15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Thruster, 115/75
Box Jump 24″/20″
Kipping or Jumping Pull-Ups
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Thrusters, 155/105
Box Jumps, 30″/24″
C2B Pull-Ups
There is a 15 minute cap on this workout.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Congratulations to the CFSBK newly weds, Andrew and Laura!
I just wanted to say thank you, to you and your entire staff of wonderful coaches, for whipping us into the best shape of our lives. Like many women, I think, I’ve long struggled with feeling comfortable in my skin, but it wasn’t until I started coming to crossfit, and began to think of my body less as an object to be slimmed, sculpted, and scrutinized, and more as a tool for powerful functional movement, that I finally, for the first time in my life, felt truly happy in my body (not to mention confident enough enough to strut around all night in a booty-huggin’ white dress in front of all my closest friends and family). But buns of steel have been the least of what we get out of cfsbk: it’s all about the loving community of incredible human beings who constantly amaze and inspire us. Thank you! -Laura
Check out Lauren B’s exhibition starting tomorrow
10 Ways The World Has Changed Since 9/11 Washington Post
CONGRATS TO ANDREW AND LAURA!!! Best wishes to many years together!! Could not happen to a better couple !!!!
Congrats Andrew & Laura! That's a great photo!
Congrats Andrew & Laura!!! Great pic! You two look wonderful, must be all that crossfitting!
Make up post from yesterday. Tried it rxd but dropped to 135 on the thrusters partway through round 2. That was heavy. Got timed out going into the round of 3. Would have finished at 135 all te way through I think. In any case this one kicked my ass
Congrats, guys. That's a great wedding photo, so much class!
Makeup post from yesterday's 6am class, where I did today's workout.
I did the fitness version but scaled the box jumps up to 30". Got through the whole round of 6 reps at 15:06 on the clock. Thrusters were definitely the limiting factor. The first 15 were unbroken I think, but by the end I was chipping them away in sets of 2, and I spent most of my time waiting to get strength back.
I think I might have finished if I had broken the thrusters into smaller sets — say, 5 at a time — from the beginning, even if it mean doing a few extra cleans. Doing the first 15 unbroken basically made the rest of the WOD realllly slow.
Andrew and Laura! You guys clean up so nice!
Laura, I hope you did at least one pullup in your wedding gown. 😀
Andrew and Laura! Yeah!
Scaled today mightily.
135# thrusters, 30" box, C2B, and dropped the 15 round. Finished in 13:30ish. Bit it on a box jump, not a big margin for error for me at 30".
I love my country and especially my resiliant city. 9/11 is always a strange emotional day for me. I toggle back and forth from grief, to anger, to confusion, to incredible sadness. There were acts of hate that day. Try and find some act of kindness today and we move a step forward.
i agree Fox. i was teaching an 8th grade class that morning and vividly remember much confusion in the hallway outside my room and not knowing what was going on for the first hour and then the big debate about how to let our students know. The added grief of growing up in Brookllyn and knowing so many guys from Rockaway and Breezy that were unfortunate. Leila and I had lived on Bway and Rector a few months before 9/11 and our bedroom window faced the Towers. We were married at my High School, St Francis Xavier and had our reception downtown at Morans on August 11, 2001. We had planned to celebrate our 1 month anniversary back down at Morans…..
Power Snatch+hang snatch
Power clean+push jerk+split jerk
Clean pulls@110%
The Heat made everything way worse
@ JakeL
Are you on any specific programming for your lifts? Im thinking about doing outlaw after the heat wave.
Still coming out of this funk. Being a total pussy and taking one more day off and crushing this WOD in OG. No way I'm gonna miss this one cause of being sick/weather!
@Fox: this day sucks for me too. It was my 4th day of sophomore year and I was class when my coach came into class in tears and pulled me aside to tell me that my mom had called and my dad was fine (he worked in one of the surrounding buildings damaged by the WTC attacks). I had no idea what she was talking about and suddenly the room was buzzing and we were all shuffled down to our homerooms where teachers turned on the news and we watched the horrible images over and over. Parents trickled in one by one to pick up their kids. I was one of the last to get picked up that day and I just remember sitting on the floor of my coaches office, completely confused and lost about how I should feel when my dad, covered in dust and dirt walked in with one hand on each of my brothers shoulders to pick me up. I don't think my kid brother spoke for almost a week after that day. He was only 13.
Mostly I am sad on this day. Sad that such extreme levels of hate exist in this world and continue to exist in the world that my students live in. As a person who isn't a parent but is strongly attached to her students, having conversations on this day is very difficult. Children have such a strong sense of what is right and wrong and it's hard to see them so angry and scared, 12 yrs later on a day when most of them were yet to be born. One of my students feels guilty about celebrating his birthday today because he was born on 9.11 and it's "just wrong".
Anyways, I am eternally grateful to the FDNY, NYPD, and other first responders in and outside of our box. Thank you for doing all that you do, putting your lives on the line, and protecting our city and it's people.
