Fight Gone Rad: Allison, Kim, Cliff, Todd, Allan (+Rocket) and Jacinto!
- Team Photos are now up on Flickr!
- Last call on these abandoned glasses. They’ve been in the lost and found for a while and will be donated on Monday.
Meet the Farmer, Meat Share Raffle, and NEW Salami Club!
On Wednesday, November 6 (meat share pick up day) Jerry Peele of Herondale Farm, our meat CSA partner, will be in the gym from 5:30-8:30 PM. He loves getting feedback from CSA folk, and will also be able to sign up new members on the spot. Come say hello when you pick up your share, and ask Jerry about the additional items available for special order (hint: it’s time to start making stock!)
This visit, his son, Jack, will also be offering tastings of Jacuterie, his brand new salami, made (of course!) from Jerry’s grass-fed meat. The salami will be offered as a separate CSA share. Get the whole story, including pricing, straight from Jack himself.
Finally, MEAT RAFFLE! Ten bucks will buy you a chance to win a 15-lb meat share – a $160 value! Twelve pounds of Herondale cuts + three Jacuterie salami. The drawing will be held at 8 PM.
Questions? Email Michele at mignyc (at) gmail dot com.
See you then!
CLUE Film Screening and Q&A
Andrew M has been working on a CLUE Film Screening featuring a Q&A with cast member Michael McKean & director Jonathan Lynn. Come celebrate the 80s cult classic film Clue with this pre-Halloween screening, with a costume contest, prizes, refreshments & a mix of rockin Halloween-themed ’50s tunes courtesy of DJ Boogalow! Screening will be hosted by Tom “Meet the Lady” Blunt.
Doors at 7:30 pm
For tickets and more info
5 ways to maximize your cognitive potential
Dogs shaking in Slow Motion
Hi all, Noor and I will be out of town next month, and so, are once again looking for some kind soul to buy out our CSA meat and chicken share. Do let me know if this is something you'd be interested in doing.
Missing 6am class this week — moving is a bit more time-consuming than I thought! I have no idea where my sneakers are in the many unpacked boxes, so my workout all week has been as follows: 24 hours, as many rounds as possible of climbing up and down stairs and lifting variable weight boxes. Excited to come in to SBK on Sunday!
Just a reminder that I'll be having a going away party at Roebling Inn (Atlantic Avenue) tomorrow (Saturday) at 8pm. It's more of a "see you soon" than "good-bye" party, since I'll just be in NJ. Hope to see everyone!
LOVE the shaking dogs.
@Samir I think I'm interested in taking your meat share for the month. Can you email me with the details hgerkin at
Rebecca: Hey, functional fitness!
Did tomorrow's snatches and squats; 73 and 140x5x3, respectively. Failed at 78 on the snatch, frustratingly. Will try 75 next week, or perhaps fewer attempts at lighter weights (but I feel like I need those for practice).
No time for cash-out, alas.
I would like to publicly shout out Charlie for her heroic peer-pressure efforts. A bunch of us are going Paleo till Thanksgiving, thanks to her. (And if you still want in, you can!) I didn't realize exactly how far off the wagon I'd fallen until she floated this idea!
6am with NickDowell. Thursday's wod (perf version): 21:36 Rx. Did my first few no-false grip MUs during warm up without problem. Attempted one in the first round to laughable results. Double-unders were unbroken until one trip up in the final round. Burpees were unbroken and fairly fast. The kip and pull on the MUs felt good, but I failed 4 or 5 reps on the dip. May have been fatigue from the burpees. Really need to make sure I kip the dip on every rep.
6am "exclusive" with Nick, doing tomorrow's snatch complex. Still trying to get the right form, but doing a few jumps without the bar helped me think about the movement. Worked up to 65# HBBS, felt good this morning, went to 133#, 3×5, with room to add more weight next time
I know there is all this talk about paleo until Thanksgiving. But this is what I'm doing until Thanksgiving. I'd start a sign up and tracking sheet, but I'd probably forget to update it.
The things people come up with.
Happy to be of service, Stella. If anyone else wants some paleo- bullying, feel free to contact me.
Janelle, that's amazing. Let me know how it goes; we can compare results lol. The doggies are hilarious and I need that book. I didn't have the attention span to read the article on cognitive potential. Hmmmm.
Awesome photos, but I don't see any photos of Joy to the WOD! I remember taking one or two at least?
Rock Climbing today
V3 (several failed attempts)
I can't remember if we did any V2s. Todd?
My climbing log says:
0,0,0+,1,1,2,2 then projecting that 3 start. I don't recall if you also did the purple and yellow 2s.
Yesterday's wod in 16:08. Mcdowell said I was not fully extending on some of the muscle ups so I will have to work on that. Felt fast overall
On the abandoned glasses – the Ray-Bans middle right are mine! I have been trying to find them all week!! Will get them tomorrow morning… Thank you!
CFGC lifting
Pause below the knee Snatch +Snatch
205, 205
225 for 5 sets. I only hit the full snatch twice for this complex.
Clean+front squat+Jerk
275, 4 sets.
Clean Pulls@365 3×3
So Im flying out to Indianapolis sunday morning for my first residency interview. The whole "crossfit community thing" is actually truly beautiful. Ive already located a box 4 blocks from my hotel and plan on lifting once i land. I spoke to them already and its as if i already have a little group of friends in indianapolis. Good shit, go CrossFit.
OG snatch and such.
95×3 115×2 135×1 145×1 155×1 161×1(PR) 164×1(PR) 171xf,f,f
FINALLY! Last week's breakthrough carried over. No misses all the way through the second PR. Staying back much better now. I see that body weight snatch in the near future.
Squat (high bar)
45×5 115×5 185×5 215×5,5,10
Glad to have started at 75% with these last week. Don't know how much further I can go and still get 10 on the rep out.
45×5 75×5 95×5 110x5x3
Felt great today. PR adrenaline maybe?
Then 3×10 t2b
Lbbsq: 235x5x5x10
DL: 255×5
BP: 170x5x5x8, 135×8