymore, though I did slow down. Box jumps are challenging at that height.
These past few days have fried my upper body. Need to spend some time later today on Active Recovery!
8am with Mr. Fox. Rx on both workouts: exactly 5 rounds on the first and 5 rounds + 1 box jump on the second. Push press got really heavy in the last round. Struggled to lock out the last rep and I'm pretty sure I didn't. C2B pull-ups fell apart in the second workout. Stepped down from the box jumps from the start. No way was I going to be able to cycle the jumps at 30" after the double unders. I really liked both these workouts. Tough, but they both ended right as the wheels were about to come off.
Good luck to the runners today and props to my brother who killed it in his first marathon: 2:54:59. Wow.
11am class with RoMelo
PP/DU Rx'd – 5 even
BJ/C2B Rx'd – 5 plus 4 BJ
Unbroken reps on both parts. Felt pretty smoked after the first part but was recovered and ready to go for the second. 30" box slays me, but I stepped down so it wasn't soooooo bad.
Congrats, C&C!!! Welcome to married life!
10 AM partnered with Paul. Hit the 30" box jumps first. Knocked out 6 rounds flat at RX.
The push press I was at 105 and got 5 rounds plus 2 push press.
I started chaining the box jumps near the end but I think I should have done it sooner.
The doubleunders def. gassed me for the presses.
Row 500m
Mid Hang Power Snatch + Mid Hang Squat Snatch
150x2x1 (was Squat snatching both of these)
WOD 1 @ 115lb, 25 Doubles: 5 Rounds + 1 PP
WOD 2 @ Rx 5 Rounds + 5 BJ
Congratulations to the happy couple and congrats to Whitney H on her awesome performance last night at Alvin Ailey.
Also- I didn't get to see anyone but great work to all who competed in the Marathon today.
Warm up:
Used the 16# ball to an 8' target. What a difference 2 pounds makes!
WOD 1:
5 push presses @ 73#
25 double unders
Finished 5 reps shy of 5 rounds
WOD 2:
5 box jumps @ 24"
7 kipping pull ups
Finished 2 reps shy of 4 rounds
The second WOD was definitely the harder of the two for me because my kipping pull ups are pretty weak. They almost disappeared, actually, and I had to come off the bar in between reps quite a few times. If I wanted to move faster I should have done jumping pull ups. My double unders, which are usually a strong movement for me, started to break down in the second round and were hard to get back. Overall, was happy to be in the gym after 2 solid weeks of dealing with injuries and having to miss workouts.
Yesterday – 12pm class – Snatch portion only. Hung around 78# – Not thrilled with my performance, but great to work with Ellie on this.
Today – 11am class – Double work-out was good, but performing a dance to Thriller choreographed by RoMeLo would have been better.
I think I completed 5 rounds on BJ/C2B-PU portion. 24" box jumps were fine, broke up PUs in the 3rd round when they became neck to bar, which I counted anyway.
The PP/DU one was harder for me. 4 rnds + 3 presses. 83# was heavy – had a few micro-jerks sprinkled in there if we're being honest about things. DUs were fine, tho only 1 set was unbroken. Nice partnering with Jess today.
I really like the idea for OG tonight. Sadly, I don't know how I could swing getting back in later. I trust this will not be the last opportunity
Congratulations to the newlyweds and to all who ran in the marathon today!
Congrats to the beautiful couple. 🙂 + Marathon day is one of my favorite to be a NYer. Anyone see the person in an elmo suit? I love cheering folks on!
Never posted post-WOD before. Here goes.
12am class today – I enjoyed the part where we warmed up to Janet Jackson slow jams. Warm Up: 2.5 Rounds Wall balls kick my butt. EVERY. TIME. I normally do a 12 lb ball so I did a 16lb ball with an 8 foot target for two rounds and then my ball was being used to so I did an 8 lb ball to a 10 foot target and nearly knocked my glasses off. Smooth moves, this one.
WOD 1: 3.5 rounds – Push Press at a 52lbs. Double unders with the thin rope and I have the slashes to prove it. Did the 15 attempts each round and the were definitely the thing slowing me down. WOD 2: 6 rounds- 20 inch box, chest to bar pullups using a box. Box jumps felt really fun and easy. C2b's not so much. I still really struggle to get my chest to hit each time.
