“CrossFit Wellcome Girls and Boys”
-Chloe R (Coach Arturo’s daughter)
Meet the Farmer, Meat Share Raffle, and NEW Salami Club!
On Wednesday, November 6 (meat share pick up day) Jerry Peele of Herondale Farm, our meat CSA partner, will be in the gym from 5:30-8:30 PM. He loves getting feedback from CSA folk, and will also be able to sign up new members on the spot. Come say hello when you pick up your share, and ask Jerry about the additional items available for special order (hint: it’s time to start making stock!)
This visit, his son, Jack, will also be offering tastings of Jacuterie, his brand new salami, made (of course!) from Jerry’s grass-fed meat. The salami will be offered as a separate CSA share. Get the whole story, including pricing, straight from Jack himself.
Finally, MEAT RAFFLE! Ten bucks will buy you a chance to win a 15-lb meat share – a $160 value! Twelve pounds of Herondale cuts + three Jacuterie salami. The drawing will be held at 8 PM.
Questions? Email Michele at mignyc (at) gmail dot com.
See you then!
What’s something beautiful you’ve seen recently?
The KettleClamp. Turn your Dumbbells into Kettlebells Rogue Fitness
Deskbound, new book by Kelly Starrett
Smash your lateral arm! MobilityWod
how bad of an idea is it to do back to back classes to make up Monday's inversion work and tomorrow's double lifts (not able to go to either days)?
I'm in Seattle where I took an easy run along the Sound. Beautiful view of the Cascades. Also, yesterday there were almost no clouds in America–I flew across and had beautiful views almost the whole way. Mt. Rainier coming into Seattle was spectacular.
Gracie: I just did yesterday's and I would not recommend it. Your shoulders will be toast.
9:33 WOD with 45# (should have should have should have Rx) and K2E because I have T2B but not 50 of them. Need to drown out that second-guessing voice that tells me to scale things, because I could totally have managed this.
But…on a positive note, I kicked up to the wall and stayed there! TWICE! Am I maybe finally graduating from Nick Peterson's Remedial School for Kids Who Can't Do Handstands?
Nice work Chloe!
As I walked to the Church Avenue the other day, I saw a tree that looked like it was on fire, its foliage was so glorious. I had to stop and stare.
Meanwhile us kids in the Remedial School for Kids Who Can't Do Handstands will get together and pop in a DVD of Steel Magnolias and bury our faces in tubs of Ben & Jerry's "Grow a Pair & Kicks Harder".
wow for only $200 you can turn your dumbbells into kettlebells?!?
it's a cool idea, i'm just a jerk.
on another note anyone watching the RED SOX tomorrow night? i am preliminarily planning to hole up in a bar with multiple tv's after the 6:30 class.
Gina, 100% in. Just let me know where. I wont be there until 8:30 or so. Go Saux.
@gina–after the middle school Halloween dance, I fully intend on holing up with fellow members of the RED SOX NATION 🙂
Interesting timing after our Planned Obsolescence talk a fe days ago:
I just looked down and saw the most beautiful thing…..my leather bound iphone 5 with fingerprint recognition. <3
I guess I'm having a very techy day of reading:
Here's the opposite of Planned Obs and the Apple stategy- a prototype from Motorola that is a free, open HARDWARE platform that is totally modular and customizable. Still very early in development, but way cool:
Management: The gym needs these:
@gina – I'm in for Le Sox.
6am with Lady Fox. Joy is trying to usurp my top spot for slowest muscleup ever. Granted she's doing 100000# more than me, but I'm gonna hold tight. Paused FSQs, feeling kinda beat this morning but still managed 10# more than last time. I'm ok with that.
Most beautiful thing I've seen recently? 2 things: My dog in a pumpkin hat. A pumpkin hat WITH EARS. Oh! Bonus: A Veronica Mars Love Triangle short courtesy of @gina. Team Logan!
Thanks for posting, interesting read..
Choose 1 class, especially since Monday's inversion work is very shoulder heavy.
I recently fell in love with georgia o'keeffe's Evening star #3. I saw it again a couple weeks ago and was a bit mesmerized by it. I purchased a post card for the gym fridge and my home fridge so I could look at it more often. 🙂
6am with Jess and McDowell. Worked up to 215# on the perf clean complex. Felt pretty good at lighter weights, but the reps at 215# were a bit sloppy. I was catching the bar in my palms instead of on my fingertips. Then worked up to 215# on the front squats. Last rep was slow and grindy. Finished up with the cashout work: 1:28, 1:24 and 1:15. Could have gone a bit faster on the first two rounds.
