Fitness: High Hang Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + OHS
Performance: High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch + OHS
Back Squat
Fitness: 3×5 LP Pick up where you finished the 3×8
Performance: 2×5, then 1 x max reps <10.
Start at 75% of your recent 1RM
Post loads to comments.
BSQ/Sn e1/6
4 Rounds NFT of:
100m Farmers Carry, heavy
15-30 second L-Sit
100meters is to the light post towards 3rd avenue and back.
Fight Gone Bad 2013!
We’d like to thank everyone who volunteered their time and talents yesterday to make FGB2013 such a smooth event. The amazing Ryan J handled all the scoring including printing score cards and setting up the live feed on the screen. He was assisted by Ken H, Teresa B and Dave E. Additionally, Bekka P, Asta F and Dan R took pictures for the gym which will be uploaded over the next few days. Big thanks to the Foxes and Noah for working the mic and helping organize back end stuff. Josh helped set up the gym beforehand and our wonderful front desk staff was the glue that kept the whole event together.
As always, the event is the sum of it’s parts. We loved having so many people in house and were so excited to hit our $40,000 goal. The biggest thank you goes to everyone who raised funds, cheered teammates on and gave it their all yesterday.
Additional thanks again to our sponsors:
Spartan Race, Greenwich Jewlers, Brooklyn Boulders, Dinosaur BBQ, O+M Co., Ho Brah Taco, The Left Bank, The Hess Collection, Functional Rehab, Yogapeel, KH Pilates, Inka Massage, lululemon Brooklyn, Ideya Bistro, Mission Dolores, Glorietta Baldy, BEYLER & TÜRK
155 Years Before the First Animated Gif, Joseph Plateau Set Images in Motion with the Phenakistoscope
Dope group picture!
Thanks to all who came out yesterday, an ultra successful FGB for a great cause. Definitely my favorite day at the gym each year.
Was a bit apprehensive about FGB this year, as my normal moneymaker (box jumps) was justly updated to reflect the current CF standards. Also, I started on wallballs for the first time in 2 years, which means I had to be a little less strategic and gamey and actually just go hard (always a problem for me!)
Had a strategy that I wanted at least 15 reps at WB and SDLHP, 30 at Box Jump (won't abbreviate this one) and PP, and 10 cals on the row, which would put me over 300. From doing FGB a few times, I knew the biggest temptation is too feel really good early, push too hard, and waste effort getting an extra one or two reps early. Stayed within my gameplan, and ended up with a 330, which I was thrilled about. Very close to some of the longtime heavy hitters like Mishik and Reshef, so I was stoked.
Upon official review of the video evidence, it does look like some of my push presses were a little suspect, with knees not fully locked while the barbell was overhead. My bad! Still, as I have been telling people all week to try and get them to relax, for most anyone not named Froning, this "sport," and this day especially, aren't about leaderboards or winning. It's about learning more about yourself, challenging yourself with things you aren't totally comfortable with, and coming together as a community. I am incredibly proud of all the people who attempted the workout Rx without knowing exactly how it would turn out, everyone who learned a little more for next time, and all of the hard fundraising work people people put in.
I'm also proud of Fung's horse mask and Rah Rah's Dante wig. Awesome.
Like I said, an awesome day. Let's do it again next year.
Are the scores posted anywhere for us to see?
8am with Mr. Fox. Worked up to 144# on the performance complex. Legs were going a little wide on the landing today, but I felt like I was dropping fast, especially on the high hang. Pulled a bit early on the mid-hang rep at 144 and had to jump forward to catch it. OHS all felt solid. A bit surprised this all felt so good a day after FGB. Then did 225×5 for 2 sets and 225×10 on the high bar back squats. The rep out was tough, despite Fox saying it should be easy this week. Only had time for 3 rounds of the cash-out: hauled the jerry cans for those rounds and did ~20 second L-sit hold.
Had a blast at FGB yesterday. Wasn't confident going in as my gas has been low on metcons recently. Scored 326, which is 5 or 6 less than last year (can't find my score from last year). Happy with the result, especially considering the box jump standard switch up. The taco truck was a nice move by management.
I had so so so much fun yesterday!! Do we really have to wait a whole year til the next one?
I did everything scaled but got 267 which I'm pretty psyched about.
Ariel, just yesterday we were your heart and soul. Now it seems we've been cast aside for the new kid on the block, Fight Gone Bad. I know in comparison we are relatively simple and unflashy, but we have feelings too.
