Part A: Handstand Skill Work
4 Rounds NFT of:
4 Kick Ups to a partner or freestanding
15 Hollow Rock
15 Superman Rocks
Part B: Inversion Strength Work
4 Rounds NFT of:
4 Wall Walks 10 second hold
8 Dumbbell Presses
8 Renegade Rows, each arm
Five Round For Time Of:
35 Double Unders
15 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
- Fight Gone Bad 2013 is THIS WEEKEND! We’re closing in on the 25K raised mark! The heat assignments will be announced on the blog tomorrow. Get Stoked!
Sign up for Strength With Coach Jeremy
Starting the week of October 21st Coach Jeremy will be offering another cycle of his ongoing Strength Intensive series. These cycles meet two or three times per week and are guaranteed to make you stronger! To see the dates, details and sign up options, please click any of the links below.
Strength Intensive-A Cycle-Novice 3 classes per week $300.00 monthly (3 spaces left)
Strength Intensive-B Cycle-Intermediate 3 classes per week $300.00 monthly (3 spaces left)
Strength Intensive-C Cycle-Morning Novice 2 classes per week $200.00 monthly (5 spaces left)
Strength Intensive-D Cycle Continuing Ed 2 classes per week $200.00 monthly (3 spaces left)
Dmitry Berestov’s 140kg x3 Overhead Press ATG
Men’s Clean and Jerk Ladder
Women’s Clean and Jerk Ladder
Good morning CFSBK! First off you guys kick some serious butt for raising all that dough for the community!! I cannot wait to see the pics and hear all about FGB!
The work outs last week were hit or miss because of travelling around the countryside – lost of air squats, burpees, wall walk-ups, sit-ups and failed pistols in hotel rooms. However the US military contingency here made a crossfit style place in their back yard! A decent sized tire, squat rack, rower, ring rows, pull up bars, things that serve as boxes for jumps, etc…But most importantly a bit of a community work out culture I was missing. Saturday's work out was:
40 DU
20 Box Jumps
10 Alternating push-ups
Shuttle runs
30 DU
30 Box Jumps
10 Alt. PU
Shuttle Runs
20 DU
40 Box Jumps
10 Alt. PU
Shuttle Runs
Then I got to squat for the first time in a month just did 135 that moved fine for being after the first overly serious metcon work out in a month. Then we drank beer and went dancing. Twas a good day.
Mel, come home!!
Hey all! Back at work after an amazing 2 week vacation with Mr. Fox.
I've had a couple people drop out of Fight Gone Bad on Saturday and am looking for replacements! So, if you didn't sign and still want to participate, please email me at info(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com asap and I'll get you on a team. Please include FGB in the subject line.
Let's hear some feedback from morning classes. How bad is part b and c?
Crystal – Part C was the easiest.
Part B was fun, especially for me since I just got the hang of actually kicking up to a partner hold, witch awesome coach Melo.
Part C kinda snuck up on me, 10 second holds are much harder than i thought they would be.
None of the regular 7am-er this morning, I blame Columbus.
This is for all the cat people…
Inversion Mondays have done wonders for my handstands. All of my handstands were solid today with little to no assistance from my partner. Focusing on keeping that hollow hold position and not overextending which is really helping me stay up far longer than ever before.
Part B with #20 DB. Those 10 second wall walks were killer.
Part C SUCKED. Grueling. DU are becoming much better–hit 20 attempts and my knee is holding up well. Thanks Fox for saying that triple singles were weak sauce…cause it really kept me from wimping out on something that is frustrating.
I hate burpees. There. I said it.
Lots of shoulder work this morning. Inversions are coming along and I got up with just a little assistance from my partner. Worked up to 40# dumbbells for the strength portion.
Metcon in 6:04 – missed a few double unders I didn't expect to, but otherwise solid.
@davefunghi there is a 50 burpee penalty for lying.
