3 Rounds for time of:
50 Air Squats
7 Muscle-Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans, 135/95
Substitute 7 Pull-Ups and 7 Ring Dips or 14 Push-Ups per round.
Post Rx and time to comments.
Nicole Carroll, Eva T, and Annie Sakamoto take on this classic WOD. This video was a lot of old school CrossFitters first introduction into the methodology. It’s still an amazing and inspirational video. If you’ve never seen it, watch it all the way through.
- CROSSFIT TOTAL today. At 1:30 Coach Jeremy’s Strength Cyclers will take a crack at new 1RMs in the Squat, Press and Deadlift. All are encouraged to come on down and check out the barbell madness! Good luck to all competing!
- Tomorrow starts Back Off Week where we decrease the volume and prep for the upcoming 6 weeks of training that proceed it.
Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Update!
Congratulations Team CFSBK on raising over $19K as of last night! Below are our top fund raisers from both the individual and team divisions. (as of 8:00am October 5)
Top 10 Individuals
1.Matt Chmielecki $1,870
2. Asta Fivgas $750
3. Erik Berndt $750
4. Robyn O’Brien $670
5. Lauren Borducci $615
6. Lindsay Silva $605
7. Peter Mattis $600
8. Janelle Rooks $545
9. Ian Pumo $500
10. Pierre Davidoff $500
1. Who Pood-ed? $2,460
2. Twerking Sensations $1,775
3. Saved By The Balls $1,647
4. 99 Problems but this WOD ain’t… $1,435
7. Free Range Meatheads $1,035
To see the full and current numbers, click here!
Rob Miller does “Jason”
2008 Josh Bridged does Fran in 2:02
ariel c says
David, any chance you've read A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again by David Foster Wallace? It's an (amazing and hysterical) essay about a cruise ship. Shauna and I are both kind of in love with it and think you would REALLY be able to appreciate it after your recent adventure and it just so happens to be available for free online: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxyaGV0b3JpY2lpfGd4OjYwMjliZmYyYWI3NzI1YTk
(Shipping Out was its original title.)
Crystal says
Nasty girls!!!!!!!!!!
Michelle B. says
Hated/loved this workout.
bwolf11@gmail.com says
Nasty, nasty girls!! Loved this workout but let time slip away from me by stopping too many times (working on getting comfortable being uncomfortable). Shout out to Joy, great partner and thanks for keeping me moving!
Finished just under the time cap: 11:58 ring rows/push-ups #75
Keith W. says
Total suckfest at 115# and the first time in over a year. DNF.
Didn't help I walked all over NYC showing it to my mom after the Wod yesterday.
Bendwhitney@gmail.com says
I finished the last rep just after the cap at 12:02. I did pull ups and ring dips instead of muscle ups, the weight was rx'd. My grip was fried at the end. I think I paced it pretty well, but maybe could've pushed harder on the squats. Enjoyed it.
Breebree says
That was really hard. Thanks to partner Deesha for the cheering and support.
Crystal says
First, I woke Todd up yelling in excitement about this workout. He woke up smiling/expecting this from me having read the workout last night.
My plan was to do this at the end of December, end of the year present to myself. Doing it at the end of crush week is cool bc the next time has to be better, right?
50 air squats
3 muscle ups
10 hang power cleans 75#
First round unbroken. Second round did m ups 1 at a time. Third round squats were getting hard so i broken them up into a few sets without much rest. Third round on the third muscle up, turn over was easy, failed dip 3 times! Gave up and did 3 dips on low rings and went into cleans unbroken to finish at 11:51. Just beat the clock.
I love that we did this. I'm surprised that the cleans were the easy part. I look forward to trying this at 95# next time, hopefully with kipping muscle ups.
1000m row cool down to practice for FGB.
Spencer H says
First time with the Nasty Girls and they kicked my ass. Don't think my grip has hurt that badly after a WOD in a long, long while. 10:40 Rx. Wasn't expecting it but it was the air squats that really got me; the burn definitely slowed me down.
Great WOD to end Crush Week with!
Charlie says
Crystal, just wow!
This whole thing was a bit of a reality check for me.
I overestimated how many thin green banded pull-ups I was capable of doing and underestimated how hard the air squats would get. My cleans were just messy too. One round in and I was doubting myself already.
