Part A:
Work kick-ups to a partner and learn how to spot handstands.
Part B:
Fitness: 5×5 Piked Handstand Push-Ups on Box or 5×3 heavy triple DB Press
Performance: Complete 30, 40 or 50 Handstand Push-Ups in as few sets as possible.
For Time:
700m Row
25 Burpee-Box Jumps 24/20″
15 Kipping Pull-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Open Gym Dips and Triceps Mashing
Competitors Wanted!
From October 4th to 6th CrossFit Relentless will be putting on their annual “Beast Of The East” Competition in South Windsor, CT. CFSBK has registered two teams and would love to send 6 men and 6 women out to compete and represent the gym! The gym will sponsor athlete’s registration fees, however travel (expect carpools) and accomodations will be paid individually. If you’re interested in competing, please email David(at) with “BOTE” as the subject. If we have more people interested than there are slots available for (6 men and 6 women total) then we’ll host some in gym try outs to make the team. Interested athletes are expected to be able to accomplish most if not all our in house WODS as Rx’d since there is no scaling allowed at the event. Below are some of last year’s individual workouts for reference:
Event 1
AMRAP 10 Minutes
Thrusters at 135/95
Perform 5 Burpees every minute on the minute
Event 2
8 Minute AMRAP
100 Double Unders
30 Toes to Bar
AMRAP Atlas Stone over Shoulder @ 145lbs
Event 3
For Time:
15 Deadlifts, 315lbs/205
300m-ish Run
15 Deadlifts, 315lbs/205
Event 4
Snatch Ladder
Event 5
2K Row
Event 6
20-15-10 reps of:
Hang Cleans, 185lbs/115
Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Email today!!!
Do you listen to any podcasts?
NPR's Pop Culture Happy Hour, Wiretap, The Memory Palace, Vinyl Cafe, the Jay and Dan Podcast, and of course, Radiolab and This American Life.
Remedial Handstand School with Nick — I clearly need to make handstands my next training focus outside of class. It took me several months of focused work to get to kipping pullups, it's probably going to be the same way with kickups. Oh, to be naturally coordinated!
WOD in 8:37, Rx. Not exactly a fast time, but I'm pretty happy that I finally managed to do kipping pullups in a WOD.
I ended up on Million Second Quiz at 6:45 yesterday morning, which means precisely one person (the awesome Adele, who was somehow awake at that hour) saw it. Oh well, so much for my second attempt at game show glory. (And yes, I did wear the skull bodysuit…but it was so cold on the set that I had to wear a jacket over it, so I don't think anyone really saw it. Especially since the questions and answers cover up most of the contestants' chests on screen.)
I listen to Bill Maher and This American Life regularly. Radiolab less frequently.
Got a few decent handstands today with just a little help from Keith on the spot. Happy with the progress so far. HSPU – did 30 strict and then a few kipping. Sets of the strict ones were 10-8-6-6. Pretty sure 10 is a PR for strict
WOD in 5:27 Rx. Burpee box jumps were harder to organized than I expected. Rowed at about 1:40 splits. Pull-ups unbroken.
I am an NPR junkie! I listen to anything related to nature and animal life! In addition, I can't live normally without listening to "Car talk" regularly. I laugh for hours even after the show is over while I'm walking down the street! (Lookout bystanders). Finally, "On Being" is a great show on Sunday morning around 7am that explores subjects of philosophical,religious,politcal interest with an openness that is appropriate for all human beings. I love it when the host has guests who discuss different aspects of buddhism or mindfulness, but the subject matter is very broad ranging. Everyone can find something of interest.
6am with NickDowell
Partnered with Isaac for handstand kick-ups, which were fun. I balanced for a little while on one of them. Somehow it's almost easier for me to stay up without the spotter, not sure why.
Got about 16 or 17 HSPU. After about #7 I put a 3/4" rubber mat — the kind we use to stop barbells from rolling — under my head to scale them a little bit, but I wanted the practice doing as full-a-range-of-motion as possible, so I didn't go to the ab mat.
WOD in 6:59. Dawdled a bit on the burpees, and took three sets to get all the pullups.
From yesterday: I went down to Red Hook track again and tested my mile: 5:32, which is a PR by about 11 seconds.
6am with Nick and McDowell. Handstands felt a little disorganized today. Kept leaning too far over. Not sure what was up with that. 30 strict HSPUs in sets of 3-4 followed by 20 kipping HSPUs in sets of 3-4. WOD in 6:16 Rx. Burpees sucked after all of the HSPUs. Still fighting off a cold and mid-way through the row I couldn't breathe for ~5 strokes. That added some excitement.