The sky was all sorts of beautiful colors this morning as I biked home a little after 7am.
@noah, pretty bad when gizmodo has to fact check the NYT – http://gizmodo.com/no-apples-not-trying-to-bust-your-phone-1453999009
SOX FANS – we could go close to gym & do sheep station or all safe in a cocoon of other red sox fans and do angry wade's on smith & butler.
omg @JB that v.mars love triangle video was beautiful – here it is http://vimeo.com/77887266
Congrats on the kick-ups Stella!!!
Something beautiful- this season, this city.
(Also, the rib-eye I had on Sunday evening at work- breathtakingly perfect)
10 am class with Jess. Felt so much better after my rest day yesterday. Handstands were fun, as always. Working on moving my feet off the wall for as long as possible. Log-rolls to v-ups are hard but less so than they were a few weeks ago. Did the presses and rows with 20# dumbells except the last round of rows which I tried at 25#- this was the correct weight for me for that part.
Skipped Part 3. in favour of my first Crash-B's training session which I did beside Charmel. Fun!
david —
i lived in cooperative housing at the University of Michigan, and my house was named after Georgia O'Keeffe. as luck had it, we had a bunch of old (as in, no longer in school but still living with students) hippies living in the house, and one of them was a painter who could do great facsimiles of famous paintings. the house was COVERED in georgia o'keeffe murals.
it was: trippy.
I've been digging on Artsy lately, trying to buy a couple of pieces. I am pretty ignorant in general when it comes to art, but I like looking at it and more with every passing day. Check it out if you get the chance, it's a pretty cool site and you can just look at one beautiful thing after another. paddle8 is cool too.
Pigeon, believe me, I feel your pain. Those two handstands have been a long, long, LONG time coming.
(And I'm not going to say I've graduated until I can do them again…and again…)
Did a 4ish mile run today in one of the Cleveland Metroparks. My right IT band is making my knee feel like it's going to explode. That might be dramatic. I need to stretch more. Some handstand work in an empty baseball field.
What a cool question to ask. One of the most beautiful things I've seen recently was on my plane ride to Ohio. It's not too original to say that the blanket of clouds you see outside the window of a plane is pretty, but as our plane was descending, we went under the first layer, and then cruised over a second surprise layer right below the first. The sun was cutting through pieces of both layers, and the clouds looked like massive, thick cotton balls. So many blue shadows within the white and light gold from the sun. I just wanted to get outside and play. If only humans could fly.
Jim Harrison has this poem called "New World" about looking up and around you and being totally in the beauty of each moment. At the end he says to his dogs, "this is a world where falling is best," because a tree captivates him so much that he gets disoriented and falls down. I love that.
After a horrifying two days in the Midwest…
Below the knee Pause snatch + Snatch
198, 198, 198
209, 209, 209
Snatch Pulls
286 3×3
45 dips
45 ghd sit-ups
20 pull-ups w/45#
Worked up to 97kg on the complex. Felt pretty solid in the bottom, which I definitely attribute to the paused FSQ this cycle. Speaking of which…
Got 215×3 and 220×3 paused FSQ. Stayed upright and got a little bounce before coming back up.
Cash-out times were 1:30, 1:20, 1:15
5:30 with Josh, making up Monday's class. Wrists still feel friend from Sunday. As for today, so many goats, so little time! Kickups were goat-y today. Press (25#) is a longstanding goat… Shoulders started getting tired during part B so the holds on the wall walks started to feel pretty intense.
Finished the WOD in 10:42 +/- mumble mumble with 63# OHS and t2b degrading to flailing my knees towards my chest for rounds 4 and 5. Spent all the time on t2b, which is definitely a goat. Fox kindly explained that I was doing the kip part backwards so maybe there is some hope that I can do high rep t2b in the future, when I have the mystery "lat" muscles and also "coordination." OHS felt good – thank you for for making OHS part of the standardized warmups! Totally not afraid of this anymore! All unbroken, maybe should have tried for 75.
