Take 15 minutes to work up to a heavy triple on the Deadlift.
Each pull is taken from a dead stop off the floor, loss of a neutral lumbar curve is a no rep.
Post loads to comments.
4 Rounds of:
For max calories, row 2:00 at 18 strokes per minute
1:00 Max Hollow Rocks
Rest about 1:00
Post best and worst scores for each movement to comments.
“Impossible to Describe”
(Or, how not to explain Crossfit to your friends)
By Dr. Mike Cutatia
Sometimes, a friend will ask me what exactly do we do in the gym. One of my responses goes like this: “We are two sled-dogs lead by a smiling musher (David or Noah) with a whip…” Usually, this is followed by a prolonged silence, and I know that once again I have screwed up recruiting someone into Crossfit. Oh well. I happen to think that’s very descriptive and accurate (except for the whip part…). Its a good thing I don’t work for an advertising firm. I would be the anti-Christ of product sales. A short, but happy career.
How about this alternative: “Our coaches delight in thinking up weird positions to get into, or impossible movements to perform in the shortest amount of time. Imagine thirty people in a room wrestling with bars, plates, ropes, balls, until they are ready to puke”. Actually, I have not seen anyone puke in our gym-except David. I will never forget this. He went running past me one day out the front of the gym with a gastrointestinal face of pure agony. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry with him.
or this:“There are all these people sweating, grunting, and groaning in pain while lifting and banging down heavy things … “. That’s quite accurate, don’t you think? Now, speaking personally, if anyone every described their gym to me like that I would run, not walk, to find out what the heck was going on in a place like that.
But, sometimes, I just mumble-“its impossible to describe”-and walk away.
Yoga for Athletes now starts at 9am
Due to the new 10am CrossFit Group classes we’ve moved Yoga for Athletes with Whitney H to 9:00am. OMMMG!
Wednesdays & Fridays 9:00AM-10:00AM
If you’re looking to increase range of motion and flexibility, discover some take-home techniques to help you recover, and de-stress your body and mind, Yoga for Athletes is for you. Designed and taught with the CrossFitter in mind, these classes will make the fundamentals of yoga accessible to all. Learn more…
Stoppage of Play CrossFit Journal
6am private with Josh. Worked a complex of 1 clean, 1 clean 2" off the floor, 1 clean below the knees and 1 jerk. Jerks felt super smooth and snappy today. Cleans? Not so much. Jumping to early and not keeping the bar close enough left several reps a bit out in front. After some mid session mobility, I tackled Nasty Girls for conditioning: 11:28 Rx. Grip is destroyed. Was not optimal to tackle this WOD after the earlier clean work. In the last set of cleans I had more than enough wind to go unbroken, but had to break it up 4-3-3 due to grip. Muscle-ups felt fantastic on the first round and steadily declined after that. Squats were surprisingly hard in the second and third rounds. Tried to take short breathers, but I think I took too many.
So good to be back!
Tired as hell, though. Managed only 205×3 on deadlift — made 1 rep at 225 and failed the second. Eek.
All those hollow rocks 2 days after doing Annie were just not fun. 8 AM class with Serene, Lindsay, and Dan made up for the pain, though. Definitely entertained thoughts of 10 AM class this week…then I realized that going back to 7 AM on Monday would be HORRIBLE if I did that.
I think the table in the video that is covered in Ben and Jerry's, cookies, and Reese's ice cream sandwiches was a snippet from one of Pat Sherwood's cheat night videos, a concept that I gravitated to early on. 🙂
I did this workout last night with Josh. I <3 deadlifts. That's all.
Dr. Mike, i loved that.
6am with McDowell and Noah
Deadlift: 275 x 3, 295 x 1 (this was grindy and McDowell stopped me here) Both of these are PRs, so that's fun.
Felt pretty good rowing in the WOD today. Looking forward to Crash-Bs.
Oh and some make-up posts:
Yesterday: Press 115 x 3
Monday: wanted to see how many pistol squats I could do: 30 unbroken each leg was a PR. No other work.