Hugs to everyone on this emotional day.
@Dee- Right now, as in this particular last two weeks or so im not. I am sort of making up my own based on the programs ive been on in the past and by feel. But i keep in mind to backsquat heavy (high bar) twice a week, front squat heavy once a week. Try to go close to max on both lifts or go for a PR depending on how im feeling once a week, and do a day of power snatch and power cleans around 85%of max once a week or some sort of complex involving a power plus full. I pepper in heavy pulls for both lifts as well on a regular basis…110% usually 3×3. That all being said…i should probably get back on a specific program written by a professional.
From my experience in the past (as long as your form is proficient), Mikesgym.org was really good.
convinced the Mr. last night to take the 8am class today and was thankful that I didn't have to drag him out of bed this morning to get him moving!
Performance WOD for me with 93# thruster, everything else rx'd.
-I had 3 c2b's left in my round of 6 when the 15min cap hit so a big fat DNF.
-Broke up my thrusters in 5-5-5, 4-4-4, 3-3 with the idea of short rests but I ended up resting way to long. 105 would have been ridiculous.
-Bj's were all at a steady pace. Jump up, step down and kept moving.
-C2b's felt great the first round and I was able to do 3 sets of 5. Round 2 I had a hard time getting them organized and was slipping off of the bar because I was so damn sweaty! The fear factor of falling off resulted in doubles and singles. The round of 9 felt much better and I realized that I needed to grip the bar tighter to avoid the fear of slipping off. duh. Able to string sets of 3 then.
Was dreading this WOD all day yesterday but ended up really likely the way it kicked my ass in the end.
Spent 9/11 in Philly for a work trip. Worked out with the nice folks at Center City CrossFit where we did "American Dream"–max round in 20' of an ascending ladder of heavy power cleans (womens Rx was 140) and muscle ups. I scaled to 115 and strict pull-ups (with band after 3 rounds–first the skinny orange and then one that was thinner than our white ones), got through 9 rounds. Good opportunity to practice cleans over. and over. and over.
Oh, and congrats Laura and Andrew! What a great picture!
I did the Old Fart version of this workout. You know, the one where you have to modify the workout because you pulled your hamstring trying to run a 400.
So, 75lb thrusters, step-ups on 20" box, 8-6-5-3-2 strict chinups.
I finished in a little under seven minutes, so David made me go back up the ladder, and I finished the 12 round on the return. That was a damn good idea as I got a good workout by the end. Much respect to all those folks who did this workout for real. It looked like a brute.
I did the Old Fart version of this workout. You know, the one where you have to modify the workout because you pulled your hamstring trying to run a 400.
So, 75lb thrusters, step-ups on 20" box, 8-6-5-3-2 strict chinups.
I finished in a little under seven minutes, so David made me go back up the ladder, and I finished the 12 round on the return. That was a damn good idea as I got a good workout by the end. Much respect to all those folks who did this workout for real. It looked like a brute.
Today's workout was a disaster for me.
I had recently drank two irish coffees (these are alcoholic) and ate a huge greasy breakfast (eggs, bacon, hash browns) and then despite feeling really weird and heavy decided to take the 4:30pm class. (note that it had been about an hour+ since the last IC and I wasn't feeling buzzed or anything, just really full and gross)
I figured once I got moving the adrenaline would kick in and I'd be fine. The exact opposite happened. I spend most of the workout trying not to throw up. I accepted that I'd barely make it through and despite really wanting to just give up, committed to just stay in the workout as best I could for the 15 minutes. I did it at 135lbs and only cleared the 15 and 12 rounds, then two reps into the 9 round. Spent 85% of that workout at the bottom of a squat trying to settle my insides down.
Feeling much better now.
Such a beautiful photo. All the best to you, Laura and Andrew!
@lady fox – damn!
Did the 6:30 class. This one kicked my ass. 115# thrusters w/ 30in box and C2B. Finished around 13:45. Big thanks to Jason for pushing me through.
Loving these heavier WODs.
This WOD killed everyone.
Jumped into 8:30 after a long day of writing about civil wars and felt like there was an insurgency attacking my insides.
Performance scale but with 135# on the bar. Didn't feel too bad during warmups, but I knew it would add up. Got through the box jumps on the round of 6. Lots of time taking "tactical" rests. (This is where I tell myself it is smarter to just wait until I catch my breath so I don't have to pick up the bar extra times, but really just rest for a long ass time.)
It's been a strange journey for me since 9/11. It was certainly a pivotal moment in my life, launched what I thought would be my career, and the reverberations and aftermath of that day have innervated my life like pulsing veins. These last 12 years have seen us all open and peer behind doors I bet we wish we had kept shut. Still, I sense a change in our collective understanding of our selves and our place in the world, and I think that will be a good thing. On days like today I am always reminded of the King quote, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." Let's be that light.