Wall Ball, the worst thing ever.
- Team CFSBK is at 26K+ raised for Charity!!! We’re in the home stretch so please take a moment to send out those emails, reach out to friends and family who have been holding out on you and offer up ridiculous incentives for hitting certain fund raising markers. Get motivated and get weird!
- We’re still open for any donations for prizes. If you own or work at a business that could provide some sort of prize (no matter how small) for our top performers (for the WOD and fundraising) please email David(AT)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com.
Fight Gone Bad Details
Heat Assignments
The FGB 2013 Heat lists are live and can be found here! Team captains, please email out to your team to remind them when your team is up. Remember that each team has two assignments, one for the WOD and one judging assignment. Please plan your attendance and prep accordingly!
Starting Stations
Each team also needs to figure out where everyone will start on the workout. Since the teams are all comprised of 6 people instead of 5 you’ll need to have one Rx’d female and one Rx’d male starting at the same station. Everyone on the team will rotate at the same time and rest at the same time.
Orthopedic Scales
If you need a workaround on any movement for an orthopedic reason, please let any of the coaches know day of and we’ll find you an appropriate modification.
Going for the SBK Leaderboard?
If you think you’ve got the goods to get on the SBK leaderboards for Fight Gone Bad please let David know before your heat on the day of. We’ll make sure your judge feels capable in scrutinizing your reps for the leaderboard.
What is your Fight Gone Bad strategy? What do you think your strongest and weakest moves are going to be?
6am with Jess and McDowell. Worked up to 195# on the clean complex. No missed reps, but quite a few slow ones. The high hang felt the snappiest of all of the positions. Then hit 185 for a heavy set of front squats. Legs were feeling a bit sluggish after the cleans. Cash-out with a 28KG kettlebell was too light. Should have gone for 32KG.
False. Wall balls rock.
Hey all,
Weird question/request:
I've got a family member looking for two people to drive her SUV with her two dogs from NY to Key West, FL, sometime in the Nov. 1-4 range. Willing to pay $500 each with return airfare. Perfect if you've got some free time and want to hang out on the beach for a week! Gotta love dogs (obv), they're big, happy lab pups.
Email me- noah at crossfitsouthbrooklyn dot com if interested.
My soleus is still not happy since Saturday when a light jog to 3rd to start class put me in pain by 4th ave.
I did AR instead of class and took Sunday and Monday off feeling it was just tight until this morning's warmup block jog started to bother me 1/2 way around.
Looks like I will only be stretching all week until FGB.
Any recommendations from the coaches (Fox or David) for good AR for it would be greatly appreciated.
Specifically it's my soleus on my right leg almost in line with the bottom of my medial head of my gastrocnemius. It could be my gastrocnemius aponeurosis but it feels deeper to me.
I will foam roll and lax ball it and warp it in a heating pad tonight.
Not sure if there is anything else I should do and if I should still come to class but avoid working that if possible.
Wall balls are not the worst thing ever (maybe only when they come at you 100+ qty at a time), burpees are the worst thing ever!
Also got inverted last night on the handstand for the first time since I was like 8 years old. It took 2 spotters for me to feel comfortable, but it was fun! Thanks, David!
Tomorrow's clean and FSQ work:
Worked up to 198 on the 3 position clean. Had at least a little more room there for next week.
185×5, 195×5 on the paused FSQ. Was somewhat tired from the cleans but also had a little room for next week.
btw our heat time is 12:40pm
My FGB strategy is to drink a ton of water, get as much sleep as possible, and pray that this cold goes away before Saturday. ๐
Between Keith's soleus, Brian's torn muscle, and my cold, I think Sweat-Stained Is the New Black needs to change our name to Walking Wounded.
Keith – obviously can't tell for sure but it could be a soleus spasm or small tear and subsequent tightness surrounding the tissue. You could try some SMR with a barbell or some other dense, focal tool. If it starts to feel better then keep at it and consider seeing someone for additional manual therapy (Inka or Jason at SBK or someone else of the like). If it doesn't feel better after SMR and rest then see someone who can diagnose.