First day back and hit the 4:30 class
Worked up to 55# on the DB work. WOD in 8:30, was all gas and side stitch.
Really glad to be back at SBK.
Great 4:30 class full of plenty of laughs thanks to Nancy's 'coaching' and David's demo of superman rocks. Oh yeah, the programming was also hella hard…and not just because I've been away for 2 weeks.
Part A was fun!
-the past cycle has definitely helped my freestanding handstand. I actually didn't mind the superman rocks.
Part B was the worst.
-only did 3 rounds because those wall walks were killing my wrists!
-did 2 rounds with 25# and 1 with 20# for the press. All RR at 25#.
Part C in 9:58
-this just burned. Only the first round of du's were unbroken. Burpees were slow. I blame our 'lets try all the local beers while on vacation' excuse.
Missed you guys. So good to be back!
Forgot to write this in my notebook…
Part A: partnered with Crystal; subbed :30 hollow and superman holds for rocks
Part B (with two wall walk-ups with :15 hold): used a 15# DB, started on the DB press, made it through 3 rounds + 8 DB presses.
Part C:
Five Round For Time Of:
20 Double Unders
15 Burpees (from the knees)
DNF under the 12 min cap. Made it through 4 rounds + 9 burpees. My shoulders were fried the entire time.
Solo Strength Cycle thru the break– The Linear progression continues…
Squat: 295x5x3
Things slowed down a tad here, but still very solid. Everything was pretty tight and crisp save for a couple of reps where I came forward a bit. I'm back to my more aggressive descent and bounce so I have to remember to sit back a bit. May take one more 10 pound jump. Coming close to to where I need to be to start some volume accumulation again. All-in-all pleased as this was basically 4 sessions in 6 days and I'm recovering and getting back to form quickly. Took full 5-6 minute rests. Now, if only I could bench!
ERG: :20 full blast 1:40 rest, 5 rounds
Knee and back fine throughout the squats. Very encouraging. Both a little tender now, but fine. Shoulder on the other hand: it did not like the squatting. Very achy on the anterior/distal point into the upper arm after each set, especially after the last. I'll need to bench first and see how the shoulder reacts to that. I'm getting one of the slingshots so I can protect it a bit more in the coming weeks….
Welcome back Foxy Foxes!
pitiful showing by me tonight. the inversion part went okay but i was completely wiped by part c and couldnt string any doubles together. it was a disastrous mess.
4:30 class with David
All I have to say so glad to be back awesome and hilarious class thanks lady fox!!'we missed you guys glad your back!! My shoulders are worn out from all that inversion and happy I was able to do the WOD my ankle is slowly getting into the swing of things!!
6:30 with Noah and Arturo.
Good partner work with KMo. My handstands aren't very consistent. Today they felt ok.
Part b started with 25# went down to 20# after round 1 for the rest of the presses. Only finished 3 rds and 4 presses?
Part c was rough. I managed 35 du without too many mistakes for most of it. I was out of steam for the burpees. I wanted to get outside so badly I don't know time, after the 11 minute mark.
I don't think this cycle is joking around.
I felt kind of like dying after the return trip from California, but I came in anyway. So far, this has consistently proven to be the right move.
Part A – Had a couple good holds. This is one thing I worked on while away, so should have been better, but Part B might have revealed the main problem…
Part B – Capacity issues on the 15 second hold. By the second one shoulders could barely hold it the full 15 seconds. 15# db presses and rows. Stable. 3 rounds and 1 wall walk/hold.
Part C – Burpees, I thought I liked you. I feel betrayed. 9:51. First 2 rounds of DUs unbroken, then a slow slog through everything.
I was feeling like I needed a lax ball to the shoulder before coming into class. Definitely need to fit that in before going to bed tonight…
Part A was fun and good
Part B tougher – presses and rows with 30# DB's
Part C – Gasser – finished in 11:05. All DU's unbroken except last round, 8/27 (distracted by sweat in the eye). Burpee's were sloooow.