Did we mention how useful we are for posterior chain development?
Come back to us.
Snatch fitness complex: worked up to 73. High hang is not easy! Partnered with MeLo, who's always good for some pointers.
HBBSQ: 135x5x3. This is a bit heavier than I ended the last cycle — I ended the last cycle at a "recovering from injury" weight, not at a "this is how strong I am" weight, so I felt comfortable making a jump in weight. It felt good, and I definitely feel like I have room to grow.
Thanks Dan S for peer-pressuring me into not dropping down in weight after my first farmer carry (2pood KBs). I seriously felt lightheaded after a couple of those — 4 pood is bodyweight, after all!
There will always be room in my heart for you, deadlifts. <3
Performance snatch worked to 125
Fitness Squat 215x5x3
2 poo'd and Jerry cans ( which I found out is a derogatory term for Germans ) for the cash out
… although back squats sure were sweet talking to me today.
Fun 11am class, with a good amount of Prince and dancing, which obviously helps.
Snatch at 68, hit first one shakily and failed second attempt. Can't seem to break 70 on these. Watching Fox hit them so beautifully, and everything I drank yesterday, might not help.
HBBS at 110, felt solid, so glad it's 5 reps and not 8 this cycle.
My FGB score was 257 Rxed, which I'm really happy with. I had no idea what to expect and felt unprepared since I hadn't gone through the progression of movements at OG. But I'm trying to get better at knowing that even though the pain sucks, it's over so fast, and then all I mostly remember is how much fun it was. And seriously, that was so much fun. My team was an absolute blast, and the whole thing just felt special.
I'm sure I don't have a full enough idea of how much work went into pulling it off. Thank you again to everyone. Such a lovely day.
About this time last year I emerged from what Kate R recently referred to as the 'warm cocoon that is Fox's Foundations class', with absolutely no athletic ability or background whatsoever. Never, in a million years, would I have thought that I would ever Rx a workout. Let's be honest, I probably didn't even know what that meant. Yesterday, along with many other badass ladies, I did that for the first time. What an incredible day. I feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment, as I really was not sure I could do it at all. It was so good to see everybody working so hard and cheering just as hard. The atmosphere was beyond electric. It was nerve-racking to go last but I feel like there were even more people cheering at the end- it got really loud there at one point! Or maybe that was my brain about to explode. I knew the wall balls would be bad but was not prepared for how hard the SDLHP and push- presses were. I could just hear people shouting my name especially at my last station, the push- press, and it really helped me get those last few reps. My total was 249 , which I was kind of shocked about. Leslie was an amazing judge/ partner in crime. My team, the Creepy Hollow Rockers were awesome- if anyone has pics of us, please email to hurricanecharlie8282(at)gmail(dot)com. Thank you to all for your support and thanks management for putting on such a great event. You all rock. I also drank beer for the first time in 10 years afterwards. A day of firsts.
Managed to make it to the 11am class today, which was fun. Fitness snatch complex at 63#, felt wobbly- overhead squats were more like quarter squats.
HBBS at 135# which was actually 10# more than my last 3×8 because I can't count.
Farmer's carry -1st round with 20kg kb's. Nancy shouted at me that I went too light, from the 12pm class circle, so I upgraded to the 24kg ones after that, which were definitely not too light.
Prince is good lifting music. Apologies for the lengthy post. I am clearly incapable of summarizing my thoughts.
FGB: only scale is that I didn't do the high pull (just did sumo DLs) — 275
Started on wall ball, which tapered off considerably (27, 20, 18). Other movements generally improved or stayed the same – SDL (20, 21, 24), box jump (26, 28, 29), row (8, 8, 12). And then there's the push press (12, 10, 12). So clearly I need to work on the push press. Fun day overall, as always. Thank you David and everyone listed above.
Nooner today with Ro and Melo (RoMelo).
Worked up to 73# on fitness snatch complex
HBBS 120x5x3
Farmer's walks with 24kg KBx2 and 28kg KBx2. Had to set down the 28's twice, which was disappointing
Tuck holds for :20
Love the new banner photos on the blog!
had a fun day yesterday at fgb. my gym attendance has been spotty since work started (again). my blog appearance has been even more spotty.