Did tomorrows work after last last nights NIN concert, which was amazing, and a full morning of clients and classes, and was fully exhausted. Glad to be taking tomorrow off.
MGMT — can someone please confirm that there are sweatpants in a size M available for me to purchase tonight at the 7:30? I must have them.
My FGB strategy is just to keep on truckin' and hope to not die. I'm still getting over the Cold of Doom, and other stupid stuff, and am just sleeping and eating my face off pretty much.
Speaking of the sweatpants have any chicks bought these yet? I tried the small on and it fit great and I luv them but the crotch was very Hammertime on me. I double folded the top and it helped and was curious if anyone else is doing this. Those with all the junk congratulations, lot of room for sloshing about downstairs.
Do any teams want to trade for a 12:40 judging/1:120 competing timeslot? Would still prefer a later timeslot as to not inconvenience my teammates too much, but my girlfriend (aka Elisa) is also competing at 1:20 and as this is her first FGB i was hoping to cheer her on. thanks
6am with Jess and McDowell
cleans: did squat cleans for the first time. I got up to #165 for the first clean in the performance complex, then failed a couple attempts because I was rushing, I think.
Paused front squats: #165 x 5 was heavy but it seems like there's room to grow.
Cash out: Tabata kettlebell swings with 32kg bell, then rowed 2k instead of running to save my shins
This afternoon:
ran 1.5 miles in 9:00, then some 1/4-mile sprints with 1:00 rest: 1:16, 1:13, 1:13, then proceeded to bail half way through a fourth lap that seemed otherwise on pace ๐ I haven't done something like that in a while. Legs just felt totally weak suddenly and all the will drained out of me. Gonna chalk it up to no lunch + cleans/FSQ this am + maybe recovering from cold/fever this weekend.
Cool-down run 1.5 miles
Makeup post from yesterday: 6am with McDowell
wall walks, etc, were tough. Got exactly two rounds of that stuff, with a 35-lb dumbbell
jump ropes and burpees: finished at 9:50-something. Not sure because I lost count and was into my sixth round of DUs when I realized that I had finished already ๐ I always do this. Gotta use Dan Betz's rotation technique for counting rounds. If I'd known I was on my last round I would burned the gas more.
Here is what I'm thinking for FGB, would love feedback.
Hoping to hang tough on WB, Box jumps, push press, Sumo DL high pull, and Row.
Initially I was thinking of shooting for 2 sets of 10 for each station. A straight 300. Realize this might be pretty tough even in round 2 and definitely in 3. Alternatively, was thinking of trying to rest on the row, or hit 5-10 cals, and go harder on the other 4 to try and boost my reps.
JB yessss that's why I didn't get them they are super hammer time you have to fold them I think they are a men's cut! Maybe we can get a woman's cut or tights for woman!!
Snatch High pull+Hang Snatch+Snatch high pull
Front Squat
45 dips
45 GHD situps
Hello all,
I started my CF experience in CFSB and I loved it. I moved to Jersey (yeah, I know) and I cant seem to find a good CF gym here. I live in Elizabeth (right next to newark) does any of you have any recommendations on any good CF gyms within a 15 mile radius of 07205?
So glad I came in today, always puts me in a better mood.
6:30 with Jess for Wednesday's workout. Cleans at 135 felt messy so I dropped down to 105; pause front squats up to 165, 5 felt heavy but very doable. Cashed out with a 32kg kb, tried to keep my shoulders in place (and tried, and tried). Maybe it was a little heavy for me but I like the challenge. Truly enjoyed the last part of the cashout, felt good.
Sol, my coworker goes to Guerilla Fitness in Morristown. They have a Montclair location too, which Google maps says in ~17 miles away from Elizabeth. So a little further than you were looking to go, but I know he's really happy there.
Followed performance for the clean complex — worked up to 108#
Pause FSQ — worked up to 93#
Cash-out with 24kg KB (had to sit out the 2nd round) — lowest round was 10; rest were 11
Loved going immediately into the run; felt great
sol, my brother LOVES crossfit veracity.