Scaled to 65#, 7 thin green band pull- ups ( with a few failed reps and finished with two chin-ups) 14 push- ups- some strict, some elevated.
Thanks KMo for helping me get through it with only two 'cleans' to go.
I could blame my late night for being what I think Noah would call 'a jerk about scaling'. Oops! Maybe I should have watched the video before the workout! Still, I'm glad I did it, as always, and next time I'll be better!
Crush Week was fun! Great job everybody!
Todd says
Woof. This hurt. I decided to see how many muscle ups i could get before switching over. The answer was 3. So after 3 in the first round I failed twice and just did 4 ring pull-ups and 4 ring dips, then after 2 more failed attempts in round 2 I just did 7 ring pull-ups and 7 ring dips for the last 2 rounds. Weight rx'd. 11:04.
I really need to work on cleaning up my kip for these. I think it just got really sloppy really fast and I wasn't getting my hips up. I used to be able to string together triples a few times in a row, no mas.
Laura Mc says
Finished this in 11:20. Scaled the muscle ups to 7 banded pull ups and 14 push ups, but kept the weight rx'd. Cleans have been feeling really really good. Weirdly the squats were the worst part of this for me. My thighs were cramping like crazy.
I loved seeing people go apeshit on the muscle ups. Fun day.
Dan L says
7:53 Rx'd – First time doing this one and I went out too fast on the muscle ups. Finished the first two rounds in just over 4 minutes and then really struggled on the last round.
Really enjoyed this crush week! Got a bunch of good benchmarks in, including some PRs.
uzef says
Another day, another cycle, another total, another shitload of PR's for Jeremys Camp for Special Strong Boys and Girls.
Squat: 285, 300, 310. 310 is a 15# pr and EXACTLY a 2x BW squat for me. Meant to go for 315 but 300 was such a mean bitch, scared me right off that. Ill get 3 plates next time. Hell, might even get more.
Press: 110, 120F, 117.5F. Fuck you, i dont wanna talk about it.
Deadlift: 335, 355, 375(25#pr). 375 felt ugly yet also fast. As long as i can get the bar past my knee, i can stand up with it (EXPLOSIVE HIPS!!!).
Total: 795 (35# PR). Why oh why did i pussy out of 315?!?!? It cost me my goal of 800. Sounds weird putting up a 35 pound total pr and still being disappointed but i guess thats the cold siberian in me.
Awesome cycle. I cant believe how much progress ive made in just 1 year. From a 505 total pre-strength cycles to a 795 now.
The other day i was looking at my old workout journal and it said, "September 1, 2012. Deadlifted body weight today (145!!!)" Yes, thats THREE exclamation points.
Everyone was so awesome today, as usual, but the strength cyclers who lift at 6:30 in the morning have balls and uterises the size of saturn (look it up, its a science fact)
And of course, thanks Uncle Jeremy!!!!!! Smoooooochessssss.
katharinereece@gmail.com says
Loved Crush Week so much. I'm coming away with a better idea of what my body is capable of, both right now and in terms of my goals going forward. Not to sound like a broken record, but Charlotte's previous comment, "Without the ability to choose not to go harder, you really do learn how hard you can go," has really been sticking with me as a sort-of mantra. I feel stronger than I have in a really, really long time. Digging it.
runderwood5@gmail.com says
Great crush week — great set of work outs. Generally a big fan of doing more of the "standard" (e.g., "the girls", CrossFit Open) workouts in crush week and overall.
Did "Nasty Girls" during open gym this evening. 11:30 with 95#, pull-ups with a green band and 14 push-ups. Can do ring drips but quickly realized they'd be too inefficient for me to complete work-out in 12 minutes so switched to push-ups after 3 dips.
FYI, http://bnchmrk.me/ was mentioned a while back — I've been using it and liking it. Handy for keeping track of my run best times too.
runderwood5@gmail.com says
One more thing … some press recently about CrossFit kids. As a parent of 3, I'd love to see the gym do a kids program. I love the idea of getting kids into the basics of body weight exercises, etc. when they're young, and I think kids would groove on the variety. My dream would be some way (bundle) where I could have my kids at Boulders, CFSBK, and Homage (skateboard place down the block) for a couple hours each Saturday. But first thing first would be a kids program at CFSBK.
james k says
I thought theThrusters in the 2:02 Fran were suspect. No head through at the top…