Thought id leave this here: The link I provided below works better
Lost video of a record breaking C&J from North Korea:
via hookgrip:
So, you may or may not know this, but a world record was broken about a month ago in Pyongyang, DPRK (North Korea). Om Yun Chol (-56kg, DPRK) clean and jerked 169kg to break Halil Mutlu's world record. Until now, no one that I know of has seen a picture or video of his lift. P Amazing lift! I'm also really impressed with the quality of competition organized by the Asian Weightlifting Federation and the DPRK, it looks amazing.
Om Yun Chol of the DPRK clean and jerking 169kg to break Halil Mutlu's 168kg World Record. This is a greater than 3x bodyweight C&J by Om Yun Chol — only the 5th weightlifter in history to achieve this feat.
FGB was awesome, as stated by everyone else thus far. In my stress test last week I had decided that 300 was just within reach, and when the box jump standard changed I kind of felt like that took it out of reach for me so I maybe didn't go all the way into the dark place I would have otherwise during the actual event.
Ended up tying last year at 275, and knowing that, I kind of wish I had pushed it a little harder on the push presses and high pulls, my 2 worst movements of the workout. Still a lot of reps to 300, but definitely challenging myself to hit it next year.
Awesome OG today to get some strength work in.
Rack Jerk
45×5 95×4 135×3 155×1 175×1 185×1 195xf,f,1 205xf,1 (PR)
Cues from Jake to stay back and drive through the heels sent the bar flying straight up to the point where I almost missed 195 behind me. 205 has been a long time coming and I think theres some room there if I can dial in my footwork too. Excited to work these some more.
135×5 185×4 225×3 265x3x3
45×5 95×5 135×5 165x5x3
Restarting linear progressions on both lifts.
Then a non-metabolic finisher, 3 rounds max effort toes-to-bar and ring dips, rest as needed.
13/10, 10/9, 10/7
Super chill OG session
Great music and chill vibe thanks to the dj genius of Noah.
Clean+front squat +jerk
Snatch pulls
Standing broad jump onto a box for max height
Worked up to 5 of the thick 45lb plates on top of the 30 inch box. Turned out to be 48 inches.
Did this twice.
I think you mean high jump.
Today was a serious recovery day–lots of foam rolling, hydrating, and thinking about the total awesomeness that was yesterday. Ontop of all the incredible moments and achievements that I experienced myself and witnessed in all the athletes…what I have really taken away from this experience is how hard I can push myself….and how much more I've got within me that I hadn't explored since my college basketball days. After my 2nd knee surgery, I essentially accepted and believed what doctors had been telling me, which was I would never perform on that level anymore, that mediocre was my new normal. and I would never be a competitive athlete again. Since 2005…this has broken my spirit and belief in my abilities and shook my identity at it's core. I have been selling myself short….out of fear of failure and more injuries. FGB forced me to tap into a side of me that I had given up on and didn't believe in anymore.
I look forward to pushing myself much harder and taking more risks from here on out.. Thank you David, all the coaches, and the entire community for bringing this back to me. Words really cannot express.
Open gym tonight just to move my wrecked body around a little after yesterday. Worked up to 83# on the fitness snatch complex, and 140x5x3 on the hbbs. Quads and traps were trashed. Then some half-assed attempts at kipping pull ups and an easy 1000m row.
I had a blast at FGB. I was pretty under the weather yesterday, recovering from a nasty cold, so mayyyybe should have stayed home, but I just didn't want to miss out on the day. /I'm dumb. Drinking afterwards was definitely a terrible idea. Today has been rough, to say the least. Had been hoping to crack 300, but made it to 291. So close! Next year.
HIGH jump…whatever! I jumped up on something high.
Where oh where does the time go during open gym?
1000m row
lax, bully stretch (?) shoulders
mash triceps
Attempted today's Snatch work
Perf complex up to 73#, but catching practically upright and pressing out, so dropped down and worked back up to 73# doing just single high hang squat snatches (which I was hating, but it felt like the kind of thing where if I could get it right it would mean I'd really win at regular snatches someday)
In the remaining few minutes…
5 rounds of: 3 strict pull ups and 3 static hand stands
10 x dips every :30 give or take
first 6 singles no band — started to feel shoulders in compromised position so…
next 4 sets of 3 with red band
Somehow that took over an hour… really I should probably stick to group class, but then I'd miss the chill time and Noah's invaluable commentary, not to mention the opportunity to come up with my own brilliant programming.