A true CFSBK Original G, Steph P
Good Luck Marathoners!
Good luck to the following CFSBKers who will be running the ING NYC Marathon this Sunday the 3rd. The marathon trails down 4th ave right past CFSBK so take some time to check it out this weekend. Also, if you’re coming from above 4th ave please make sure to plan accordingly as the street will be difficult or impossible to cross at certain points during the race.
CFSBK Runners:
Rob U, Darlene M, Anthony H, Jonathan C, Michael R and Fraisier H. Did we miss anyone?!
New Degraw Street Neighbors: Dancewave
CFSBK would like to welcome our future neighbors, Dancewave! As if Degraw street wasn’t physically cultured enough, we’ve got an amazing new resource opening up just 270 meters away. Check out their upcoming event:
Dancewave (DW) will host a Design Kick Off Ceremony on November 12, 2013 at 11 a.m. to celebrate Dancewave’s new location on 182 4th Ave., in Brooklyn. DW invites the public to view the future construction site on Degraw and Fourth. The building will serve as home to DW’s growing school, organization, community events, and cultural center. This future Brooklyn landmark is scheduled to open Fall 2016.
RSVP is required to rsvp(AT)dancewave.org
Special guest speakers will include Brooklyn President, Marty Markowitz and Council Member, Steve Levin. Dancewave Company I will perform TRIO an excerpt from Pupil Suite by Andrea Miller of Gallim with music by Balkan Beatbox.
See the full invitation here!
Acrobatic Gymnastics Worlds 2010 Ukraine WG Combined
The Beginners Guide To Handstands
Thank You CrossFit Coach Dan Bell
The dancewave founder already has a connection to SBK… Thrilled to see them coming to Degraw!
Cindy! 8 rounds + 3 pullups Rx. Not exactly a ton of reps, but I'm happy to have done it Rx for the first time.
Need to work on my kipping pullups, though. They died FAST, and it was all I could do to get my chin within an inch of the bar, let alone over the bar.
Nate – 12 rounds + 3HSPU
Last time I did this was awhile ago and I was right around 10 rounds. Shoulders gave out a little more than I expected, though I did do a lot of overhead work this week.
PS: I did a couple more wall kickups before class started, just to see whether Tuesday was a fluke. IT WASN'T!
I think I might be one of those people who can listen to cues all day long, and genuinely try to hit them, but fail spectacularly over and over and over again, until one day my subconscious just figures it out and puts it all together. Because it really was fail, fail, fail, and then all of a sudden…I can do it, but I can't tell you what I did differently or why I was doing it wrong before.
Anyway, it was REALLY satisfying to come in and kick up to a handstand, just like that 😀
Nate – 7 Rounds +2 HSPU Rx
MUs felt unstable today for some reason, but far and away it was the HSPUs that got me. They've gotten better but remain one of my weakest movements. Love this WOD though.
Cindy – 12 rounds even and Rx and i dont get to say that often.
be back in for open gym to complete round 2 of my CRASH B work
Cindy at 6am with McDowell coaching us through.
Hit 12 rounds plus the 5 pull ups and 7 push ups. Pull ups were unbroken the whole time, squats were broken into 8 and 7 towards the end with just enough time to shake out some of the lactic acid. Push ups were the pain. They broke down very quickly into sets of 4, 3 and 3. Great advice from McDowell beforehand to take your rest only during push ups.
Bar started to get a little sweaty at one point which was annoying.
Lady Fox was crushing it next to me which kept me motivated.
Happy day after Halloween!
I did Nate last night scaled:
1mu, 4 hspu, 20kg KB x8- 11 rds, 1mu+1 hspu
Another workout not to be nervous about! I was surprised that the hspu were the most difficult. No failure on muscle ups! They started feeling like slow motion towards the end, but to get every one locked out was…..!!! KB swings are getting there. I still doubt that I can handle anything over 12kg. I asked Fox what if I have to scale down in the midst of it, ready to go get something lighter, and he said NO! I'm so happy for that now.
6am with NickDowell. Perf snatch complex: 94 (kilo bar), 114, 134F, 134, 144F, 144F, 144F, 134. Hit 144 2 or 3 times last week. Was not feeling it at all today. No pop on the pull. No drop. Back squats were similarly ugly: 225x2x5, 225×7. Did 225×10 2 weeks ago. Skipped the cash out. Lots of life (work, family, etc) stresses at the moment and it showed today.