Radiolab is the bees knees.
Crossfit on the NPR blog from yesterday:
I'm with Dr. Mike- listening to Car Talk is a surefire way to have me cackling like a madman. Tom and Ray are greasy, bearded, bodhisattvas.
WOD today in 6:56 with 20" box and banded pullups
My traps are still sore from the thrusters, snatches and cleans last week.
I did a 30lb PR yesterday on the squat clean complex 2EMOTM. Working with kilo plates, to aid our Irish visitor, I went up from 70kilo squat clean on the first five minutes, to 80 kilo for one complex, and then down to 75 for the last four. Fox and others helpfully explained to me that 80 kilos=175 lb and I think my previous PR had been 145. Clearly the secret for me to lift heavy is to not know how much weight is on the bar!
Hey party people, I'm looking to sublet my apt for the first 2 weeks of October and the first
2 weeks in November. Flexible on dates and duration! Nevins and state in Boerum Hill. If you know of anybody who might be interested please send them my way. Thanks much!, 917-907-3337.
I listen to some of the above, so this is my outside of that list that I just gave Mel:
1. Mike and Tom Eat Snacks. I love it. https ://…/id417759145
2. WTF with Marc Maron http ://
3. Lex and Dave Have Conversations with Intersting People: http ://
4. The New Yorker has two good sections:
New Yorker Fiction:…/id256945396…
New Yorker Weekly Comment Essays: https ://…/id259755059…
5. This is an entire list of free educational podcasts: https ://…/MZStore.woa/wa/viewGenre… Grammar Girl is awesome.
grantland aka Bill Simmons aka sports guy
I listen to a podcast called No Agenda: They pick apart the media, politics, our lovely MIC gitmo nation surveillance state etc…and generally are a conspiracy theorists wet dream. Also, The Weightlifting Scoop which is Pendlay's podcast.
I listen to WTF, Barbell Shrugged, and Slate's Culture Gabfest regularly. Sometimes I'll hit the NPR circuit for recent shows, I've recently been listening to the other Crossfit one (Wodcast, terrible name) and occasionally Joe Rogan if I feel the need to up my bro-quotient for the week.
Made it to the noon class today. It was much smaller than usual.
Handstand kick-ups felt good. Piked HSPU's were really hard but I got through them with a lot of time to spare so I attempted some real HSPU's with two abmats. That did not go so well haha, but at least I tried!!
8.14 was my time- kept the push- ups strict on the burpees so that slowed me down as did not really knowing what band would work for me for the pull- ups. First three were chin-ups with blue band then I used the 'white' and blue and did 10 pull-ups and then 2 chin-ups. Basically I made a balls of that part because I did not have a plan. I guess I will have a better idea next time.
Lungs and shoulders hurt now!
I used to listen to Selected Shorts on NPR, but my driving for work days are over, so I have not listened to any podcasts in a while.
Oh and Robb Wolf!
To my CFSBK family
I left my gray crossfit south brooklyn sweater by the platform on Sunday and think someone took it by accident if you can check and see if u have 2 then one may be mine thks !!
I'm currently on a reading-on-the-commute kick, which cuts down on my podcast listening time. Soon the pendulum will swing in the other direction, but podcasts I'm into/ have been into are:
Menage a trois radio – your hears & parts are discussed by real life lovers Diana Kolsky + Murf Meyer + a guest, ++they're really funny, total plug check out ep 12 with Chris Fox
Fat-burning man, Abel James, mostly while I'm cooking reinforces the healthy cooking
Underground Wellness, Sean Croxton, mostly while I'm cooking reinforces the healthy cooking
This American Life
I Seem Fun, Jen Kirkman, comedian, from what I've heard so far it's a lot of Jen rambling but she's funny so it's worth it
RISK, Kevin Allison, fun story-telling podcast
I love This American Life, its really the only podcast I ever look for. It's not something I make time for regularly though, mostly only on longer trips in the car.
Handstand fun at the 4:30 class with DO
A) Had a few kick ups where I was meeting the top and able to apply some break with my grip.
B) 30 strict HSPU was plenty. 8-6-5-5-3-3
WOD Rx'd
Fun to trash talk and then chase Arturo. I almost had him. Felt pretty good although as usual I could have pushed a bit harder.
Side note – my traps are as sore as they've ever been from the last week or so…I blame the 2 pood KB.