Tomorrow should be fun, I hope I have time to do the cashout.
High hang power clean + mid hang power clean
#63, #83, #93, #98, #103 PR
Barbell Row: 5X5 #83
Shining moment: spilling chalk bucket. Womp womp. Sorry Jeremy & crew.
Hot mess Tuesday. Body feels like garbage.
4:30 with Josh. Thanks for suggesting the crash mat for the wall kick-ups! I've had this mental block about kicking up… I know I can do it, but something is stopping me. After failing on all 6 exposures to inversions last cycle, I finally kicked up to a partner last week and today, for the first time ever, to the wall (with the mat)! Next step, kick up without the mat. At the end of last cycle, I really never thought I would kick up to anything. So grateful for patient coaches that help me ever so slowly reach these little goals!
Something beautiful. A couple nights ago, this gave me pause: the girls watching something out the window, evening glow streaming in, Siena absentmindedly twirling Elaina's hair.
Squat Clean complex up to 118#. Something's clicking, and I finally seem to be getting under. Pause Front Squat moved up pretty fast -115#x3.
Runs felt good. Still don’t like running, but it doesn’t scare me anymore. I have new things that scare me now.
Meh, not buying it. Elements of technology growing at different paces of acceleration from one another – for example, an increase in location services demanding more battery dedication, when batteries (while having come a long way) haven't improved enough to meet that demand -coupled with degradation combine to refute Rampell's planned obsolescence claim, in my mind.
And as I type, I'm doing so on my brand-new Air, which I finally caved to purchase today (because despite these enthusiastic posts, I'm a luddite) after my beloved seven year old Apple wasn't meeting my needs anymore. However, that computer has trucked on through multiple upgrades without a single hardware or software glitch since the day I bought it, so I can attest to at least one Apple device that wasn't planned to fail (or just lived past its lifecycle).
Noah, talking about the intersection of technology and economics…I'll go all day. I'm happy you're passionate about this, because it gets my gears turning.
Interesting tidbit: Apple sold over 9 million iPhones in the first 3 days after the 5C and 5S launch. Reported gross revenue from just the iPhone alone, over the last 4 quarters, would beat out 474 companies on the S&P 500 and land it as the ninth-biggest stock in the Dow 30.
Planned obsolescence or not, shit – Apple is doing something right.
Holy bold. I'm great at flapping my trap and less great at employing basic HTML.
Something beautiful I've seen recently – the view from Storm King a few weekends ago.
And also, Noah's face.
awwwww. that's such a nice note to end the day on.
Apple is good at making shit people want to buy…made of plastic and more importantly dependent on a metallic ore named COLTAN. Coltan has been one of the reasons for the ongoing brutality and horrifying massacres in Congo. Yay electronics.
Everyone should watch this VICE documentary on what plastics are doing to our Ocean..
wait why do they want me to pay for mobility wod? hasnt that site always been free? what is happening?
Yesterday I looked out of the window of our apartment and saw the Brooklyn sky at sunset. It made me pause and feel grateful.
Squat: 325x5x3
This is a 3×5 PR and also ties my all time 5RM. Not bad considering I had to drop the weights 3 weeks ago due to an injury. Linear progressions are my friend.
I lost motivation here, but managed to eek out a little DB work:
DB Press: 45x10x3
These were light.
Curls: 30x12x3
Trying to catch up with the gym-broz. Which is impossible since you can never do enough arms.
I want to comment on the plastics comment. But instead I'm commenting on my desire to comment on it, all meta-like.
GO COURTNEY with your bold-ass self
I love the blog today.
Beautiful thing of the day is me getting put in my place for running my mouth.
I'm happy any time that happens, especially when I learn something.
First WOD back since the weekend of indulgence ( I would bold that if I could remember how)
Sunday's DL/WB couplet
5 rounds flat, Rx'd
I am an apple whore, although relatively recently converted and open to offers.
Fox, I'd tell you how, but clearly I'm not the person to give lessons.
Rested and ARed my leg and usual suspects.
Really sore from Monday/Sunday still.
Things I have seen… I saw a very beautiful bowl of ippudo ramen the other day… then I ate it.
Wed class w/ Jess
155 on the clean complex the knee position was giving me trouble
185 for a heavy paused 3 fsq
3x500m rows at 2:20, 2:15, 2:05 I think