Good luck marathoners!!!! I will be on 4th ave sending you good endurance vibes!
6am with Nick and McDowell
snatch performance complex: #95, #115, #115, #115, #125 (F), #125, #125
Most of the sntaches at #125 were really power snatches that I rode down to OHS.
HBBS: #205 x 5, #205 x 5, stopped there as I was getting a huge cramp in my adductors.
diy cash-out: tabata kettle bell swings, American, 28 kg kettlebell, got 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 7 reps
This was my first class since I started getting exertion headaches two weeks ago. Made it through with no headaches.
I'm also recovering from a three-day fever/flu thing that seems to have finally cleared up today. Oh, and I smashed my knee on a massive teak coffee table this morning but I don't think I strained it while squatting.
I'm happy just to be back in the gym without getting a headache or an injury.
for the cat people out there, this is making me die from giggles: http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/text-from-mittens-is-the-best-blog-about-text-messages-from
Yeah Steph Paddock!
That is all.
I've been away so long! Hoping to come back in the next few weeks–my shoulder is much better. The Dancewave thing prompted me to write. My son, now studying dance at Uarts in Philadelphia, went to Dancewave for five years. They're going to be great neighbors. Excited to see them moving in.
@JB, thx for Mittens. Awesome!
Ditto Michele and Charlotte!
MARTHA! You're coming back? Really? Wheeeeeee!
I am bib # 45039. Should be coming through around 11:30am. Technically I'm supposed to be on the left (west / CrossFit) side but will probably be bopping around a bit in the Slope.
Friday nite OG
4 singles@ 231-All felt super light and easy
Clean and Jerk
4 Singles@264- Fet super strong
Clean Pulls@330 2×3
High Jump-48 inchesx2
Todd and I are planning an OLYMPIC LIFTING style meet where we will be attempting TO CRUSH PRs!!!!! THIS SUNDAY nite at OG!! Come down and lift big!!!
one day away from cfsbk and i feel down. i think i need a seven-day-a-week membership.
why no i dont have a life, thank you for asking.
"Light" OG got a little heavy.
95×3 115×2 135×1,1,1,1,1
Clean and 2 jerk
115×1 135×1 155×1
Clean and jerk
135×5 185×5 225x5x3
45×5 75×5 95×5 115x5x3
Parallette l-sit
Taking tomorrow off to lift big at OG Sunday. Anyone else want in? Totally informal , it should be fun.
OG! Steph P! In the house!
Good luck to all the marathoners!
@JakeL – love the enthusiasm. I'm THERE
2-lift friday followed by 3-egg dinner
Bench 95# x3x3
HBBS 140# x5x3
My marathon experience
When I first signed up for the marathon my goal was to run a sub 4hr marathon, but due to knee injury it prevented me from training. I was going back and forth if I should even try and run it. After completing the Staten Island half in a reasonable time a few weeks before the big day, I decided to run it. Race day has finally arrived, I go to my assigned coral inching closer to the starting line. My adrenalin is threw the roof. I take off most of my layers since I was nervous,anxious… Rookie mistake, running the lower level of the bridge with 15 mph winds made it freezing. Finally I get the 4th ave, crowd cheering us on, high fiving us which I thought was neat since no other borough did that. Finally I believe at mile 7 I was approaching degraw st where I saw coach McDowell, which gave me a boost till mile 17 where I hit the "wall" . I started cramping so bad in my quads that I had to slow down and eventually I had to take it mile at a time. The pain came and went which was so annoying. Mile 19 I saw a couple holding hands celebrating 50th anniversary. I was thinking to myself if 70 year olds can run while holding hands, I should be able to finish with my eyes closed. Mile 20 I believe i was in the Bronx, which I thought was the boring part of the race. At this point my body was was shutting down, cramps threw out my leg causing me to walk. Finally I get back to the city have about 5 and a half miles to go, looked up at the clock I saw that I could pr this year, so I starting running till the pain came back mile 23 I believe. I realized that I didn't have anything left I walked for a mile and a half trying to enjoy the rest of the rest. Believe it or not fans cheering you on the last mile and half really helped out. Finish line was in sight, I gave it everything I had left and finish with a time of 5:23 min. If it wasn't for crossfit, there is noway I would've made it.