6:30 with Noah & Arturo
duuuuuuuuude, my handstands are really coming together. free standing for a few seconds is where I'm at right now….who says tall people can't do this stuff!
WOD–20' burpee box jumps which quickly turned into step ups, too much knee crunch even when I land as quiet as a lamb.
FREAKING PULL UPS 5-3-2-2-1-1-1…woof woof, banded and woof.
8:53–I think?
Hit the 4:30 today, I think for the first time ever.
Some progress on kicking up, but not close. Did about 23 HSPUs w one ab mat. WOD in 6:51. I probably could have pushed harder on the row, splits around 1:50. BBJ's, slow and steady. Pull ups: 8, 4, 3.
I feel like crap now, I think it was the mobility work before and after class maybe? Totally nauseated.
I mainly listen to Paleo podcasts even though my diet could hardly, barely be labeled that anymore. I started listening to podcasts mainly because of Robb Wolf but quit him a while go– too angry and too many rants. Now it's mainly:
Relentless Roger and the Caveman Doctor
Revolution Health Radio (formerly the healthy skeptic)
I go thru phases (mostly off these days) of:
Fat-Burning Man
Underground Wellness
Rippetoe has released his 3rd podcast called Starting Strength Channel which have been decent introductions to his main ideas and I listen to Fantasy 411 regularly. I'm pretty obsessive about fantasy baseball and got depressed last night after being eliminated from the playoffs.
I really need to start listening to This American Life.
Training Block 2: Transmutation Week 1
Bench: 190x 3, 4, 4, 3 (14 reps) and 205×1
All first reps paused
Close Grip Bench: 175x4x3
First reps paused
Triceps rollbacks: 30x12x3
Curlz: 30x12x3
Chins: 3×8
HIIT: 7 full blast on ERG for 20 secs, 1:40 rests
I DID MY FIRST HANDSTAND PUSH UP TONIGHT. Never tried them before so perhaps this isn't a big deal but I was excited.
Super fun 7:30 class but things looked ugly for me on that WOD. For everyone tmrw, make sure to get the memo that you do not in fact have to jump and clap before doing the box jump. I need to pay closer attention to instructions.
big 4:30pm class with the captain.
Enjoyed the free-standing handstand kickup practice. We did about 4 rounds each of 5-6 kickups. Held each inversion for a few secs trying to find balance.
Decided to do the Piked 5×5 handstand pushup work to get more range of motion than hspu's to 2 abmats.
-Those were SUPER hard but a really great way to work the skill.
-Partnered with the lovely Nancy for both Handstand parts and she was awesome!
p.s. I don't have your hoodie 🙁
7:02 rx'd
-kept my split time right around 2:05 throughout. bbj's were slow but at a steady pace. pullups were broken into maybe 4 sets.
-just ran out of gas in this one.
You all have inspired me to listen to podcasts more. These are all great recommendations for our big road trip in 2 weeks, so thanks!
kate! that's a huge fucking deal! good for you!!!
thanks to everyone at the 630 for being so tolerant of tommy (my dog). ive never brought him before but the way our schedule worked out today, it was bring him or skip crossfit… and when he started crying i thought for sure we were going to have to leave… but everyone was (at least outwardly) patient enough and then thank GOD he stopped entirely after like ten minutes. so thank you tommy and thank you 630 class and thank you strength cyclers.
jess where ya going on your trip?
Spent a lot of time inverted the past few days after some handstand practice at CFGC's open gym on Saturday and a Sunday WOD there with HSPUs.
Sunday was:
DB hang squat cleans (50lbs, scaled to 40)
HSPU (1 abmat, 12-9-6)
That was my first time through a workout using only one abmat. We did a nice kipping progression before the workout which helped. Manage to kick up successfully every time, even when gassed.
Today was the most rewarding and nerve-wracking day of HSPU practice. Kudos to DO for leading an excellent class. The long free-standing holds really forced me to press into the floor better. Pike HSPUs are hard!
WOD in 6:31. Did the row at 1:41 or so. Burpees probably left something to be desired. Pull-ups in small sets with very little rest. (5-4-3-3)
Listen to a lot of comedy/satire podcasts, most of which appease my inner Anglophile. Besides Radiolab and The Moth, I also listen to Answer Me This, BBC Friday Night Comedy, and The Bugle.
Pretty excited that 12 boxjumps into the WOD, I moved up from a 16" box to a 20" box and it was totally doable. Sweeeet.