After class I worked on double unders and had some success – actually did 3 in a row for the first time. Also worked on kicking up to the wall and stayed up for much longer than I ever have before.
And a friend came to teaser and David must have done something right because she signed up a 5:50 foundations class even though she swore she'd never do morning classes! Yay for new cross fit converts.
9am with Fox and Arturo. Felt so nice to be at SBK! Got through 3 rounds plus 5 PP on the first WOD (@68# and 15 DU/attempts). Got through 5 or 6 rounds plus the box jumps on the second WOD, doing jumping pull-ups. Really liked this workout!
Then some post WOD food/bloody marys and MARATHON WATCHING!!!!! Joy and I got to see Rob, who was killing it! Congrats to everyone who ran today! Amazing!
And congrats Carolyn and Camilla!
Yes PR Sunday.
105×2 clean and jerk. Did 103 clean in class a couple of weeks ago. So this was a tiny achievement. Went for 110 and just couldn't commit to getting under it. Going to make 105 my new comfort zone, then try again in a couple of weeks.
That was fun. Good idea Todd and jake!
MARATHON – 4:08:08
I had in my mind "4 hours or less" but I have to say I am very happy as a first-timer. I plan on never doing it again. Looking forward to taking an easy week.
Also, I may be biased, but I think the crowd was the best in Park Slope. Thanks to everybody who came out to cheer.
Congrats C+C and all Marathoners!
Congrats Crystal on the C+J PR and Jake on the training C+J PR. It was not to be for me today, sadly. Came really close on the final snatch attempt, and perhaps over-committed as I almost dropped it on my head!
70×1 75xF,F (and a couple more failed attempts)
Clean and Jerk
89×1 93xF,F
93 (205#) would have tied my C+J PR from last weekend but I just wasn't getting under it today.
165×3 215×3 255×3 285x3x3
Continuing my linear progression here, it's getting pretty tough. 3×15 GHD sit-ups and some handstand work to cash out. Last OG before I head out of town for a month, here's hoping I come back stronger (and 15lbs heavier).
There was minimal slamming bars and crushing PRs for me today, sadly.
253F(felt light so i decided to just keep going)
264F(Missed it behind, so i kept going)
277F(These felt really good, but i just kept missing it a bit forward…)
Clean and Jerk
308F(Missed Jerk, WTF??)
324F (Missed the clean forward as i was standing up, odd miss)
329F(Failed the jerk, of course, but this was a training PR clean…Ill take what I can get)
Front squat
330 2×2
Congrats to Crystal for the CJ PR!!! Go heavy sunday is something I will continue to try and institute…
4:43 out there today. A PR, but still disappointing as with a 1:47 half in the tank (this year's Brooklyn Half), I know I should be capable of a sub-4 marathon. Today was a good day, but chilly and with so many runners it got tight at times which slowed me down. I also did not do enough long training runs, just 3 (18, 13.1, and 14). CrossFit singularly got me from 2 hour plus half marathon to the 1:47 and I felt much stronger today at the full length. Looking forward to next year I need to think about how I better integrate CrossFit and long runs given my really crazy daddy and work schedule.
Was SO great to see a bunch of the CrossFit crew at Degraw by the way! Also saw a few folks out on Lafayette!
Finally here's a nice photo NYRR posted of my backside on the NYRR FB page. Thanks to CFSBK member Jay R for noticing it!
Hey, thanks for the shout out on the site. 5:15. For my first (and last) marathon, I have no complaints. I will say that my training was mostly crossfit with some running in there. And, maybe I'm crazy, but I really felt like it made all the difference. I can now cross this off the list and am looking forward to coming back to the gym this week!
Thanks for all of the marathon love, CSFBK!! It was fun running past Degraw on 4th and seeing some people cheering. This was my first NYC Marathon and it was a thrill to run the streets and hear the crowds.
Finished in 4:08, which was about in line with my goal. Thanks to all who cheered and supported the runners.
Congrats to the happy couple, as well!! Woo hoo!