Sunday: 20 x 4 resting one minute between sets, of: Dumbbell front squats, Ring Rows, and RDLs. #45 Dumbbells. I still have to speed up the RDLs because of grip issues. Also still scaling the Ring Rows after rep 30.
8am today with Noah.
Deadlift 220#- PR yay!
Enjoyed the surprisingly not awful WOD too and yoga afterwards.
Yesterday – 10am class with McDowell and DO- love this new time slot. It's perfect.
Press- 73# -PR, also yay!
WOD- those wall walks got hard, fast. KB swings at 16kg- felt weird with one arm. Got through three rounds.
I liked doing these heavy threes- although we were not working specifically on these lifts last cycle, I have still added weight to both, even after a particularly grueling ( for me) Crush Week. Feeling good about the upcoming cycle.
Love the piece by Dr. Mike. 🙂
Yesterday's Afternoon Workout:
HBBS: 135×5, 225×5, 275×5, 300×5, 325×5 (PR)
Front Squats: 185×5, 225×5, 275×5 (PR)
Tabata Pullups: 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6 Total: 48
400 lbs prowler push 10 x 20ft.
Today's Afternoon Workout:
Paused HBBS (3 seconds in the hole): 45×5, 95×5, 115×5, 125×5, 135×5, 225×5, 245×5, 265×5
Press:45×5, 95×5, 115×5, 125×5, 135×5
Paused Front Squats (3 seconds in the hole): 135×5, 185×5
Tabata 20" Box Jumps: 18,18,17,13,8,11,10,13
Tabata Airdyne: this was just brutal, no breakdown of intervals. :-/
Legs were feeling beat-up yesterday after Ju-Jitsu practice. Decided to do some recovery squatting, which turned into paused squats, which felt fantastic. Am working on getting my box jumps back, haven't been able to cycle them since getting hurt. Oddly today things came together and was able to get them done — challenging and mixed feelings on the performance, but excited to think I won't need to do step-ups during fight gone bad.
Coincidentally, I did the same thing today that caused me to throw up in the piece by Dr. Mike today. Went to Red Hook to Fort Defiance to do work and knocked back some Irish Whiskeys. Well, only 1 today, and I'm officially over them. I had them once on Sunday and it was the most delicious and magical drink I'd ever had. Ive twice since had them and all they do now is make my stomach sting. Gross.
Made up some of the BO week lifts
3 Rounds NFT of:
20 Reverse Lunges with a BB
10 Ring Rows
20 GHD Sit-Ups
130×1 Lost steam after 1
not feeling a ton of strength today and called it there.
Then about 10 minutes of static and walking handstands
Power Snatch Doubles
209 (failed second one)
Deceptively taxing
…PR. Wanted to keep making jumps…but it is back off week…
WOD was different. But good. Hollow rocks are getting stronger but still make me wish I was about 6 inches shorter.
Thanks for letting me fit in a work-out today. Best gym, BEST coaches!!
Last few days:
Press – 70×3
Deadlift – 175×3
Bench Press – 88×8
I don't have a lot of context for these numbers except that I feel good about them and that they are close to or at my 1 RM from earlier in the summer.
Fun bunch of not for timers / rounders. I liked all the combinations.
I discovered that I prefer H2H KB swings to regular and that there's something very soothing about a fleet of ergs at 18 s/m.
Reeeaaallllyyy looking forward to the next cycle.
6am with McDowell and Noah. Did 255# x 3 on DL. May have had a bit more in me, but form would have gotten bad.
Hats off to Peter who was crushing it w/ Josh on clean and jerks and muscle ups during his nasty girls.
Oh, D.O.
175×3 on the DL. Tried for 185, but was losing my low back at the start of the pull. Gotta stay tight in the belly!
row/hollow rocks was fun. did about 30-34 each round. TOUGH!
today was pretty cool:
-biked about 6.5 miles (to/from gym to teach, to/from subway)
-walked 3.4 miles with this lil pup we've been fostering (to/from gym)
-did close to 2 hours of yoga
-made it in for group class tonight
sometimes when i wonder why i'm so hungry, i scan back through my day and realize how much energy I expend on any given 24 hours!